  Mon Oct 7 14:20:32 2019 -0700
files to build the platinum genomes assembly hub refs #21784

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/perlPara.pl src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/perlPara.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f327cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/platinum/perlPara.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# a quick and dirty implementation of a look-alike parasol job management
+# system
+# given a jobList of commands, and N number specification,
+# run N jobs at a time from the jobList, waiting while N jobs are running,
+# when one finishes, start the next one.  After all jobs have been started,
+# then wait for them all to finish.  Finally, show all exit codes for all jobs.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $argc = scalar(@ARGV);
+if ($argc != 2) {
+  printf STDERR "usage: perlPara.pl N cmd.list\n";
+  printf STDERR "will run commands from the cmd.list file up to N at a time\n";
+  exit 255;
+my $nProcs = shift;
+my $cmdList = shift;
+if ($nProcs < 1) {
+  printf STDERR "# ERROR: given N '%d' must be > 0\n", $nProcs;
+  exit 255;
+my @commands;	# the job commands to run, read in from the cmd.list
+my @pidList;	# corresponding pid for each command
+my %cmdPid;	# key is pid, value is command string
+my %exitCodes;	# key is pid, value is exit code from child
+### read in the jobList, save in @commands array
+open (FH, "<$cmdList") or die "can not read $cmdList\n";
+while (my $cmd = <FH>) {
+  next if ($cmd =~ m/^#/);
+  chomp $cmd;
+  push @commands, $cmd;
+close (FH);
+my $cmdCount = scalar(@commands);
+printf STDERR "# counted $cmdCount commands in $cmdList\n";
+### while loop to start N jobs, wait for one to finish, start the next one
+### keeping N jobs running until all the jobs have started
+my %childPids;	# key is child PID, value is 1 running or 0 for done
+my $processCount = 0;
+my $nextCmd = 0;
+while ($nextCmd < $cmdCount) {
+  ### keep starting jobs until N number processes are running
+  if ($processCount < $nProcs) {
+#    printf STDERR "# starting process $nextCmd '%s'\n", $commands[$nextCmd];
+    my $pid = -1;
+    if(!defined($pid = fork())) {
+       # fork returned undef, so unsuccessful
+       die "Cannot fork process $nextCmd '%s' $!", $commands[$nextCmd];;
+    } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+      printf STDERR "# Child $nextCmd '%s' pid: $$\n", $commands[$nextCmd];
+      my $ret = system($commands[$nextCmd]);
+      $ret >>= 8;
+      exit $ret;
+#    exec("date") || die "can't exec date: $!";
+    } else {
+      # fork returned 0 nor undef
+      # so this branch is parent
+      printf STDERR "process $nextCmd '%s' pid: $pid\n", $commands[$nextCmd];
+      $childPids{$pid} = 1;	# running
+      push @pidList, $pid;
+      $cmdPid{$pid} = $commands[$nextCmd];
+      ++$nextCmd;
+      ++$processCount;
+    }
+  } else {
+    printf STDERR "# waiting for processes\n";
+    ######### N jobs are running, wait for a job to finish to start a new one
+    my $childPid = wait;
+    my $ret = $?;
+    printf STDERR "# odd childPid '$childPid' ret '$ret'" if ($childPid < 0);
+    $exitCodes{$childPid} = $ret;
+    printf STDERR "Completed %s pid $childPid ret '$ret'\n", $cmdPid{$childPid};
+    $childPids{$childPid} = 0;	# done
+    --$processCount;
+  }
+### all jobs have been submitted, show the currently running jobs
+printf STDERR "# done running $cmdCount processes\n";
+printf STDERR "# processCount is at: %d\n", $processCount;
+my $stillRunning = 0;
+foreach my $childPid (sort keys %childPids) {
+  if ($childPids{$childPid} > 0) {
+    printf STDERR "# child pid $childPid running %s\n", $cmdPid{$childPid};
+    ++$stillRunning;
+  }
+### all jobs have been submitted, now wait for the last ones to finish
+for (my $i = 0; $i < $stillRunning; ++$i) {
+    printf STDERR "# waiting for processes\n";
+    my $childPid = wait;
+    my $ret = $?;
+    printf STDERR "# odd childPid '$childPid' ret '$ret'" if ($childPid < 0);
+    $exitCodes{$childPid} = $ret;
+    printf STDERR "Completed %s pid $childPid ret '$ret'\n", $cmdPid{$childPid};
+    $childPids{$childPid} = 0;	# done
+    --$processCount;
+printf STDERR "# processCount is at: %d\n", $processCount;
+### show all exit codes for all jobs
+printf STDERR "# process exit codes:\n";
+for (my $i = 0; $i < $cmdCount; ++$i) {
+  my $childPid = $pidList[$i];
+  my $exitCode = $exitCodes{$childPid};
+  printf STDERR "# cmd $i pid $childPid exit code '$exitCode' %d %s\n", $exitCode >> 8, $cmdPid{$childPid};