  Wed Sep 25 16:26:39 2019 -0700
Adding a note to other help pages about the 'useOneFile on' hub setting, refs #19383

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartGroups.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartGroups.html
index 7272c00..20918e8 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartGroups.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartGroups.html
@@ -1,181 +1,185 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <!--#set var="TITLE" value="Track Hub Groups Quick Start" -->
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 <h1>Quick Start Guide to Organizing Track Hubs into Groupings</h1> 
 Track hubs allow for displaying many tracks, therefore organizing your tracks using
 <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#groupingTracks" target="_blank">grouping settings</a>
 will help your users find related information. Below is a basic example hub illustrating 
 the use of <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#multiWig" target="_blank">container multiWig</a>,
 <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#Composite_Track_Settings" target="_blank">compositeTrack on</a>,
 and <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#superTrack" target="_blank">superTrack on</a> lines.</p>
 <strong>STEP 1:</strong> In a publicly-accessible directory, copy the hub.txt, genomes.txt,
 trackDb.txt, and examplePage.html files using the following command:</p>
 <pre><code>wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" -nH --cut-dirs=3 http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/ </code></pre>
 Alternatively, <em>if you do not have wget installed</em>, use curl:</p> 
 <pre><code>curl -O http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hub.txt
 curl -O http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/genomes.txt<br>
 mkdir hg19
 cd hg19
 curl -O http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hg19/trackDb.txt
 curl -O
 http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hg19/examplePage.html </code></pre>
 If you do not have curl, you can use a text editor and directly recreate the above three files.</p>
+<b>Note:</b> there is now a <code>useOneFile on</code> hub setting that allows the hub
+properties to be specified in a single file. More information about this setting can be found on the
+<a href="./hgTracksHelp.html#UseOneFile" target="_blank">Genome Browser User Guide</a>.</p>
 <strong>STEP 2:</strong> Paste your hub.txt link (<code>http://yourURL/hub.txt</code>) into the
 <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect" target="_blank">My Hubs</a> tab of the Track Data Hubs page, 
 then click the &quot;Genome Browser&quot; link from the top bar. Alternatively build a URL that will
 directly load your hub in hgTracks:</p>
 The URL should work the same as using the original data just copied:
 <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg19&hubUrl=http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hub.txt"
 <strong>STEP 3:</strong> Congratulations! Your hub should display!</p>
 If you are having problems, be sure all your files and the hg19 directory are publicly accessible. 
 For hubs to work, your server must also accept byte-ranges. You can check using the following 
 command to verify &quot;Accept-Ranges: bytes&quot; displays:</p>
 <pre><code>curl -I http://yourURL/hub.txt</code></pre> 
 <h2>The three types of track groupings</h2>
 Now that you have the hub copied from above, start to edit some of the trackDb.txt settings to 
 understand how they work. Read more about <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html"
 target="_blank">trackDb settings</a> in the definition document. Note that the Browser waits 5 
 minutes before checking for any changes to these files. <strong>When editing hub.txt, genomes.txt, 
 trackDb.txt, and related hub files shorten this delay by adding <code>udcTimeout=1</code> to your 
 URL.</strong> For more information, please see the <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html#Debug"
 target="_blank">Debugging and Updating Track Hubs</a> section of the <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html" 
 target="_blank">Track Hub User Guide</a>. For more detailed instructions on setting up a hub, please
 see the <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html#Setup" target="_blank">Setting Up Your Own Track Hub</a>
 section of the Track Hub User Guide.
   <li><strong><a href="#multiWig">Understanding multiWig tracks</a></strong>
   <li><strong><a href="#composite">Understanding composite tracks</a></strong>
   <li><strong><a href="#superTrack">Understanding super-tracks</a></strong>
   <strong><a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html" target="_blank">Track Hub User Guide</a></strong></li> 
   <strong><a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html" target="_blank">Track Database (trackDb) Definition 
   <strong><a href="http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Assembly_Hubs" target="_blank">Assembly 
   Hubs Wiki</a></strong></li>
   <strong><a href="http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Public_Hub_Guidelines"
   target="_blank">Public Hub Guidelines Wiki</a></strong></li>
   <strong><a href="hubQuickStart.html" target="_blank">Basic Hub Quick Start Guide</a></strong></li>
   <strong><a href="hubQuickStartAssembly.html" target="_blank">Assembly Hub Quick Start 
 <!-- ========== multiWig tracks ============================== -->
 <a name="multiWig"></a>
 <h2>Understanding multiWig tracks</h2>
 <pre><code><strong>track</strong> <em>multiWigUniqueTrackName</em>
 <strong>type</strong> <em>bigWig</em>
 <strong>container</strong> <em>multiWig</em>
 <strong>aggregate</strong> <em>transparentOverlay</em>
 <strong>showSubtrackColorOnUi</strong> <em>on</em>
 <strong>maxHeightPixels</strong> <em>500:100:8</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
     <strong>type</strong> <em>bigWig</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>multiWigUniqueTrackName</em>
     <strong>color</strong> <em>255,0,0</em> </code></pre>
 A multiWig starts with a few related bigWig files that you want to display together. The 
 <code><strong>container</strong> multiWig</code> line allows for this track to be later 
 referenced as <code><strong>parent</strong> multiWigUniqueTrackName</code> in each of the related 
 bigWig files. The <code><strong>aggregate</strong> transparentOverlay</code> line defines the way 
 the multiWigs should appear with options being <code>transparentOverlay/stacked/solidOverlay</code>.
 The <code><strong>showSubtrackColorOnUi</strong> on</code> line shows the track colors on the  track
 setting page and the <code><strong>maxHeightPixels</strong> <em>500:100:8</em></code>
 sets the maximum (500), default (100), and minimum (8) pixel heights for the track.
 Read <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#multiWig" target="_blank">all about multiWigs here</a>. See an
 <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hg19/trackDb.txt"
 target="_blank">example trackDb.txt</a>.</p>
 <!-- ========== composite tracks  ============================== -->
 <a name="composite"></a>
 <h2>Understanding composite tracks</h2>
 <pre><code><strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackName</em>
 <strong>compositeTrack</strong> <em>on</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackName on</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>newUniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackName off</em> </code></pre>
 A composite track groups together related tracks, usually but not necessarily of a similar type, that you
 want to display together (referred to as &quot;subtracks&quot;). If you want to organize tracks into
 a hierarchy and there is a single level of grouping, use a composite. For example, you could group
 together called variants or ChIP-seq peaks with their underlying BAM reads or sequencing coverage. The 
 <code><strong>compositeTrack</strong> on</code> line defines the parent track that will be later 
 referenced as <code><strong>parent</strong> uniqueCompositeTrackName off</code> in each subtrack's 
 stanza. Either &quot;on&quot or &quot;off&quot; can be used to set a subtrack to be displayed or not
 displayed by default. Composite tracks can be broken apart further to group very similar tracks with
 the trackDb use of <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#subGroups" target="_blank">subGroups</a> and 
 <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#view" target="_blank">views</a>, not demonstrated here. Read 
 <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#Composite_Track_Settings" target="_blank">all about composite 
 tracks here</a>. See an 
 <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hg19/trackDb.txt"
 target="_blank">example trackDb.txt</a>.</p>
 <!-- ========== super-tracks  ==================== -->
 <a name="superTrack"></a><br>
 <h2>Understanding super-tracks</h2>
 <pre><code><strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueSuperTrackName</em>
 <strong>superTrack</strong> <em>on show</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueSuperTrackName</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>newUniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueSuperTrackName</em>
     <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackNameInSuperTrack</em>
     <strong>compositeTrack</strong> <em>on</em>
     <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueSuperTrackName</em>
        <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
        <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackNameInSuperTrack on</em>
        <strong>track</strong> <em>newUniqueNameWithoutSpaces</em>
        <strong>parent</strong> <em>uniqueCompositeTrackNameInSuperTrack off</em> </code></pre>
 A super-track groups together different types of tracks - typically composites - in 
 a high level folder. Use a super-track if you need a second layer of hierarchy after composites. 
 For example, you could have a composite with RNA-seq results and a composite with ChIP-Seq results grouped
 together into a super-track describing a cell line.
 Super-tracks contain composite tracks or container multiWigs, but not vice
 versa. The <code><strong>superTrack</strong> on show</code> line allows for this track to be later 
 referenced as <code><strong>parent</strong> uniqueSuperTrackName</code> in each of the children 
 subtracks (note how it is only required for direct children, and not for subtracks contained in a 
 composite inside the super-track). The &quot;show&quot; is optional and sets the super-track to 
 display by default. Read <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#superTrack" target="_blank">all about 
 super-tracks here</a>. See an 
 <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubExamples/hubGroupings/hg19/trackDb.txt"
 target="_blank">example trackDb.txt</a>.</p>
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