  Tue Apr 23 16:10:51 2019 -0700
Support for summary file to improve performance of collapseEmptySubtracks setting.  This implementation is first cut for the feature (w/o UI). refs #23365

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index 9147990..acf4fb8 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -60,30 +60,31 @@
 #include "search.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "iupac.h"
 #include "botDelay.h"
 #include "chromInfo.h"
 #include "extTools.h"
 #include "basicBed.h"
 #include "customFactory.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "bigWarn.h"
 #include "wigCommon.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include <openssl/sha.h>
 #include "customComposite.h"
+#include "bed3Sources.h"
 /* Other than submit and Submit all these vars should start with hgt.
  * to avoid weeding things out of other program's namespaces.
  * Because the browser is a central program, most of its cart
  * variables are not hgt. qualified.  It's a good idea if other
  * program's unique variables be qualified with a prefix though. */
 char *excludeVars[] = { "submit", "Submit", "dirty", "hgt.reset",
             "hgt.in1", "hgt.in2", "hgt.in3", "hgt.inBase",
             "hgt.out1", "hgt.out2", "hgt.out3", "hgt.out4",
             "hgt.left1", "hgt.left2", "hgt.left3",
             "hgt.right1", "hgt.right2", "hgt.right3",
             "hgt.dinkLL", "hgt.dinkLR", "hgt.dinkRL", "hgt.dinkRR",
             "hgt.tui", "hgt.hideAll", "hgt.visAllFromCt",
 	    "hgt.psOutput", "hideControls", "hgt.toggleRevCmplDisp",
 	    "hgt.collapseGroups", "hgt.expandGroups", "hgt.suggest",
@@ -4584,35 +4585,137 @@
 struct window *window;
 for (window=windows, winTrack=track; window; window=window->next, winTrack=winTrack->nextWindow)
     int trackHeight =  trackPlusLabelHeight(winTrack, fontHeight);
     if (trackHeight > maxHeight)
 	maxHeight = trackHeight;
 setGlobalsFromWindow(windows); // first window
 flatTrack->maxHeight = maxHeight;
-boolean doCollapseEmptySubtracks(struct track *track)
-/* Suppress display of empty subtracks. Initial support only for bed's. */
+char *collapseEmptySubtracksSetting(struct track *track)
+/* Setting to suppress display of empty subtracks */
-char *collapseEmptySubtracks = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "collapseEmptySubtracks");
-return (collapseEmptySubtracks && sameWord(collapseEmptySubtracks, "on"));
+if (!tdbIsComposite(track->tdb))
+    return FALSE;
+return trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "collapseEmptySubtracks");
+boolean doCollapseEmptySubtracksNoMultiBed(struct track *track)
+/* TRUE if collapseEmptySubtracks setting is 'on' (no file specs for multiBed */
+char *setting = collapseEmptySubtracksSetting(track);
+if (setting && sameString(setting, "on"))
+    return TRUE;
+return FALSE;
+boolean doCollapseEmptySubtracks(struct track *track, char **multiBedFile, char **subtrackIdFile)
+/* Support setting to suppress display of empty subtracks. 
+ * (Initial support only for bed's).
+ * 
+ * Format:  collapseEmptySubtracks on
+ *              or
+ *          collapseEmptySubtracks multiBed.bed subtrackIds.tab
+ * where multiBed.bed is a bed3Sources bigBed, generated with bedtools multiinter
+ *              post-processed by UCSC multiBed.pl tool
+ *      subtrackIds.tab is a tab-sep file: id subtrackName
+ */
+char *collapse = collapseEmptySubtracksSetting(track);
+if (!collapse)
+    return FALSE;
+if (doCollapseEmptySubtracksNoMultiBed(track))
+    return TRUE;
+char *orig = cloneString(collapse);
+char *words[2];
+int wordCount = chopByWhite(collapse, words, ArraySize(words));
+if (wordCount == 2)
+    {
+    if (multiBedFile)
+        *multiBedFile = cloneString(hReplaceGbdb(words[0]));
+    if (subtrackIdFile)
+        *subtrackIdFile = cloneString(words[1]);
+    return TRUE;
+    }
+warn("Track %s collapseEmptySubtracks setting invalid: %s",
+                track->track, orig);
+return FALSE;
+struct hash *getNonEmptySubtracks(struct track *track)
+/* Support setting to suppress display of empty subtracks. 
+ * (Initial support only for bed's).
+ * 
+ * Format:  collapseEmptySubtracks on
+ *              or
+ *          collapseEmptySubtracks multiBed.bed subtrackIds.tab
+ * where multiBed.bed is a bed3Sources bigBed, generated with bedtools multiinter
+ *              post-processed by UCSC multiBed.pl tool
+ *      subtrackIds.tab is a tab-sep file: id subtrackName
+ *
+ * Return hash with subtrack names as keys
+ */
+char *multiBedFile = NULL;
+char *subtracksIdFile = NULL;
+if (!doCollapseEmptySubtracks(track, &multiBedFile, &subtracksIdFile))
+    return NULL;
+if (!multiBedFile)
+    return NULL;
+// load multiBed items in window
+// TODO: filters here ?
+// TODO:  protect against temporary network error ? */
+struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
+struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(multiBedFile);
+struct bigBedInterval *bb, *bbList =  bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chromName, winStart, winEnd, 0, lm);
+char *row[bbi->fieldCount];
+char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
+struct hash *nonEmptySubtracksHash = hashNew(0);
+for (bb = bbList; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next)
+    {
+    bigBedIntervalToRow(bb, chromName, startBuf, endBuf, row, ArraySize(row));
+    // TODO: do this in bed3Sources.c
+    char *idList = row[4];
+    struct slName *ids = slNameListFromComma(idList);
+    struct slName *id = NULL;
+    for (id = ids; id != NULL; id = id->next)
+        hashStore(nonEmptySubtracksHash, id->name);
+    // TODO: free some stuff ?
+    }
+// read file containing ids of subtracks 
+struct lineFile *lf = udcWrapShortLineFile(subtracksIdFile, NULL, 0); 
+char *words[2];
+while (lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof words))
+    {
+    char *id = words[0];
+    char *name = words[1];
+    if (hashLookup(nonEmptySubtracksHash, id))
+        {
+        hashStore(nonEmptySubtracksHash, cloneString(name));
+        }
+    }
+return nonEmptySubtracksHash;
 void makeActiveImage(struct track *trackList, char *psOutput)
 /* Make image and image map. */
 struct track *track;
 MgFont *font = tl.font;
 struct hvGfx *hvg;
 struct tempName pngTn;
 char *mapName = "map";
 int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
 int trackPastTabX = (withLeftLabels ? trackTabWidth : 0);
 int trackTabX = gfxBorder;
 int trackPastTabWidth = tl.picWidth - trackPastTabX;
 int pixWidth, pixHeight;
@@ -4817,38 +4920,41 @@
         safef(buffer, sizeof buffer,  "%s_imgOrd", name->name);
         cartRemove(cart, buffer);
 // Construct flatTracks
 for (track = trackList; track != NULL; track = track->next)
     if (tdbIsComposite(track->tdb))
         struct track *subtrack;
         if (isCompositeInAggregate(track))
             flatTracksAdd(&flatTracks,track,cart, orderedWiggles);
-            boolean doCollapse = doCollapseEmptySubtracks(track);
+            boolean doCollapse = doCollapseEmptySubtracksNoMultiBed(track);
+                // If multibed was found, it has been used to suppress loading,
+                // and subtracks lacking items in window are already set hidden
             for (subtrack = track->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
                 if (!isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
                 if (!isLimitedVisHiddenForAllWindows(subtrack) && 
                         !(doCollapse && slCount(subtrack->items) == 0))
+                        // Ignore subtracks with no items in window
                     flatTracksAdd(&flatTracks,subtrack,cart, orderedWiggles);
 	if (!isLimitedVisHiddenForAllWindows(track))
 	    flatTracksAdd(&flatTracks,track,cart, orderedWiggles);
 flatTracksSort(&flatTracks); // Now we should have a perfectly good flat track list!
@@ -7138,30 +7244,52 @@
 	    subtrack->drawItems = drawMaxWindowWarning;
 	    subtrack->limitedVis = tvDense;
 	    subtrack->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
 else if (maxWinToDraw > 1 && (winEnd - winStart) > maxWinToDraw)
     tg->loadItems = dontLoadItems;
     tg->drawItems = drawMaxWindowWarning;
     tg->limitedVis = tvDense;
     tg->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
+static void checkCollapseEmptySubtracks(struct track *tg)
+/* Suppress queries on subtracks w/o data in window (identified from multiIntersect file) */
+if (!tdbIsComposite(tg->tdb))
+    return;
+struct hash *nonEmptySubtracksHash = getNonEmptySubtracks(tg);
+if (!nonEmptySubtracksHash)
+    return;
+struct track *subtrack;
+for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
+    {
+    if (!isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
+        continue;
+    if (!hashLookup(nonEmptySubtracksHash, subtrack->track))
+        {
+        subtrack->loadItems = dontLoadItems;
+        subtrack->limitedVis = tvHide;
+        subtrack->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
 void printTrackInitJavascript(struct track *trackList)
 hPrintf("<input type='hidden' id='%s' name='%s' value=''>\n", hgtJsCommand, hgtJsCommand);
 void jsCommandDispatch(char *command, struct track *trackList)
 /* Dispatch a command sent to us from some javaScript event.
  * This gets executed after the track list is built, but before
  * the track->loadItems methods are called.  */
 if (startsWithWord("makeItems", command))
     makeItemsJsCommand(command, trackList, trackHash);
     warn("Unrecognized jsCommand %s", command);
@@ -7301,30 +7429,31 @@
     pthread_mutex_unlock( &pfdMutex );
     if (allDone)
 	return NULL;
     long thisTime = 0, lastTime = 0;
     if (measureTiming)
 	lastTime = clock1000();
     /* protect against errAbort */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	pfd->done = FALSE;
+	checkCollapseEmptySubtracks(pfd->track);
 	pfd->done = TRUE;
     if (errCatch->gotError)
 	pfd->track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
 	pfd->done = TRUE;
     if (measureTiming)
 	thisTime = clock1000();
 	pfd->track->loadTime = thisTime - lastTime;
@@ -7946,30 +8075,32 @@
     // TODO GALT
     /* load regular tracks */
     for (track = trackList; track != NULL; track = track->next)
 	if (track->visibility != tvHide)
 	    if (!track->parallelLoading)
 		if (measureTiming)
 		    lastTime = clock1000();
+		checkCollapseEmptySubtracks(track);     // TODO: Test with multi-window feature
 		checkIfWiggling(cart, track);
 		if (!loadHack)
 		    if (currentWindow == windows) // first window