  Tue Sep 24 14:46:10 2019 -0700
added U of Oregon workshop to long list

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/training/index.html src/hg/htdocs/training/index.html
index 6a22274..2ae10a7 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/training/index.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/training/index.html
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@
   &nbsp;Catch one of our training sessions in your area:</p>
   <table class="gbsNoBorder">
 <!-- stored for later
       Contact <A HREF="mailto:&#117;&#99;&#115;c&#103;b&#116;&#114;&#97;&#105;&#110;&#105;&#110;&#103;&#64;&#115;&#111;&#101;.&#117;&#99;&#115;&#99;.e&#100;u">&#117;&#99;&#115;c&#103;b&#116;&#114;&#97;&#105;&#110;&#105;&#110;&#103;&#64;&#115;&#111;&#101;.&#117;&#99;&#115;&#99;.e&#100;u</A> for access.
 <!-- above address is ucscgbtraining at soe.ucsc.edu -->
       <td>October 18, 2019</td>
         American Society of Human Genetics
         (<a href = "https://www.ashg.org/2019meeting/asp/soe/webroot/soe.shtml#?search=ucsc"
-         TARGET = _blank>ASHG</a>). Houston TX.
+         TARGET = _blank>ASHG</a>). Houston, TX.
       <td>October 21-22, 2019</td>
         <a href = "http://mayoclinic.org"
         target = _blank>Mayo Clinic</a>. Rochester, MN.
       <td>November 14, 2019</td>
          International Society for Computational Biology
@@ -78,37 +78,42 @@
       <td> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
          new row:
         <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
       <a href = "https://intlpag.org/2020/"
               target = _blank>PAG</a> |
-         UNC | NIEHS | Duke | OHSU |
+         UNC | NIEHS | Duke |
+      Genomics in Action at UofO
+         U Oregon | OHSU |
          <a href = "https://www.acmgmeeting.net/acmg2020/Public/mainhall.aspx"
               target = _blank>ACMG</a> San Antonio |
          <a href = "https://eshg.org/index.php?id=home"
               target = _blank>ESHG</a> Berlin
           ESHG Berlin