  Mon Nov 18 13:45:42 2019 -0800
Instead of dropping rs IDs that have incomplete frequency data, add two new ucscNotes: freqIncomplete and freqNotMapped.  refs #23283

diff --git src/hg/inc/bigDbSnp.h src/hg/inc/bigDbSnp.h
index 6fb3d21..88dd2da 100644
--- src/hg/inc/bigDbSnp.h
+++ src/hg/inc/bigDbSnp.h
@@ -80,31 +80,33 @@
 /* -------------------------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------------- */
 // ucscNotes is a comma-separated list of these values.  Developer: if you add a new one here,
 // then also update the descriptions used by bigDbSnpDescribeUcscNote in bigDbSnp.c.
 #define bdsAltIsAmbiguous "altIsAmbiguous"
 #define bdsClassMismatch "classMismatch"
 #define bdsClinvar "clinvar"
 #define bdsClinvarBenign "clinvarBenign"
 #define bdsClinvarConflicting "clinvarConflicting"
 #define bdsClinvarPathogenic "clinvarPathogenic"
 #define bdsClusterError "clusterError"
 #define bdsCommonAll "commonAll"
 #define bdsCommonSome "commonSome"
 #define bdsDiffMajor "diffMajor"
+#define bdsFreqIncomplete "freqIncomplete"
 #define bdsFreqIsAmbiguous "freqIsAmbiguous"
+#define bdsFreqNotMapped "freqNotMapped"
 #define bdsFreqNotRefAlt "freqNotRefAlt"
 #define bdsMultiMap "multiMap"
 #define bdsOtherMapErr "otherMapErr"
 #define bdsOverlapDiffClass "overlapDiffClass"
 #define bdsOverlapSameClass "overlapSameClass"
 #define bdsRareAll "rareAll"
 #define bdsRareSome "rareSome"
 #define bdsRefIsAmbiguous "refIsAmbiguous"
 #define bdsRefIsMinor "refIsMinor"
 #define bdsRefIsRare "refIsRare"
 #define bdsRefIsSingleton "refIsSingleton"
 #define bdsRefMismatch "refMismatch"
 #define bdsRevStrand "revStrand"
 char *bigDbSnpDescribeUcscNote(char *ucscNote);