  Wed Nov 27 16:37:42 2019 -0800
Announcing the EPD track for human and mouse, refs #23881 and #23888

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     <div class="col-sm-3">
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 <!-- ============= 2019 archived news ============= -->
 <a name="2019"></a>
+<a name="112719a"></a>
+<h2>Nov. 27, 2019 &nbsp;&nbsp; New EPD TSS track for human and mouse</h2>
+We are pleased to announce the release of the new EPDnew Promoters track for human
+(<a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&c=chrX&g=epdNew" target="_blank">hg38</a> and
+<a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg19&c=chrX&g=epdNew" target="_blank">hg19</a>)
+and mouse (<a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=mm10&c=chrX&g=epdNew" target="_blank">mm10</a>)
+assemblies. These tracks represent the experimentally validated promoters generated by the
+<a href="https://epd.epfl.ch/" target="_blank">Eukaryotic Promoter Database</a>, based on gene
+transcript models obtained from multiple sources (HGNC, GENCODE, Ensembl, RefSeq), then validated
+using data from CAGE and RAMPAGE experimental studies obtained from FANTOM 5, UCSC, and ENCODE. Peak
+calling, clustering and filtering based on relative expression were applied to identify the most
+expressed promoters and those present in the largest number of samples.</p>
+We would like to thanks Philipp Bucher and the EPD team at the Swiss Bioinformatics Institute for
+providing this data, and Kate Rosenbloom and Jairo Navarro at UCSC for creating and reviewing these
+<a name="112719b"></a>
+<h2>Nov. 27, 2019 &nbsp;&nbsp; New ENCODE Enhancer-Gene Interactions for mouse</h2>
+We are pleased to announce a new
+<a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=mm10&c=chrX&g=encode3RenEnhancerEpdNewPromoter"
+target="_blank">Enhancer-Gene Map</a> for the mouse mm10 assembly. This track set presents
+enhancer-promoter interactions predicted from correlation of enhancer-associated chromatin signals
+and gene expression across tissue stages, based on histone modification (ChIP-seq) and transcription
+(RNA-seq) assays and analysis performed in the ENCODE project as part of the Mouse Developmental
+Series (part of ENCODE phase 3). Data underlying this track are presented in the Histone
+Modifications and Chromatin State tracks, part of the ENCODE Regulation supertrack. The promoters
+in this track were derived from experimentally validated promoters provided by the Eukaryotic
+Promoter Database (EPDNew). A more complete presentation of this annotation can be found in the
+EPDnew Promoters track.</p>
+We would like to thank Iros Barozzi and colleagues in the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology
+Division at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and David Gorkin and Yanxiao Zhang at the Ren lab
+(UCSD/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) and the ENCODE Consortium for providing these data
+and assisting with track development at UCSC. We also thank Kate Rosenbloom and Jairo Navarro at
+UCSC for creating and reviewing these tracks.</p>
 <a name="112519"></a>
 Nov. 25, 2019 &nbsp;&nbsp; LOVD track split to separate long and short variants for human</h2>
 We are glad to announce an update to the <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg19&c=chrX&g=lovdComp"
 target="_blank">LOVD track</a> for human (GRCh37/hg19). The LOVD track is now a composite track
 with the following two subtracks:</p>
   <li>LOVD Variants &lt;= 100bp</li>
   <li>LOVD Variants &gt; 100bp</li>
 With this new update, the option is now available to only show the short variants and exclude
 the long variants, or vice versa.</p>