  Wed Nov 13 13:46:22 2019 -0800
Changing Hic citation to minimalist style refs #22316

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hic.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hic.html
index f524c9d..dbdffff 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hic.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hic.html
@@ -63,57 +63,47 @@
 <pre><code><strong>type=hic bigDataUrl=</strong><em>http://myorg.edu/mylab/my.hic</em></strong> </code></pre>
 The remaining settings are OPTIONAL:</p>
 <pre><code><strong>name            </strong><em>track label                </em> # default is "User Track"
 <strong>description     </strong><em>center label               </em> # default is "User Supplied Track"
 <strong>visibility      </strong><em>full|dense|hide            </em> # default is hide (will also take numeric values 4|1|0)
 <strong>db              </strong><em>genome database            </em> # e.g. hg19 for Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37) </code></pre>
 <p>Note that hic tracks currently only support the full, dense, and hide visibility modes.
 The <a target="_blank" href="hgHicTrackHelp.html">hic track configuration</a> help page
 describes the hic track configuration page options.</p>
 <h3>Example #1</h3>
 In this example, you will create a custom track for a hic file that is already on a public 
 internet server &mdash; data from an in situ Hi-C experiment on the HMEC cell line
-mapped to the hg19 assembly. Data cited at the bottom.</p>
+mapped to the hg19 assembly (Rao et al., 2014).</p>
 The line breaks inserted in the track line for readability must be removed before submitting 
 this entry as a Custom Track. Click <a href="examples/hicExampleOne.txt">here</a> for a 
 text version you can paste without editing. The &quot;browser&quot; line above is used set 
 the default view to a region of chromosome 21.</p>
 <pre><code>browser position chr21:32,000,000-35,000,000
 track type=hic name="hic Example One" description="hic Ex. 1: in situ Hi-C on HMEC"
     db=hg19 visibility=dense
 Paste the &quot;browser&quot; line and &quot;track&quot; line into the 
 <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgCustom" target="_blank">custom track management page</a> for the human 
 assembly hg19 (Feb. 2009), then click the &quot;submit&quot; button. On the following page, click 
 the &quot;chr21&quot; link in the custom track listing to view the hic track in the Genome 
-Rao SS, Huntley MH, Durand NC, Stamenova EK, Bochkov ID, Robinson JT, Sanborn AL, Machol I, Omer AD,
-Lander ES <em>et al</em>.
-<a href="https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092-8674(14)01497-4" target="_blank">
-A 3D map of the human genome at kilobase resolution reveals principles of chromatin looping</a>.
-<em>Cell</em>. 2014 Dec 18;159(7):1665-80.
-PMID: <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25497547" target="_blank">25497547</a>; PMC: <a
-href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5635824/" target="_blank">PMC5635824</a>
 <h3>Example #2</h3>
 In this example, you will load a hub that has hic data described in a hub's trackDb.txt file.
 First, navigate to the <a href="hubQuickStart.html" target="_blank">Basic Hub Quick Start Guide</a>
 and review an introduction to hubs.</p>
 Visualizing hic files in hubs involves creating three text files: <em>hub.txt</em>, 
 <em>genomes.txt</em>, and <em>trackDb.txt</em>. The browser is passed a URL to the top-level 
 <em>hub.txt</em> file that points to the related <em>genomes.txt</em> and <em>trackDb.txt</em> 
 files. The <em>trackDb.txt</em> file contains stanzas for each track that outlines the details 
 and type of each track to display, such as these lines for a hic file located at the bigDataUrl 
 <pre><code>track hic1
 bigDataUrl http://http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hg19/bbi/hic/GSE63525_GM12878_insitu_primary+replicate_combined.hic
 shortLabel hic example