Mon Nov 18 08:41:51 2019 -0800
updating mirror manual, refs #24496
diff --git src/product/mirrorManual.txt src/product/mirrorManual.txt
index a3f3c90..e361c7d 100644
--- src/product/mirrorManual.txt
+++ src/product/mirrorManual.txt
@@ -1,36 +1,92 @@
% Manual installation of the UCSC Genome Browser on a Unix server
+# Overview of the Genome Browser directories and databases
+The genome browser requires only Apache and MySQL and uses these directories:
+- static html files: we typically keep them under /usr/local/apache/htdocs and
+ configure Apache to load them from there, to avoid conflicts with the
+ Linux distribution's default location /var/www/html
+- MySQL databases: most of them are read-only, except the `hgcentral` database
+ which is read-write. Most linux distributions keep these under /var/lib/mysql
+- static genome data files in /gbdb/
+- binary CGI programs that generate images from the MySQL and /gbdb files and
+ write them into the `trash` directory (see below). We modify our Apache
+ config to load CGIs from /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin, so as to not conflict
+ with the default directory of the Linux distribution
+- a directory for temp files called `trash`, located in the parent directory of the
+ CGI programs, usually /usr/local/apache/trash
+- a small text file hg.conf in the same directory as the CGI programs, with
+ information on how to connect to MySQL, the location of the other directories
+ and various other settings, on our machines the location of this file is
+ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hg.conf
+- uploaded custom data gets written by the CGI programs into MySQL databases in
+ the database `customtrash` and also into files under /usr/local/apache/trash
+ which is symlinked from /usr/local/apache/htdocs/trash so these files are
+ accessible to Apache.
+When a web browser requests a Genome Browser page, typically /cgi-bin/hgTracks,
+Apache executes this CGI program. The programs then read information about how to
+connect to MySQL using the file hg.conf, connects to MySQL, reads the
+installed genome assemblies and the current user session from the MySQL database
+hgcentral. For each genome assembly, there is a separate MySQL database (e.g.
+hg38). Some types of data (e.g. raw genome sequences) are kept as indexed
+binary files outside of MySQL, they are located in /gbdb, e.g. /gbdb/hg38. The
+location of the /gbdb directory can be changed with a setting in hg.conf. Some
+types of data are not specific for a genome, these are kept in the MySQL
+databases hgFixed, proteome and visiGene.
+We strongly recommend to follow the default locations, and to place our CGI
+programs in `/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin`. The htdocs root directory for html
+files should then be in /usr/local/apache/htdocs. All Genome Browser
+components called from Apache get their settings from the central configuration
+file `/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hg.conf`. Among others, the location and the
+username/password for the MySQL server is specified there.
+To load data into the genome browser databases, you need a command line tool
+like hgLoadBed. These tools are distributed separately from the CGI programs.
+Some tools create only MySQL tables, others write into a /gbdb subdirectory.
+Most of them require a configuration file ~/.hg.conf in your home directory
+with the MySQL connection information, like server name, username and password.
+The data loading is done from the Unix command line and not dependent on the
+CGI programs that create the Genome Browser graphics.
# Software Requirements
+To run our provided binaries:
* Linux/Ubuntu/CentOS/Unix/MacOSX operating system
* Apache2.x - http web server -
-* gnu gcc - C code development system -
-* gnu make -
* MySQL development system and libraries -
* libpng runtime and development packages -
* libssl runtime and development packages -
* Universally Unique Identifier library -
+If you want to make modifications to our software, you need to compile it:
+* gnu gcc - C code development system -
+* gnu make -
* 'ghostscript' ps to pdf converter -
* 'git' source code management:
* 'gmt' map plotting tools
* 'pstack' for stack traces
* 'R' for the GTex track
-* 'python-mysqldb' for the gene interactions track
+* 'python-mysqldb' for the gene interactions track (python2)
It is best to install these packages with your standard operating
system package management tools:
* Debian/Ubuntu: `apt-get install ghostscript apache2 mysql-server gmt r-base uuid-dev python-mysqldb`
* Redhat/Fedora/CentOS: `yum install libpng12 httpd ghostscript GMT hdf5 R libuuid-devel MySQL-python`
# Hardware and disk space requirements
We currently use the following hardware to support our website:
* 24 CPUs and 128Gb of memory for each of the six machines
* 16 CPUs, 64 Gb of memory for the mySQL server
The UCSC Genome Browser website experiences over one million hits per
@@ -52,51 +108,39 @@
For example, to get the size of all of the files for hg19, you would
use the following command:
rsync -hna --stats rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hg19/ | egrep "Number of files:|total size is"
After running that command, you should see output like this:
Number of files: 54886
total size is 6515.70G speedup is 5181080.38 (DRY RUN)
The next command will give you the size of the entire mySQL database,
but can be changed to get the size for a particular assembly:
rsync -hna --stats rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/mysql/ | egrep "Number of files:|total size is"
-# Overview of the Genome Browser directories and databases
-We strongly recommend to place our CGI programs in `/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin`. The htdocs root directory
-for html files should then be in /usr/local/apache/htdocs. All Genome Browser components
-called from Apache get their settings from the central configuration file `/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hg.conf`.
-Among others, the location and the username/password for the MySQL server is specified there.
-When a web browser requests a Genome Browser page, typically
-/cgi-bin/hgTracks, Apache executes this CGI program. The programs then read
-information about the installed genome assemblies and the current user session
-from the database hgcentral. For each genome assembly, there is a separate MySQL
-database (e.g. hg38). Some types of data are kept as indexed binary files outside of
-MySQL, they are located in /gbdb, e.g. /gbdb/hg38. The location of the /gbdb
-directory can be changed with a setting in hg.conf. Some types of data are not specific
-for a genome, these are kept in the MySQL databases hgFixed, proteome and visiGene.
-To load data into the genome browser databases, you need a configuration file ~/.hg.conf
-in your home directory with the MySQL username/password and one of the loader programs, e.g. hgLoadBed.
# Installing the UCSC Genome browser
+Note: we offer Genome-Browser-in-a-Box (GBIB), a fully configured virtual
+machine image that can be converted for VirtualBox, VMWare, Hyper-V and other
+popular environments. We also offer Genome-Browser-in-the-Cloud (GBIC) an
+shell script that installs a genome browser in most main Linux distributions
+(Most Debian and Redhat-based ones, like Ubuntu and CentOS).
+See https://hgwdev-max.gi.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/mirror.html
Scripts to perform all of the functions below can be found in
the directory here: src/products/scripts/
Confirm the following:
1. Apache web server is installed and working, http://localhost/
provides the Apache default home page from your machine
NOTE: The browser static html web pages require the Apache
XBitHack option to be enabled to allow SSI statements to function.
Add 'Options +Includes' for your html directory, your
httpd.conf file entry looks like:
XBitHack on
Options +Includes