  Thu Jan 23 10:10:10 2020 -0800
Add NC_012920 (rCRS) mitochondrion to hg19 as chrMT.  refs #24648

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg19.patchUpdate.13.txt src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg19.patchUpdate.13.txt
index 53684ad..b5fd706 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg19.patchUpdate.13.txt
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg19.patchUpdate.13.txt
@@ -1,729 +1,740 @@
 # for emacs: -*- mode: sh; -*-
 # This file describes how hg19 was extended with patch sequences and annotations from grcH37P13
 # Extend main database 2bit, chrom.sizes, chromInfo (DONE - 2018-09-28 - Angie)
 # first done 2018-09-17
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK below)
 # REDONE 2018-09-28
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19
     # main 2bit
     time faToTwoBit <(twoBitToFa hg19.2bit stdout) \
            <(twoBitToFa /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/grcH37P13.2bit stdout) \
 #real    0m43.817s
     # unmasked 2bit
     time twoBitMask -type=.bed hg19.p13.2bit /dev/null hg19.p13.unmasked.2bit
 #real    0m1.803s
     # chrom.sizes
     sort -k2nr,2nr chrom.sizes /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/chrom.sizes > chrom.sizes.p13
     # chromInfo
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/chromInfo
     awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t/gbdb/hg19/hg19.2bit";}' ../../chrom.sizes.p13 \
       > chromInfo.p13.tab
     wc -l chromInfo*.tab
 #  297 chromInfo.p13.tab
 #   93 chromInfo.tab
     # Install
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19
     # For the first update only, move initial release files to .initial.  Don't do this next update!
     mv hg19.2bit hg19.initial.2bit
     mv hg19.unmasked.2bit hg19.initial.unmasked.2bit
     mv chrom.sizes chrom.sizes.initial
     # End of first-update-only stuff
     ln -sf hg19.p13.2bit hg19.2bit
     ln -sf hg19.p13.unmasked.2bit hg19.unmasked.2bit
     ln -sf chrom.sizes.p13 chrom.sizes
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/chromInfo
     hgLoadSqlTab hg19 chromInfo $HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/chromInfo.sql chromInfo.p13.tab
 # Extend main database tables for fileless tracks (DONE - 2018-09-28 - Angie)
 # first done 2018-09-17
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK below)
 # REDONE 2018-09-28
     # Just add the patch table rows to the main database tables
     for table in gap gold rmsk simpleRepeat windowmaskerSdust cpgIslandExt genscan augustusGene; do
       echo $table
       hgsql hg19 -e "insert into hg19.$table select * from grcH37P13.$table"
 # Extend main database gc5BaseBw.bw (DONE - 2018-09-28 - Angie)
 # first done 2018-09-17
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK belaow)
 # REDONE (except for first-update-only mv, using initial files) 2018-09-28
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gc5Base/
     # Concatenate original assembly results with grcH37P13 results
     time (zcat hg19.gc5Base.txt.gz \
         /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/bed/gc5Base/grcH37P13.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz \
       | gzip -c \
       > hg19.p13.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz)
 #real    5m48.392s
     # Make a new gc5BaseBw.bw
     time wigToBigWig hg19.p13.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz ../../chrom.sizes.p13 \
 #real    10m57.806s
     # Install
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gc5Base/
     # For the first update only, move initial release files to .initial.  Don't do this next update!
     mv hg19.gc5Base.txt.gz hg19.initial.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz
     mv gc5Base.bw hg19.initial.gc5Base.bw
     # End of first-update-only stuff
     ln -sf hg19.p13.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz hg19.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz
     ln -sf hg19.p13.gc5Base.bw hg19.gc5Base.bw
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gc5Base/hg19.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz \
 # Extend main database download files (DONE - 2019-01-12 - Angie)
 # first done 2018-09-18
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK below)
 # REDONE (except for first-update-only mv) 2018-09-?
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/goldenPath/bigZips
     mkdir p13
     # hg19.2bit and chrom.sizes were already extended above.
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/hg19.p13.2bit p13/
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/chrom.sizes.p13 p13/hg19.p13.chrom.sizes
     # AGP:
     zcat hg19.agp.gz \
          /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.agp.gz \
     | grep -v ^# \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.agp.gz
     # FASTA
     twoBitToFa ../../hg19.p13.2bit stdout \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.fa.gz
     twoBitToFa ../../hg19.p13.2bit stdout \
     | maskOutFa stdin hard stdout \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.fa.masked.gz
     # RepeatMasker (don't include header of patch file):
     cat <(zcat hg19.fa.out.gz) \
         <(zcat /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.fa.out.gz | tail -n +4) \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.fa.out.gz
     # SimpleRepeats/TRF:
     zcat hg19.trf.bed.gz \
          /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.trf.bed.gz \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.trf.bed.gz
     # We don't expect a complete set of chroms to have simpleRepeats, but at least an increase:
     zcat hg19.trf.bed.gz | cut -f 1 | uniq | wc -l
     zcat p13/hg19.p13.trf.bed.gz | cut -f 1 | uniq | wc -l
     # hg19 also has download files with the old tar-bundle structure -- update those too.
     # Per-chrom AGP:
     rm -rf agp && mkdir agp && cd agp
     tar xvzf ../chromAgp.tar.gz
     splitFileByColumn -chromDirs -ending=.agp \
       /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.agp.gz .
     tar cvzf ../p13/hg19.p13.chromAgp.tar.gz *
     cd ..
     rm -rf agp
     # Per-chrom soft-masked FASTA:
     rm -rf chroms && mkdir chroms && cd chroms
     tar xvzf ../chromFa.tar.gz
     cd ..
     faSplit byname /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.fa.gz chroms/
     ls -1 chroms | wc -l
     tar cvzf p13/hg19.p13.chromFa.tar.gz ./chroms
     rm -rf chroms
     # Per-chrom hard-masked FASTA:
     rm -rf maskedChroms && mkdir maskedChroms && cd maskedChroms
     tar xvzf ../chromFaMasked.tar.gz
     cd ..
     faSplit byname /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.fa.masked.gz \
+# NOTE FOR NEXT TIME: fix up names, .fa --> .fa.masked like this:
+    cd maskedChroms
+    for f in *.fa; do
+      mv $f $f.masked
+    done
+    cd ..
     ls -1 maskedChroms | wc -l
     tar cvzf p13/hg19.p13.chromFaMasked.tar.gz ./maskedChroms
     rm -rf maskedChroms
     # Per-chrom RepeatMasker .out:
     rm -rf out && mkdir out && cd out
     tar xvzf ../chromOut.tar.gz
     zcat /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.fa.out.gz \
     | head -3 > RepeatMaskerHeader.txt
     zcat /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.fa.out.gz \
     | tail -n +4 \
     | splitFileByColumn -col=5 -chromDirs -head=RepeatMaskerHeader.txt -ending=.out \
       stdin .
+# NOTE FOR NEXT TIME: clean up this file:
+    rm RepeatMaskerHeader.txt
     tar cvzf ../p13/hg19.p13.chromOut.tar.gz *
     cd ..
     rm -r out
     # Per-chrom TRF output:
     rm -rf trfMaskChrom
     tar xvzf chromTrf.tar.gz
     cd trfMaskChrom
     splitFileByColumn -ending=.bed \
       /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/goldenPath/bigZips/grcH37P13.trf.bed.gz .
     cd ..
     tar cvzf p13/hg19.p13.chromTrf.tar.gz ./trfMaskChrom
     rm -rf trfMaskChrom
     # RepeatMasker .align files:
     zcat hg19.fa.align.gz /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/bed/repeatMasker/grcH37P13.fa.align.gz \
     | gzip -c > p13/hg19.p13.fa.align.gz
     # TODO: regenerate upstream* files for p13
     # Make new md5sum.txt
     cd p13
     md5sum hg19.* > md5sum.txt
     # Install
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/goldenPath/bigZips
     # For the first update only, move initial release files to initial/.  Don't do this next update!
     mkdir initial
     mv chrom* hg19.* up* md5sum.txt initial/
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/hg19.initial.2bit initial/hg19.2bit
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/chrom.sizes.initial initial/hg19.chrom.sizes
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/repeatMasker/hg19.fa.align.gz initial/hg19.fa.align.gz
     # Replace top-level files with links to initial/ files
     ln -sf initial/* .
     # End of first-update-only stuff
     ln -s /hive/data/genomes/hg19/goldenPath/bigZips/{initial,p13} \
     # Edit README.txt
     # TODO: /hive/data/genomes/hg19/goldenPath/chromosomes/
 # Build perSeqMax file for gfServer (hgBlat) (DONE 19-08-14 angie)
     # When the blat server is restarted with the updated hg19.2bit file,
     # hg19.altsAndFixes needs to be copied over along with the new hg19.2bit file,
     # and gfServer needs to be restarted with -perSeqMax=hg19.altsAndFixes.
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19
     cut -f 1 chrom.sizes.p13 \
     | grep -E '_(alt|fix|hap.*)$' \
     | sed -re 's/^/hg19.2bit:/;' \
       > hg19.altsAndFixes.p13
 # Extend cytoBandIdeo (DONE 2018-09-28 angie)
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK below)
 # REDONE 2018-09-28
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/cytoBand
     tawk '{print $1, 0, $2, "", "gneg";}' /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/chrom.sizes \
       > cytoBand.p13.tab
     hgLoadSqlTab -oldTable hg19 cytoBandIdeo - cytoBand.p13.tab
 # Regenerate idKeys with extended hg19 (DONE - 2018-09-28 - Angie)
 # UNDONE 2018-09-28 (see ROLL IT ALL BACK below)
 # REDONE (except for first-update-only mv) 2018-09-28
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/idKeys.p13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/idKeys.p13
     time ($HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doIdKeys.pl \
       -twoBit=/hive/data/genomes/hg19/hg19.p13.unmasked.2bit \
       -bigClusterHub=ku -smallClusterHub=ku \
         -buildDir=`pwd` hg19) > do.log 2>&1 &
     tail -f do.log
 #real    1m7.891s
     cat hg19.keySignature.txt
     # Install
     # For the first update only, move initial release files to .initial.  Don't do this next update!
     mv /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/idKeys{,.initial}
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/
     rm -f idKeys
     ln -s idKeys.p13 idKeys
 # ROLL IT ALL BACK (DONE - 2018-09-28 - Angie)
 # I went through a couple rounds of confusion about how to reconcile hg19's alt naming
 # convention (e.g. "chr6_ssto_hap7", "chr4_ctg9_hap1") with 204 new sequences with much
 # more varied and arbitrary-looking Assembly sequence names.  In the end I decided to
 # use accession_{alt,fix}-style names -- that is more consistent with the hg38 naming,
 # and also with Hiram's hg19Patch13 naming.
 # So halfway through the process, I restored hg19 to its initital state (at least, linking
 # to *.initial* files that had been created), rebuilt grcH37P13 with different seq naming,
 # then updated hg19 with p13 again.
 # This will go more or less in reverse order of all the previous steps.
     # idKeys
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/
     rm idKeys
     ln -sf idKeys.initial idKeys
     # cytoBandIdeo
     hgsql hg19 -e 'delete from cytoBandIdeo where chrom like "%alt" or chrom like "%fix"'
     # downloads
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/goldenPath/bigZips
     mv md5sum.txt{,.bak}
     ln -sf initial/* .
     # gc5Base
     ln -sf /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gc5Base/hg19.initial.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz \
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gc5Base/
     ln -sf hg19.initial.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz hg19.gc5Base.wigVarStep.gz
     ln -sf hg19.initial.gc5Base.bw hg19.gc5Base.bw
     # database tables for fileless tracks
     for table in gap gold simpleRepeat windowmaskerSdust cpgIslandExt genscan augustusGene; do
       echo $table
       hgsql hg19 -e "delete from hg19.$table where chrom like '%alt' or chrom like '%fix'"
     hgsql hg19 -e "delete from hg19.rmsk where genoName like '%alt' or genoName like '%fix'"
     # 2bit, chrom.sizes, chromInfo
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19
     ln -sf hg19.initial.2bit hg19.2bit
     ln -sf hg19.initial.unmasked.2bit hg19.unmasked.2bit
     ln -sf chrom.sizes.initial chrom.sizes
     hgsql hg19 -e 'delete from chromInfo where chrom like "%alt" or chrom like "%fix"'
 # UCSC to RefSeq, INSDC, Assembly; chromAlias (DONE 2018-10-01 angie)
     # need to have idKeys for the genbank and refseq assemblies:
     mkdir -p /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ucscToINSDC/genbankP13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ucscToINSDC/genbankP13
     ln -s /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/GCA_000001405.14_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz .
     faToTwoBit GCA_000001405.14_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz genbankP13.2bit
     time ($HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doIdKeys.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -twoBit=genbankP13.2bit \
         -bigClusterHub=ku -smallClusterHub=ku \
         genbankP13) > do.log 2>&1
 #real    1m4.236s
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ucscToINSDC/refseqP13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ucscToINSDC/refseqP13
     ln -s /hive/data/outside/ncbi/genomes/refseq/vertebrate_mammalian/Homo_sapiens/all_assembly_versions/GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13/GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz ./
     faToTwoBit GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz refseqP13.2bit
     time ($HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doIdKeys.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -twoBit=refseqP13.2bit \
         -bigClusterHub=ku -smallClusterHub=ku \
         refseqP13) > do.log 2>&1
 #real    1m7.528s
     # with the three idKeys available, join them to make the table bed files:
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ucscToINSDC
     sed -re 's/gi\|[0-9]+\|gb\|([A-Z0-9.]+)\|/\1/' genbankP13/genbankP13.idKeys.txt \
     | join -t$'\t' ../idKeys/hg19.idKeys.txt - \
     | cut -f2- | sort -k1,1 | join -t$'\t' <(sort -k1,1 ../../chrom.sizes) - \
     | awk '{printf "%s\t0\t%d\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3}' \
     | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ucscToINSDC.p13.bed
     # Add our "oops" pre-hg38 mitochondrion sequence:
     echo -e "chrM\t0\t16571\tNC_001807.4" >> ucscToINSDC.p13.bed
     join -t$'\t' ../idKeys/hg19.idKeys.txt refseqP13/refseqP13.idKeys.txt \
     | cut -f2- | sort -k1,1 | join -t$'\t' <(sort -k1,1 ../../chrom.sizes) - \
     | awk '{printf "%s\t0\t%d\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3}' \
     | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ucscToRefSeq.p13.bed
     # loading tables:
     export db=hg19
     export chrSize=`cut -f1 ucscToINSDC.p13.bed | awk '{print length($0)}' | sort -n | tail -1`
     sed -e "s/21/$chrSize/" $HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/ucscToINSDC.sql \
     | hgLoadSqlTab ${db} ucscToINSDC stdin ucscToINSDC.p13.bed
     export chrSize=`cut -f1 ucscToRefSeq.p13.bed | awk '{print length($0)}' | sort -n | tail -1`
     sed -e "s/21/$chrSize/" $HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/ucscToINSDC.sql \
     | sed -e 's/INSDC/RefSeq/g;' \
     | hgLoadSqlTab ${db} ucscToRefSeq stdin ucscToRefSeq.p13.bed
     # must be exactly 100% coverage
     featureBits -countGaps ${db} ucscToINSDC
 #3234834691 bases of 3234834691 (100.000%) in intersection
     # except for chrM (no refSeq):
     featureBits -countGaps ${db} ucscToRefSeq
 #3234818120 bases of 3234834691 (99.999%) in intersection
     expr 3234834691 - 3234818120
     # construct chromAlias:
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/chromAlias
     hgsql -N -e 'select chrom,name from ucscToRefSeq;' ${db} \
     | sort -k1,1 > ucsc.refseq.p13.tab
     hgsql -N -e 'select chrom,name from ucscToINSDC;' ${db} \
     | sort -k1,1 > ucsc.genbank.p13.tab
     # add NCBI sequence names from assembly report
     grep -v ^# \
       /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/GCA_000001405.14_GRCh37.p13_assembly_report.txt \
     | tawk '{print $5, $1;}' | sort \
       > genbankToAssembly.txt
     tawk '{print $2, $1;}' ucsc.genbank.p13.tab | sort \
     | join -t$'\t' -o 1.2,2.2 - genbankToAssembly.txt \
     | sort -k1,1 > ucsc.assembly.p13.tab
     ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/chromAlias.pl ucsc.*.p13.tab \
     | sed -re 's/\.p13//;' \
         > ${db}.chromAlias.p13.tab
     # verify all there:
     for t in refseq genbank assembly
   c0=`cat ucsc.$t.p13.tab | wc -l`
   c1=`grep $t hg19.chromAlias.p13.tab | wc -l`
   if [ "$c0" -ne "$c1" ]; then
   printf "# checking $t: $c0 =? $c1 $ok\n"
 # checking refseq: 296 =? 296 OK
 # checking genbank: 297 =? 297 OK
 # checking assembly: 296 =? 296 OK
     hgLoadSqlTab hg19 chromAlias $HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/chromAlias.sql ${db}.chromAlias.p13.tab
 # UCSC to Ensembl (TODO 18-? angie)
 # doc??
 # altLocations and fixLocations (DONE - 2018-10-01 - Angie)
     # indicate corresponding locations between haplotypes and reference; take care with the
     # 9 initial assembly chr*_hap* alt names.
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/altLocations.p13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/altLocations.p13
     ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/altScaffoldPlacementToBed.pl \
       -db hg19 -assemblyReport /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/GC*_assembly_report.txt \
       /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/{ALT_*,PATCHES}/alt_scaffolds/alt_scaffold_placement.txt \
     | sed -e 's/chr6_gl000250_alt/chr6_apd_hap1/; s/chr6_gl000251_alt/chr6_cox_hap2/; s/chr6_gl000252_alt/chr6_dbb_hap3/; s/chr6_gl000253_alt/chr6_mann_hap4/; s/chr6_gl000254_alt/chr6_mcf_hap5/; s/chr6_gl000255_alt/chr6_qbl_hap6/; s/chr6_gl000256_alt/chr6_ssto_hap7/; s/chr4_gl000257_alt/chr4_ctg9_hap1/; s/chr17_gl000258_alt/chr17_ctg5_hap1/;' \
     | sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n \
       > altAndFixLocations.bed
     wc -l altAndFixLocations.bed
 #426 altAndFixLocations.bed
     grep _alt altAndFixLocations.bed > altLocations.bed
     grep _hap altAndFixLocations.bed >> altLocations.bed
     grep _fix altAndFixLocations.bed > fixLocations.bed
     hgLoadBed hg19 altLocations{,.bed}
 #Read 164 elements of size 4 from altLocations.bed
     hgLoadBed hg19 fixLocations{,.bed}
 #Read 262 elements of size 4 from fixLocations.bed
     featureBits -countGaps hg19 altLocations
 #76740788 bases of 3234834691 (2.372%) in intersection
     featureBits -countGaps hg19 fixLocations
 #154171650 bases of 3234834691 (4.766%) in intersection
 # Check for new chrX alts/patches to add to par (DONE 2018-10-01 angie)
 # Thanks to Hiram for pointing out that intersecting chrX positions in
 # altLocations/fixLocations and par shows whether a chrX alt overlaps a PAR.
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/par
     hgsql hg19 -e 'select l.chrom, l.chromStart, l.chromEnd, l.name from altLocations l, par \
       where par.chrom = l.chrom and l.chromEnd > par.chromStart and l.chromStart < par.chromEnd;'
     # No output
     hgsql hg19 -e 'select l.chrom, l.chromStart, l.chromEnd, l.name from fixLocations l, par \
       where par.chrom = l.chrom and l.chromEnd > par.chromStart and l.chromStart < par.chromEnd;'
 #| chrom | chromStart | chromEnd | name              |
 #| chrX  |     803877 |  1227822 | chrX_gl877877_fix |
     # Here's what's already in par:
     hgsql hg19 -e 'select * from par where chrom like "chrX%"'
 #| chrom | chromStart | chromEnd  | name |
 #| chrX  |      60000 |   2699520 | PAR1 |
 #| chrX  |  154931043 | 155260560 | PAR2 |
     # So we need to add chrX_gl877877_fix!  It is completely contained in PAR1.
     grep chrX_gl877877_fix ../../chrom.sizes
 #chrX_gl877877_fix       284527
     echo -e "chrX_gl877877_fix\t0\t284527\tPAR1" > hg19.p13.par.bed
     hgLoadBed -oldTable -noBin hg19 par hg19.p13.par.bed
 # altSeqLiftOver (DONE 19-01-08 Angie)
 # originally done 2018-10-01; redone 2018-11-06 w/fixed gff3ToPsl to get correct - strand alignments
 # mainToPatch over.chain regenerated 2018-12-03 w/fixed pslToChain
 # altSeqLiftOver.psl fixed to include _hap and mainToAllAltPatch.over.chain added 19-01-08)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/altSeqLiftOver.p13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/altSeqLiftOver.p13
     # Use chromAlias to make a .sed file to substitute Genbank accessions to UCSC names
     hgsql hg19 -NBe 'select alias,chrom from chromAlias where find_in_set("genbank", source);' \
     | awk '{print "s@" $1 "@" $2 "@;";}' > gbToUcsc.sed
     cp /dev/null altToChrom.noScore.psl
     for f in /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/ALT*/alt_scaffolds/alignments/*.gff \
              /hive/data/genomes/grcH37P13/genbank/PATCHES/alt_scaffolds/alignments/*.gff; do
       e=$(basename $f .gff | sed -e 's/_/|/g;')
       s=$(grep -E $e gbToUcsc.sed)
       sed -re "$s" $f | gff3ToPsl ../../chrom.sizes{,} stdin stdout \
         | pslPosTarget stdin stdout \
         >> altToChrom.noScore.psl
     pslCheck altToChrom.noScore.psl
 #checked: 294 failed: 0 errors: 0
     time pslRecalcMatch altToChrom.noScore.psl ../../hg19.2bit{,} altToChrom.psl
 #real    0m28.942s
     pslSwap altToChrom.psl stdout | pslPosTarget stdin chromToAlt.psl
     sort -k14,14 -k16n,16n -k10,10 -k12n,12n altToChrom.psl chromToAlt.psl \
       > altAndPatches.psl
     grep _alt altAndPatches.psl > altSeqLiftOver.psl
     grep _hap altAndPatches.psl >> altSeqLiftOver.psl
     grep _fix altAndPatches.psl > fixSeqLiftOver.psl
     # Load tables
     hgLoadPsl hg19 -table=altSeqLiftOverPsl altSeqLiftOver.psl
     hgLoadPsl hg19 -table=fixSeqLiftOverPsl fixSeqLiftOver.psl
     # Make chrom-to-alt PSL file for genbank process.
     ln -f -s `pwd`/chromToAlt.psl \
     # Make a liftOver chain file for mapping annotations on main chroms to new patch sequences
     # Exclude alts that were already in hg19 before p13.
     # Redone 12/3/18 after Braney fixed pslToChain
     cut -f 1 ../../chrom.sizes.initial | grep _ \
     | grep -vwf - chromToAlt.psl \
     | pslToChain stdin stdout \
     | chainScore stdin ../../hg19.2bit{,} ../../jkStuff/hg19.mainToPatch.p13.over.chain
     grep chain ../../jkStuff/hg19.mainToPatch.p13.over.chain | wc -l
     # 1/8/19 also make a liftOver that includes the original alts, for tracks that have
     # annotations only on main chromosomes.  Exclude alt-to-fix alignments.
     # This is necessary only for the first time we add a patch update.
     awk '($14 !~ /_/)' chromToAlt.psl \
     | pslToChain stdin stdout \
     | chainScore stdin ../../hg19.2bit{,} ../../jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain
 # ncbiRefSeq.p13 Genes (DONE - 2018-10-01 - Angie)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ncbiRefSeq.p13.2018-10-01
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/ncbiRefSeq.p13.2018-10-01
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doNcbiRefSeq.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
       refseq vertebrate_mammalian Homo_sapiens \
       GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13 hg19) > do.log 2>&1 & tail -f do.log
 # *** All done !  Elapsed time: 5m14s
 #real    5m13.784s
     cat fb.ncbiRefSeq.hg19.txt
 #85414465 bases of 2991694177 (2.855%) in intersection
 # Coverage is a lot lower than hg38.ncbiRefSeq because there are no predicted transcripts,
 # only curated.
 # GRC Incident Database (TODO - 2018-? - Angie)
     # Wait until the updated hg19 files have been pushed to RR because GRC Incident update is
     # automated.  Then update the file used to map GRC's RefSeq accessions to our names:
     hgsql hg19 -NBe 'select alias,chrom from chromAlias where source = "refseq" order by alias;' \
       > /hive/data/outside/grc/incidentDb/GRCh37/refSeq.chromNames.tab
 # Extend wgEncodeReg bigWig tracks (DONE 19-01-09 angie)
 #NOTE: these have not been liftOver'd to original alts, so use mainToAllAltPatch.over.chain
     # The original files don't live in hg19/bed/ -- they're in the ENCODE DCC pipeline dir.
     # Make a new bed/ dir for the extended files.
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/wgEncodeReg.p13
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/wgEncodeReg.p13
     for dir in /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/downloads/hg19/wgEncodeReg{Mark*,Txn}; do
         composite=$(basename $dir)
         echo $composite
         mkdir -p $composite
         for f in $dir/wg*.bigWig; do
             track=$(basename $f .bigWig)
             ~/kent/src/hg/utils/liftOverBigWigToPatches $f \
               /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
               /hive/data/genomes/hg19/chrom.sizes \
               $composite/$track.plusP13.bigWig &
     # Install: don't update hgdownload link, only /gbdb/ link.  All flat in hg19/bbi/, no subdirs.
     # RegMark* links are .bigWig, Txn links are .bw (but .bigWig in the downloads dir above).
     for dir in wgEncodeRegMark*; do
         composite=$(basename $dir)
         echo $composite
         for f in $composite/wg*.plusP13.bigWig; do
             track=$(basename $f .plusP13.bigWig)
             ln -sf `pwd`/$f /gbdb/hg19/bbi/$track.bigWig
     for f in $composite/wg*.plusP13.bigWig; do
         track=$(basename $f .plusP13.bigWig)
         ln -sf `pwd`/$f /gbdb/hg19/bbi/$track.bw
 # Extend wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV3 (DONE 19-01-09 angie)
 #NOTE: this has not been liftOver'd to original alts, so use mainToAllAltPatch.over.chain
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/wgEncodeReg.p13
     track=$(basename $origFile .bed.gz)
     liftOver -multiple -bedPlus=5 -noSerial $origFile \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
       $track.p13.bed /dev/null
     sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n <(zcat $origFile) $track.p13.bed \
       > $track.plusP13.bed
     hgLoadBed -type=bed5+ -sqlTable=$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/bed5SourceVals.sql -renameSqlTable \
       hg19 $track $track.plusP13.bed
     gzip $track.plusP13.bed
 # Extend wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV{2,3} (DONE 19-01-10 angie)
 #NOTE: this has not been liftOver'd to original alts, so use mainToAllAltPatch.over.chain
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/wgEncodeReg.p13
     # wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 is bed5+
     track=$(basename $origFile .bed.gz)
     liftOver -multiple -bedPlus=5 -noSerial $origFile \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
       $track.p13.bed /dev/null
     sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n <(zcat $origFile) $track.p13.bed \
     | gzip -c \
       > $track.plusP13.bed.gz
     hgLoadBed -type=bed5+ -sqlTable=$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/bed5SourceVals.sql -renameSqlTable \
       hg19 $track $track.plusP13.bed.gz
     # wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV2 is bed15
     track=$(basename $origFile .bed.gz)
     liftOver -multiple -bedPlus=15 -noSerial $origFile \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
       $track.p13.bed /dev/null
     sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n <(zcat $origFile) $track.p13.bed \
     | gzip -c \
       > $track.plusP13.bed.gz
     hgLoadBed hg19 $track $track.plusP13.bed.gz
     checkTableCoords hg19 $track
     # No output, good.
     rm bed.tab
     gzip *.bed
 # Extend GTEX GENE (DONE 19-01-15 angie)
 # first done 19-01-10; gtexGeneModel redone 19-01-15 after implementing liftOver -multiple -genePred.
 #NOTE: this has not been liftOver'd to original alts, so use mainToAllAltPatch.over.chain
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/gtex
     liftOver -multiple -bedPlus=6 -noSerial $origFile \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
       gtexGeneV6.p13.bed /dev/null
     sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n $origFile gtexGeneV6.p13.bed \
       > gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed
     hgLoadBed -noBin -type=bed6+ -sqlTable=$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/gtexGeneBed.sql -renameSqlTable \
         hg19 gtexGene gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000239883.4' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000189090.7' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000223477.3' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000223477.3' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000223477.3' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000165874.8' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr10_jh591181_fix-ENSG00000204164.6' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000203832.6' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000203832.6' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000163386.16' for key 'PRIMARY'
     # gtexGeneBed.sql has a unique index on (chrom, name).  Some genes are lifted over in fragments,
     # causing multiple results that violate the unique constraint.  Merge the multiple items
     # to make one overall region in each case.
     grep ENSG00000239883 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr10_jh591181_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      125207  142676
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      142676  187286
     # Those are adjacent -- edit gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed to merge them --> 125207  187286
     grep ENSG00000189090 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr10_jh591181_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      640208  642237
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      642237  644679
     # Adjacent, merge.
     grep ENSG00000223477 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr10_jh591181_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      669028  732149
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      732158  760961
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      761395  797300
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      797759  808979
     # There, GTEx is using a really long transcript from the Comprehensive set to represent
     # the gene.  So the region spans a lot more than the RefSeq transcript, which is only in
     # the first block above.  But it's GENCODE, so merge all those to get the larger region.
     grep ENSG00000165874 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr10_jh591181_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      881588  918539
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      918539  923140
     # Adjacent, merge.
     grep ENSG00000204164 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr10_jh591181_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      1059504 1106460
 #chr10_jh591181_fix      1106460 1109375
     # Adjacent, merge.
     grep ENSG00000203832 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr1_jh636052_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr1_jh636052_fix       2105312 2120519
 #chr1_jh636052_fix       2164543 2219303
 #chr1_jh636052_fix       2219303 2221435
     # Interesting repetitive gene NBPF20 - merge.
     grep ENSG00000163386 gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed | grep chr1_jh636052_fix | cut -f 1-3
 #chr1_jh636052_fix       2880111 2889757
 #chr1_jh636052_fix       2892953 2963817
     # Similar situation with NBPF10, merge.
     hgLoadBed -noBin -type=bed6+ -sqlTable=$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/gtexGeneBed.sql -renameSqlTable \
         hg19 gtexGene gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed
     # Argh, there are still some... If this happens with another track, it's worth writing
     # a program to merge nearby ranges for same name.
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000162836.7' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000188092.10' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000178104.15' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000168614.13' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000225241.3' for key 'PRIMARY'
 #Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'chr1_jh636052_fix-ENSG00000234232.2' for key 'PRIMARY'
     hgLoadBed -noBin -type=bed6+ -sqlTable=$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/gtexGeneBed.sql -renameSqlTable \
         hg19 gtexGene gtexGeneV6.plusP13.bed
     # Yay, it works.
     # I don't see the original file for gtexGeneModelV6, so I'll dump genePred from the table.
     # gtexGeneModel has a bin.... but gtexGeneModelV6 does not.
     hgsql hg19 -NBe 'select * from gtexGeneModelV6' > gtexGeneModelV6.initial.gp
     # 19-01-15: update now that liftOver -multiple -genePred works.
     liftOver -multiple -genePred gtexGeneModelV6.initial.gp \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg19/jkStuff/hg19.mainToAllAltPatch.p13.over.chain \
       gtexGeneModelV6.p13.gp /dev/null
     sort -k2,2 -k3n,3n gtexGeneModelV6.initial.gp gtexGeneModelV6.p13.gp \
     | hgLoadGenePred hg19 gtexGeneModel stdin