  Fri Jan 24 15:15:22 2020 -0800
Increment BLAT version. This makes it easier to do the gfServer rollout. Now we can easily identify the newest versions that tolerate IPv6 being disabled.

diff --git src/inc/genoFind.h src/inc/genoFind.h
index 1af2c69..483a6f3 100644
--- src/inc/genoFind.h
+++ src/inc/genoFind.h
@@ -1,388 +1,388 @@
 /* genoFind.h - Interface to modules for fast finding of sequence
  * matches. */
 /* Copyright 2001-2002 Jim Kent.  All rights reserved. */
 #ifndef GENOFIND_H
 #define GENOFIND_H
 #ifndef DNASEQ_H
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #ifndef FUZZYFIND_H
 #include "fuzzyFind.h"
 #ifndef HASH_H
 #include "hash.h"
 #ifndef ALITYPE_H
 #include "aliType.h"
 #ifndef LOCALMEM_H
 #include "localmem.h"
 #ifndef BITS_H
 #include "bits.h"
 #ifndef AXT_H
 #include "axt.h"
 enum gfConstants {
     gfMinMatch = 2,
     gfMaxGap = 2,
     gfTileSize = 11,
     gfMaxTileUse = 1024,
     gfPepMaxTileUse = 30000,
 struct gfSeqSource
 /* Where a block of sequence comes from. */
     struct gfSeqSource *next;
     char *fileName;	/* Name of file. */
     bioSeq *seq;	/* Sequences.  Usually either this or fileName is NULL. */
     bits32 start,end;	/* Position within merged sequence. */
     Bits *maskedBits;	/* If non-null contains repeat-masking info. */
 struct gfHit
 /* A genoFind hit. */
    struct gfHit *next;
    bits32 qStart;		/* Where it hits in query. */
    bits32 tStart;		/* Where it hits in target. */
    bits32 diagonal;		/* tStart + qSize - qStart. */
 /* gfHits are free'd with simple freeMem or slFreeList. */
 struct gfClump
 /* A clump of hits. */
 /* Note: for clumps from regular (blat) queries, tStart and tEnd include 
  * target->start, but for clumps from gfPcrClumps(), tStart and tEnd have 
  * already had target->start subtracted.  So tStart and tEnd in PCR clumps 
  * are relative to that target sequence (not the collection of all target 
  * sequences). */
     struct gfClump *next;	/* Next clump. */
     bits32 qStart, qEnd;	/* Position in query. */
     struct gfSeqSource *target;	/* Target source sequence. */
     bits32 tStart, tEnd;	/* Position in target. */
     int hitCount;		/* Number of hits. */
     struct gfHit *hitList;	/* List of hits. Not allocated here. */
     int queryCoverage;		/* Number of bases covered in query (thx AG!) */
 void gfClumpFree(struct gfClump **pClump);
 /* Free a single clump. */
 void gfClumpFreeList(struct gfClump **pList);
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated gfClump's */
 struct genoFind
 /* An index of all K-mers in the genome. */
     int maxPat;                          /* Max # of times pattern can occur
                                           * before it is ignored. */
     int minMatch;                        /* Minimum number of tile hits needed
                                           * to trigger a clump hit. */
     int maxGap;                          /* Max gap between tiles in a clump. */
     int tileSize;			 /* Size of each N-mer. */
     int stepSize;			 /* Spacing between N-mers. */
     int tileSpaceSize;                   /* Number of N-mer values. */
     int tileMask;			 /* 1-s for each N-mer. */
     int sourceCount;			 /* Count of source files. */
     struct gfSeqSource *sources;         /* List of sequence sources. */
     bool isPep;			 	 /* Is a peptide. */
     bool allowOneMismatch;		 /* Allow a single mismatch? */
     int segSize;			 /* Index is segmented if non-zero. */
     bits32 totalSeqSize;		 /* Total size of all sequences. */
     bits32 *listSizes;                   /* Size of list for each N-mer */
     void *allocated;                     /* Storage space for all lists. */
     bits32 **lists;                      /* A list for each N-mer. Used if
                                           * isSegmented is false. */
     bits16 **endLists;                   /* A more complex list for each N-mer.
                                           * Used if isSegmented is true.
 					  * Values come in groups of threes.
 					  * The first is the packed last few
 					  * letters of the tile.  The next two
 					  * are the offset in the genome.  This
 					  * would be a struct but that would take
 					  * 8 bytes instead of 6, or nearly an
 					  * extra gigabyte of RAM. */
 void genoFindFree(struct genoFind **pGenoFind);
 /* Free up a genoFind index. */
 struct gfSeqSource *gfFindNamedSource(struct genoFind *gf, char *name);
 /* Find target of given name.  Return NULL if none. */
 /* ---  Stuff for saving results ---- */
 struct gfOutput
 /* A polymorphic object to help us write many file types. */
     struct gfOutput *next;
     void *data;		/* Type-specific data pointer.  Must be freeMem'able */
     void (*out)(char *chromName, int chromSize, int chromOffset,
 	    struct ffAli *ali, bioSeq *tSeq, struct hash *t3Hash, bioSeq *qSeq, 
 	    boolean qIsRc, boolean tIsRc,
 	    enum ffStringency stringency, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out);
     /* This is the type of a client provided function to save an alignment. 
      * The parameters are:
      *     chromName - name of target (aka genomic or database) sequence.
      *     chromSize - size of target sequence.
      *     chromOffset - offset of genoSequence in target.
      *     ffAli - alignment with pointers into tSeq/qSeq or in
      *             translated target case, into t3Hash.
      *     tSeq - part of target sequence in normal case.   In translated
      *             target case look at t3Hash instead.
      *     t3Hash - used only in translated target case.  A hash keyed by
      *             target sequence name with values *lists* of trans3 structures.
      *             This hash can be searched to find both the translated and
      *             untranslated versions of the bits of the target that are in 
      *             memory.  (You can assume at this point all parts needed for
      *             output are indeed in memory.)
      *     qSeq - query sequence (this isn't segmented at all). 
      *     isRc - True if query is reverse complemented.
      *     stringency - ffCdna, etc.  I'm hoping to move this elsewhere.
      *     minMatch - minimum score to output.  Also should be moved elsewhere.
      *     outputData - custom data for specific output function.
      * The interface is a bit complex - partly from the demands of translated
      * output, and partly from trying not to have the entire target sequence in
      * memory.
     void (*queryOut)(struct gfOutput *out, FILE *f); 
     /* Called for each query */
     void (*fileHead)(struct gfOutput *out, FILE *f);
     /* Write file header if any */
     boolean reportTargetStrand; /* Report target as well as query strand? */
     struct hash *maskHash;	/* associates target sequence name and mask. */
     int minGood;		/* Minimum sequence identity in thousandths. */
     boolean qIsProt;		/* Query is peptide. */
     boolean tIsProt;		/* Target is peptide. */
     int queryIx;		/* Index of query */
     boolean includeTargetFile;	/* Prefix file: to target sequence name. */
 struct gfOutput *gfOutputAny(char *format, 
 	int goodPpt, boolean qIsProt, boolean tIsProt, 
 	boolean noHead, char *databaseName,
 	int databaseSeqCount, double databaseLetters,
 	double minIdentity, FILE *f);
 /* Initialize output in a variety of formats in file or memory. 
  * Parameters:
  *    format - either 'psl', 'pslx', 'blast', 'wublast', 'axt'
  *    goodPpt - minimum identity of alignments to output in parts per thousand
  *    qIsProt - true if query side is a protein.
  *    tIsProt - true if target (database) side is a protein.
  *    noHead - if true suppress header in psl/pslx output.
  *    databaseName - name of database.  Only used for blast output
  *    databaseSeq - number of sequences in database - only for blast
  *    databaseLetters - number of bases/aas in database - only blast
  *    FILE *f - file.  
 struct gfOutput *gfOutputPsl(int goodPpt, 
 	boolean qIsProt, boolean tIsProt, FILE *f, 
 	boolean saveSeq, boolean noHead);
 /* Set up psl/pslx output */
 struct gfOutput *gfOutputAxt(int goodPpt, boolean qIsProt, 
 	boolean tIsProt, FILE *f);
 /* Setup output for axt format. */
 struct gfOutput *gfOutputAxtMem(int goodPpt, boolean qIsProt, 
 	boolean tIsProt);
 /* Setup output for in memory axt output. */
 struct gfOutput *gfOutputBlast(int goodPpt, 
 	boolean qIsProt, boolean tIsProt, 
 	char *databaseName, int databaseSeqCount, double databaseLetters,
 	char *blastType, /* blast, blast8, blast9, wublast, or xml */
 	double minIdentity, FILE *f);
 /* Setup output for blast/wublast format. */
 void gfOutputQuery(struct gfOutput *out, FILE *f);
 /* Finish writing out results for a query to file. */
 void gfOutputHead(struct gfOutput *out, FILE *f);
 /* Write out header if any. */
 void gfOutputFree(struct gfOutput **pOut);
 /* Free up output. */
 /* -------- Routines to build up index ------------ */
 void gfCheckTileSize(int tileSize, boolean isPep);
 /* Check that tile size is legal.  Abort if not. */
 struct genoFind *gfIndexSeq(bioSeq *seqList,
 	int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile,
 	boolean isPep, boolean allowOneMismatch, boolean maskUpper,
 	int stepSize);
 /* Make index for all seqs in list. 
  *      minMatch - minimum number of matching tiles to trigger alignments
  *      maxGap   - maximum deviation from diagonal of tiles
  *      tileSize - size of tile in nucleotides
  *      maxPat   - maximum use of tile to not be considered a repeat
  *      oocFile  - .ooc format file that lists repeat tiles.  May be NULL. 
  *      isPep    - TRUE if indexing proteins, FALSE for DNA. 
  *      maskUpper - Mask out upper case sequence (currently only for nucleotides).
  *      stepSize - space between tiles.  Zero means default (which is tileSize). 
  * For DNA sequences upper case bits will be unindexed. */
 struct genoFind *gfIndexNibsAndTwoBits(int fileCount, char *fileNames[],
 	int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile, 
 	boolean allowOneMismatch, int stepSize);
 /* Make index for all .nib and .2bits in list. 
  *      minMatch - minimum number of matching tiles to trigger alignments
  *      maxGap   - maximum deviation from diagonal of tiles
  *      tileSize - size of tile in nucleotides
  *      maxPat   - maximum use of tile to not be considered a repeat
  *      oocFile  - .ooc format file that lists repeat tiles.  May be NULL. 
  *      allowOneMismatch - allow one mismatch in a tile.  
  *      stepSize - space between tiles.  Zero means default (which is tileSize). */
 void gfIndexTransNibsAndTwoBits(struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], 
     int fileCount, char *fileNames[], 
     int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile,
     boolean allowOneMismatch, boolean mask, int stepSize);
 /* Make translated (6 frame) index for all .nib and .2bit files. */
 /* -------- Routines to scan index for homolgous areas ------------ */
 struct gfClump *gfFindClumps(struct genoFind *gf, struct dnaSeq *seq, 
 	struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount);
 /* Find clumps associated with one sequence. */
 struct gfClump *gfFindClumpsWithQmask(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, 
         Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset,
 	struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount);
 /* Find clumps associated with one sequence soft-masking seq according to qMaskBits */
 struct gfHit *gfFindHitsInRegion(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, 
 	Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, 
 	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax);
 /* Find hits restricted to one particular region. 
  * The hits returned by this will be in target sequence
  * coordinates rather than concatenated whole genome
  * coordinates as hits inside of clumps usually are.  */
 void gfTransFindClumps(struct genoFind *gfs[3], aaSeq *seq, struct gfClump *clumps[3], struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount);
 /* Find clumps associated with one sequence in three translated reading frames. */
 void gfTransTransFindClumps(struct genoFind *gfs[3], aaSeq *seqs[3], 
 	struct gfClump *clumps[3][3], struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount);
 /* Find clumps associated with three sequences in three translated 
  * reading frames. Used for translated/translated protein comparisons. */
 void gfClumpDump(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clump, FILE *f);
 /* Print out info on clump.  This routine subtracts clump->target->start 
  * from clump->tStart and from clump->tEnd for printing, so that printed 
  * coords are relative to that target sequence. */
 void gfAlignAaClumps(struct genoFind *gf,  struct gfClump *clumpList, aaSeq *seq,
     boolean isRc,  int minMatch,  struct gfOutput *out);
 /* Convert gfClumps to an actual alignment that gets saved via 
  * outFunction/outData. */
 void gfFindAlignAaTrans(struct genoFind *gfs[3], aaSeq *qSeq, struct hash *t3Hash, 
 	boolean tIsRc, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out);
 /* Look for qSeq alignment in three translated reading frames. Save alignment
  * via outFunction/outData. */
 /* ---  Some routines for dealing with gfServer at a low level ---- */
 char *gfSignature();
 /* Return signature that starts each command to gfServer. Helps defend 
  * server from confused clients. */
 void gfCatchPipes();
 /* Set up to catch broken pipe signals. */
 int gfReadMulti(int sd, void *vBuf, size_t size);
 /* Read in until all is read or there is an error. */
 /* ---  Some routines for dealing with gfServer at a high level ---- */
 struct hash *gfFileCacheNew();
 /* Create hash for storing info on .nib and .2bit files. */
 void gfFileCacheFree(struct hash **pCache);
 /* Free up resources in cache. */
 void gfAlignStrand(int *pConn, char *nibDir, struct dnaSeq *seq,
     boolean isRc,  int minMatch, 
     struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfOutput *out);
 /* Search genome on server with one strand of other sequence to find homology. 
  * Then load homologous bits of genome locally and do detailed alignment.
  * Call 'outFunction' with each alignment that is found.  gfSavePsl is a handy
  * outFunction to use. */
 void gfAlignTrans(int *pConn, char *nibDir, aaSeq *seq,
     int minMatch, struct hash *tFileHash, struct gfOutput *out);
 /* Search indexed translated genome on server with an amino acid sequence. 
  * Then load homologous bits of genome locally and do detailed alignment.
  * Call 'outFunction' with each alignment that is found. */
 void gfAlignTransTrans(int *pConn, char *nibDir, struct dnaSeq *seq, 
 	boolean qIsRc, int minMatch, struct hash *tFileCache, 
 	struct gfOutput *out, boolean isRna);
 /* Search indexed translated genome on server with an dna sequence.  Translate
  * this sequence in three frames. Load homologous bits of genome locally
  * and do detailed alignment.  Call 'outFunction' with each alignment
  * that is found. */
 int gfMayConnect(char *hostName, char *portName);
 /* Set up our network connection to server, or return -1. */
 int gfConnect(char *hostName, char *portName);
 /* Set up our network connection to server. Aborts on error. */
 int gfDefaultRepMatch(int tileSize, int stepSize, boolean protTiles);
 /* Figure out appropriate step repMatch value. */
 void gfMakeOoc(char *outName, char *files[], int fileCount, 
 	int tileSize, bits32 maxPat, enum gfType tType);
 /* Count occurences of tiles in seqList and make a .ooc file. */
 void gfLongDnaInMem(struct dnaSeq *query, struct genoFind *gf, 
    boolean isRc, int minScore, Bits *qMaskBits, struct gfOutput *out,
    boolean fastMap, boolean band);
 /* Chop up query into pieces, align each, and stitch back
  * together again. */
 void gfLongTransTransInMem(struct dnaSeq *query, struct genoFind *gfs[3], 
    struct hash *t3Hash, boolean qIsRc, boolean tIsRc, boolean qIsRna,
    int minScore, struct gfOutput *out);
 /* Chop up query into pieces, align each in translated space, and stitch back
  * together again as nucleotides. */
 struct gfClump *gfPcrClumps(struct genoFind *gf, 
         char *fPrimer, int fPrimerSize, char *rPrimer, int rPrimerSize,
 	int minDistance, int maxDistance);
 /* Find possible PCR hits.  The fPrimer and rPrimer are on opposite strands.
  * Note: unlike clumps from other query functions, PCR clumps from this 
  * function have already had clump->target->start subtracted from 
  * clump->tStart and clump->tEnd so that the coords are relative to that 
  * target sequence (not the collection of all target sequences). */
 #define MAXSINGLEPIECESIZE 5000 /* maximum size of a single piece */
-#define gfVersion "36x4"	/* Current BLAT version number */
+#define gfVersion "36x5"	/* Current BLAT version number */
 #endif /* GENOFIND_H */