  Fri Jan 10 12:33:44 2020 -0800
temporarily disable MGC track

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.genbank.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.genbank.ra
index b6a2129..54a9fc9 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.genbank.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.genbank.ra
@@ -1,211 +1,211 @@
 # Genbank tracks
 track refGene
 shortLabel RefSeq Genes
 longLabel RefSeq Genes
 group genes
 visibility dense
 color 12,12,120
 type genePred refPep refMrna
 idXref hgFixed.refLink mrnaAcc name
 baseColorUseCds given
 priority 2
 track mrna
 table all_mrna
 shortLabel $Organism mRNAs
 longLabel $Organism mRNAs from GenBank 
 group rna
 visibility pack
 type psl .
 baseColorUseCds genbank
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 indelPolyA on
 priority 1
 track tightMrna
 shortLabel Tight mRNAS
 longLabel Tightly Filtered $Organism mRNAs from GenBank
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 type psl .
 baseColorUseCds genbank
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 indelPolyA on
 track intronEst
 shortLabel Spliced ESTs
 longLabel $Organism ESTs That Have Been Spliced
 group rna
 visibility dense
 spectrum on
 intronGap 30
 type psl est
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 maxItems 300
 priority 2
 track est
 table all_est
 shortLabel $Organism ESTs
 longLabel $Organism ESTs Including Unspliced
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 intronGap 30
 type psl est
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 maxItems 300
 track tightEst
 shortLabel Tight ESTs
 longLabel Tightly Filtered $Organism ESTs Including Unspliced
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 type psl est
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 track xenoMrna
 shortLabel Other mRNAs
 longLabel Non-$Organism mRNAs from GenBank
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 type psl xeno
 baseColorUseCds genbank
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 track xenoBestMrna
 shortLabel Other Best mRNAs
 longLabel Non-$Organism mRNAs from GenBank Best in Genome Alignments
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 type psl xeno
 baseColorUseCds genbank
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 track xenoEst
 shortLabel Other ESTs
 longLabel Non-$Organism ESTs from GenBank 
 group rna
 visibility hide
 spectrum on
 type psl xeno
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Entrez/query?form=4&db=n&term=$$
 track xenoRefGene
 shortLabel Other RefSeq
 longLabel Non-$Organism RefSeq Genes
 group genes
 visibility dense
 color 12,12,120
 type genePred xenoRefPep xenoRefMrna
 priority 3
-track mgcFullMrna
-shortLabel MGC Genes
-longLabel Mammalian Gene Collection Full ORF mRNAs
-group genes
-visibility hide
-color 0,100,0
-type psl
-baseColorDefault diffCodons
-baseColorUseCds genbank
-baseColorUseSequence genbank
-indelDoubleInsert on
-indelQueryInsert on
-showDiffBasesAllScales .
-showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
-showCdsAllScales .
-showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
+#track mgcFullMrna
+#shortLabel MGC Genes
+#longLabel Mammalian Gene Collection Full ORF mRNAs
+#group genes
+#visibility hide
+#color 0,100,0
+#type psl
+#baseColorDefault diffCodons
+#baseColorUseCds genbank
+#baseColorUseSequence genbank
+#indelDoubleInsert on
+#indelQueryInsert on
+#showDiffBasesAllScales .
+#showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
+#showCdsAllScales .
+#showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
 searchName refGeneAcc
 searchTable refGene
 searchMethod exact
 searchType genePred
 semiShortCircuit 1
 termRegex N(M|R)_[0-9]{6}[0-9]*
 searchPriority 9.5
 searchName mrnaAcc
 searchTable all_mrna
 searchMethod prefix
 searchType mrnaAcc
 shortCircuit 1
 semiShortCircuit 1
 termRegex [a-z][a-z0-9][0-9]+
 searchPriority 10
 searchName refLink
 searchTable refGene
 searchType refGene
 searchPriority 2
 grepIndex genbankGrep/refLink.mrnaAccProduct
 searchTable xenoRefGene
 searchType refGene
 searchPriority 2.1
 grepIndex refLinkGrep/refLink.mrnaAccProduct
 searchName mrnaKeyword
 searchTable all_mrna
 searchType mrnaKeyword
 searchPriority 15
 grepIndex genbankGrep
 searchTable mgcFullMrna
 searchType psl
 searchPriority 25
 semiShortCircuit 1
 # keep adjacent to MGC
 track orfeomeMrna
 shortLabel ORFeome Clones
 longLabel ORFeome Collaboration Gene Clones
 group genes
 visibility hide
 color 34,139,34
 type psl
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 baseColorUseCds genbank
 baseColorUseSequence genbank
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
 showCdsAllScales .
 showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
 searchTable orfeomeMrna
 searchType psl
 searchPriority 25
 semiShortCircuit 1