  Thu Jan 16 09:20:22 2020 -0800
Moving gnomad scripts to their own directory under makeDb after Max email

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/gnomad/ src/hg/makeDb/gnomad/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..734efc4
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/makeDb/gnomad/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Given a 1-based amino acid range, and a bed12 of transcripts,
+convert the amino acid range to a genomic range with exon blocks.
+This program is currently specialized to the gnomad missense constraint
+track, but can be more generalized if the score conversion part is
+commented out.
+#transcript gene chrom range genomic_start genomic_end obs_mis exp_mis obs_exp chiseq_null_diff region
+ENST00000337907.3   RERE    1   1-507   8716356 8424825 97  197.9807    0.489947    51.505535   RERE_1
+chr1    8424824 8716356 ENST00000337907.3   0.49    -   8424824 8716356 224,165,8   13  74,163,81,99,100,125,49,105,97,106,126,71,325   0,1047,57962,101160,130298,132640,143861,176448,191709,192652,249795,259544,291207
+Here the itemRgb column corresponds to the color scheme used at the decipher browser.
+import sys
+import argparse
+from collections import defaultdict,namedtuple
+from scipy.stats import chi2
+def commandLine():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Converts amino acids ranges to genomic coordinates, writes to stdout. One of transcripts or aaRanges can be stdin",
+        prefix_chars="-", usage="%(prog)s [options]", add_help=True)
+    parser.add_argument("transcripts", action="store", help="bed12 of transcripts, use '-' for stdin")
+    parser.add_argument("aaRanges", action="store", help="aa range file, use '-' for stdin")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn verbose logging on, writes to stderr")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.transcripts == "-" and args.aaRanges == "-":
+        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Only one of transcripts and aaRanges can be stdin")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return args
+# struct for keeping track of transcripts and their exon coordinates and sizes
+# use a defaultdict of list so PAR regions can have the different transcripts
+txDict = defaultdict(list)
+bedFields = ["chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand",
+"thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb", "exonCount", "exonSizes", "exonStarts"]
+# autoSql map of the output bed for a conversion to bigBed later:
+bedInfo = namedtuple('bedFields',  bedFields)
+def log(msg):
+    """Write message to stderr instead of stdout."""
+    sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+def logBedRecord(ret):
+    sys.stderr.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (ret.chrom,
+        ret.chromStart, ret.chromEnd,, ret.score, ret.strand, ret.thickStart,
+        ret.thickEnd, ret.itemRgb, ret.exonCount, ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonSizes]),
+        ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonStarts])))
+def printBedRecord(ret):
+    print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (ret.chrom, ret.thickStart,
+        ret.thickEnd,, ret.score, ret.strand, ret.thickStart, ret.thickEnd, ret.itemRgb,
+        ret.exonCount, ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonSizes]),
+        ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonStarts])))
+def bedToStr(ret):
+    """Return the bedFields object as a string"""
+    return "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (ret.chrom,
+        ret.chromStart, ret.chromEnd,, ret.score, ret.strand, ret.thickStart,
+        ret.thickEnd, ret.itemRgb, ret.exonCount, ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonSizes]),
+        ",".join([str(x) for x in ret.exonStarts]))
+def sanityCheckBed12(ret, original=None):
+    """Check that a bed12 follows the usual bed rules. Exit if a bad record"""
+    def logOriginal():
+        # helper function for logging the input bed line
+        if original:
+            log("original bed")
+            logBedRecord(original)
+    if len(ret.exonSizes) != int(ret.exonCount):
+        logOriginal()
+        log("ERROR: len(exonSizes) != exonCount")
+        logBedRecord(ret)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if len(ret.exonStarts) != int(ret.exonCount):
+        logOriginal()
+        log("ERROR: len(exonStarts) != exonCount")
+        logBedRecord(ret)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    try:
+        for i in range(ret.exonCount):
+            # check ascending order of blocks
+            if i > 0:
+                if int(ret.exonStarts[i]) <= (int(ret.exonStarts[i-1]) + int(ret.exonSizes[i-1])):
+                    logOriginal()
+                    log("ERROR: exon blocks must be in ascending order. block %d and %d overlap." %
+                        (i-1, i))
+                    logBedRecord(ret)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+            # check for no zero-length blocks
+            # zero length blocks are ok in general but not for this bed
+            if (ret.exonStarts[i] < 0 or ret.exonSizes[i] <= 0 or
+                    int(ret.chromStart) + int(ret.exonStarts[i]) >= int(ret.chromEnd)):
+                logOriginal()
+                log("ERROR: invalid exonStart or exonSize")
+                logBedRecord(ret)
+                sys.exit(1)
+        # check that blocks span chromStart to chromEnd
+        if (ret.chromStart + ret.exonSizes[-1] + ret.exonStarts[-1] != ret.chromEnd):
+            logOriginal()
+            log("ERROR: chromStart + exonSizes[-1] + exonStarts[-1] != chromEnd")
+            log("%d + %d + %d (%d) != %d" % (ret.chromStart, ret.exonSizes[-1], ret.exonStarts[-1],
+                ret.chromStart + ret.exonStarts[-1] + ret.exonSizes[-1], ret.chromEnd))
+            logBedRecord(ret)
+            sys.exit(1)
+    except IndexError:
+        logOriginal()
+        log("ERROR: no exonSizes or exonStarts")
+        logBedRecord(ret)
+        sys.exit(1)
+def checkAaLenToBlockLen(ret, original, cdnaEndPos, cdnaStartPos, aaStart, aaEnd):
+    """Extra check for this bed file that the total bases covered by exons equals the length
+        of the cdna."""
+    if (sum(ret.exonSizes) != cdnaEndPos - cdnaStartPos):
+        log("ERROR: sum(blockSizes) != cdnaLen: %d != %d for %s:%d-%d" %
+            (sum(ret.exonSizes), cdnaEndPos - cdnaStartPos,, aaStart,aaEnd))
+        log("original bed:")
+        logBedRecord(original)
+        logBedRecord(ret)
+        sys.exit(1)
+def lineToBed(fields, lineNum=None):
+    """Transform bed12 line to namedtuple bedFields."""
+    assert(len(fields) == 12)
+    chrom = fields[0]
+    chromStart = int(fields[1])
+    chromEnd = int(fields[2])
+    name = fields[3]
+    score = fields[4]
+    strand = fields[5]
+    thickStart = int(fields[6])
+    thickEnd = int(fields[7])
+    itemRgb = fields[8]
+    exonCount = int(fields[9])
+    exonSizes = [int(x) for x in fields[10].strip(',').split(",")]
+    exonStarts = [int(x) for x in fields[11].strip(',').split(",")]
+    ret = bedInfo(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand, thickStart, thickEnd,
+        itemRgb, exonCount, exonSizes, exonStarts)
+    sanityCheckBed12(ret)
+    return ret
+def findColor(score, chi2val):
+    """Return the right color for this region based on the missense score."""
+    # this is decipher's color scheme
+    if chi2.sf(chi2val,1) > 0.001:
+        return "160,160,160"
+    if score < 0.2:
+        return "253,0,2"
+    elif score >= 0.2 and score < 0.4:
+        return "233,127,5"
+    elif score >= 0.4 and score < 0.6:
+        return "224,165,8"
+    elif score >= 0.6 and score < 0.8:
+        return "127,233,58"
+    elif score >= 0.8:
+        return "0,244,153"
+def txToDict(txFh, verbose=False):
+    """Make a dict of all the transcripts for lookup later."""
+    lineCount = 1
+    for line in txFh:
+        splitLine = line.strip().split('\t')
+        bed = lineToBed(splitLine, lineCount)
+        txDict[splitLine[3]].append(bed)
+        lineCount += 1
+def aaToBedNegStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, transcript, lineNum):
+    """The negative strand conversion is slightly different than the more intuitive positive
+        strand conversion. Mostly the difference is because you have to walk over the exons
+        backwards and swap chromStart and ends. So cdnaStartPos and cdnaEndPos have the
+        opposite meaning, cdnaStartPos corresponds to a bed's chromEnd, etc."""
+    cdnaStartPos = (aaStart - 1) * 3 # 0-based start
+    cdnaEndPos = (aaEnd * 3) # 0-based half open end
+    chromStart = None
+    chromEnd = None
+    cdnaStartExon = 0
+    cdnaEndExon = 0
+    length = 0
+    outStarts = []
+    outSizes = []
+    for i in range(transcript.exonCount-1,-1,-1):
+        exonStartPos = transcript.chromStart + transcript.exonStarts[i]
+        exonEndPos = exonStartPos + transcript.exonSizes[i]
+        if chromEnd is None and cdnaStartPos < sum(transcript.exonSizes[i:]):
+            cdnaStartExon = i
+            # subtract a little bit from the right side of the exon block
+            # if you were looking at the exon in the browser. the sum
+            # takes care of when we start in say the 4th exon out of 12 or something
+            chromEnd = transcript.chromStart + transcript.exonStarts[i] + (sum(transcript.exonSizes[i:]) - cdnaStartPos)
+            outStarts = transcript.exonStarts[:i+1]
+            outSizes = transcript.exonSizes[:i]
+            # the size of this exon is the old size minus how many bases into this exon
+            # the cndaStartPos is
+            outSizes += [transcript.exonSizes[i] - (exonEndPos - chromEnd)]
+        if chromStart is None and cdnaEndPos <= sum(transcript.exonSizes[i:]):
+            cdnaEndExon = i
+            chromStart = transcript.chromStart + transcript.exonStarts[i] + (sum(transcript.exonSizes[i:]) - cdnaEndPos)
+            # adjust all the chromStarts according to our new choice
+            outStarts = [0] + [x - (chromStart - transcript.chromStart) for x in outStarts[i+1:]]
+            if cdnaEndExon != cdnaStartExon:
+                outSizes = [transcript.exonSizes[i] - (chromStart - exonStartPos)] + outSizes[i+1:]
+            else:
+                outSizes = [chromEnd - chromStart] + outSizes[i+1:]
+    pscore = score * 1000
+    if pscore > 1000:
+        pscore = 1000
+    ret = bedInfo(transcript.chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,, "%d" % int(pscore),
+        transcript.strand, chromStart, chromEnd, "255,0,0", cdnaStartExon-cdnaEndExon+1,
+        outSizes, outStarts)
+    checkAaLenToBlockLen(ret, transcript, cdnaEndPos, cdnaStartPos, aaStart, aaEnd)
+    sanityCheckBed12(ret)
+    return ret
+def aaToBedPosStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, transcript, lineNum):
+    """Convert an amino acid range like 1:50 to the corresponding genomic position, taking
+        into account exon blocks that define the coding sequence."""
+    cdnaStartPos = (aaStart - 1) * 3 # 0-based start
+    cdnaEndPos = (aaEnd * 3) # 0-based half open end
+    chromStart = None
+    chromEnd = None
+    cdnaStartExon = 0
+    cdnaEndExon = 0
+    length = 0
+    outStarts = []
+    outSizes = []
+    for i in range(transcript.exonCount):
+        exonStartPos = transcript.chromStart + transcript.exonStarts[i]
+        exonEndPos = exonStartPos + transcript.exonSizes[i]
+        if chromStart is None and cdnaStartPos < sum(transcript.exonSizes[:i+1]):
+            cdnaStartExon = i
+            chromStart = exonStartPos + (cdnaStartPos - sum(transcript.exonSizes[:i]))
+            outStarts.append(0)
+            outStarts += [x - (chromStart - transcript.chromStart) for x in transcript.exonStarts[i+1:]]
+            outSizes = [transcript.exonSizes[i] - (chromStart - exonStartPos)]
+            outSizes += [x for x in transcript.exonSizes[i+1:]]
+        if chromEnd is None and cdnaEndPos <= sum(transcript.exonSizes[:i+1]):
+            cdnaEndExon = i
+            chromEnd = exonStartPos + (cdnaEndPos - sum(transcript.exonSizes[:i]))
+            outSizes = outSizes[:cdnaEndExon-cdnaStartExon]
+            outSizes += [chromEnd - (chromStart + outStarts[cdnaEndExon-cdnaStartExon])]
+            outStarts = outStarts[:cdnaEndExon-cdnaStartExon+1]
+    pscore = score * 1000
+    if pscore > 1000:
+        pscore = 1000
+    ret = bedInfo(transcript.chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,, "%d" % int(pscore),
+        transcript.strand, chromStart, chromEnd, "255,0,0", cdnaEndExon-cdnaStartExon+1,
+        outSizes, outStarts)
+    checkAaLenToBlockLen(ret, transcript, cdnaEndPos, cdnaStartPos, aaStart, aaEnd)
+    sanityCheckBed12(ret, transcript)
+    return ret
+def aaToBedByStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, observed, expected, chi2, gene, transcript, lineNum):
+    """Dispatch to write function depending on strand."""
+    ret = []
+    if transcript.strand == "+":
+        ret = aaToBedPosStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, transcript, lineNum)
+    else:
+        ret = aaToBedNegStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, transcript, lineNum)
+    # now add the extra scoring information
+    color = findColor(score, chi2)
+    ret = ret._replace(itemRgb=color)
+    print("%s\t%s\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f" % (bedToStr(ret), gene, observed, expected, score, chi2))
+def aaToBed(aaFh, verbose):
+    """
+    Using the transcript dict, get the coordinates for an amino acid range in bed12 format.
+    Example input line:
+    ENST00000337907.3   RERE    1   1-507   8716356 8424825 97  197.9807    0.489947    51.505535   RERE_1
+    Example output line:
+    chr1    8424824 8716356 ENST00000337907.3   0.49    -   8424824 8716356 224,165,8   13  74,163,81,99,100,125,49,105,97,106,126,71,325   0,1047,57962,101160,130298,132640,143861,176448,191709,192652,249795,259544,291207 RERE 97 197.98 0.48 51.50
+    Example output line:
+    """
+    lineCount = 1
+    for line in aaFh:
+        if line.startswith('transcript'):
+            continue
+        splitLine = line.split('\t')
+        tx = splitLine[0]
+        gene = splitLine[1]
+        chrom = splitLine[2]
+        aaRange = splitLine[3]
+        observed = int(splitLine[6])
+        expected = float(splitLine[7])
+        score = float(splitLine[8])
+        chi2Val = float(splitLine[9])
+        try:
+            bedInfo = txDict[tx]
+            aaSeq = aaRange.split('-')
+            aaStart = int(aaSeq[0])
+            aaEnd = int(aaSeq[1])
+            for bed in bedInfo: # PAR region transcripts can have more than one
+                aaToBedByStrand(aaStart, aaEnd, score, observed, expected, chi2Val, gene, bed, lineCount)
+        except ValueError:
+            if verbose:
+                log("ERROR: transcript '%s' not found in transcripts file, line %d of input aa file" %
+                    (tx,lineCount))
+        lineCount += 1
+def main():
+    """open up the input bed12 and the input aa strings and call the converter."""
+    args = commandLine()
+    verbose = args.verbose
+    txFname = args.transcripts
+    aaFname = args.aaRanges
+    if txFname is not "-":
+        with open(txFname) as f:
+            txToDict(f)
+    else:
+        txToDict(sys.stdin)
+    if verbose:
+        log("%d transcripts added to transcript dict" % len(txDict))
+    if aaFname is not "-":
+        with open(aaFname) as f:
+            aaToBed(f, verbose)
+    else:
+        aaToBed(sys.stdin, verbose)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()