  Thu Jan 16 03:23:14 2020 -0800
adding knownAttrs to hgMirror always-download table list. refs #24741

diff --git src/hg/hgMirror/hgMirror src/hg/hgMirror/hgMirror
index 96e20bc..c0f347b 100755
--- src/hg/hgMirror/hgMirror
+++ src/hg/hgMirror/hgMirror
@@ -89,31 +89,31 @@
 # list of tables to exclude from track search
 REMOVESEARCH = ["wgEncodeGencodeBasicV19", "wgEncodeGencodeCompV17", "wgEncodeGencodeBasicV14", "wgEncodeGencodeBasicV17", "wgEncodeGencodeCompV14", "mgcFullMrna", "wgEncodeGencodeBasicV7", "orfeomeMrna", "wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneV14", "wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneV17", "wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneV19", "wgEncodeGencodeCompV7", "knownGeneOld6", "geneReviews", "transMapAlnSplicedEst", "gbCdnaInfo", "oreganno", "vegaPseudoGene", "transMapAlnMRna", "ucscGenePfam", "qPcrPrimers", "transMapAlnUcscGenes", "transMapAlnRefSeq", "genscan", "bacEndPairs", "fosEndPairs"]
 # list of tracks to hide by default
 FORCEHIDE = ["intronEst", "cons100way", "cons46way", "ucscRetroAli5", "mrna",
 # always copy these (small) tables for the current db, if they exist
 FORCETABLES = ['cytoBand', 'chromInfo', 'cytoBandIdeo', 'kgColor', \
     'knownGene', 'kgXref', 'ensemblLift', 'ucscToEnsembl','wgEncodeRegTfbsCells', \
     'tableList', 'refSeqStatus', 'wgEncodeRegTfbsCellsV3', 'extFile', 'trackDb', 'grp',
     'ucscRetroInfo5', "refLink", "ucscRetroSeq5", "ensemblLift", "knownCanonical",
     'gbExtFile', 'flyBase2004Xref',
     # for gencode/knownGene tracks and hg38 in particular
-    "knownToTag", "ncbiRefSeqLink", "ncbiRefSeqCurated", "gtexGeneModel", "gtexGene",
+    "knownToTag", "ncbiRefSeqLink", "ncbiRefSeqCurated", "gtexGeneModel", "gtexGene", "knownAttrs",
     # for faster searches
     'hgFindSpec', 'ensemblToGeneName', "ucscToINSDC",
     # these are almost required for searches, common tracks and not too big
     "ensGene", "xenoRefGene"
 # always copy these hgFixed tables
 FORCEFIXED = ['trackVersion']
 #FORCEFIXED = ['trackVersion', 'tableList']
 # big file table base URL
 # points to a http directory with <db>/bigFiles.tab files that tell us which bigfile goes to which track
 #BIGFILETABLEURL = "http://hgwdev.soe.ucsc.edu/~max/browserbox/%s/bigFiles.tab.gz" # %s == db
 BIGFILETABLEURL = "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/%s/database/bigFiles.txt.gz"