  Thu Feb 13 16:33:20 2020 -0800
added some new (old) config variables

diff --git src/product/ex.hg.conf src/product/ex.hg.conf
index 9df4a0b..1588d4e 100644
--- src/product/ex.hg.conf
+++ src/product/ex.hg.conf
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
 # Config file for the UCSC Human Genome server
 # the format is in the form of name/value pairs
 # written 'name=value' (note that there is no space between
 # the name and its value.
-#	This file last updated:
-#	$Id: ex.hg.conf,v 1.27 2010/06/10 05:16:06 markd Exp $
 # db.host is the name of the MySQL host to connect to
 #  high-volume sites will want a separate database server from the web server
 # db.user is the username is use when connecting to the specified db.host
 #	it needs read-only access.  The browser CGIs do not need
 #	read-write access to the database tables
 # db.password is the password to use with the specified db.user
 # if your MySQL system is configured for a different socket connection,
 # use the following variables to override the MySQL defaults:
 # db.socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
 # db.port=3306
@@ -428,31 +425,31 @@
 # enable user specific javascript
 # browser.javaScriptDir=js/<your logname>
 # enable user specific style directory (CSS files)
 # browser.styleDir=style-public
 # enable user specific style/images directory
 # browser.styleImagesDir=style/images-public
 # enable user specific css file
 # browser.style=/style/mystyle.css
 # enable user specific trix file for track search tool
 # does substitution on the $db variable
-# browser.trixFile=/gbdb/$db/trackDb.ix
+# browser.trixPath=/gbdb/$db/trackDb.ix
 # enable http(s) proxy support in net.c
 # if proxy server needs BASIC authentication
 # if some domain suffixes should not be proxied:
 # enable local file access for custom tracks
 # By default you have to supply http:// URLs for custom track data, e.g. in bigDataUrls
 # With this statement, you can allow loading from local files, as long as the path
@@ -568,15 +565,33 @@
 # hgMirror is currently only supported on the GBIB VirtualMachine
 # default is 0
 # allowHgMirror=1
 # use 2bit files instead of nib. This is only relevant in failover mode
 # e.g. on GBIB/GBIC on-line modes.  and for very old assemblies. 
 # Only the assemblies dm1, cb1, hg16, and sacCer1 default to using .nib
 # files. Default is no.
 # forceTwoBit=yes
 # Turn off option to save blat results as a custom track. Default is on.
 # useBlatBigPsl=off
 # number of sequences allowed to submit to on-line blat, default is 25
 # hgBlat.maxSequenceCount=25
+# use a database other than hgFixed for the location of genbank table like gbCdnaInfo
+# genbankDb=hgFixed
+# use a table other than clade to hold the mappings from clades to their labels
+# cladeTableName=clade
+# use a table other than genomeClade to hold the mappings from genome to clade
+# genomeCladeTableName=genomeClade
+# use a table other than defaultDb to hold the default assembly for a genome
+# defaultDbTableName=defaultDb
+# use a table other than dbDb to describe attributes of installed assemblies
+# dbDbTableName=dbDb
+# use a table other than userDb to describe the user database
+# userDbTableName=userDb