  Wed Jan 29 12:49:55 2020 -0800
Adding a doWiggle entry for custom track lines -and fixing a " needed in the page, refs #24857

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/customTrackText.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/customTrackText.html
index 74041b0..7ca861a 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/customTrackText.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/customTrackText.html
@@ -591,31 +591,31 @@
       <td>&le; 166</td>
       <td>&ge; 945</td></tr>
   <strong>group=<<em>group</em>></strong> - Defines the annotation track group in which the custom 
   track will display in the Genome Browser window. By default, <em>group</em> is set to 
   &quot;user&quot;, which causes custom tracks to display at the top of the track listing in the 
-  group &quot;Custom Tracks".  The value for &quot;group&quot; <strong>must</strong> be the 
+  group &quot;Custom Tracks&quot;.  The value for &quot;group&quot; <strong>must</strong> be the
   &quot;name&quot; of one of the predefined track groups. To get a list of allowable group names for
   an assembly, go to the table browser and select &quot;group: All Tables&quot; &quot;table: 
   grp&quot; and &quot;get output&quot; where entries in the &quot;name&quot; column may be used
   and some examples include &quot;genes&quot;,&quot;regulation&quot; and &quot;rna&quot;.<br> 
   (Note that mirrors may define other group names in the grp table and that the group setting does
   not work in track hubs, but does apply for assembly hubs.)</li>
   <strong>priority=<<em>priority</em>></strong> - When the <em>group</em> attribute is set, defines 
   the display position of the track relative to other tracks within the same group in the Genome 
   Browser window. If <em>group</em> is not set, the <em>priority</em> attribute defines the track's 
   order relative to other custom tracks displayed in the default group, &quot;user&quot;.</li> 
   <strong>db=<<em>UCSC_assembly_name</em>></strong> - When set, indicates the specific genome 
   assembly for which the annotation data is intended; the custom track manager will display an error
   if a user attempts to load the track onto a different assembly. Any valid UCSC assembly ID may be 
@@ -635,30 +635,40 @@
   this track. This URL will be used in the details page for the track. Any &quot;$$&quot;in this 
   string this will be substituted with the item name. There is no default for this attribute.</li> 
   <strong>htmlUrl=<<em>external_url</em>></strong> - Defines a URL for an HTML description page to 
   be displayed with this track. There is no default for this attribute.  A template for a standard 
   format HTML track description is <a class="change" target="_blank" 
   <strong>bigDataUrl=<<em>external_url</em>></strong> - Defines a URL to the data file for 
   <a href="../help/bam.html" target="_blank">BAM</a>,
   <a href="../help/cram.html" target="_blank">CRAM</a>,
   <a href="../help/bigBed.html" target="_blank">bigBed</a>,
   <a href="../help/bigWig.html" target="_blank">bigWig</a> or
   <a href="../help/vcf.html" target="_blank">VCF</a> tracks. This is a required attribute for those 
   track types. There is no default for this attribute.</li>
+  <li>
+  <strong>doWiggle=<<em>on</em>></strong> - The doWiggle setting enables BAM custom tracks
+  to be displayed as bar graphs where the height is proportional to the number of reads mapped
+  to each genomic position. This display is described as a density graph and is best viewed with
+  the track set to full and scaling set to auto-scale. See the Track Database Definition
+  <a href="../help/trackDb/trackDbHub.html#doWiggle" target="_blank">doWiggle entry</a>
+  for more information about the use in hubs and the
+  <a href="../help/hgBamTrackHelp" target="_blank">configuring BAM tracks</a> and the
+  <a href="../help/hgWiggleTrackHelp.html" target="_blank">configuring graph-based tracks</a>
+  help pages to learn how to further change the display.</li>
 Here is an example of a properly formatted track line using the bigBed format, with accompanying 
 browser line:</p>
 <pre><code>browser position chr21:33,031,597-33,041,570
 track type=bigBed name="bigBed Example One" description="A bigBed file" bigDataUrl=http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/bigBedExample.bb</code></pre>
 <a name="SHARE"></a>
 <h2>Sharing your annotation track with others</h2>
 To make your Genome Browser annotation track viewable by people on other machines or at other sites,
 follow the steps below.</p>
 <strong>Step 1.</strong> Put your formatted annotation file on your web site. Be sure that the file 
 permissions allow it to be read by others.</p>