e14906744b1316f4d4c2abc81b69168ac070d5ad max Wed Feb 5 03:10:21 2020 -0800 adding note about precooked gtf files to table browser, refs #24810 diff --git src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c index b78cd71..1c93157 100644 --- src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c +++ src/hg/hgTables/mainPage.c @@ -363,43 +363,61 @@ { struct outputType *ot; char *outputType = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaOutputType, otList->name); if (otDefault != NULL && otDefault != otList) { boolean otInOtList = FALSE; for (ot = otList; ot != NULL; ot = ot->next) if (sameString(ot->name, outputType)) { otInOtList = TRUE; break; } if (! otInOtList) outputType = otDefault->name; } -hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\">", hgtaOutputType); +hPrintf("<SELECT id='outputTypeDropdown' NAME=\"%s\">", hgtaOutputType); for (ot = otList; ot != NULL; ot = ot->next) { hPrintf(" <OPTION VALUE=%s", ot->name); if (sameString(ot->name, outputType)) hPrintf(" SELECTED"); if (sameString(ot->name, outBed) || sameString(ot->name, outWigBed)) hPrintf(" id=\"outBed\""); hPrintf(">%s\n", ot->label); } hPrintf("</SELECT>\n"); hPrintf(" "); +hPrintf("<DIV style='display:none; opacity:0.9; border: 1px solid #EEE; margin: 2px; padding: 4px' id='gffNote'>" + "<b>Note:</b> Table Browser GTF files contain transcripts, but no gene identifiers or symbols.<br> " + "If you are looking for fully formatted " + "gene model files for use in genome analysis pipelines,<br>check the " + "<a href='https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/%s/bigZips/genes'>bigZips/genes</a> " + "directory on our download server.</DIV>", database); +hPrintf(" "); + +jsInline("function checkGtfNote() {" + "if (document.getElementById('outputTypeDropdown').value==='gff') " + " document.getElementById('gffNote').style.display=''; " + "else " + " document.getElementById('gffNote').style.display='none'; " + "}" + "$(document).ready(checkGtfNote);\n" +); +jsOnEventById("change", "outputTypeDropdown", "checkGtfNote()"); + if (!cfgOptionBooleanDefault("hgta.disableSendOutput", FALSE)) { hPrintf(" Send output to "); struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256); dyStringAppend(dy, "document.getElementById('checkboxGreat').checked=false;"); if (isGenomeSpaceEnabled()) dyStringAppend(dy, "document.getElementById('checkboxGenomeSpace').checked=false;"); dyStringAppend(dy, "return true;"); cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId("sendToGalaxy", doGalaxy(), "checkboxGalaxy"); jsOnEventById("click", "checkboxGalaxy", dy->string); hPrintf("<A HREF=\""GALAXY_URL_BASE"\" target=_BLANK>Galaxy</A>\n"); nbSpaces(2);