  Thu Mar 19 12:51:40 2020 -0700
document the procedure refs #24547

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/assemblyEquivalence/README.txt src/hg/makeDb/doc/assemblyEquivalence/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3bed6b
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/assemblyEquivalence/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Procedure to determine equivalence between assemblies
+The process is to compare md5sums of each assembly to determine
+exact matches.  When there isn't an exact match, them compare
+the md5sums of each sequence to determine how many match with
+each other.  With enough matches, a partial equivalence can be
+established.  There are sometimes small differences due to:
+  1. different or non-existing chrM/MT sequence between assemblies
+  2. duplicated sequences are usually eliminated in UCSC assemblies
+  3. elimination of sequences under a size limit, for example,
+     do not use any sequences under 100 bases in length
+The md5sums are calculated with the automatic script:
+which only needs a 2bit file to perform the calculation.  There are
+two files created by this process:
+  1. <assemblyName>.idKeys.txt - individual md5sum of each sequence
+  2. <assemblyName>.keySignature.txt - md5sum of all the individual idKeys sums
+                    This is a single md5sum for the whole assembly
+There are five different sources of sequence that will be compared:
+1. UCSC database browser genomes
+2. NCBI RefSeq assemblies
+3. NCBI Genbank assemblies
+4. Ensembl assemblies
+XXX 5. UCSC assembly hub genomes - maybe, this is the same ID as RefSeq/Genbank
+Priority will go to exact matches.  If there is an exact match,
+the partial matches will not be checked.  When there is no exact match,
+the closest partial match will be used.
+Working directory:
+Ensembl version 99 sequences were downloaded to:
+  /hive/data/outside/ensembl/genomes/release-99/fasta/
+The 'idKeys' signatures for these sequences were calculated in:
+  /hive/data/outside/ensembl/genomes/release-99/idKeys/
+A typical run of idKeys in one of those directories, for
+  cat /hive/data/outside/ensembl/genomes/release-99/idKeys/Vicugna_pacos/
+set -beEu -o pipefail
+cd /hive/data/outside/ensembl/genomes/release-99/idKeys/Vicugna_pacos -buildDir=`pwd` -twoBit=`pwd`/Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.2bit "Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1"
+All of these were set up with scripts to run them in parallel,
+the 2bit files was constructed from the fasta, then this procedure was run which creates the two files of interest:
+# -rw-rw-r-- 1  14164089 Jan 21 21:58 Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.idKeys.txt
+# -rw-rw-r-- 1        33 Jan 21 21:58 Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.keySignature.txt
+The keySignature.txt is a single md5sum of all the individual sequence
+md5sums in the idKeys.txt file.  For example:
+cat Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.keySignature.txt
+head Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.idKeys.txt
+000052eec7a560c419098fe75ce59ccd        scaffold_62780
+00008c4565756b4429fabffa2e374b2c        scaffold_15650
+00012aaa1678d5651863671f53c66e3e        scaffold_138339
+00014ee45a4daceca84ba8d39c05fa93        scaffold_24830
+00016bdfe2b6c9cd9d3145bc59057443        scaffold_195552
+... etc ...
+##### Gather the Ensembl keySignatures  ####################################
+mkdir /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/Ensembl
+cd /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/Ensembl
+# There is a single file with all the name correspondences that will be useful:
+time  rsync -av --stats rsync:// ./
+real    0m1.644s
+find /hive/data/outside/ensembl/genomes/release-99/idKeys -type f \
+  | grep keySignature.txt | while read K
+  id=`basename "${K}" | sed -e 's/.keySignature.txt//;'`
+  keySig=`cat "${K}"`
+  printf "%s\t%s\n" "${keySig}" "${id}"
+done | sort -k1,1 > ens99.keySignatures.txt
+##### Gather the UCSC database genomes keySignatures  ######################
+mkdir /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/ucscDb
+cd /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/ucscDb
+### Avoiding an expensive 'find' operation on the hive directories, just
+### check for specific named files:
+ls -d /hive/data/genomes/* | while read dbDir
+  db=`basename "${dbDir}"`
+  keySig="${dbDir}/bed/idKeys/${db}.keySignature.txt"
+  if [ -s "${keySig}" ]; then
+     keySig=`cat "${keySig}"`
+     printf "%s\t%s\n" "${keySig}" "${db}"
+  fi
+done | sort -k1,1 > ucscDb.keySignatures.txt
+##### Gather the NCBI Refseq keySignatures  ######################
+mkdir /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/refseq
+cd /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/refseq
+### the maxdepth and mindepth seems to help speed up the find a lot, rather
+### then letting run it without any limits:
+find /hive/data/genomes/asmHubs/refseqBuild/GCF \
+    -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 4 -type d | while read buildDir
+  asmId=`basename "${buildDir}"`
+  keySig="${buildDir}/trackData/idKeys/${asmId}.keySignature.txt"
+  if [ -s "${keySig}" ]; then
+     keySig=`cat "${keySig}"`
+     printf "%s\t%s\n" "${keySig}" "${asmId}"
+  fi
+done | sort -k1,1 > refseq.keySignatures.txt
+##### Gather the NCBI genbank keySignatures  ######################
+mkdir /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/genbank
+cd /hive/data/inside/assemblyEquivalence/genbank
+find /hive/data/genomes/asmHubs/genbankBuild/GCA \
+    -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 4 -type d | while read buildDir
+  asmId=`basename "${buildDir}"`
+  keySig="${buildDir}/trackData/idKeys/${asmId}.keySignature.txt"
+  if [ -s "${keySig}" ]; then
+     keySig=`cat "${keySig}"`
+     printf "%s\t%s\n" "${keySig}" "${asmId}"
+  fi
+done | sort -k1,1 > genbank.keySignatures.txt