03c00c97bfb4666cbc74b63bf06a62948ff643ee angie Sun Apr 19 14:36:54 2020 -0700 Add -f now that I'm write-protecting the timestamped ncov.json copies. refs #25188 diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/nextstrainNcov/doUpdate.sh src/hg/utils/otto/nextstrainNcov/doUpdate.sh index 8f25ca2..06d02bd 100755 --- src/hg/utils/otto/nextstrainNcov/doUpdate.sh +++ src/hg/utils/otto/nextstrainNcov/doUpdate.sh @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail # Do not modify this script, modify the source tree copy: # kent/src/hg/utils/nextstrainNcov/doUpdate.sh ottoDir=/hive/data/outside/otto/nextstrainNcov chromSizes=/hive/data/genomes/wuhCor1/chrom.sizes gbdbDir=/gbdb/wuhCor1/nextstrain ncovJsonUrl='https://nextstrain.org/charon/getDataset?prefix=/ncov/global' cd $ottoDir # The file is named .json, but is actually gzipped, so gunzip it. curl -s "$ncovJsonUrl" \ | gunzip -c > ncov.json curl -s -I "$ncovJsonUrl" \ | grep Last-Mod | sed -re 's/Last-Modified: //; s/\r//;' \ > ncov.json.date latestDate=$(cat ncov.json.date) oldDate=$(cat old.ncov.json.date) if [ $(date -d "$latestDate" +%s) -le $(date -d "$oldDate" +%s) ]; then exit 0 fi today=`date +%F` mkdir -p $today ncovTime=$(date -d "$latestDate" +%F-%H:%M) cp -p ncov.json $today/ncov.$ncovTime.json mv ncov.json old.ncov.json mv ncov.json.date old.ncov.json.date runDir=$ottoDir/$today cd $runDir chmod 444 ncov.$ncovTime.json ln -sf ncov.$ncovTime.json ncov.json #Generate bed and VCF files $ottoDir/nextstrain.py # bgzip & tabix the VCF files bgzip -f nextstrainSamples.vcf tabix -p vcf nextstrainSamples.vcf.gz for clade in A1a A2 A2a A3 A6 A7 B B1 B2 B4; do bgzip -f nextstrainSamples$clade.vcf tabix -p vcf nextstrainSamples$clade.vcf.gz done # bigBed-ify the gene names and "clades" bedToBigBed -type=bed4 -tab -verbose=0 nextstrainGene.bed $chromSizes \ nextstrainGene.bb sort -k2n,2n nextstrainClade.bed > nextstrainClade.sorted.bed bedToBigBed -as=$ottoDir/nextstrainClade.as -type=bed12+7 -tab -verbose=0 \ nextstrainClade.sorted.bed $chromSizes \ nextstrainClade.bb # Archive mkdir -p $ottoDir/archive/$today -cp -p $runDir/nextstrainGene.bb $runDir/nextstrainClade.bb \ +cp -pf $runDir/nextstrainGene.bb $runDir/nextstrainClade.bb \ $runDir/nextstrainSamples*.vcf.gz{,.tbi} \ $runDir/nextstrain*.nh \ $runDir/ncov.json \ $ottoDir/archive/$today # Install ln -sf $runDir/nextstrainGene.bb $runDir/nextstrainClade.bb \ $runDir/nextstrainSamples*.vcf.gz{,.tbi} \ $runDir/nextstrain*.nh \ $gbdbDir/ echo "Updated nextstrain/ncov `date` (ncov.json date $latestDate)"