  Tue Apr 21 12:49:51 2020 -0700
Changing track descriptions and labels of clinvar and lovd tracks to reflect changes to length cutoff for the cnv and short variants

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/lovdComp.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/lovdComp.html
index 79a8fec..aaf7918 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/lovdComp.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/lovdComp.html
@@ -22,32 +22,32 @@
 for a list of database installations and the respective curators. </p></div>
 This track shows the genomic positions of all <b>public</b> entries in public
 installations of the Leiden Open Variation Database system (<a
 href="http://www.lovd.nl/3.0/home" target="_blank">LOVD</a>) and the effect of the 
 variant, if annotated.  
 Due to the copyright restrictions of the LOVD databases, UCSC is not allowed to
 host any further information.  To get details on a variant (bibliographic
 reference, phenotype, disease, patient, etc.), follow the
 &quot;Link to LOVD&quot; to the central server at Leiden, which will then redirect you
 to the details page on the particular LOVD server reporting this variant.
-Since Nov 2019, similar to the ClinVar track, the data is split into two subtracks, for variants
-with a length of &lt;= 100bp and &gt;100bp, respectively.
+Since Apr 2020, similar to the ClinVar track, the data is split into two subtracks, for variants
+with a length of &lt; 50bp and &gt;=100bp, respectively.
 LOVD is a flexible, freely-available tool for gene-centered collection and
 display of DNA variations.  It is not a database itself, but rather a platform
 where curators store and analyze data.  While the LOVD team and the biggest LOVD
 sites are run at the Leiden University Medical Center, LOVD installations and their
 curators are spread over the whole world. Most LOVD databases report at least 
 some of their content back to Leiden to allow global cross-database search, which
 is, among others, exported to this UCSC Genome Browser track every month.
 A few LOVD databases are entirely missing from this track. Reasons include configuration issues and
 intentionally blocked data search. During the last check in November 2019, the following databases
 did not export any variants: