  Tue Apr 28 12:29:40 2020 -0700
Support TPM in GTEx V8 gene expression. refs #25130

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/gtexTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/gtexTracks.c
index 6a0ac36..0162d2b 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/gtexTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/gtexTracks.c
@@ -907,40 +907,41 @@
     bottomGraphHeight = max(gtexGeneGraphHeight(tg, geneInfo, FALSE),
                                 tl.fontHeight) + gtexGeneMargin();
 height = topGraphHeight + bottomGraphHeight + gtexGeneMargin() + 
 return height;
 static int gtexGeneItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
 int height = gtexGeneItemHeightOptionalMax(tg, item, FALSE);
 return height;
 static char *tissueExpressionText(struct gtexTissue *tissue, double expScore, 
-                                        boolean doLogTransform, char *qualifier)
+                                        boolean doLogTransform, char *qualifier, char *version)
 /* Construct mouseover text for tissue graph */
 static char buf[128];
-doLogTransform = FALSE; // for now, always display expression level on graph as raw RPKM
-safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s (%.1f %s%s%sRPKM)", tissue->description, 
+doLogTransform = FALSE; // for now, always display expression level on graph as raw RPKM/TPM
+safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s (%.1f %s%s%s%s)", tissue->description, 
                                 doLogTransform ? log10(expScore+1.0) : expScore,
                                 qualifier != NULL ? qualifier : "",
                                 qualifier != NULL ? " " : "",
-                                doLogTransform ? "log " : "");
+                                doLogTransform ? "log " : "",
+                                sameString(version, "V8") ? "TPM" : "RPKM");
 return buf;
 static void getItemX(int start, int end, int *x1, int *x2)
 /* Return startX, endX based on item coordinates and current window */
 // Residual (largely replaced by drawScaledBox -- still used by gene model bmap box
 int s = max(start, winStart);
 int e = min(end, winEnd);
 double scale = scaleForWindow(insideWidth, winStart, winEnd);
 *x1 = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale + insideX);
 *x2 = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale + insideX);
@@ -1021,42 +1022,44 @@
 int i = 0;
 double viewMax = (double)cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, 
                                 GTEX_MAX_VIEW_LIMIT, GTEX_MAX_VIEW_LIMIT_DEFAULT);
 for (tissue = tissues; tissue != NULL; tissue = tissue->next, i++)
     if (!filterTissue(tg, tissue->name))
     double expScore =  (geneInfo->medians1 ? geneInfo->medians1[i] : geneBed->expScores[i]);
     int height = valToClippedHeight(expScore, maxMedian, viewMax, 
                                         gtexMaxGraphHeight(), extras->doLogTransform);
     char *qualifier = NULL;
     if (extras->isComparison && extras->isDifference)
         qualifier = "F-M";
     mapBoxHc(hvg, geneStart, geneEnd, x1, yZero-height, barWidth, height, tg->track, mapItemName,  
-                tissueExpressionText(tissue, expScore, extras->doLogTransform, qualifier));
+                tissueExpressionText(tissue, expScore, extras->doLogTransform, qualifier, 
+                                        extras->version));
     // add map box to comparison graph
     if (geneInfo->medians2)
         double expScore = geneInfo->medians2[i];
         int height = valToClippedHeight(expScore, maxMedian, viewMax, 
                                         gtexMaxGraphHeight(), extras->doLogTransform);
         int y = yZero + gtexGeneModelHeight(extras) + gtexGeneMargin();  // y is top of bottom graph
         if (extras->isComparison && extras->isDifference)
             qualifier = "M-F";
         mapBoxHc(hvg, geneStart, geneEnd, x1, y, barWidth, height, tg->track, mapItemName,
-                tissueExpressionText(tissue, expScore, extras->doLogTransform, qualifier));
+                tissueExpressionText(tissue, expScore, extras->doLogTransform, qualifier, 
+                                        extras->version));
     x1 = x1 + barWidth + padding;
 // add map boxes with description to gene model
 if (geneInfo->geneModel && geneInfo->description)
     // perhaps these are just start, end ?
     int itemStart = geneInfo->geneModel->txStart;
     int itemEnd = gtexGeneItemEnd(tg, item);
     int x1, x2;
     getItemX(itemStart, itemEnd, &x1, &x2);
     int w = x2-x1;
     int labelWidth = mgFontStringWidth(tl.font, itemName);
     if (x1-labelWidth <= insideX)