  Mon Apr 27 17:59:12 2020 -0700
Update GTEx gene track click handler and track settings to handle V8 (add Kidney Medulla tissue, support TPM and RPKM). refs #25130

diff --git src/hg/js/hgGtexTrackSettings.js src/hg/js/hgGtexTrackSettings.js
index 6df6dfb..61fe4bd 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgGtexTrackSettings.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgGtexTrackSettings.js
@@ -1,424 +1,425 @@
 // gexTrackSettings - Interactive features for GTEX Body Map version of GTEx Gene track UI page
 // Copyright (C) 2016 The Regents of the University of California
 // This file contains a single module that encapsulates all javascript data and functions used to manage
 // the hgGtexTrackSettings page, which is initially generated by the hgGtexTrackSettings CGI.  
 // The page contains an SVG format illustration of a human body with tissues, 
 // and a companion list of the same tissues. The tissues are based on the  GTEx Project, and total 53.
 // Users can interact with either the illustration or the list, and any selections they make will be 
 // reflected in the other.  The interactions are click (select/unselect) or hover (highlight the tissue
 // in the body map).  There are 53 total tissues -- the GTEx Consortium set.  Tissue abbreviations and
 // colors used in the UI are from the hgFixed.gtexTissue table.
 // Each tissue is represented in the SVG by:
 //      1. shape                <path id=$tissue_Pic_Lo>
 //      2. highlighted shape    <path id=$tissue_Pic_Hi>
 //      3. highlight surround   <path id=$tissue_Aura_Hi>
 //      4. label                <text id=$tissue_Text_Hi>
 //      5. leader line          <line | polyline id=$tissue_Lead_Hi>
 // Implementation note: jQuery is used below where effective.  Some SVG manipulation 
 //  (e.g. add/remove/toggle classes) don't work from jQuery, so code for that is raw javascript
 var gtexTrackSettings = (function() {
     // Globals
     var _svgDoc; // SVG has its own DOM
     var _svgRoot;
     // Highlighted tissue is drawn last so it is on top
     var _topTissueId = 'topTissue';
     var _topTissueName = null;
     var _topTissue;     // element
     var _topAura;       // element
     var _topLine;       // element
     var TEXT_HI = '_Text_Hi';
     var LEAD_HI = '_Lead_Hi';
     var AURA_HI = '_Aura_Hi';
     var PIC_HI = '_Pic_Hi';
     var PIC_LO = '_Pic_Lo';
     var COLOR_BLACK = 'black';
     var COLOR_BLUE = 'blue';
     var COLOR_GRAY = '#737373';
     var COLOR_PINK = '#F69296';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_SELECTED = 'gbmTissueSelected';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_HOVERED = 'gbmTissueHovered';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_LABEL = 'gbmTissueLabel';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_COLOR_PATCH = 'gbmTissueColorPatch';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_HOVERED_COLOR = 'gbmTissueHoveredColor';
     var CLASS_TISSUE_UNSELECTED_COLOR = 'gbmTissueNotSelectedColor';
-    // 53 tissues from GTEx, as in hgTracks.gtexTissue table
+    // 54 tissues from GTEx, as in hgTracks.gtexTissue table
+    // NOTE: kidneyMedulla was added in V8
     // TODO: Consider generating this list during make, to an auxiliary .js file
     var tissues = [
         'adiposeSubcut', 'adiposeVisceral', 'adrenalGland', 'arteryAorta', 'arteryCoronary', 
         'arteryTibial', 'bladder', 'brainAmygdala', 'brainAnCinCortex', 'brainCaudate', 
         'brainCerebelHemi', 'brainCerebellum', 'brainCortex', 'brainFrontCortex', 
         'brainHippocampus', 'brainHypothalamus', 'brainNucAccumbens', 'brainPutamen', 
         'brainSpinalcord', 'brainSubstanNigra', 'breastMamTissue', 'xformedlymphocytes',
         'xformedfibroblasts', 'ectocervix', 'endocervix', 'colonSigmoid', 'colonTransverse',
         'esophagusJunction', 'esophagusMucosa', 'esophagusMuscular', 'fallopianTube', 
         'heartAtrialAppend', 'heartLeftVentricl', 'kidneyCortex', 'liver', 'lung', 
         'minorSalivGland', 'muscleSkeletal', 'nerveTibial', 'ovary', 'pancreas', 'pituitary', 
         'prostate', 'skinNotExposed', 'skinExposed', 'smallIntestine', 'spleen', 'stomach', 
-        'testis', 'thyroid', 'uterus', 'vagina', 'wholeBlood'
+        'testis', 'thyroid', 'uterus', 'vagina', 'wholeBlood', 'kidneyMedulla'
     // Convenience functions
     function tissueFromSvgId(svgId) {
         // Get tissue name from an SVG id. Convention here is <tis>_*
         return svgId.split('_')[0];
     function setMapTissueElColor(el) {
         // Change appearance of label in body map. This function is part of setTissue(),
         // used at initialization time (when other element attributes are already set by CGI)
         // NOTE: label may be consist of multiple text elements, so traverse children
         // TODO: Try replacing with CSS (First attempt resulted in black only after mouseover!)
         if (el === null) {
         el.style.fill = COLOR_SELECTED;
         var count = el.childElementCount;
         for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
             el.children[i].style.fill = COLOR_SELECTED;
     function clearMapTissueElColor(el) {
         // Change appearance of label in body map.
         // NOTE: label may be consist of multiple text elements, so traverse children
         // TODO: Try replacing with CSS
         if (el === null) {
         el.style.fill = COLOR_UNSELECTED;
         var count = el.childElementCount;
         for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
             el.children[i].style.fill = COLOR_UNSELECTED;
     function setTissue(tis) {
         // Mark selected in tissue list and body map
         var $tis = $('#' + tis);
         // Change appearance of color patch in tissue list
         var colorPatch = $tis.prev('.' + CLASS_TISSUE_COLOR_PATCH);
         var tisColor = colorPatch.data('tissueColor');  // data function prefixes 'data-' to class
         colorPatch.css('background-color', tisColor);
                 // TODO: less obfuscated approach to colored border
         // Set hidden input checkbox, for cart
         $('#' + tis + ' > input').attr('checked', true);
         // Change appearance of label in body map
         var el = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + TEXT_HI);
         if (el !== null) {
     function clearTissue(tis) {
         // Unselect in tissue table and body map
         var $tis = $('#' + tis);
         // Change appearance of color patch in tissue list
         colorPatch = $tis.prev('.' + CLASS_TISSUE_COLOR_PATCH);
         // Clear hidden input checkbox
         $('#' + tis + ' > input').attr('checked', false);
         // Change appearance of label in body map
         var el = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + TEXT_HI);
         if (el !== null) {
     function toggleTissue(tis) {
         // Select/unselect tissue in list and body map
         var $tis = $('#' + tis);
         if ($tis.hasClass(CLASS_TISSUE_SELECTED)) {
         } else {
     function highlightTissue(tis) {
         // Highlight tissue label and color patch in tissue table
         toggleHighlightTissue(tis, true);
     function unHighlightTissue(tis) {
         toggleHighlightTissue(tis, false);
     function toggleHighlightTissue(tis, isHovered) {
         // Highlight/unhighlight tissue in body map and tissue table
         // Highlight tissue label and color patch in tissue table
         var $tis = $('#' + tis);
         if (tis === null) {
         if (isHovered && _topTissueName !== null) {
         $tis.toggleClass(CLASS_TISSUE_HOVERED, isHovered);
         var $colorPatch = $tis.prev('.' + CLASS_TISSUE_COLOR_PATCH);
         $colorPatch.toggleClass(CLASS_TISSUE_HOVERED_COLOR, isHovered);
         // Highlight tissue in body map by changing text appearance, visually moving organ to top
         // and adding a white (or sometimes blue if white background) surround ('aura')
         // Highlight tissue label in body map
         // TODO:  Try jQuery here
         var textEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + TEXT_HI);
         if (textEl === null) {
         // TODO: unify with text styling below.  Perhaps just add class to children will do it.
         textEl.classList.toggle(CLASS_TISSUE_HOVERED, isHovered);
         var lineEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + LEAD_HI);
         var pic = $('#' + tis + PIC_HI, _svgRoot);
         var picEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + PIC_HI);
         var aura = $('#' + tis + AURA_HI, _svgRoot);
         var auraEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + AURA_HI);
         var textLineCount = textEl.childElementCount;
         var i;
         if (isHovered) {
             textEl.style.fill = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT;
             for (i = 0; i < textLineCount; i++) {
                 textEl.children[i].style.fill = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT;
             if (lineEl !== null) {     // cell types lack leader lines
                 lineEl.style.stroke = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT;
             var topAura = auraEl.cloneNode(true);
             topAura.id = 'topAura';
             _topAura = _svgRoot.appendChild(topAura);
             var topTissue = picEl.cloneNode(true);
             topTissue.addEventListener('mouseleave', onMapLeaveTissue);
             topTissue.id = _topTissueId;
             _topTissueName = tis;
             _topTissue = _svgRoot.appendChild(topTissue);
             var topLine = lineEl.cloneNode(true);
             topLine.id = 'topLine';
             _topLine = _svgRoot.appendChild(topLine);
         } else {
             var color = textEl.classList.contains(CLASS_TISSUE_SELECTED) ? 
                                 COLOR_SELECTED : COLOR_UNSELECTED;
             textEl.style.fill = color;
             for (i = 0; i < textLineCount; i++) {
                 textEl.children[i].style.fill = color;
             if (lineEl !== null) {     // cell types lack leader lines
                 lineEl.style.stroke = COLOR_LEADER;      // pink
             _topTissueName = null;
     // Event handlers
     function onClickSetAll() {
         // Set all on body map and tissue list
     function onClickClearAll() {
         // Clear all on body map and tissue list
     function onClickToggleTissue(ev) {
         // Select/unselect from tissue list
         tis = ev.data;
     function onMapClickToggleTissue(ev) {
         // Select/unselect from illustration
         var svgId = ev.currentTarget.id;
         var tis = tissueFromSvgId(svgId);
     function onEnterTissue(ev) {
         // Mouseover on label in tissue list
     function onLeaveTissue(ev) {
         // Mouseover on label in tissue list
     function onMapEnterTissue(ev) {
         // Mouseover on tissue shape or label in illustration
         var svgId = ev.currentTarget.id;
         var tis = (svgId === _topTissueId ? _topTissueName :  tissueFromSvgId(svgId));
     function onMapLeaveTissue(ev) {
         // Mouseover on tissue shape or label in illustration
         var toTarget = ev.relatedTarget;
         var toParent;
         //  Handle case where lower and upper shapes are not the same.  If leaving lower to enter upper, we are not really leaving
         if (toTarget) {
             if (toTarget.id === _topTissueId) {
             //  Handle case where there are multiple paths for the tissue, and topTissue will be a parent
             toParent = toTarget.parentElement;
             if (toParent && toParent.id === _topTissueId) {
         var svgId = ev.currentTarget.id;
         var tis = (svgId === _topTissueId ? _topTissueName :  tissueFromSvgId(svgId));
     function submitForm() {
     // Submit the form (from GO button -- as in hgGateway.js)
     // Show a spinner -- sometimes it takes a while for hgTracks to start displaying.
         $('.gbIconGo').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-spinner fa-spin');
         $form = $('form');
     function toggleShowSampleCount() {
     // Show or hide sample counts in tissue table
         var sampleCount = $('.gbmTissueSampleCount')[0];
         if ($(sampleCount).is(':visible')) {
         } else {
     // Initialization
     function initTissue(tis) {
         // Set tissue to unhighlighted state
         $('#' + tis + PIC_HI, _svgRoot).hide();
         $('#' + tis + AURA_HI, _svgRoot).hide();
         // Mark tissue labels in svg
         var textEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + TEXT_HI);
         if (textEl !== null) {
             if ($('#' + tis).hasClass(CLASS_TISSUE_SELECTED)) {
     function initBodyMap() {
         // Set organs to unhighlighted state
     function animateTissue(tis) {
         // Add event handlers to body map and tissue list
         // Add click and mouseover handler to tissue label in tissue list
         var $tis = $('#' + tis);
         $tis.click(tis, onClickToggleTissue);
         $tis.mouseenter(tis, onEnterTissue);
         $tis.mouseleave(tis, onLeaveTissue);
         // Add click and mouseover handler to color patch in tissue list
         var $colorPatch = $tis.prev('.' + CLASS_TISSUE_COLOR_PATCH);
         $colorPatch.click(tis, onClickToggleTissue);
         $colorPatch.mouseenter(tis, onEnterTissue);
         $colorPatch.mouseleave(tis, onLeaveTissue);
         // Add mouseover and click handlers to tissue label in body map
         var textEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + TEXT_HI);
         if (textEl !== null) {
             textEl.addEventListener('click', onMapClickToggleTissue);
             textEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', onMapEnterTissue);
             textEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', onMapLeaveTissue);
         // add mouseover and click handlers to tissue shape
         var picEl = _svgDoc.getElementById(tis + PIC_LO);
         if (picEl !== null) {
             picEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', onMapEnterTissue);
             picEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', onMapLeaveTissue);
             picEl.addEventListener('mouseup', onMapClickToggleTissue);
     function animateTissues() {
         // Add event handlers to tissue table and body map SVG
     function initSvg() {
         var svgEl = document.getElementById('bodyMapSvg');
         _svgDoc = svgEl.contentDocument;
         _svgRoot = _svgDoc.documentElement;
     function init() {
         // cart.setCgi('gtexTrackSettings');
         $(function() {
             // After SVG load, tweak layout and initialize event handlers
             document.getElementById('bodyMapSvg').addEventListener('load', initSvg, false);
             // hide/show of sample counts
     return {
             init: init
 }()); // gtexTrackSettings