  Wed May 27 18:34:11 2020 -0700
added -timeout=1 and -host=blat1a options

diff --git src/inc/net.h src/inc/net.h
index e24ba07..162b546 100644
--- src/inc/net.h
+++ src/inc/net.h
@@ -12,30 +12,36 @@
 #include "internet.h"
 #define DEFAULTCONNECTTIMEOUTMSEC 10000  /* default connect timeout for tcp in milliseconds */
 #define DEFAULTREADWRITETTIMEOUTSEC 120  /* default read/write timeout for tcp in seconds */
 #define MAXURLSIZE 4096 /* maximum size in characters for a URL, but also see the struct netParsedUrl definition */
 int setReadWriteTimeouts(int sd, int seconds);
 /* Set read and write timeouts on socket sd 
  * Return -1 if there are any errors, 0 if successful. */
 /* add a failure to connFailures[]
  *  which can save time and avoid more timeouts */
 int netConnect(char *hostName, int port);
 /* Start connection with a server having resolved port. Return < 0 if error. */
+int netConnectWithTimeout(char *hostName, int port, long msTimeout);
+/* In order to avoid a very long default timeout (several minutes) for hosts that will
+* not answer the port, we are forced to connect non-blocking.
+* After the connection has been established, we return to blocking mode.
+* Also closes sd if error. */
 int netMustConnect(char *hostName, int port);
 /* Start connection with server or die. */
 int netMustConnectTo(char *hostName, char *portName);
 /* Start connection with a server and a port that needs to be converted to integer */
 int netAcceptingSocket(int port, int queueSize);
 /* Create an IPV6 socket that can accept connections from 
  * both IPV4 and IPV6 clients on the current machine. */
 int netAccept(int sd);
 /* Accept incoming connection from socket descriptor. */
 int netAcceptFrom(int acceptor, struct cidr *subnet);
 /* Wait for incoming connection from socket descriptor