  Wed May 13 08:11:17 2020 -0700
making a few fixes to genbankToBigGenePred, refs #25114

diff --git src/utils/genbankToBigGenePred src/utils/genbankToBigGenePred
index 60d6279..fb0af70 100755
--- src/utils/genbankToBigGenePred
+++ src/utils/genbankToBigGenePred
@@ -1,205 +1,205 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import logging, sys, optparse, json, subprocess
 from collections import defaultdict
 from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile, expanduser
 from Bio import SeqIO # not found? Install with pip --user install biopython --upgrade
 # ==== functions =====
 def parseArgs():
     " setup logging, parse command line arguments and options. -h shows auto-generated help page "
     parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] filename")
     parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages")
     #parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") 
     #parser.add_option("", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="do something") 
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
     if args==[]:
     if options.debug:
     return args, options
 def writeQualifiers(ft, ofh):
     for key, vals in ft.qualifiers.items():
 doneProducts = set() # products can be duplicated. let's just skip anything with a duplicated name for now
 def writeFeatures(ft, chromName, ofh, isGenePred=False, rec=None, nameField="type"):
     global doneProducts
     strand = "+"
     if ft.strand==-1:
         strand = "-"
     elif ft.strand==0:
         strand = "."
     start = ft.location.start
     end = ft.location.end
     size = ft.location.end-ft.location.start
     geneList =  ft.qualifiers.get("gene")
     geneId = ""
     if geneList and len(geneList)==1:
         geneId = geneList[0]
     prodList =  ft.qualifiers.get("product")
     prod = ""
     if prodList and len(prodList)==1:
         prod = prodList[0]
     if nameField=="product" and prod in doneProducts:
     # set the BED name field
     if nameField=="gene":
         name = geneId
     elif nameField=="product":
         name = prod
         geneId = prod
         name = ft.type
     # extract a few qualifiers and assign to variables
     protId =  ft.qualifiers.get("protein_id")
     if protId and len(protId)==1:
         protId = protId[0]
     dbx =  ft.qualifiers.get("db_xref")
     xrefs = {}
     if dbx and len(dbx)==1:
         for part in dbx[0].split():
             # "GeneID:43740578"
             k, v = part.split(":")
             xrefs[k] = v
     color = "0"
     exonSizes = []
     exonStarts = []
     for p in ft.location.parts:
         exSize = p.end-p.start
         exStart = p.start-start
     exonSizStr = ",".join(exonSizes)
     exonStStr = ",".join(exonStarts)
     # XX - what am I going to do here? Exonframe right now are ALL to 0 FIX ONE DAY
     exonFrames = ",".join(["0"]*len(exonSizes))
     # bed 12
     row = [chromName, str(start), str(end), name, "0", strand, start, end, color, str(len(exonSizes)),  \
             exonSizStr, exonStStr]
     #    string name2;       "Alternative/human readable name"
     #string cdsStartStat; "Status of CDS start annotation (none, unknown, incomplete, or complete)"
     #string cdsEndStat;   "Status of CDS end annotation (none, unknown, incomplete, or complete)"
     #int[blockCount] exonFrames; "Exon frame {0,1,2}, or -1 if no frame for exon"
     #string type;        "Transcript type"
     #string geneName;    "Primary identifier for gene"
     #string geneName2;   "Alternative/human readable gene name"
     #string geneType;    "Gene type"
     #string note;    "Notes"
     #string product;    "Protein Product ID"
     #string geneId;    "NCBI Gene ID"
     #string _cdnaSeq;    "cDNA Sequence"
     #string _cdnaPsl;    "cDNA to genome PSL alignment (or empty)"
     #string _protSeq;    "Protein Sequence"
     #string _protPsl;    "protein to cDNA PSL alignment (or empty)"
     if isGenePred:
         row.append("cmpl") # ???
         row.append(exonFrames) # exonFrames
         row.append("N.a.") # transcript type
         row.append(geneId) # Primary identifier for gene
         row.append(geneId) # Alternative/human readable gene name
         row.append("N.a.") # Gene type
         row.append(ft.qualifiers.get("note", [""])[0]) # Notes
         row.append(protId) # Protein product ID
         row.append(xrefs.get("GeneID", "")) # NCBI Gene ID
         row.append(str(ft.extract(rec).seq)) # Gene type
         row.append("") # cDNA PSL
         row.append(repr(ft.qualifiers)) # protein sequence
         row.append("") # prot to cDNA PSL
-        row.append(repr(ft.qualifiers)) # anythign else
+        #row.append(repr(ft.qualifiers)) # anythign else
         row.append(ft.qualifiers.get("inference", [""])[0])
         row.append(ft.qualifiers.get("function", [""])[0])
         #row.append(repr(ft.qualifiers)) # anythign else, for debugging
     row = [str(x) for x in row]
 def bedToBigBed(fname, chromSizes, asName, bbDir):
     " convert bed to bigBed "
     cmd = ["bedSort", fname, fname]
     assert (subprocess.call(cmd)==0)
     outFname = basename(fname).replace(".bed", ".bb")
-    cmd = ["/cluster/home/braney/bin/x86_64/bedToBigBed", "-tab", "-type=bed12+", "-as="+asName, fname, chromSizes, join(bbDir, outFname)]
+    cmd = ["/cluster/home/braney/bin/x86_64/bedToBigBed", "-tab", "-type=bed12+", "-as="+asName, fname, chromSizes, join(bbDir, outFname), "-extraIndex=name", "-allow1bpOverlap"]
     logging.info("Running: "+(" ".join(cmd)))
     ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
 def gbToBigGenePred(fname, chromName, chromSizes, outDir, bbDir):
     outFnames = {
             "source" : join(outDir, "source.ra"),
             "genes" : join(outDir, "genes.bed"),
             "peptides" : join(outDir, "peptides.bed"),
             "other" : join(outDir, "other.bed"),
     outFhs = {}
     for k, val in outFnames.items():
         outFhs[k] = open(val, "w")
     for rec in SeqIO.parse(fname, "genbank"):
         for ft in rec.features:
             ftType = ft.type
             if ftType=="source":
                 writeQualifiers(ft, outFhs["source"])
             elif ftType=="mat_peptide":
                 writeFeatures(ft, chromName, outFhs["peptides"], isGenePred=True, rec=rec, nameField="product")
             elif ftType == "gene":
                 pass # cannot do anything with these right now, are they useful at all?
             elif ftType in ["CDS"]:
                 writeFeatures(ft, chromName, outFhs["genes"], isGenePred=True, rec=rec, nameField="gene")
                 writeFeatures(ft, chromName, outFhs["other"])
     for ofh in outFhs.values():
     for key, fname in outFnames.items():
         if key=="source":
         asName = "~/kent/src/hg/lib/genbankBed12.as"
         if key in ["genes", "peptides"]:
             asName = "~/kent/src/hg/lib/genbankBigGenePred.as"
         asName = expanduser(asName)
         bedToBigBed(fname, chromSizes, asName, bbDir)
 # ----------- main --------------
 def main():
     args, options = parseArgs()
     fname, chromName, chromSizes, outDir, bbDir = args
     gbToBigGenePred(fname, chromName, chromSizes, outDir, bbDir)