  Fri Jun 12 15:53:55 2020 -0700
Fixing doc No RM

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartSearch.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartSearch.html
index d0f4d98..3a113af 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartSearch.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hubQuickStartSearch.html
@@ -144,45 +144,47 @@
 accepts byte-ranges. You can check using the following  command to verify &quot;Accept-Ranges: bytes&quot; displays:</p>
 <pre><code>curl -IL http://yourURL/hub.txt</code></pre>
 Note that the Browser waits 5 minutes before checking for any changes to these files. When 
 editing hub.txt, genomes.txt,and trackDb.txt, you can shorten this delay by adding 
 <code>udcTimeout=1</code> to your URL. For more information, see the 
 <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html#Debug" target="_blank">Debugging and Updating Track Hubs</a> section of
 the <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html" target="_blank">Track Hub User Guide</a>.</p>
 <!-- ========== hub.txt ============================== -->
 <a name="hub.txt"></a>
 <h2>Understanding hub.txt with useOneFile</h2>
-The hub.txt file is a configuration file with names, descriptions, and paths to other files,
-The example below uses the setting <code>useOneFile on</code> to indicate that all the settings and paths
-appear in only the hub.txt file as opposed to having two additional settings files (genome.txt and
-trackDb.txt). To see the actual hub.txt file for the above example, click 
-<a href="examples/hubExamples/hubSearchable/hub.txt">here</a>.</p>
+The hub.txt file is a configuration file with names, descriptions, and paths to other files.
+The example below uses the setting <code>useOneFile on</code> to indicate that all the settings
+and paths appear in only the hub.txt file as opposed to having two additional settings files 
+(genomes.txt and trackDb.txt). Please visit the <a href="hgTracksHelp.html#UseOneFile" 
+target="_blank">UseOneFile guide</a> for more information.
 The most important settings to make the hub searchable appear in the third section, in what would
 formerly be the trackDb.txt file. The <code>searchIndex</code> and <code>searchTrix</code> 
 indicate which fields are indexed in the bigBed file and where to find the .ix file respectively.
+To see the actual hub.txt file for the above example, click 
+<a href="examples/hubExamples/hubSearchable/hub.txt">here</a>.
 <pre><code><strong>hub</strong> <em>MyHubsNameWithoutSpaces</em>
 <strong>shortLabel</strong> <em>My Hub's Name</em>
 <strong>longLabel</strong> <em>Name up to 80 characters versus shortLabel limited to 17 characters</em>
-<strong>genomesFile</strong> <em>genomes.txt</em>
 <strong>email</strong> <em>myEmail@address</em>
 <strong>descriptionUrl</strong> <em>aboutMyHub.html</em>
 <strong>useOneFile</strong> <em>on</em>
 <strong>genome</strong> <em>assembly_database_2</em>
 <strong>track</strong> <em>uniqueNameNoSpacesOrDots</em>
 <strong>type</strong> <em>track_type</em>
 <strong>bigDataUrl</strong> <em>track_data_url</em>
 <strong>shortLabel</strong> <em>label 17 chars</em>
 <strong>longLabel</strong> <em>long label up to 80 chars</em>
 <strong>visibiltiy</strong> <em>hide/dense/squish/pack/full</em>
 <strong>searchIndex</strong> <em>field,field2</em>
 <strong>searchTrix</strong> <em>path/to/.ix/file</em>