fdd15dd4ea30b1f9f319ff22bc2858f00c7aa8ed angie Fri Jul 10 13:49:45 2020 -0700 strtod is faster than sscanf; when parsing a tree with ~61k node lengths, it makes a difference of >3s. diff --git src/lib/phyloTree.c src/lib/phyloTree.c index 6796a15..cf25448 100644 --- src/lib/phyloTree.c +++ src/lib/phyloTree.c @@ -1,493 +1,498 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "phyloTree.h" struct phyloTree *phyloReadTree(struct lineFile *lf) /* reads a phyloTree from lineFile (first line only) */ { struct phyloTree *tree = NULL; char *ptr; int len; if (lineFileNext(lf, &ptr, &len) && (len > 0)) tree = phyloParseString(ptr); return tree; } struct phyloTree *phyloOpenTree(char *fileName) { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileUdcMayOpen(fileName, TRUE); if (lf == NULL) errAbort("phyloOpenTree: Can't open '%s'", fileName); struct phyloTree *tree = phyloReadTree(lf); lineFileClose(&lf); return tree; } static char *unescapeNewark(char *s) /* unescape backslashed Newark punctuation chars */ { char out[strlen(s)+1]; char *o = out; boolean escaped = FALSE; while(TRUE) { char c = *s++; if (escaped) { if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ':' || c == ';' || c == '\\') { *o++ = c; } else { errAbort("Expected Newark punctuation characters or backslash after a backslash."); } escaped = FALSE; } else { if (c == '\\') { escaped = TRUE; } else { if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ':' || c == ';' || c == '\\') errAbort("Expected a backslash before Newark punctuation characters or backslash."); *o++ = c; } } if (c == 0) break; } return cloneString(out); } static struct phyloName *parseIdent(char **ptrPtr) /* read a node name with possibile branch length */ { struct phyloName *pName; char *start = *ptrPtr; char *ptr = *ptrPtr; AllocVar(pName); /* legal id's are anything except Newick punctuation chars */ char prev = ' '; char c; while((c = *ptr)) { if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ':' || c == ';') { if (prev != '\\') // backslash escape char? break; } ptr++; prev = c; } /* did we read something? */ if(ptr > start) { char val; val = *ptr; *ptr = 0; pName->name = cloneString(start); pName->name = trimSpaces(pName->name); pName->name = unescapeNewark(pName->name); *ptr = val; } /* is there some branch length info */ if (*ptr == ':') { ptr++; - sscanf(ptr, "%lg", &pName->length); + char *lStart = ptr; + while (isdigit(*ptr) || *ptr == '.' || *ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E' || *ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-') + ptr++; + int lSize = ptr - lStart; + if (lSize) + pName->length = strtod(lStart, NULL); while ((*ptr != '[') && (*ptr != ')') && (*ptr != ',') && (*ptr != ';')) ptr++; } *ptrPtr = ptr; return pName; } static struct phyloTree *newEdge(struct phyloTree *parent, struct phyloTree *child) { parent->numEdges++; if (parent->numEdges > parent->allocedEdges) { int oldSize = parent->allocedEdges * sizeof (struct phyloTree *); int newSize; parent->allocedEdges += 5; newSize = parent->allocedEdges * sizeof (struct phyloTree *); parent->edges = needMoreMem(parent->edges, oldSize, newSize); } if (!child) errAbort("unexpected error: child is null in phyloTree.c::newEdge()"); child->parent = parent; return parent->edges[parent->numEdges -1 ] = child; } struct phyloTree *phyloAddEdge(struct phyloTree *parent, struct phyloTree *child) /* add an edge to a phyloTree node */ { return newEdge(parent, child); } static struct phyloTree *parseSubTree(char **ptrPtr) /* the recursive workhorse function, parses a tree from ptr */ { struct phyloTree *node = NULL; char *ptr = *ptrPtr; /* trees are terminated by one of these three chars */ if ((*ptr == ';') || (*ptr == ',') || (*ptr == ')') ) return NULL; AllocVar(node); while(*ptr == ' ') ptr++; if (*ptr == '(') { struct phyloTree *edge; ptr++; do { struct phyloTree *child = parseSubTree(&ptr); if (!child) errAbort("missing child/subTree at (%s)",ptr-1); edge = newEdge(node,child); edge->parent = node; } while (*ptr++ == ','); --ptr; if (*ptr++ != ')') errAbort("unbalanced parenthesis at (%s)",ptr-1); node->ident = parseIdent(&ptr); } else if ((*ptr == ':') || (isalpha(*ptr))|| (isdigit(*ptr)) || (*ptr == '\'') || (*ptr == '.')) node->ident = parseIdent(&ptr); else errAbort("illegal char '%c' in phyloString",*ptr); if (*ptr == '[') { if (startsWith("[&&NHX:D=Y]",ptr)) node->isDup = TRUE; while(*ptr != ']') ptr++; ptr++; } *ptrPtr = ptr; return node; } static void replaceWhitespaceWithSpaces(char *s) /* Replace all whitespace chars with a space char */ { char c; for(c=*s; c != 0; c = *(++s)) { if (isspace(c)) { *s = ' '; } } } struct phyloTree *phyloParseString(char *string) /* build a phyloTree from a string */ { struct phyloTree *tree = NULL; replaceWhitespaceWithSpaces(string); char *ptr = string; tree = parseSubTree(&ptr); if (tree == NULL) errAbort("expecting properly formatted tree"); if (*ptr != ';') errAbort("expecting tree terminator ';', found '%s'", ptr); return tree; } /* some static stuff for printing out trees */ static int recurseCount = 0; static void tabOut(FILE *f) { int i; for(i=0; i < recurseCount; i++) fputc(' ',f); } static void pTree( struct phyloTree *tree,FILE *f, boolean noDups) /* print out phylogenetic tree in Newick format */ { if (tree) { int ii; if (noDups && (tree->numEdges == 1)) pTree(tree->edges[0], f, noDups); else { if (tree->numEdges) { fprintf(f,"("); for (ii= 0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) { pTree(tree->edges[ii], f, noDups); if (ii + 1 < tree->numEdges) fprintf(f,","); } fprintf(f,")"); } if (tree->ident->name) fprintf(f,"%s",tree->ident->name); //if (tree->ident->length != 0.0) fprintf(f,":%0.04g", tree->ident->length); if (tree->isDup) fprintf(f,"[&&NHX:D=Y]"); } } } void phyloPrintTreeNoDups( struct phyloTree *tree,FILE *f) /* print out phylogenetic tree in Newick format (only speciation nodes) */ { pTree(tree, f, TRUE); fprintf(f, ";\n"); } void phyloPrintTree( struct phyloTree *tree,FILE *f) /* print out phylogenetic tree in Newick format */ { pTree(tree, f, FALSE); fprintf(f, ";\n"); } void phyloDebugTree( struct phyloTree *tree,FILE *f) /* print out phylogenetic tree */ { if (tree) { int ii; fprintf(f,"%s:%g numEdges %d\n",tree->ident->name, tree->ident->length, tree->numEdges); recurseCount++; for (ii= 0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) { tabOut(f); phyloDebugTree(tree->edges[ii], f); } recurseCount--; } } struct phyloTree *phyloFindName( struct phyloTree *tree,char *name ) /* find the node with this name */ { struct phyloTree *subTree = NULL; int ii; if (tree->ident->name && sameString(tree->ident->name, name)) return tree; for (ii=0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) { if ((subTree = phyloFindName( tree->edges[ii], name)) != NULL) break; } return subTree; } void phyloClearTreeMarks(struct phyloTree *tree) /* clear the favorite child marks */ { int ii; tree->mark = 0; for (ii=0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) phyloClearTreeMarks(tree->edges[ii]); } struct phyloTree *phyloFindMarkUpTree(struct phyloTree *tree) /* find a marked node somewhere above this node */ { do { if (tree->mark) return tree; tree = tree->parent; } while (tree); return NULL; } void phyloMarkUpTree(struct phyloTree *tree) /* mark all the nodes from this one up to the top of the tree */ { tree->mark = tree; for(;tree->parent; tree = tree->parent) tree->parent->mark = tree; } char *phyloFindPath(struct phyloTree *tree, char *ref, char *cross) /* find the shortest path from ref to cross (returns a list * of the node names separated by spaces) */ { struct phyloTree *treeRef, *treeCross, *parent; struct dyString *ds = newDyString(0); if ((treeRef = phyloFindName(tree,ref)) == NULL) return NULL; if ((treeCross = phyloFindName(tree,cross)) == NULL) return NULL; phyloClearTreeMarks(tree); phyloMarkUpTree(treeCross); if ((parent = phyloFindMarkUpTree(treeRef)) == NULL) return NULL; /* walk up the tree till we hit the common parent */ while(treeRef != parent) { treeRef = treeRef->parent; if (ds->stringSize) dyStringAppendC(ds, ' '); if (treeRef->ident->name) dyStringAppendN(ds, treeRef->ident->name, strlen(treeRef->ident->name)); } /* now walk down the tree till we come to the target species */ while (parent != treeCross) { parent = parent->mark; dyStringAppendC(ds, ' '); if (parent->ident->name) dyStringAppendN(ds, parent->ident->name, strlen(parent->ident->name)); } return ds->string; } static void nodeNames(struct phyloTree *tree, struct dyString *ds) /* recursive workhorse to add all the node names to a string */ { int ii; if (tree->ident->name) { dyStringAppendN(ds, tree->ident->name, strlen(tree->ident->name)); dyStringAppendC(ds, ' '); } for (ii=0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) nodeNames(tree->edges[ii],ds); } char *phyloNodeNames(struct phyloTree *tree) /* add all the node names to a dy string */ { struct dyString *ds = newDyString(0); nodeNames(tree, ds); ds->string[ds->stringSize-1]=0; return ds->string; } static void reParent(struct phyloTree *tree) { if (tree->parent) { struct phyloTree *edge, *saveParent = tree->parent; reParent(saveParent); /* make the parent into the root */ phyloDeleteEdge(saveParent, tree); /* remove this tree from the parent tree */ tree->parent = NULL; /* make this tree the root */ edge = newEdge(tree, saveParent); /* add the old parent tree as a child of the new root */ edge->parent = tree; /* set the parent in the new child */ edge->ident->length = tree->ident->length; } } struct phyloTree *phyloReRoot(struct phyloTree *tree) /* return a tree whose root is tree and what were parents are now "right" children */ { reParent(tree); tree->ident->length = 0; return tree; } void phyloDeleteEdge(struct phyloTree *tree, struct phyloTree *edge) /* delete an edge from a node. Aborts on error */ { int ii; for (ii=0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) if (tree->edges[ii] == edge) { memcpy(&tree->edges[ii], &tree->edges[ii+1], sizeof(tree) * (tree->numEdges - ii - 1)); tree->numEdges--; //phyloFreeTree(edge); return; } errAbort("tried to delete non-existant edge"); } int phyloCountLeaves(struct phyloTree *tree) { int ii, count = 0; if (tree->numEdges == 0) return 1; for (ii=0; ii < tree->numEdges; ii++) count += phyloCountLeaves(tree->edges[ii]); return count; }