  Thu Jun 25 10:31:18 2020 -0700
Updating http to https for galGal2. Fixing a link to the sgp2 software. uiLinks cronjob, no Redmine.

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/chicken/bgiCov.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/chicken/bgiCov.html
index d38a4a0..c725c9e 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/chicken/bgiCov.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/chicken/bgiCov.html
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
 This track shows areas of coverage for genomic regions of 3 alternate 
 strains of chicken sequenced by the 
-<A HREF="http://en.genomics.cn/" TARGET=_BLANK>
+<A HREF="https://en.genomics.cn/" TARGET=_BLANK>
 Beijing Genomics Institute</A> (BGI): Broiler, Layer, and Silkie.  
 Single reads from those three strains were mapped to the 
 reference assembly for the Red Jungle Fowl (RJF).  
 Coverage area names are of the format 
 <LI><B><em>strain</em></B>: Strain from which read was taken (Broiler, Layer or Silkie)</LI>
 <LI><B><em>chrom</em></B>: Chromosome in the RJF reference assembly to which read was mapped</LI>
 <LI><B><em>start</em></B>: First base in <em>chrom</em> of mapped read</LI>
 <LI><B><em>end</em></B>: Last base in <em>chrom</em> of mapped read</LI>
 Thanks to the 
-<A HREF="http://en.genomics.cn/" TARGET=_BLANK>
+<A HREF="https://en.genomics.cn/" TARGET=_BLANK>
 Beijing Genomics Institute</A> for providing these data.
 <H2>Terms of Use</H2>
 Users are free to use these data in scientific papers analyzing
 particular genes, if the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) is
 BGI and its collaborators reserve the right to publish the initial
 analyses of these data, including but not restricted to the large-scale
 identification of functional polymorphisms, evolutionary patterns and
 signs of selection, correlations with known QTLs, utility of data for
 genetic mapping purposes, etc.
 Any redistribution of these data should carry this notice.