  Fri Jul 17 17:05:43 2020 -0700
updated geoIp data and tables which were 1 year old. Jonathan found VPN in LA was mapping to europe. refs #25906

diff --git src/hg/geoIp/save-old-for-compare src/hg/geoIp/save-old-for-compare
index a4c3910..7360ab0 100755
--- src/hg/geoIp/save-old-for-compare
+++ src/hg/geoIp/save-old-for-compare
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 # we want to backup our current geoIp tables for comparison after update
 # just create the db first if it does not exist
-#hgsql hgFixed -e "create database geoIpOld"
+hgsql geoIp -e "drop database geoIpOld"
+hgsql geoIp -e "create database geoIpOld"
 foreach f ( *.as )
     echo $f
     #hgsql geoIpOld -e "drop table $f:r"
-    hgsql geoIpOld -e "CREATE TABLE $f:r SELECT * FROM hgFixed.$f:r"
+    hgsql geoIpOld -e "CREATE TABLE $f:r SELECT * FROM geoIp.$f:r"