  Sun Aug 16 22:19:22 2020 -0700
Replacing beforeUnload synchronous updates (blocked by Chrome) with async updates.
Also fixing the suggestion box, so following a suggestion turns on the track and highlights the item.
refs #25017, #25703

diff --git src/hg/js/autocomplete.js src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
index d7734cb..4a05f5b 100644
--- src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
+++ src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
 // support stuff for auto-complete using jQuery UI's autocomplete widget
 // requires ajax.js
 // requires utils.js
 /* suggest (aka gene search)
    Requires three elements on page: positionDisplay (static display), positionInput (input textbox) and position (hidden).
 var hgTracks = hgTracks || {};
 var suggestBox = {
     ajaxGet: function ajaxGet(db) {
         // Returns autocomplete source function
         // db is the relevant assembly (e.g. "hg18")
         var cache = {}; // cache is is used as a hash to cache responses from the server.
         return function(request, callback) {
             var key = request.term;
             if (!cache[key]) {
                     url: "../cgi-bin/hgSuggest",
                     data: "db=" + db + "&prefix=" + encodeURIComponent(key),
                     // dataType: "json",  // XXXX this doesn't work under IE, so we retrieve as text and do an eval to force to an object.
                     trueSuccess: function(response, status) {
                         // We get a lot of duplicate requests (especially the first letters of words),
                         // so we keep a cache of the suggestions lists we've retreived.
                         cache[this.key] = response;
                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                     error: function(request, status, errorThrown) {
                         // tolerate errors (i.e. don't report them) to avoid spamming people on flaky network connections
                         // with tons of error messages (#8816).
                     key: key,
                     cont: callback
             } else {
             // warn(request.term);
     clearFindMatches: function() {
         // clear any hgFind.matches set by a previous user selection (e.g. when user directly edits the search box)
         if ($('#hgFindMatches').length) $('#hgFindMatches').remove();
     updateFindMatches: function(val) {
         // highlight genes choosen from suggest list (#6330)
         if ($('#hgFindMatches').length) $('#hgFindMatches').val(val);
         else $('#positionInput').parents('form').append("<input type='hidden' id='hgFindMatches' name='hgFind.matches' " + "value='" + val + "'>");
     initialized: false,
     lastMouseDown : null,
     init: function(db, assemblySupportsGeneSuggest, selectCallback, clickCallback) {
         // selectCallback(item): called when the user selects a new genomic position from the list
         // clickCallback(position): called when the user clicks on positionDisplay
         this.initialized = true;
         var lastSelected = null; // this is the last value entered by the user via a suggestion (used to distinguish manual entry in the same field)
         var $posInput = $('#positionInput');
         var waterMark;
         if (assemblySupportsGeneSuggest) {
             if (db.match(/^hg[0-9]+/)) {
                 // Mention HGVS variant notation for human assemblies only, although it should work
                 // with any assembly that has refGene or ncbiRefSeq.
                 waterMark = "enter position, gene symbol, HGVS or search terms";
             } else {
                 waterMark = "enter position, gene symbol or search terms";
         } else {
             waterMark = "enter position or search terms";
         if ($posInput[0] !== document.activeElement) {
             // Reset value before adding watermark -- only if user is not already typing here
         $posInput.Watermark(waterMark, '#686868');
         if (assemblySupportsGeneSuggest) {
                 delay: 500,
                 minLength: 2,
                 source: this.ajaxGet(db),
                 open: function(event, ui) {
                     var pos = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height();
                     if (!isNaN(pos)) {
                         var maxHeight = $(window).height() - pos - 30; // take off a little more because IE needs it
                         var auto = $('.ui-autocomplete');
                         var curHeight = $(auto).children().length * 21;
                         if (curHeight > maxHeight) $(auto).css({
                             maxHeight: maxHeight + 'px',
                             overflow: 'scroll',
                             zIndex: 12
                         else $(auto).css({
                             maxHeight: 'none',
                             overflow: 'hidden',
                             zIndex: 12
                 select: function(event, ui) {
-                    selectCallback(ui.item);
                     lastSelected = ui.item.value;
+                    selectCallback(ui.item);
                     // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                     // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
         // I want to set focus to the suggest element, but unforunately that prevents PgUp/PgDn from
         // working, which is a major annoyance.
         // $('#positionInput').focus();
         $("#positionInput").change(function(event) {
             if (!lastSelected || lastSelected !== $('#positionInput').val()) {
                 // This handles case where user typed or edited something rather than choosing from a suggest list;
                 // in this case, we only change the position hidden; we do NOT update the displayed coordinates.
                 var val = $('#positionInput').val();
                 // handles case where users zeroes out positionInput; in that case we revert to currently displayed position
                 if (!val || val.length === 0 || val === waterMark)
                     val = $('#positionDisplay').text();
                     val = val.replace(/\u2013|\u2014/g, "-");  // replace en-dash and em-dash with hyphen
         $("#positionDisplay").mousedown(function(event) {
             // this let's the user click on the genomic position (e.g. if they want to edit it)
             lastMouseDown = event.offsetX;
         $("#positionDisplay").mouseup(function(event) {
             if (event.offsetX !== lastMouseDown)
             // this let's the user click on the genomic position (e.g. if they want to edit it)
             if (hgTracks.windows)