  Sun Sep 6 16:20:34 2020 -0700
first cut at using FreeType for font support

diff --git src/lib/memgfx.c src/lib/memgfx.c
index 9066015..66abe18 100644
--- src/lib/memgfx.c
+++ src/lib/memgfx.c
@@ -1,1429 +1,1439 @@
 /* memgfx - routines for drawing on bitmaps in memory.
  * Currently limited to 256 color bitmaps. 
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "memgfx.h"
 #include "gemfont.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "vGfx.h"
 #include "vGfxPrivate.h"
 #include "colHash.h"
+#include "freeType.h"
 Color multiply(Color src, Color new)
 unsigned char rs = (src >> 0) & 0xff;
 unsigned char gs = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
 unsigned char bs = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
 unsigned char rn = (new >> 0) & 0xff;
 unsigned char gn = (new >> 8) & 0xff;
 unsigned char bn = (new >> 16) & 0xff;
 unsigned char ro = ((unsigned) rn * rs) / 255;
 unsigned char go = ((unsigned) gn * gs) / 255;
 unsigned char bo = ((unsigned) bn * bs) / 255;
 return MAKECOLOR_32(ro, go, bo);
 #ifndef min3
 #define min3(x,y,z) (min(x,min(y,z)))
 /* Return min of x,y, and z. */
 #ifndef max3
 #define max3(x,y,z) (max(x,max(y,z)))
 /* Return max of x,y, and z. */
 void _mgPutDotMultiply(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y,Color color)
 Color *pt = _mgPixAdr(mg,x,y);
 *pt = multiply(*pt, color);
 static void mgSetDefaultColorMap(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set up default color map for a memGfx. */
 void mgSetWriteMode(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned int writeMode)
 /* Set write mode */
 mg->writeMode = writeMode;
 void mgSetClip(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* Set clipping rectangle. */
 int x2, y2;
 if (x < 0)
     x = 0;
 if (y < 0)
     y = 0;
 x2 = x + width;
 if (x2 > mg->width)
     x2 = mg->width;
 y2 = y + height;
 if (y2 > mg->height)
     y2 = mg->height;
 mg->clipMinX = x;
 mg->clipMaxX = x2;
 mg->clipMinY = y;
 mg->clipMaxY = y2;
 void mgUnclip(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set clipping rect cover full thing. */
 mgSetClip(mg, 0,0,mg->width, mg->height);
 struct memGfx *mgNew(int width, int height)
 /* Return new memGfx. Note new pixel memory is uninitialized */
 struct memGfx *mg;
 mg = needMem(sizeof(*mg));
 mg->width = width;
 mg->height = height;
 mg->pixels = needLargeMem(width*height*sizeof(Color));
 return mg;
 void mgClearPixels(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set all pixels to background. */
 memset((unsigned char *)mg->pixels, 0xff, mg->width*mg->height*sizeof(unsigned int));
 void mgClearPixelsTrans(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set all pixels to transparent. */
 unsigned int *ptr = mg->pixels;
 unsigned int *lastPtr = &mg->pixels[mg->width * mg->height];
 for(; ptr < lastPtr; ptr++)
     *ptr = 0xffffff00;
     *ptr = 0x00ffffff;  // transparent white
 Color mgFindColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 /* Returns closest color in color map to rgb values.  If it doesn't
  * already exist in color map and there's room, it will create
  * exact color in map. */
 return MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
 struct rgbColor colorIxToRgb(int colorIx)
 /* Return rgb value at color index. */
 static struct rgbColor rgb;
 rgb.r = (colorIx >> 24) & 0xff;
 rgb.g = (colorIx >> 16) & 0xff;
 rgb.b = (colorIx >> 8) & 0xff;
 rgb.r = (colorIx >> 0) & 0xff;
 rgb.g = (colorIx >> 8) & 0xff;
 rgb.b = (colorIx >> 16) & 0xff;
 return rgb;
 struct rgbColor mgColorIxToRgb(struct memGfx *mg, int colorIx)
 /* Return rgb value at color index. */
 return colorIxToRgb(colorIx);
 Color mgClosestColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 /* Returns closest color in color map to r,g,b */
 return MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
 Color mgAddColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 /* Adds color to end of color map if there's room. */
 return MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
 int mgColorsFree(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Returns # of unused colors in color map. */
 return 1 << 23;
 void mgFree(struct memGfx **pmg)
 struct memGfx *mg = *pmg;
 if (mg != NULL)
     if (mg->pixels != NULL)
     if (mg->colorHash)
     zeroBytes(mg, sizeof(*mg));
 *pmg = NULL;
 static void nonZeroCopy(Color *d, Color *s, int width)
 /* Copy non-zero colors. */
 Color c;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<width; ++i)
     if ((c = s[i]) != MG_WHITE)
         d[i] = c;
 static void mgPutSegMaybeZeroClear(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, Color *dots, boolean zeroClear)
 /* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels.
  * Possibly don't put zero dots though. */
 int x2;
 Color *pt;
 if (y < mg->clipMinY || y > mg->clipMaxY)
 x2 = x + width;
 if (x2 > mg->clipMaxX)
     x2 = mg->clipMaxX;
 if (x < mg->clipMinX)
     dots += mg->clipMinX - x;
     x = mg->clipMinX;
 width = x2 - x;
 if (width > 0)
     pt = _mgPixAdr(mg, x, y);
     if (zeroClear)
         nonZeroCopy(pt, dots, width);
         width *= sizeof(Color);
         memcpy(pt, dots, width * sizeof(Color));
 void mgVerticalSmear(struct memGfx *mg,
 	int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, 
 	Color *dots, boolean zeroClear)
 /* Put a series of one 'pixel' width vertical lines. */
 while (--height >= 0)
     mgPutSegMaybeZeroClear(mg, xOff, yOff, width, dots, zeroClear);
 void mgDrawBoxNormal(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color)
 int i;
 Color *pt;
 int x2 = x + width;
 int y2 = y + height;
 int wrapCount;
 if (x < mg->clipMinX)
     x = mg->clipMinX;
 if (y < mg->clipMinY)
     y = mg->clipMinY;
 if (x2 < mg->clipMinX)
     x2 = mg->clipMinX;
 if (y2 < mg->clipMinY)
     y2 = mg->clipMinY;
 if (x > mg->clipMaxX)
     x = mg->clipMaxX;
 if (y > mg->clipMaxY)
     y = mg->clipMaxY;
 if (x2 > mg->clipMaxX)
     x2 = mg->clipMaxX;
 if (y2 > mg->clipMaxY)
     y2 = mg->clipMaxY;
 width = x2-x;
 height = y2-y;
 if (width > 0 && height > 0)
     pt = _mgPixAdr(mg,x,y);
     /*colorBin[x][color]++;  increment color count for this pixel */
     wrapCount = _mgBpr(mg) - width;
     while (--height >= 0)
         //Color src = *pt;
 	i = width;
 	while (--i >= 0)
 	    *pt++ = color;
 	pt += wrapCount;
 void mgDrawBoxMultiply(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color)
 int i;
 Color *pt;
 int x2 = x + width;
 int y2 = y + height;
 int wrapCount;
 if (x < mg->clipMinX)
     x = mg->clipMinX;
 if (y < mg->clipMinY)
     y = mg->clipMinY;
 if (x2 > mg->clipMaxX)
     x2 = mg->clipMaxX;
 if (y2 > mg->clipMaxY)
     y2 = mg->clipMaxY;
 width = x2-x;
 height = y2-y;
 if (width > 0 && height > 0)
     pt = _mgPixAdr(mg,x,y);
     wrapCount = _mgBpr(mg) - width;
     while (--height >= 0)
         Color src = *pt;
 	i = width;
 	while (--i >= 0)
 	    *pt++ = multiply(src, color);
 	pt += wrapCount;
 void mgDrawBox(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color)
         mgDrawBoxNormal(mg,x,y, width, height, color);
         mgDrawBoxMultiply(mg,x,y, width, height, color);
-INLINE void mixDot(struct memGfx *img, int x, int y,  float frac, Color col)
-/* Puts a single dot on the image, mixing it with what is already there
- * based on the frac argument. */
-if ((x < img->clipMinX) || (x >= img->clipMaxX) || (y < img->clipMinY) || (y >= img->clipMaxY))
-    return;
-Color *pt = _mgPixAdr(img,x,y);
-float invFrac = 1 - frac;
-int r = COLOR_32_RED(*pt) * invFrac + COLOR_32_RED(col) * frac;
-int g = COLOR_32_GREEN(*pt) * invFrac + COLOR_32_GREEN(col) * frac;
-int b = COLOR_32_BLUE(*pt) * invFrac + COLOR_32_BLUE(col) * frac;
 #define fraction(X) (((double)(X))-(double)(int)(X))
 #define invFraction(X) (1.0-fraction(X))
 void mgAliasLine( struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1,
   int x2, int y2, Color color)
 /* Draw an antialiased line using the Wu algorithm. */
 double dx = (double)x2 - (double)x1;
 double dy = (double)y2 - (double)y1;
 // figure out what quadrant we're in
 if ( fabs(dx) > fabs(dy) ) 
     if ( x2 < x1 ) 
 	// swap start and end points
 	int tmp = x2;
 	x2 = x1;
 	x1 = tmp;
 	tmp = y2;
 	y2 = y1;
 	y1 = tmp;
     double gradient = dy / dx;
     double xend = round(x1);
     double yend = y1 + gradient*(xend - x1);
     double xgap = invFraction(x1 + 0.5);
     int xpxl1 = xend;
     int ypxl1 = (int)yend;
     mixDot(mg, xpxl1, ypxl1, invFraction(yend)*xgap, color);
     mixDot(mg, xpxl1, ypxl1+1, fraction(yend)*xgap, color);
     double intery = yend + gradient;
     xend = round(x2);
     yend = y2 + gradient*(xend - x2);
     xgap = fraction(x2+0.5);
     int xpxl2 = xend;
     int ypxl2 = (int)yend;
     mixDot(mg, xpxl2, ypxl2, invFraction(yend) * xgap, color);
     mixDot(mg, xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, fraction(yend) * xgap, color);
     int x;
     for(x=xpxl1+1; x <= (xpxl2-1); x++) 
 	mixDot(mg, x, (int)intery, invFraction(intery), color);
 	mixDot(mg, x, (int)intery + 1, fraction(intery), color);
 	intery += gradient;
 else  // ( fabs(dx) <= fabs(dy) ) 
     if ( y2 < y1 ) 
 	// swap start and end points
 	int tmp = x2;
 	x2 = x1;
 	x1 = tmp;
 	tmp = y2;
 	y2 = y1;
 	y1 = tmp;
     double gradient = dx / dy;
     double yend = rint(y1);
     double xend = x1 + gradient*(yend - y1);
     double ygap = invFraction(y1 + 0.5);
     int ypxl1 = yend;
     int xpxl1 = (int)xend;
     mixDot(mg, xpxl1, ypxl1, invFraction(xend)*ygap, color);
     mixDot(mg, xpxl1, ypxl1+1, fraction(xend)*ygap, color);
     double interx = xend + gradient;
     yend = rint(y2);
     xend = x2 + gradient*(yend - y2);
     ygap = fraction(y2+0.5);
     int ypxl2 = yend;
     int xpxl2 = (int)xend;
     mixDot(mg, xpxl2, ypxl2, invFraction(xend) * ygap, color);
     mixDot(mg, xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, fraction(xend) * ygap, color);
     int y;
     for(y=ypxl1+1; y <= (ypxl2-1); y++) 
 	mixDot(mg, (int)interx, y, invFraction(interx), color);
 	mixDot(mg, (int)interx + 1, y, fraction(interx), color);
 	interx += gradient;
 #undef fraction
 #undef invFraction
 void mgBrezy(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color,
 	int yBase, boolean fillFromBase)
 /* Brezenham line algorithm.  Optionally fill in under line. */
 if (x1 == x2)
     int y,height;
     if (y1 > y2)
 	y = y2;
 	height = y1-y2+1;
 	y = y1;
 	height = y2-y1+1;
     if (fillFromBase)
 	if (y < yBase)
 	    mgDrawBox(mg, x1, y, 1, yBase-y, color);
         mgDrawBox(mg, x1, y, 1, height, color);
 else if (y1 == y2)
     int x,width;
     if (x1 > x2)
 	x = x2;
 	width = x1-x2+1;
 	x = x1;
 	width = x2-x1+1;
     if (fillFromBase)
 	if (y1 < yBase)
 	    mgDrawBox(mg, x, y1, width, yBase - y1, color);
 	mgDrawBox(mg, x, y1, width, 1, color);
     int duty_cycle;
     int incy;
     int delta_x, delta_y;
     int dots;
     delta_y = y2-y1;
     delta_x = x2-x1;
     if (delta_y < 0) 
 	delta_y = -delta_y;
 	incy = -1;
 	incy = 1;
     if (delta_x < 0) 
 	delta_x = -delta_x;
 	incy = -incy;
 	x1 = x2;
 	y1 = y2;
     duty_cycle = (delta_x - delta_y)/2;
     if (delta_x >= delta_y)
 	dots = delta_x+1;
 	while (--dots >= 0)
 	    if (fillFromBase)
 		if (y1 < yBase)
 	    duty_cycle -= delta_y;
 	    x1 += 1;
 	    if (duty_cycle < 0)
 		duty_cycle += delta_x;	  /* update duty cycle */
 	dots = delta_y+1;
 	while (--dots >= 0)
 	    if (fillFromBase)
 		if (y1 < yBase)
 	    duty_cycle += delta_x;
 	    if (duty_cycle > 0)
 		duty_cycle -= delta_y;	  /* update duty cycle */
 		x1 += 1;
 void mgDrawLine(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color)
 /* Draw a line from one point to another. Draws it antialiased if
  * it's not horizontal or vertical. */
 if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2))
     mgBrezy(mg, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, 0, FALSE);
     mgAliasLine(mg, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
 void mgFillUnder(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, 
 	int bottom, Color color)
 /* Draw a 4 sided filled figure that has line x1/y1 to x2/y2 at
  * it's top, a horizontal line at bottom as it's bottom, and
  * vertical lines from the bottom to y1 on the left and bottom to
  * y2 on the right. */
 mgBrezy(mg, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, bottom, TRUE);
 void mgPutSeg(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, Color *dots)
 /* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels. */
 mgPutSegMaybeZeroClear(mg, x, y, width, dots, FALSE);
 void mgPutSegZeroClear(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, Color *dots)
 /* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels.
  * Don't put zero dots though. */
 mgPutSegMaybeZeroClear(mg, x, y, width, dots, TRUE);
 void mgDrawHorizontalLine(struct memGfx *mg, int y1, Color color)
 /*special case of mgDrawLine, for horizontal line across entire window 
   at y-value y1.*/
 mgDrawLine( mg, mg->clipMinX, y1, mg->clipMaxX, y1, color);
 void mgLineH(struct memGfx *mg, int y, int x1, int x2, Color color)
 /* Draw horizizontal line width pixels long starting at x/y in color */
 if (y >= mg->clipMinY && y < mg->clipMaxY)
     int w;
     if (x1 < mg->clipMinX)
         x1 = mg->clipMinX;
     if (x2 > mg->clipMaxX)
         x2 = mg->clipMaxX;
     w = x2 - x1;
     if (w > 0)
 	Color *pt = _mgPixAdr(mg,x1,y);
 	if (mg->writeMode == MG_WRITE_MODE_MULTIPLY)
 	    while (--w >= 0)
 		*pt = multiply(*pt, color);
 		pt += 1;
 	    while (--w >= 0)
 		*pt++ = color;
 boolean mgClipForBlit(int *w, int *h, int *sx, int *sy,
 	struct memGfx *dest, int *dx, int *dy)
 /* Make sure we don't overwrite destination. */
 int over;
 if ((over = dest->clipMinX - *dx) > 0)
     *w -= over;
     *sx += over;
     *dx = dest->clipMinX;
 if ((over = dest->clipMinY - *dy) > 0)
     *h -= over;
     *sy += over;
     *dy = dest->clipMinY;
 if ((over = *w + *dx - dest->clipMaxX) > 0)
     *w -= over; 
 if ((over = *h + *dy - dest->clipMaxY) > 0)
     *h -= over;
 return (*h > 0 && *w > 0);
 #ifdef SOON /* Simple but as yet untested blit function. */
 void mgBlit(int width, int height, 
     struct memGfx *source, int sourceX, int sourceY,
     struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY)
 /* Copy pixels in a rectangle from source to destination */
 if (!mgClipForBlit(&width, &height, &sourceX, &sourceY, dest, &destX, &destY))
 while (--height >= 0)
     Color *dLine = _mgPixAdr(dest,destX,destY++);
     Color *sLine = _mgPixAdr(source,sourceX,sourceY++);
     memcpy(dLine, sLine, width * sizeof(Color));
 #endif /* SOON */
 void mgTextBlit(int width, int height, int bitX, int bitY,
 	unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes, 
 	struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY, 
 	Color color, Color backgroundColor)
 /* Copy pixels from a bit-a-pixel source to a fully colored destination
  * within rectangle */
 UBYTE *inLine;
 Color *outLine;
 UBYTE inLineBit;
 if (!mgClipForBlit(&width, &height, &bitX, &bitY, dest, &destX, &destY))
 inLine = bitData + (bitX>>3) + bitY * bitDataRowBytes;
 inLineBit = (0x80 >> (bitX&7));
 outLine = _mgPixAdr(dest,destX,destY);
 while (--height >= 0)
     UBYTE *in = inLine;
     Color *out = outLine;
     UBYTE inBit = inLineBit;
     UBYTE inByte = *in++;
     int i = width;
     while (--i >= 0)
 	if (inBit & inByte)
 	    *out = color;
 	if ((inBit >>= 1) == 0)
 	    inByte = *in++;
 	    inBit = 0x80;
     inLine += bitDataRowBytes;
     outLine += _mgBpr(dest);
 void mgTextBlitSolid(int width, int height, int bitX, int bitY,
 	unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes, 
 	struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY, 
 	Color color, Color backgroundColor)
 UBYTE *inLine;
 Color *outLine;
 UBYTE inLineBit;
 if (!mgClipForBlit(&width, &height, &bitX, &bitY, dest, &destX, &destY))
 inLine = bitData + (bitX>>3) + bitY * bitDataRowBytes;
 inLineBit = (0x80 >> (bitX&7));
 outLine = _mgPixAdr(dest,destX,destY);
 while (--height >= 0)
     UBYTE *in = inLine;
     Color *out = outLine;
     UBYTE inBit = inLineBit;
     UBYTE inByte = *in++;
     int i = width;
     while (--i >= 0)
 	*out++ = ((inBit & inByte) ? color : backgroundColor);
 	if ((inBit >>= 1) == 0)
 	    inByte = *in++;
 	    inBit = 0x80;
     inLine += bitDataRowBytes;
     outLine += _mgBpr(dest);
 void mgText(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, Color color, 
 	MgFont *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text with upper left corner x,y. */
+switch (mg->fontMethod)
+    {
+    case FONT_METHOD_GEM:
         gfText(mg, font, text, x, y, color, mgTextBlit, MG_WHITE);
+        break;
+        ftText(mg, x, y, color, font, text);
+        break;
+    }
 void mgTextCentered(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, 
 	Color color, MgFont *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text centered in box defined by x/y/width/height */
 int fWidth, fHeight;
 int xoff, yoff;
 fWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, text);
 fHeight = mgFontPixelHeight(font);
 xoff = x + (width - fWidth)/2;
 yoff = y + (height - fHeight)/2;
 if (font == mgSmallFont())
     xoff += 1;
     yoff += 1;
 mgText(mg, xoff, yoff, color, font, text);
 void mgTextRight(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, 
 	Color color, MgFont *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text right justified in box defined by x/y/width/height */
 int fWidth, fHeight;
 int xoff, yoff;
 fWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, text);
 fHeight = mgFontPixelHeight(font);
 xoff = x + width - fWidth - 1;
 yoff = y + (height - fHeight)/2;
 if (font == mgSmallFont())
     xoff += 1;
     yoff += 1;
 mgText(mg, xoff, yoff, color, font, text);
 int mgFontPixelHeight(MgFont *font)
 /* How high in pixels is font? */
 return font_cel_height(font);
 int mgGetFontPixelHeight(struct memGfx *mg, MgFont *font)
 /* How high in pixels is font? */
 return mgFontPixelHeight(font);
 int mgFontLineHeight(MgFont *font)
 /* How many pixels to next line ideally? */
 return font_line_height(font);
 int mgFontWidth(MgFont *font, char *chars, int charCount)
 /* How wide are a couple of letters? */
-return fnstring_width(font, (unsigned char *)chars, charCount);
+switch (mg->fontMethod)
+    {
+    case FONT_METHOD_GEM:
+    */
+        return 1.00 * fnstring_width(font, (unsigned char *)chars, charCount);
+        //return ftWidth(font, (unsigned char *)chars, charCount);
+    // }
 int mgFontStringWidth(MgFont *font, char *string)
 /* How wide is a string? */
 return mgFontWidth(font, string, strlen(string));
 int mgGetFontStringWidth(struct memGfx *mg, MgFont *font, char *string)
 /* How wide is a string? */
 return mgFontStringWidth(font, string);
+void mgSetFontMethod(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned int method)
+/* Which font drawing method shoud we use. */
+mg->fontMethod = method;
+if (method == FONT_METHOD_FREETYPE)
+    ftInitialize();
 int mgFontCharWidth(MgFont *font, char c)
 /* How wide is a character? */
 return mgFontWidth(font, &c, 1);
 char *mgFontSizeBackwardsCompatible(char *size)
 /* Given "size" argument that may be in old tiny/small/medium/big/huge format,
  * return it in new numerical string format. Do NOT free the return string*/
 if (isdigit(size[0]))
     return size;
 else if (sameWord(size, "tiny"))
     return "6";
 else if (sameWord(size, "small"))
     return "8";
 else if (sameWord(size, "medium"))
     return "14";
 else if (sameWord(size, "large"))
     return "18";
 else if (sameWord(size, "huge"))
     return "34";
     errAbort("unknown font size %s", size);
     return NULL;
 MgFont *mgFontForSizeAndStyle(char *textSize, char *fontType)
 /* Get a font of given size and style.  Abort with error message if not found.
  * The textSize should be 6,8,10,12,14,18,24 or 34.  For backwards compatibility
  * textSizes of "tiny" "small", "medium", "large" and "huge" are also ok.
  * The fontType should be "medium", "bold", or "fixed" */
 textSize = mgFontSizeBackwardsCompatible(textSize);
 MgFont *font = NULL;
 if (sameString(fontType,"bold"))
     if (sameString(textSize, "6"))
 	 font = mgTinyBoldFont();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "8"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold8Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "10"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold10Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "12"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold12Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "14"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold14Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "18"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold18Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "24"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold24Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "34"))
 	 font = mgHelveticaBold34Font();
 	 errAbort("unknown textSize %s", textSize);
 else if (sameString(fontType,"fixed"))
     if (sameString(textSize, "6"))
 	 font = mgTinyFixedFont();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "8"))
 	 font = mgCourier8Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "10"))
 	 font = mgCourier10Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "12"))
 	 font = mgCourier12Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "14"))
 	 font = mgCourier14Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "18"))
 	 font = mgCourier18Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "24"))
 	 font = mgCourier24Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "34"))
 	 font = mgCourier34Font();
 	 errAbort("unknown textSize %s", textSize);
     if (sameString(textSize, "6"))
 	 font = mgTinyFont();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "8"))
 	 font = mgSmallFont();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "10"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica10Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "12"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica12Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "14"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica14Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "18"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica18Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "24"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica24Font();
     else if (sameString(textSize, "34"))
 	 font = mgHelvetica34Font();
 	 errAbort("unknown textSize %s", textSize);
 return font;
 MgFont *mgFontForSize(char *textSize)
 /* Get a font of given size and style.  Abort with error message if not found.
  * The textSize should be 6,8,10,12,14,18,24 or 34.  For backwards compatibility
  * textSizes of "tiny" "small", "medium", "large" and "huge" are also ok. */
 return mgFontForSizeAndStyle(textSize, "medium");
 void mgSlowDot(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int colorIx)
 /* Draw a dot when a macro won't do. */
 mgPutDot(mg, x, y, colorIx);
 int mgSlowGetDot(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y)
 /* Fetch a dot when a macro won't do. */
 return mgGetDot(mg, x, y);
 struct memGfx *mgRotate90(struct memGfx *in)
 /* Create a copy of input that is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. */
 int iWidth = in->width, iHeight = in->height;
 struct memGfx *out = mgNew(iHeight, iWidth);
 Color *inCol, *outRow, *outRowStart;
 int i,j;
 memcpy(out->colorMap, in->colorMap, sizeof(out->colorMap));
 outRowStart = out->pixels;
 for (i=0; i<iWidth; ++i)
     inCol = in->pixels + i;
     outRow = outRowStart;
     outRowStart += _mgBpr(out);
     j = iHeight;
     while (--j >= 0)
 	outRow[j] = *inCol;
 	inCol += _mgBpr(in);
 return out;
 void mgSetHint(char *hint)
 /* dummy function */
 char *mgGetHint(char *hint)
 /* dummy function */
 return "";
 void vgMgMethods(struct vGfx *vg)
 /* Fill in virtual graphics methods for memory based drawing. */
 vg->pixelBased = TRUE;
 vg->close = (vg_close)mgFree;
 vg->dot = (vg_dot)mgSlowDot;
 vg->getDot = (vg_getDot)mgSlowGetDot;
 vg->box = (vg_box)mgDrawBox;
 vg->line = (vg_line)mgDrawLine;
 vg->text = (vg_text)mgText;
 vg->textRight = (vg_textRight)mgTextRight;
 vg->textCentered = (vg_textCentered)mgTextCentered;
 vg->findColorIx = (vg_findColorIx)mgFindColor;
 vg->colorIxToRgb = (vg_colorIxToRgb)mgColorIxToRgb;
 vg->setWriteMode = (vg_setWriteMode)mgSetWriteMode;
 vg->setClip = (vg_setClip)mgSetClip;
 vg->unclip = (vg_unclip)mgUnclip;
 vg->verticalSmear = (vg_verticalSmear)mgVerticalSmear;
 vg->fillUnder = (vg_fillUnder)mgFillUnder;
 vg->drawPoly = (vg_drawPoly)mgDrawPoly;
 vg->circle = (vg_circle)mgCircle;
 vg->ellipse = (vg_ellipse)mgEllipse;
 vg->curve = (vg_curve)mgCurve;
 vg->setHint = (vg_setHint)mgSetHint;
 vg->getHint = (vg_getHint)mgGetHint;
 vg->getFontPixelHeight = (vg_getFontPixelHeight)mgGetFontPixelHeight;
 vg->getFontStringWidth = (vg_getFontStringWidth)mgGetFontStringWidth;
+vg->setFontMethod = (vg_setFontMethod)mgSetFontMethod;
 struct hslColor mgRgbToHsl(struct rgbColor rgb)
 /* Convert RGB to HSL colorspace (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV)
  * In HSL, Hue is the color in the range [0,360) with 0=red 120=green 240=blue,
  * Saturation goes from a shade of grey (0) to fully saturated color (1000), and
  * Lightness goes from black (0) through the hue (500) to white (1000). */
 unsigned char rgbMax = max3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
 unsigned char rgbMin = min3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
 unsigned char delta = rgbMax - rgbMin;
 unsigned short minMax = rgbMax + rgbMin;
 int divisor;
 struct hslColor hsl = { 0.0, 0, (1000*minMax+255)/(2*255) }; // round up
 // if max=min then no saturation, and this is gray
 if (rgbMax == rgbMin)
     return hsl;
 else if (hsl.l <= 500)
     divisor = minMax;
     divisor = (2*255-minMax);
 hsl.s = (1000*delta + divisor/2)/divisor; // round up
 // Saturation so compute hue 0..360 degrees (same as for HSV)
 if (rgbMax == rgb.r) // red is 0 +/- offset in blue or green direction
     hsl.h = 0 + 60.0*(rgb.g - rgb.b)/delta;
 else if (rgbMax == rgb.g) // green is 120 +/- offset in blue or red direction
     hsl.h = 120 + 60.0*(rgb.b - rgb.r)/delta;
 else // rgb_max == rgb.b // blue is 240 +/- offset in red or green direction
     hsl.h = 240 + 60.0*(rgb.r - rgb.g)/delta;
 // normalize to [0,360)
 if (hsl.h < 0.0)
     hsl.h += 360.0;
 else if (hsl.h >= 360.0)
     hsl.h -= 360.0;
 return hsl;
 struct hsvColor mgRgbToHsv(struct rgbColor rgb) 
 /* Convert RGB to HSV colorspace (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV)
  * In HSV, Hue is the color in the range [0,360) with 0=red 120=green 240=blue,
  * Saturation goes from white (0) to fully saturated color (1000), and
  * Value goes from black (0) through to the hue (1000). */
 unsigned char rgbMax = max3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
 unsigned char rgbMin = min3(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
 unsigned char delta = rgbMax - rgbMin;
 struct hsvColor hsv = {0.0, 0, 1000*rgbMax/255};
 if (hsv.v == 0) 
     return hsv;
 hsv.s = 1000*delta/rgbMax;
 // if no saturation, then this is gray
 if (hsv.s == 0) 
     return hsv;
 // Saturation so compute hue 0..360 degrees (same as for HSL)
 if (rgbMax == rgb.r) // red is 0 +/- offset in blue or green direction
     hsv.h = 0 + 60.0*(rgb.g - rgb.b)/delta;
 else if (rgbMax == rgb.g) // green is 120 +/- offset in blue or red direction
     hsv.h = 120 + 60.0*(rgb.b - rgb.r)/delta;
 else // rgb_max == rgb.b // blue is 240 +/- offset in red or green direction
     hsv.h = 240 + 60.0*(rgb.r - rgb.g)/delta;
 // normalize to [0,360)
 if (hsv.h < 0.0)
     hsv.h += 360.0;
 else if (hsv.h >= 360.0)
     hsv.h -= 360.0;
 return hsv;
 struct rgbColor mgHslToRgb(struct hslColor hsl)
 /* Convert HSL to RGB colorspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV */
 int p, q;
 double r, g, b;
 //unsigned short p, q, r, g, b;
 double tR, tG, tB;
 if( hsl.s == 0 ) // achromatic (grey)
     return (struct rgbColor) {(255*hsl.l+500)/1000, (255*hsl.l+500)/1000, (255*hsl.l+500)/1000};
 if (hsl.l <= 500)
     q = hsl.l + (hsl.l*hsl.s+500)/1000;
     q = hsl.l + hsl.s - (hsl.l*hsl.s+500)/1000;
 p = 2 * hsl.l - q;
 hsl.h /= 360.0; // normalize h to 0..1
 tR = hsl.h + 1/3.0;
 tG = hsl.h;
 tB = hsl.h - 1/3.0;
 if (tR < 0.0)
     tR += 1.0;
 else if (tR > 1.0)
     tR -= 1.0;
 if (tG < 0.0)
     tG += 1.0;
 else if (tG > 1.0)
     tG -= 1.0;
 if (tB < 0.0)
     tB += 1.0;
 else if (tB > 1.0)
     tB -= 1.0;
 // Red
 if (tR < 1/6.0)
     r = p + (q-p)*6*tR;
 else if (tR < 0.5)
     r = q;
 else if (tR < 2/3.0)
     r = p + (q-p)*6*(2/3.0 - tR);
     r = p;
 // Green
 if (tG < 1/6.0)
     g = p + (q-p)*6*tG;
 else if (tG < 0.5)
     g = q;
 else if (tG < 2/3.0)
     g = p + (q-p)*6*(2/3.0 - tG);
     g = p;
 // Blue
 if (tB < 1/6.0)
     b = p + (q-p)*6*tB;
 else if (tB < 0.5)
     b = q;
 else if (tB < 2/3.0)
     b = p + (q-p)*6*(2/3.0 - tB);
     b = p;
 return (struct rgbColor) {(255*r+500)/1000, (255*g+500)/1000, (255*b+500)/1000}; // round up
 struct rgbColor mgHsvToRgb(struct hsvColor hsv)
 /* Convert HSV to RGB colorspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV */
 int i;
 double f;
 unsigned short low, q, t, r, g, b;
 if( hsv.s == 0 ) // achromatic (grey)
     return (struct rgbColor) {(255*hsv.v+500)/1000, (255*hsv.v+500)/1000, (255*hsv.v+500)/1000};
 hsv.h /= 60.0; 
 i = (int) hsv.h;                     // floor the floating point value, sector 0 to 5
 f = hsv.h - i;                       // fractional part (distance) from hue 
 // hsv.v is highest r,g, or b value
 // low value is related to saturation
 low = hsv.v - (hsv.v * hsv.s / 1000); // lowest r,g, or b value
 t = low + (hsv.v - low) * f;         // scaled value from low..high
 q = low + (hsv.v - low) * (1.0-f);   // scaled value from low..high
 switch( i )
     case 0:
 	r = hsv.v;
         g = t;
         b = low;
     case 1:
         r = q;
         g = hsv.v;
         b = low;
     case 2:
         r = low;
         g = hsv.v;
         b = t;
     case 3:
         r = low;
         g = q;
         b = hsv.v;
     case 4:
         r = t;
         g = low;
         b = hsv.v;
     default:                // case 5:
         r = hsv.v;
         g = low;
         b = q;
 return (struct rgbColor) {(255*r+500)/1000, (255*g+500)/1000, (255*b+500)/1000};
 struct rgbColor mgRgbTransformHsl(struct rgbColor in, double h, double s, double l)
 /* Transform rgb 'in' value using
  *   hue shift 'h' (0..360 degrees), 
  *   saturation scale 's', and 
  *   lightness scale 'l'
  * Returns the transformed rgb value 
  * Use H=0, S=L=1 for identity transformation
 struct hslColor hsl = mgRgbToHsl(in);
 hsl.h += h;
 while (hsl.h < 0.0)
     hsl.h += 360.0;
 while (hsl.h > 360.0)
     hsl.h -= 360.0;
 hsl.s = min(max(hsl.s * s, 0), 1000);
 hsl.l = min(max(hsl.l * l, 0), 1000);
 return mgHslToRgb(hsl);
 struct rgbColor mgRgbTransformHsv(struct rgbColor in, double h, double s, double v)
 /* Transform rgb 'in' value using
  *   hue shift 'h' (0..360 degrees), 
  *   saturation scale 's', and 
  *   value scale 'v'
  * Returns the transformed rgb value 
  * Use H=0, S=V=1 for identity transformation
 struct hsvColor hsv = mgRgbToHsv(in);
 hsv.h += h;
 while (hsv.h < 0.0)
     hsv.h += 360.0;
 while (hsv.h > 360.0)
     hsv.h -= 360.0;
 hsv.s = min(max(hsv.s * s, 0), 1000);
 hsv.v = min(max(hsv.v * v, 0), 1000);
 return mgHsvToRgb(hsv);
 void mgEllipse(struct memGfx *mg, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Color color,
                         int mode, boolean isDashed)
 /* Draw an ellipse (or limit to top or bottom) specified by rectangle, using Bresenham algorithm.
  * Optionally, alternate dots.
  * Point 0 is left, point 1 is top of rectangle
  * Adapted trivially from code posted at http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html
  * Author: Zingl Alois, 8/22/2016
    int a = abs(x1-x0), b = abs(y1-y0), b1 = b&1; /* values of diameter */
    long dx = 4*(1-a)*b*b, dy = 4*(b1+1)*a*a; /* error increment */
    long err = dx+dy+b1*a*a, e2; /* error of 1.step */
    if (x0 > x1) { x0 = x1; x1 += a; } /* if called with swapped points */
    if (y0 > y1) y0 = y1; /* .. exchange them */
    y0 += (b+1)/2; y1 = y0-b1;   /* starting pixel */
    a *= 8*a; b1 = 8*b*b;
    int dots = 0;
    do {
        if (!isDashed || (++dots % 3))
            if (mode == ELLIPSE_BOTTOM || mode == ELLIPSE_FULL) 
                mgPutDot(mg, x1, y0, color); /*   I. Quadrant */
                mgPutDot(mg, x0, y0, color); /*  II. Quadrant */
            if (mode == ELLIPSE_TOP || mode == ELLIPSE_FULL) 
                mgPutDot(mg, x0, y1, color); /* III. Quadrant */
                mgPutDot(mg, x1, y1, color); /*  IV. Quadrant */
        e2 = 2*err;
        if (e2 <= dy) { y0++; y1--; err += dy += a; }  /* y step */
        if (e2 >= dx || 2*err > dy) { x0++; x1--; err += dx += b1; } /* x step */
    } while (x0 <= x1);
    while (y0-y1 < b) {  /* too early stop of flat ellipses a=1 */
        if (!isDashed && (++dots % 3))
            mgPutDot(mg, x0-1, y0, color); /* -> finish tip of ellipse */
            mgPutDot(mg, x1+1, y0++, color);
            mgPutDot(mg, x0-1, y1, color);
            mgPutDot(mg, x1+1, y1--, color);
 static int mgCurveSegAA(struct memGfx *mg, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, 
                         Color color, boolean isDashed)
 /* Draw a segment of an anti-aliased curve within 3 points (quadratic Bezier)
  * Return max y value. Optionally alternate dots.
  * Adapted trivially from code posted on github and at http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html */
  /* Thanks to author  * @author Zingl Alois
  * @date 22.08.2016 */
    int yMax = 0;
    int sx = x2-x1, sy = y2-y1;
    long xx = x0-x1, yy = y0-y1, xy;             /* relative values for checks */
    double dx, dy, err, ed, cur = xx*sy-yy*sx;                    /* curvature */
    assert(xx*sx <= 0 && yy*sy <= 0);      /* sign of gradient must not change */
    if (sx*(long)sx+sy*(long)sy > xx*xx+yy*yy) {     /* begin with longer part */
       x2 = x0; x0 = sx+x1; y2 = y0; y0 = sy+y1; cur = -cur;     /* swap P0 P2 */
    if (cur != 0)
    {                                                      /* no straight line */
       xx += sx; xx *= sx = x0 < x2 ? 1 : -1;              /* x step direction */
       yy += sy; yy *= sy = y0 < y2 ? 1 : -1;              /* y step direction */
       xy = 2*xx*yy; xx *= xx; yy *= yy;             /* differences 2nd degree */
       if (cur*sx*sy < 0) {                              /* negated curvature? */
          xx = -xx; yy = -yy; xy = -xy; cur = -cur;
       dx = 4.0*sy*(x1-x0)*cur+xx-xy;                /* differences 1st degree */
       dy = 4.0*sx*(y0-y1)*cur+yy-xy;
       xx += xx; yy += yy; err = dx+dy+xy;                   /* error 1st step */
       int dots = 0;
       do {
          cur = fmin(dx+xy,-xy-dy);
          ed = fmax(dx+xy,-xy-dy);               /* approximate error distance */
          ed += 2*ed*cur*cur/(4*ed*ed+cur*cur);
          if (!isDashed || (++dots % 3))
             mixDot(mg, x0,y0, 1-fabs(err-dx-dy-xy)/ed, color);          /* plot curve */
             if (y0 > yMax)
                 yMax = y0;
          if (x0 == x2 || y0 == y2) break;     /* last pixel -> curve finished */
          x1 = x0; cur = dx-err; y1 = 2*err+dy < 0;
          if (2*err+dx > 0) {                                        /* x step */
             if (err-dy < ed) 
                 mixDot(mg, x0,y0+sy, 1-fabs(err-dy)/ed, color);
                 if (y0 > yMax)
                     yMax = y0;
             x0 += sx; dx -= xy; err += dy += yy;
          if (y1) {                                                  /* y step */
             if (cur < ed) 
                 mixDot(mg, x1+sx,y0, 1-fabs(cur)/ed, color);
                 if (y0 > yMax)
                     yMax = y0;
             y0 += sy; dy -= xy; err += dx += xx;
       } while (dy < dx);                  /* gradient negates -> close curves */
    mgDrawLine(mg, x0,y0, x2,y2, color);                  /* plot remaining needle to end */
    if (y0 > yMax)
        yMax = y0;
    return yMax;
 int mgCurve(struct memGfx *mg, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color,
                         boolean isDashed)
 /* Draw a segment of an anti-aliased curve within 3 points (quadratic Bezier)
  * Return max y value. Optionally draw curve as dashed line.
  * Adapted trivially from code posted at http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html
  * Author: Zingl Alois, 8/22/2016
 /* TODO: allow specifying a third point on the line
  *  P(t) = (1-t)^2 * p0 + 2 * (1-t) * t * p1 + t^2 * p2
    int x = x0-x1, y = y0-y1;
    double t = x0-2*x1+x2, r;
    int yMax = 0, yMaxRet = 0;
    if ((long)x*(x2-x1) > 0) {                        /* horizontal cut at P4? */
       if ((long)y*(y2-y1) > 0)                     /* vertical cut at P6 too? */
          if (fabs((y0-2*y1+y2)/t*x) > abs(y)) {               /* which first? */
             x0 = x2; x2 = x+x1; y0 = y2; y2 = y+y1;            /* swap points */
          }                            /* now horizontal cut at P4 comes first */
       t = (x0-x1)/t;
       r = (1-t)*((1-t)*y0+2.0*t*y1)+t*t*y2;                       /* By(t=P4) */
       t = (x0*x2-x1*x1)*t/(x0-x1);                       /* gradient dP4/dx=0 */
       x = floor(t+0.5); y = floor(r+0.5);
       r = (y1-y0)*(t-x0)/(x1-x0)+y0;                  /* intersect P3 | P0 P1 */
       yMax = mgCurveSegAA(mg,x0,y0, x,floor(r+0.5), x,y, color, isDashed);
       r = (y1-y2)*(t-x2)/(x1-x2)+y2;                  /* intersect P4 | P1 P2 */
       x0 = x1 = x; y0 = y; y1 = floor(r+0.5);             /* P0 = P4, P1 = P8 */
    if ((long)(y0-y1)*(y2-y1) > 0) {                    /* vertical cut at P6? */
       t = y0-2*y1+y2; t = (y0-y1)/t;
       r = (1-t)*((1-t)*x0+2.0*t*x1)+t*t*x2;                       /* Bx(t=P6) */
       t = (y0*y2-y1*y1)*t/(y0-y1);                       /* gradient dP6/dy=0 */
       x = floor(r+0.5); y = floor(t+0.5);
       r = (x1-x0)*(t-y0)/(y1-y0)+x0;                  /* intersect P6 | P0 P1 */
       yMaxRet = mgCurveSegAA(mg,x0,y0, floor(r+0.5),y, x,y, color, isDashed);
       if (yMaxRet > yMax)
         yMax = yMaxRet;
       r = (x1-x2)*(t-y2)/(y1-y2)+x2;                  /* intersect P7 | P1 P2 */
       x0 = x; x1 = floor(r+0.5); y0 = y1 = y;             /* P0 = P6, P1 = P7 */
    yMaxRet = mgCurveSegAA(mg,x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, color, isDashed); /* remaining part */
    if (yMaxRet > yMax)
      yMax = yMaxRet;
    return yMax;