  Fri Sep 25 14:52:52 2020 -0700
Code cleanup in vcfToBed and fix wrong array length variable for looping over info fields, refs #25010

diff --git src/hg/utils/vcfToBed/vcfToBed.c src/hg/utils/vcfToBed/vcfToBed.c
index 605b46e..ad7b49c 100644
--- src/hg/utils/vcfToBed/vcfToBed.c
+++ src/hg/utils/vcfToBed/vcfToBed.c
@@ -1,254 +1,266 @@
 /* vcfToBed - Convert VCF to BED9+ with optional extra fields.
  * Extra VCF tags get placed into a separate tab file for later indexing.. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #define MAX_BED_EXTRA 50 // how many extra fields  can we put into the bigBed itself (for filtering, labels, etc)
-#define bed9Header "#chrom\tchromStart\tchromEnd\tname\tscore\tstrand\tthickStart\tthickEnd\titemRgb\tref\talt"
+#define bed9Header "#chrom\tchromStart\tchromEnd\tname\tscore\tstrand\tthickStart\tthickEnd\titemRgb\tref\talt\tFILTER"
 // hash up all the info tags and their vcfInfoDef structs for faster searching
 struct hash *infoHash = NULL;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
     "vcfToBed - Convert VCF to BED9+ with optional extra fields.\n"
     "    vcfToBed in.vcf outPrefix\n"
     "    -fields=comma-sep list of tags to include in the bed file, other fields will be placed into\n"
     "           out.extraFields.tab\n"
     "NOTE: Extra VCF tags (that aren't listed in -fields)  get placed into a separate tab\n"
     "file for later indexing.\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
     {"fields", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0},
 int trimMissingTagsFromFieldList(char **keepFields, char **tempKeepFields, int keepCount, struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* If there are requested fields in keepFields that don't exist in vcff, warn about them
  * and remove them from the keepFields array. Return number of valid entries */
 int i = 0;
 int keepIx = 0;
 for (; i < keepCount; i++)
     char *tag = tempKeepFields[i];
     struct vcfInfoDef *def = NULL;
     if ( (def = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, tag)) == NULL)
         verbose(2, "Warning: skipping desired tag '%s', does not exist in INFO fields.\n", tag);
         keepFields[keepIx++] = cloneString(tag);
 return keepIx;
 char *fixupChromName(char *chrom)
 /* Prepend "chr" if missing */
 if (!startsWith(chrom, "chr"))
     return catTwoStrings("chr", chrom);
     return chrom;
 #define VCF_MAX_INFO (4*1024)
 void fixupLeftPadding(int *start, char *ref, char *alt)
-/* If an indel is left padded fix up the star position */
+/* If an indel is left padded fix up the start position */
 char *altTmp = cloneString(alt);
 char *alleles[VCF_MAX_INFO+1];
 alleles[0] = cloneString(ref);
 char *altAlleles[VCF_MAX_INFO];
 int altCount = chopCommas(altTmp, altAlleles);
 int alleleCount = 1 + altCount;
 if (alleleCount > 1)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < altCount; i++)
         alleles[1+i] = altAlleles[i];
     boolean hasPaddingBase = allelesHavePaddingBase(alleles, alleleCount);
     if (hasPaddingBase)
+void shortenRefAltString(struct dyString *shortenedRef, struct dyString *shortenedAlt, char *ref, char *alt)
+/* Shorten up the Ref and Alt strings for bed labels */
+int i;
+if (strlen(ref) > 10)
+    {
+    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+        dyStringAppendC(shortenedRef, ref[i]);
+    dyStringAppend(shortenedRef, "...");
+    }
+    shortenedRef->string = ref;
+if (strlen(alt) > 10)
+    {
+    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+        dyStringAppendC(shortenedAlt, alt[i]);
+    dyStringAppend(shortenedAlt, "...");
+    }
+    shortenedAlt->string = alt;
+void printExtraFieldInfo(FILE *outBed, char *info, char **infoTags, int infoCount, char **keepFields, int extraFieldCount)
+int i,j;
+int numTags = chopByChar(info, ';', infoTags, infoCount);
+for (i = 0; i < extraFieldCount; i++)
+    {
+    char *extraField = keepFields[i];
+    for (j = 0; j < numTags && infoTags[j]; j++)
+        {
+        boolean isKeyVal = (strchr(infoTags[j], '=') != NULL);
+        if (isKeyVal && startsWithWordByDelimiter(extraField, '=', infoTags[j]))
+            {
+            char *infoTagVal = infoTags[j];
+            char *val = strchr(infoTagVal, '=');
+            *(val++) = '\0';
+            if (sameString(infoTagVal, extraField))
+                {
+                fprintf(outBed, "%s", val);
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        else if (sameString(infoTags[j], extraField))
+            {
+            fprintf(outBed, "Yes");
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    if (i < (extraFieldCount - 1))
+        fprintf(outBed, "\t");
+    }
 void printHeaders(struct vcfFile *vcff, char **keepFields, int keepCount, FILE *outBed)
-/* Print the required header into extraFields.tab, and put a technically optional
- * comment into outBed */
+/* Print a comment describing all the fields into outBed */
 int i;
 fprintf(outBed, "%s", bed9Header);
 for (i = 0; i < keepCount; i++)
     if (keepFields[i] != NULL)
         fprintf(outBed, "\t%s", keepFields[i]);
 fprintf(outBed, "\n");
 void vcfLinesToBed(struct vcfFile *vcff, char **keepFields, int extraFieldCount,
                     FILE *outBed) //, FILE *outExtra)
 /* Turn a VCF line into a bed9+ line */
 struct dyString *name = dyStringNew(0);
-struct dyString *maybeShortenedRef = dyStringNew(0);
-struct dyString *maybeShortenedAlt = dyStringNew(0);
+struct dyString *shortenedRef = dyStringNew(0);
+struct dyString *shortenedAlt = dyStringNew(0);
 char *line = NULL;
-char *chopped[9];
+char *chopped[9]; // 9 fields in case VCF has genotype fields, keep them separate from info fields
 int infoCount = slCount(vcff->infoDefs);
 char *infoTags[infoCount];
-int i;
 while (lineFileNext(vcff->lf, &line, NULL))
     int fieldCount = chopTabs(line, chopped);
     if (fieldCount < 8)
         errAbort("ERROR: malformed VCF, missing fields at line: '%d'", vcff->lf->lineIx);
     char *chrom = fixupChromName(chopped[0]);
     int start = atoi(chopped[1]);
     int end = start + 1;
     char *ref = chopped[3];
     char *alt = chopped[4];
     if (strlen(ref) == dnaFilteredSize(ref))
         end = start + strlen(ref);
     fixupLeftPadding(&start, ref, alt);
     if (!sameString(chopped[2], "."))
         dyStringPrintf(name, "%s", chopped[2]);
-        if (strlen(ref) > 10)
-            {
-            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
-                dyStringAppendC(maybeShortenedRef, ref[i]);
-            dyStringAppend(maybeShortenedRef, "...");
-            }
-        else
-            maybeShortenedRef->string = ref;
-        if (strlen(alt) > 10)
-            {
-            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
-                dyStringAppendC(maybeShortenedAlt, alt[i]);
-            dyStringAppend(maybeShortenedAlt, "...");
-            }
-        else
-            maybeShortenedAlt->string = alt;
-        dyStringPrintf(name, "%s_%d:%s/%s", chrom,start,maybeShortenedRef->string,maybeShortenedAlt->string);
+        shortenRefAltString(shortenedRef, shortenedAlt, ref, alt);
+        dyStringPrintf(name, "%s_%d:%s/%s", chrom,start,shortenedRef->string,shortenedAlt->string);
     fprintf(outBed, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t0\t.\t%d\t%d\t0,0,0", chrom,start,end,name->string,start,end);
-    fprintf(outBed, "\t%s\t%s", ref, alt);
+    fprintf(outBed, "\t%s\t%s\t%s", ref, alt, chopped[6]);
     if (extraFieldCount)
         fprintf(outBed, "\t");
-        chopByChar(chopped[7], ';', infoTags, infoCount);
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < extraFieldCount; i++)
-            {
-            char *extraField = keepFields[i];
-            char *infoTagVal = NULL;
-            int j;
-            for (j = 0; j < infoCount; j++)
-                {
-                if (infoTags[j] && startsWith(extraField, infoTags[j]))
-                    {
-                    infoTagVal = cloneString(infoTags[j]);
-                    break;
-                    }
-                }
-            if (infoTagVal)
-                {
-                char *val = strchr(infoTagVal, '=');
-                if (val)
-                    {
-                    val += 1;
-                    fprintf(outBed, "%s", val);
-                    }
-                }
-            fprintf(outBed, "\t");
-            }
+        printExtraFieldInfo(outBed, chopped[7], infoTags, infoCount, keepFields, extraFieldCount);
     fprintf(outBed, "\n");
-    dyStringClear(maybeShortenedRef);
-    dyStringClear(maybeShortenedAlt);
+    dyStringClear(shortenedRef);
+    dyStringClear(shortenedAlt);
 void vcfToBed(char *vcfFileName, char *outPrefix, char *tagsToKeep)
 /* vcfToBed - Convert VCF to BED9+ with optional extra fields.
  * Extra VCF tags get placed into a separate tab file for later indexing. */
 FILE *outBed;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = NULL;
 char tbiFile[4096];
 int i;
 int vcfTagCount = 0; // no need for extra file if there's only a few tags
 int keepCount = 0; // count of comma-sep tagsToKeep
 char *keepFields[MAX_BED_EXTRA]; // Max 50 extra fields to put into bigBed, also needed for
                                  // comment string header
 char *tempKeepFields[MAX_BED_EXTRA]; // allow requesting fields that don't exist, just don't output
 memset(keepFields, 0, MAX_BED_EXTRA);
 memset(tempKeepFields, 0, MAX_BED_EXTRA);
 // open up VCF for reading
 safef(tbiFile, sizeof(tbiFile), "%s.tbi", vcfFileName);
 if (fileExists(tbiFile))
     vcff = vcfTabixFileAndIndexMayOpen(vcfFileName, tbiFile, NULL, 0,0,VCF_IGNORE_ERRS,-1);
     if (vcff == NULL)
         errAbort("error opening %s\n", vcfFileName);
     vcfTagCount = slCount(vcff->infoDefs);
     // do a batch read and use the reuse pool
     vcfFileMakeReusePool(vcff, 64*1024*1024);
     errAbort("no tabix index for %s\n", vcfFileName);
 if (tagsToKeep)
     keepCount = chopCommas(tagsToKeep, tempKeepFields);
     if (keepCount > vcfTagCount)
         verbose(2, "Warning: fewer fields in VCF than -fields specification.");
     keepCount = trimMissingTagsFromFieldList(keepFields, tempKeepFields, keepCount, vcff);
 // open output for writing
 char *outBedName = NULL;
 if (endsWith(outPrefix, ".bed"))
     outBedName = cloneString(outPrefix);
     outBedName = catTwoStrings(outPrefix, ".bed");
 outBed = mustOpen(outBedName, "w");
 verbose(2, "input vcf tag count = %d\n", vcfTagCount);
 verbose(2, "number of valid requested tags = %d\n", keepCount);
 for (i = 0; i < keepCount; i++)
     if (keepFields[i] != NULL)
         verbose(2, "found tag: '%s'\n", keepFields[i]);
 printHeaders(vcff, keepFields, keepCount, outBed);
 vcfLinesToBed(vcff, keepFields, keepCount, outBed);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 3)
 char *fields = optionVal("fields", NULL);
 vcfToBed(argv[1],argv[2], fields);
 return 0;