  Wed Oct 21 12:49:05 2020 -0700
lineFileUdcMayOpen automatically decompresses local files but not urls.
netLineFileMayOpen does automatically decompress.
For now, just use netLineFileMayOpen, although in the long term it would
be better to ad support to lineFileUdcMayOpen to get the benefits of

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/vcfTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/vcfTrack.c
index 4a4795c..132a41d 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/vcfTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/vcfTrack.c
@@ -1,3138 +1,3140 @@
 /* vcfTrack -- handlers for Variant Call Format data. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "bigWarn.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "rainbow.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "genePredReader.h"
 #include "hacTree.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgColors.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "iupac.h"
+#include "net.h"
 #include "pgSnp.h"
 #include "phyloTree.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "variantProjector.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "vcfUi.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "memgfx.h"
 // Russ Corbett-Detig suggested darker shades for coloring non-synonymous variants green
 Color darkerShadesOfGreenOnWhite[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
 static boolean getMinQual(struct trackDb *tdb, double *retMinQual)
 /* Return TRUE and set retMinQual if cart contains minimum QUAL filter */
     if (retMinQual != NULL)
 	*retMinQual = cartOrTdbDouble(cart, tdb, VCF_MIN_QUAL_VAR, VCF_DEFAULT_MIN_QUAL);
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean minQualFail(struct vcfRecord *record, double minQual)
 /* Return TRUE if record's QUAL column value is non-numeric or is less than minQual. */
 if (isEmpty(record->qual) ||
     (record->qual[0] != '-' && !isdigit(record->qual[0])) ||
     atof(record->qual) < minQual)
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean getFilterValues(struct trackDb *tdb, struct slName **retValues)
 /* Return TRUE and set retValues if cart contains FILTER column values to exclude */
 if (cartListVarExistsAnyLevel(cart, tdb, FALSE, VCF_EXCLUDE_FILTER_VAR))
     struct slName *selectedValues = cartOptionalSlNameListClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE,
     if (retValues != NULL)
 	*retValues = selectedValues;
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean filterColumnFail(struct vcfRecord *record, struct slName *filterValues)
 /* Return TRUE if record's FILTER column value(s) matches one of filterValues (from cart). */
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < record->filterCount;  i++)
     if (slNameInList(filterValues, record->filters[i]))
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean getMinFreq(struct trackDb *tdb, double *retMinFreq)
 /* Return TRUE and set retMinFreq if cart contains nonzero minimum minor allele frequency. */
 double minFreq = cartOrTdbDouble(cart, tdb, VCF_MIN_ALLELE_FREQ_VAR, VCF_DEFAULT_MIN_ALLELE_FREQ);
 if (minFreq > 0)
     if (retMinFreq != NULL)
 	*retMinFreq = minFreq;
     return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean minFreqFail(struct vcfRecord *record, double minFreq)
 /* Return TRUE if record's INFO include AF (alternate allele frequencies) or AC+AN
  * (alternate allele counts and total count of observed alleles) and the minor allele
  * frequency < minFreq -- or rather, major allele frequency > (1 - minFreq) because
  * variants with > 2 alleles might have some significant minor frequencies along with
  * tiny minor frequencies). */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file;
 boolean gotInfo = FALSE;
 double refFreq = 1.0;
 double maxAltFreq = 0.0;
 int i;
 const struct vcfInfoElement *afEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AF");
 const struct vcfInfoDef *afDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AF");
 if (afEl != NULL && afDef != NULL && afDef->type == vcfInfoFloat)
     // If INFO includes alt allele freqs, use them directly.
     gotInfo = TRUE;
     for (i = 0;  i < afEl->count;  i++)
 	if (afEl->missingData[i])
 	double altFreq = afEl->values[i].datFloat;
 	refFreq -= altFreq;
 	if (altFreq > maxAltFreq)
 	    maxAltFreq = altFreq;
     // Calculate alternate allele freqs from AC and AN:
     const struct vcfInfoElement *acEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AC");
     const struct vcfInfoDef *acDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AC");
     const struct vcfInfoElement *anEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AN");
     const struct vcfInfoDef *anDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AN");
     if (acEl != NULL && acDef != NULL && acDef->type == vcfInfoInteger &&
 	anEl != NULL && anDef != NULL && anDef->type == vcfInfoInteger && anEl->count == 1 &&
 	anEl->missingData[0] == FALSE)
 	gotInfo = TRUE;
 	int totalCount = anEl->values[0].datInt;
 	for (i = 0;  i < acEl->count;  i++)
 	    if (acEl->missingData[i])
 	    int altCount = acEl->values[i].datInt;
 	    double altFreq = (double)altCount / totalCount;
 	    refFreq -= altFreq;
 	    if (altFreq < maxAltFreq)
 		maxAltFreq = altFreq;
         // Use MAF for alternate allele freqs from MAF:
         const struct vcfInfoElement *mafEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "MAF");
         const struct vcfInfoDef *mafDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "MAF");
         if (mafEl != NULL && mafDef != NULL && mafDef->type == vcfInfoString
         && startsWith("Minor Allele Frequency",mafDef->description))
             // If INFO includes alt allele freqs, use them directly.
             gotInfo = TRUE;
             if (mafEl->count >= 1 && !mafEl->missingData[mafEl->count-1])
                 char data[64];
                 maxAltFreq = atof(lastWordInLine(data));
                 refFreq -= maxAltFreq;
 if (gotInfo)
     double majorAlFreq = max(refFreq, maxAltFreq);
     if (majorAlFreq > (1.0 - minFreq))
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void filterRefOnlyAlleles(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Drop items from VCF that don't differ from the reference for any of the
  * samples specified in trackDb */
 struct vcfRecord *rec, *nextRecord, *retList = NULL;
 const struct vcfGenotype *gt;
 boolean hideOtherSamples = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_HIDE_OTHER_VAR, FALSE);
 struct slPair *sample, *sampleOrder = vcfPhasedGetSampleOrder(cart, tdb, FALSE, hideOtherSamples);
 for (rec = vcff->records; rec != NULL; rec = nextRecord)
     nextRecord = rec->next;
     boolean allRef = TRUE;
     for (sample = sampleOrder; sample != NULL; sample = sample->next)
         gt = vcfRecordFindGenotype(rec, sample->name);
         if (gt && !(gt->hapIxA == 0 && gt->hapIxB == 0) )
             allRef = FALSE;
     if (!allRef)
         slAddHead(&retList, rec);
 vcff->records = retList;
 static void filterRecords(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* If a filter is specified in the cart, remove any records that don't pass filter. */
 double minQual = VCF_DEFAULT_MIN_QUAL;
 struct slName *filterValues = NULL;
 boolean gotQualFilter = getMinQual(tdb, &minQual);
 boolean gotFilterFilter = getFilterValues(tdb, &filterValues);
 boolean gotMinFreqFilter = getMinFreq(tdb, &minFreq);
 if (! (gotQualFilter || gotFilterFilter || gotMinFreqFilter) )
 struct vcfRecord *rec, *nextRec, *newList = NULL;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = nextRec)
     nextRec = rec->next;
     if (! ((gotQualFilter && minQualFail(rec, minQual)) ||
 	   (gotFilterFilter && filterColumnFail(rec, filterValues)) ||
 	   (gotMinFreqFilter && minFreqFail(rec, minFreq)) ))
 	slAddHead(&newList, rec);
 vcff->records = newList;
 struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd
 /* This extends struct pgSnp by tacking on an original VCF chromStart and End at the end,
  * for use by indelTweakMapItem below.  This can be cast to pgs. */
     struct pgSnp pgs;
     unsigned int vcfStart;
     unsigned int vcfEnd;
 static struct pgSnp *vcfFileToPgSnp(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Convert vcff's records to pgSnp; don't free vcff until you're done with pgSnp
  * because it contains pointers into vcff's records' chrom. If the trackDb setting
  * sampleName is present, then check whether all the records are phased or not */
 struct pgSnp *pgsList = NULL;
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 int maxLen = 33;
 int maxAlCount = 5;
 struct slPair *sample = NULL, *phasedSamples = NULL;
 if (sameString(tdb->type, "vcfPhasedTrio"))
     boolean hideOtherSamples = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_HIDE_OTHER_VAR, FALSE);
     phasedSamples = vcfPhasedGetSampleOrder(cart, tdb, FALSE, hideOtherSamples);
 vcff->allPhased = TRUE;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *psvs = needMem(sizeof(*psvs));
     psvs->vcfStart = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec);
     psvs->vcfEnd = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec);
     for (sample = phasedSamples; sample != NULL; sample = sample->next)
         const struct vcfGenotype *gt = vcfRecordFindGenotype(rec, sample->name);
         if (!gt->isPhased)
             vcff->allPhased = FALSE;
     struct pgSnp *pgs = pgSnpFromVcfRecord(rec);
     memcpy(&(psvs->pgs), pgs, sizeof(*pgs));
     pgs = (struct pgSnp *)psvs; // leak mem
     // Insertion sequences can be quite long; abbreviate here for display.
     int len = strlen(pgs->name);
     if (len > maxLen)
 	int maxAlLen = (maxLen / min(rec->alleleCount, maxAlCount)) - 1;
 	pgs->name[0] = '\0';
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0;  i < rec->alleleCount;  i++)
 	    if (i > 0)
 		safencat(pgs->name, len+1, "/", 1);
 	    if (i >= maxAlCount)
 		safecat(pgs->name, len+1, "...");
 		pgs->alleleCount = maxAlCount;
 	    if (strlen(rec->alleles[i]) > maxAlLen-3)
 		strcpy(rec->alleles[i]+maxAlLen-3, "...");
 	    safencat(pgs->name, len+1, rec->alleles[i], maxAlLen);
     slAddHead(&pgsList, pgs);
 return pgsList;
 // Center-weighted alpha clustering of haplotypes -- see Redmine #3711, #2823 note 7
 // It might be nice to use an allele-frequency representation here instead of [ACGTN] strings
 // with "N" for missing info or differences, but keep it simple.
 struct cwaExtraData
 /* Helper data for hacTree clustering of haplotypes by center-weighted alpha distance */
     int center;    // index from which each point's contribution to distance is to be weighted
     int len;       // total length of haplotype strings
     double alpha;  // weighting factor for distance from center
     struct lm *localMem;
 // This is the representation of a cluster of up to 65,535 haplotypes of equal length,
 // where each variant's alleles are specified as 0 (reference) or 1 (alternate)
 // [or possibly 2 for second alternate, but those are rare so I'll ignore them].
 // When an individual is heterozygous and unphased for some variant, we need to
 // account for missing data.
 struct hapCluster
     struct hapCluster *next;   // hacTree wants slList of items
     unsigned int *refCounts; // per-variant count of reference alleles observed
     unsigned int *unkCounts; // per-variant count of unknown (or unphased het) alleles
     unsigned int leafCount;  // number of leaves under this node (or 1 if leaf)
     unsigned int gtHapIx;    // if leaf, (genotype index << 1) + hap (0 or 1 for diploid)
 INLINE boolean isRef(const struct hapCluster *c, int varIx)
 // Return TRUE if the leaves of cluster have at least as many reference alleles
 // as alternate alleles for variant varIx.
 unsigned int altCount = c->leafCount - c->refCounts[varIx] - c->unkCounts[varIx];
 return (c->refCounts[varIx] >= altCount);
 static double cwaDistance(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2, void *extraData)
 /* Center-weighted alpha sequence distance function for hacTree clustering of haplotype seqs */
 // This is inner-loop so I am not doing defensive checks.  Caller must ensure:
 // 1. kids's sequences' lengths are both equal to helper->len
 // 2. 0 <= helper->center <= len
 // 3. 0.0 < helper->alpha <= 1.0
 const struct hapCluster *kid1 = (const struct hapCluster *)item1;
 const struct hapCluster *kid2 = (const struct hapCluster *)item2;
 struct cwaExtraData *helper = extraData;
 double distance = 0;
 double weight = 1; // start at center: alpha to the 0th power
 int i;
 for (i=helper->center;  i >= 0;  i--)
     if (isRef(kid1, i) != isRef(kid2, i))
 	distance += weight;
     weight *= helper->alpha;
 weight = helper->alpha; // start at center+1: alpha to the 1st power
 for (i=helper->center+1;  i < helper->len;  i++)
     if (isRef(kid1, i) != isRef(kid2, i))
 	distance += weight;
     weight *= helper->alpha;
 return distance;
 static struct hapCluster *lmHapCluster(struct cwaExtraData *helper)
 /* Use localMem to allocate a new cluster of the given len. */
 struct hapCluster *c = lmAlloc(helper->localMem, sizeof(struct hapCluster));
 c->refCounts = lmAlloc(helper->localMem, helper->len * sizeof(unsigned int));
 c->unkCounts = lmAlloc(helper->localMem, helper->len * sizeof(unsigned int));
 return c;
 static struct slList *cwaMerge(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2,
 			       void *extraData)
 /* Make a consensus haplotype from two input haplotypes, for hacTree clustering by
  * center-weighted alpha distance. */
 // This is inner-loop so I am not doing defensive checks.  Caller must ensure that
 // kids's sequences' lengths are both equal to helper->len.
 const struct hapCluster *kid1 = (const struct hapCluster *)item1;
 const struct hapCluster *kid2 = (const struct hapCluster *)item2;
 struct cwaExtraData *helper = extraData;
 struct hapCluster *consensus = lmHapCluster(helper);
 consensus->leafCount = kid1->leafCount + kid2->leafCount;
 consensus->gtHapIx = kid1->gtHapIx;
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < helper->len;  i++)
     consensus->refCounts[i] = kid1->refCounts[i] + kid2->refCounts[i];
     consensus->unkCounts[i] = kid1->unkCounts[i] + kid2->unkCounts[i];
 return (struct slList *)consensus;
 INLINE void hapClusterToString(const struct hapCluster *c, char *s, int len)
 /* Write a text representation of hapCluster's alleles into s which is at least len+1 long.  */
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < len;  i++)
     s[i] = isRef(c, i) ? '0': '1';
 s[i] = 0;
 static int cwaCmp(const struct slList *item1, const struct slList *item2, void *extraData)
 /* Convert hapCluster to allele strings for easy comparison by strcmp. */
 const struct hapCluster *c1 = (const struct hapCluster *)item1;
 const struct hapCluster *c2 = (const struct hapCluster *)item2;
 struct cwaExtraData *helper = extraData;
 char s1[helper->len+1];
 char s2[helper->len+1];
 hapClusterToString(c1, s1, helper->len);
 hapClusterToString(c2, s2, helper->len);
 return strcmp(s1, s2);
 void rSetGtHapOrder(struct hacTree *ht, unsigned int *gtHapOrder, unsigned int *retGtHapEnd)
 /* Traverse hacTree and build an ordered array of genotype + haplotype indices. */
 if (ht->left == NULL && ht->right == NULL)
     struct hapCluster *c = (struct hapCluster *)ht->itemOrCluster;
     gtHapOrder[(*retGtHapEnd)++] = c->gtHapIx;
 else if (ht->left == NULL)
     rSetGtHapOrder(ht->right, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 else if (ht->right == NULL)
     rSetGtHapOrder(ht->left, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
     struct hapCluster *cL = (struct hapCluster *)ht->left->itemOrCluster;
     struct hapCluster *cR = (struct hapCluster *)ht->right->itemOrCluster;
     if (cL->leafCount >= cR->leafCount)
 	rSetGtHapOrder(ht->left, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 	rSetGtHapOrder(ht->right, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 	rSetGtHapOrder(ht->right, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 	rSetGtHapOrder(ht->left, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 static unsigned int *clusterHaps(const struct vcfFile *vcff, int centerIx,
 				   int startIx, int endIx,
 				   unsigned int *retGtHapEnd, struct hacTree **retTree)
 /* Given a bunch of VCF records with phased genotypes, build up one haplotype string
  * per chromosome that is the sequence of alleles in all variants (simplified to one base
  * per variant).  Each individual/sample will have two haplotype strings (unless haploid
  * like Y or male X).  Independently cluster the haplotype strings using hacTree with the 
  * center-weighted alpha functions above. Return an array of genotype+haplotype indices
  * in the order determined by the hacTree, and set retGtHapEnd to its length/end. */
 double alpha = 0.5;
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct cwaExtraData helper = { centerIx-startIx, endIx-startIx, alpha, lm };
 int ploidy = 2; // Assuming diploid genomes here, no XXY, tetraploid etc.
 int gtCount = vcff->genotypeCount;
 // Make an slList of hapClusters, but allocate in a big block so I can use
 // array indexing.
 struct hapCluster **hapArray = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(struct hapCluster *) * gtCount * ploidy);
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < ploidy * gtCount;  i++)
     hapArray[i] = lmHapCluster(&helper);
     if (i > 0)
 	hapArray[i-1]->next = hapArray[i];
 boolean haveHaploid = FALSE;
 int varIx;
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (varIx = 0, rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL && varIx < endIx;  varIx++, rec = rec->next)
     if (varIx < startIx)
     int countIx = varIx - startIx;
     int gtIx;
     for (gtIx=0;  gtIx < gtCount;  gtIx++)
 	struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx]);
 	struct hapCluster *c1 = hapArray[gtIx];
 	struct hapCluster *c2 = hapArray[gtCount + gtIx]; // hardwired ploidy=2
 	c1->gtHapIx = gtIx << 1;
 	c1->leafCount = 1;
 	if (gt->isPhased || gt->isHaploid || (gt->hapIxA == gt->hapIxB))
 	    // first haplotype's counts:
 	    if (gt->hapIxA < 0)
 		c1->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
 	    else if (gt->hapIxA == 0)
 		c1->refCounts[countIx] = 1;
 	    if (gt->isHaploid)
 		haveHaploid = TRUE;
 		// got second haplotype, fill in its counts:
 		c2->gtHapIx = (gtIx << 1) | 1;
 		c2->leafCount = 1;
 		if (gt->hapIxB < 0)
 		    c2->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
 		else if (gt->hapIxB == 0)
 		    c2->refCounts[countIx] = 1;
 	    // Missing data or unphased heterozygote, don't use haplotype info for clustering
 	    c2->gtHapIx = (gtIx << 1) | 1;
 	    c2->leafCount = 1;
 	    c1->unkCounts[countIx] = c2->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
     if (haveHaploid)
 	// Some array items will have an empty cluster for missing hap2 --
 	// trim those from the linked list.
 	struct hapCluster *c = hapArray[0];
 	while (c != NULL && c->next != NULL)
 	    if (c->next->leafCount == 0)
 		c->next = c->next->next;
 		c = c->next;
 struct hacTree *ht = hacTreeFromItems((struct slList *)(hapArray[0]), lm,
 				      cwaDistance, cwaMerge, cwaCmp, &helper);
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = needMem(vcff->genotypeCount * ploidy * sizeof(unsigned int));
 rSetGtHapOrder(ht, gtHapOrder, retGtHapEnd);
 *retTree = ht;
 return gtHapOrder;
 INLINE Color pgSnpColor(char *allele)
 /* Color allele by first base according to pgSnp palette. */
 if (allele[0] == 'A')
     return revCmplDisp ? MG_MAGENTA : MG_RED;
 else if (allele[0] == 'C')
     return revCmplDisp ? darkGreenColor : MG_BLUE;
 else if (allele[0] == 'G')
     return revCmplDisp ? MG_BLUE : darkGreenColor;
 else if (allele[0] == 'T')
     return revCmplDisp ? MG_RED : MG_MAGENTA;
     return shadesOfGray[5];
 INLINE void abbrevAndHandleRC(char *abbrevAl, size_t abbrevAlSize, const char *fullAl)
 /* Limit the size of displayed allele to abbrevAlSize-1 and handle reverse-complemented display. */
 boolean fullLen = strlen(fullAl);
 boolean truncating = (fullLen > abbrevAlSize-1);
 if (truncating)
     int truncLen = abbrevAlSize - 4;
     if (revCmplDisp)
 	safencpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, (fullAl + fullLen - truncLen), truncLen);
 	reverseComplement(abbrevAl, truncLen);
 	safencpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, fullAl, truncLen);
     safecat(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, "...");
     safecpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, fullAl);
     if (revCmplDisp)
 	reverseComplement(abbrevAl, fullLen);
 INLINE void gtSummaryString(struct vcfRecord *rec, struct dyString *dy)
 // Make pgSnp-like mouseover text, but with genotype counts instead of allele counts.
 if (isNotEmpty(rec->name) && !sameString(rec->name, "."))
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s: ", rec->name);
 if (rec->alleleCount < 2)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '?');
 int *gtCounts = NULL, *alCounts = NULL;;
 int phasedGts = 0, diploidCount = 0;
 vcfCountGenotypes(rec, &gtCounts, &alCounts, &phasedGts, &diploidCount);
 size_t abbrevSize = 16;
 char displayAls[rec->alleleCount][abbrevSize];
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < rec->alleleCount;  i++)
     abbrevAndHandleRC(displayAls[i], sizeof displayAls[i], rec->alleles[i]);
 if (diploidCount == 0)
     // No diploid genotypes, just allele counts.
     for (i = 0;  i < rec->alleleCount;  i++)
         if (i > 0)
             dyStringAppendC(dy, ' ');
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s:%d", displayAls[i], alCounts[i]);
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s/%s:%d", displayAls[0], displayAls[0], gtCounts[0]);
     for (i = 1;  i < rec->alleleCount + 1;  i++)
         int j;
         for (j = 0;  j <= i;  j++)
             int gtIx = vcfGenotypeIndex(j, i);
             if (gtCounts[gtIx] > 0)
                 char *alJ = (j == rec->alleleCount) ? "?" : displayAls[j];
                 char *alI = (i == rec->alleleCount) ? "?" : displayAls[i];
                 dyStringPrintf(dy, "; %s/%s:%d", alJ, alI, gtCounts[gtIx]);
 void mapBoxForCenterVariant(struct vcfRecord *rec, struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg,
 			    int xOff, int yOff, int width)
 /* Special mouseover for center variant */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
 unsigned int chromStartMap = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec);
 unsigned int chromEndMap = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec);
 gtSummaryString(rec, dy);
 dyStringAppend(dy, "   Haplotypes sorted on ");
 char *centerChrom = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, "centerVariantChrom");
 if (centerChrom == NULL || !sameString(chromName, centerChrom))
     dyStringAppend(dy, "middle variant by default. ");
     dyStringAppend(dy, "this variant. ");
 dyStringAppend(dy, "To anchor sorting to a different variant, click on that variant and "
 	       "then click on the 'Use this variant' button below the variant name.");
 const double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 int x1 = round((double)(rec->chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int x2 = round((double)(rec->chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int w = x2-x1;
 if (w <= 1)
     w = 3;
 mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, chromStartMap, chromEndMap, x1, yOff, w, tg->height, tg->track,
 		  rec->name, dy->string, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
 // These are initialized when we start drawing, then constant.
 static Color purple = 0;
 static Color undefYellow = 0;
 enum hapColorMode
 static Color colorByAltShade(int refs, int alts, int unks, Color colorShades[], int colorShadeCount)
 /* Coloring alternate alleles only by shades of color: shade by proportion of alts */
 if (unks > (refs + alts))
     return undefYellow;
 int total = refs + alts + unks;
 int shadeIx = (alts * colorShadeCount) / total;
 if (shadeIx == colorShadeCount)
 return colorShades[shadeIx];
 static Color colorByAltOnly(int refs, int alts, int unks)
 /* Coloring alternate alleles only: shade by proportion of alt alleles */
 return colorByAltShade(refs, alts, unks, shadesOfGray, maxShade+1);
 static Color colorByRefAlt(int refs, int alts, int unks)
 /* Color blue for reference allele, red for alternate allele, gray for unknown, purple
  * for reasonably mixed. */
 const int fudgeFactor = 4; // Threshold factor for calling one color or the other when mixed
 if (unks > (refs + alts))
     return undefYellow;
 if (alts > fudgeFactor * refs)
     return MG_RED;
 if (refs > fudgeFactor * alts)
     return MG_BLUE;
 return purple;
 static Color colorByBase(int refs, int alts, int unks, char *refAl, char *altAl)
 /* Color gray for unknown or mixed, otherwise pgSnpColor of predominant allele. */
 const int fudgeFactor = 4; // Threshold for calling for one color or the other when mixed
 if (unks > (refs + alts))
     return undefYellow;
 if (alts > fudgeFactor * refs)
     return pgSnpColor(altAl);
 if (refs > fudgeFactor * alts)
     return pgSnpColor(refAl);
 return shadesOfGray[5];
 static struct dnaSeq *genePredToGenomicSequence(struct genePred *pred, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin)
 /* Return concatenated genomic sequence of exons of pred. */
 int txLen = 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i < pred->exonCount; i++)
     txLen += (pred->exonEnds[i] - pred->exonStarts[i]);
 char *seq = needMem(txLen + 1);
 int offset = 0;
 for (i=0; i < pred->exonCount; i++)
     int exonStart = pred->exonStarts[i];
     int exonEnd = pred->exonEnds[i];
     int exonLen = exonEnd - exonStart;
     seqWindowCopy(gSeqWin, exonStart, exonLen, seq+offset, txLen+1-offset);
     offset += exonLen;
 if(pred->strand[0] == '-')
     reverseComplement(seq, txLen);
 struct dnaSeq *txSeq = NULL;
 txSeq->name = cloneString(pred->name);
 txSeq->dna = seq;
 txSeq->size = txLen;
 return txSeq;
 struct txInfo
 /* Transcript sequence and alignment needed for prediction of functional effect/consequences */
     struct txInfo *next;
     struct psl *psl;            // alignment of transcript to genome
     struct dnaSeq *txSeq;       // transcript sequence
     struct genbankCds *cds;     // transcript CDS (possible none)
     struct dnaSeq *protSeq;     // transcript protein sequence (possibly NULL)
 static struct txInfo *txInfoFromGenePred(struct genePred *gp, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin)
 /* Use gp and gSeqWin to construct transcript alignment, sequence and protein sequence if applic. */
 struct txInfo *txi;
 genePredToCds(gp, txi->cds);
 txi->txSeq = genePredToGenomicSequence(gp, gSeqWin);
 int chromSize = 0;  // unused
 txi->psl = genePredToPsl(gp, chromSize, txi->txSeq->size);
 vpExpandIndelGaps(txi->psl, gSeqWin, txi->txSeq);
 txi->protSeq = NULL;
 if (txi->cds->end > txi->cds->start && txi->cds->startComplete)
     txi->protSeq = translateSeq(txi->txSeq, txi->cds->start, FALSE);
 return txi;
 static struct hash *hashExtNcbiRefSeq(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Despite the seq/extFile structure, there is only one external file and we don't want to
  * keep opening and closing the file each time.  Just in case there are multiple files someday,
  * hash extNcbiRefSeq id to open udc file handle(s). */
 struct hash *extNcbi = hashNew(0);
 char query[1024];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select id, path from extNcbiRefSeq");
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *extId = row[0];
     char *path = row[1];
     struct udcFile *udcF = udcFileOpen(path, NULL);
     hashAdd(extNcbi, extId, udcF);
 return extNcbi;
 static void freeExtNcbiHash(struct hash **pExtNcbi)
 /* Clean up hash of open udcFiles created by hashExtNcbiRefSeq. */
 if (pExtNcbi && *pExtNcbi)
     struct hash *hash = *pExtNcbi;
     struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(hash);
     struct hashEl *hel;
     while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
         udcFileClose((struct udcFile **)&hel->val);
 static struct txInfo *txInfoInitFromPsl(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *pslTable,
                                         char *extraWhere, struct hash **retTxiHash)
 /* Alloc and return a list of txInfo with only psl populated, from pslTable in the current window.
  * Also return a hash of transcript ID to txInfo (retTxiHash). */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 struct hash *txiHash = hashNew(0);
 int binOffset = 0;
 int start = max(0, winStart - GPRANGE);
 int end = winEnd + GPRANGE;
 struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, pslTable, chromName, start, end, extraWhere, &binOffset);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct txInfo *txi;
     txi->psl = pslLoad(row+binOffset);
     slAddHead(&txiList, txi);
     hashAdd(txiHash, txi->psl->qName, txi);
 *retTxiHash = txiHash;
 return txiList;
 static void txiInfoAppendIdList(struct dyString *query, struct txInfo *txiList)
 /* Append a paren-enclosed list of quoted transcript IDs to query. */
 dyStringAppendC(query, '(');
 struct txInfo *txi;
 for (txi = txiList;  txi != NULL;  txi = txi->next)
     if (txi != txiList)
         dyStringAppend(query, ", ");
     dyStringPrintf(query, "'%s'", txi->psl->qName);
 dyStringAppendC(query, ')');
 static void txInfoAddCdsFromQuery(struct hash *txiHash, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query)
 /* Perform query; results have two fields, transcript name (which must be found in txiHash) and
  * GenBank-formatted CDS string.  For reach row from the query, parse the CDS string into the cds
  * in the struct txInfo for the appropriate transcript. */
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *name = row[0];
     char *cdsStr = row[1];
     struct txInfo *txi = hashMustFindVal(txiHash, name);
     genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, txi->cds);
 static struct txInfo *txInfoLoadNcbiRefSeq(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct trackDb *gTdb)
 /* Load ncbiRefSeq[Curated] PSL (+ CDS and sequence) in current window and make txInfo for each. */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 if (!trackHubDatabase(database) && hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(database))
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
     struct hash *txiHash = hashNew(0);
     char *extraWhere = NULL;
     if (sameString(gTdb->track, "ncbiRefSeqCurated"))
         extraWhere = "qName not like 'X%'";
     else if (sameString(gTdb->track, "ncbiRefSeqPredicted"))
         extraWhere = "qName like 'X%'";
     txiList = txInfoInitFromPsl(conn, "ncbiRefSeqPsl", extraWhere, &txiHash);
     if (txiList)
         // Now get CDS for each psl/txi:
         struct dyString *query = sqlDyStringCreate("select * from ncbiRefSeqCds where id in ");
         txiInfoAppendIdList(query, txiList);
         txInfoAddCdsFromQuery(txiHash, conn, query->string);
         // Now get transcript sequence for each psl/txi:
         struct hash *extNcbi = hashExtNcbiRefSeq(conn);
         sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select acc,extFile,file_offset,file_size from seqNcbiRefSeq "
                           "where acc in ");
         txiInfoAppendIdList(query, txiList);
         struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
         char **row;
         while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
             char *name = row[0];
             char *extId = row[1];
             off_t offset = sqlLongLong(row[2]);
             size_t size = sqlUnsigned(row[3]);
             struct udcFile *udcF = hashMustFindVal(extNcbi, extId);
             char *buf = needMem(size+1);
             udcSeek(udcF, offset);
             udcRead(udcF, buf, size);
             struct txInfo *txi = hashMustFindVal(txiHash, name);
             txi->txSeq = faSeqFromMemText(buf, TRUE);
         // Now get protein sequence (if applicable) for each psl/txi:
         sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select id, protAcc, seq from ncbiRefSeqLink nl, ncbiRefSeqPepTable np "
                           "where nl.protAcc = np.name and id in ");
         txiInfoAppendIdList(query, txiList);
         sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
         while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
             char *txId = row[0];
             char *protId = row[1];
             char *protSeq = cloneString(row[2]);
             struct txInfo *txi = hashMustFindVal(txiHash, txId);
             txi->protSeq = newDnaSeq(protSeq, strlen(protSeq), protId);
 return txiList;
 static struct txInfo *txInfoLoadRefGene(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct trackDb *gTdb)
 /* Load refSeqAli PSL (+ genbank CDS and sequence) in current window and make txInfo for each. */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 if (!trackHubDatabase(database))
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
     struct hash *txiHash = NULL;
     txiList = txInfoInitFromPsl(conn, "refSeqAli", NULL, &txiHash);
     if (txiList)
         // Now get CDS for each psl/txi:
         struct dyString *query = sqlDyStringCreate("select i.acc, c.name from %s i, %s c "
                                                    "where c.id = i.cds and i.acc in ",
                                                    gbCdnaInfoTable, cdsTable);
         txiInfoAppendIdList(query, txiList);
         txInfoAddCdsFromQuery(txiHash, conn, query->string);
         // Now get transcript and translated sequence for each psl/txi:
         struct txInfo *txi;
         for (txi = txiList;  txi != NULL;  txi = txi->next)
             txi->txSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(database, txi->psl->qName, NULL);
             if (txi->cds->end > txi->cds->start && txi->cds->startComplete)
                 txi->protSeq = translateSeq(txi->txSeq, txi->cds->start, FALSE);
 return txiList;
 static struct txInfo *txInfoLoadBigGenePred(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct trackDb *gTdb)
 /* Load up bigGenePred items in current window and make txInfo for each. */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 char *fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(gTdb, "bigDataUrl"));
 if (fileName == NULL)
     fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(gTdb, "bigGeneDataUrl"));
 if (isNotEmpty(fileName))
     struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
     struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
     struct bigBedInterval *bbList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chromName, winStart,
                                                         winEnd, 0, lm);
     struct bigBedInterval *bb;
     for (bb = bbList; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next)
         struct genePredExt *gp = genePredFromBigGenePred(chromName, bb);
         struct txInfo *txi = txInfoFromGenePred((struct genePred *)gp, gSeqWin);
         slAddHead(&txiList, txi);
 return txiList;
 static struct txInfo *txInfoLoadGenePred(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct trackDb *gTdb)
 /* Load genePreds in current window and make txInfo for each. */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 if (! trackHubDatabase(database))
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
     struct genePredReader *gpr = genePredReaderRangeQuery(conn, gTdb->table,
                                                           chromName, winStart, winEnd, NULL);
     struct genePred *gp = NULL;
     while ((gp = genePredReaderNext(gpr)) != NULL)
         struct txInfo *txi = txInfoFromGenePred(gp, gSeqWin);
         slAddHead(&txiList, txi);
 return txiList;
 static struct txInfo *txInfoLoad(struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Return a list of transcript sequences and alignments for all transcripts in the current
  * window for all enabled gene tracks. */
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 char *geneTrack = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, "geneTrack", NULL);
 struct track *gTrack = hashFindVal(trackHash, geneTrack);
 if (gTrack)
     struct trackDb *gTdb = gTrack->tdb;
     // If independent transcript sequence and PSL are available, use them.
     if (startsWith("ncbiRefSeq", geneTrack))
         txiList = txInfoLoadNcbiRefSeq(gSeqWin, gTdb);
     else if (sameString(geneTrack, "refGene"))
         txiList = txInfoLoadRefGene(gSeqWin, gTdb);
     else if (sameString(gTdb->type, "genePred") || sameString(gTdb->type, "bigGenePred"))
         // If the track is visible, then struct genePred items have already been loaded so
         // just use them.  Otherwise load up.
         if (gTrack->items)
             struct linkedFeatures *lf;
             for (lf = gTrack->items;  lf != NULL;  lf = lf->next)
                 struct genePred *gp = lf->original;
                 struct txInfo *txi = txInfoFromGenePred(gp, gSeqWin);
                 slAddHead(&txiList, txi);
         else if (sameString(gTdb->type, "bigGenePred"))
             txiList = txInfoLoadBigGenePred(gSeqWin, gTdb);
             txiList = txInfoLoadGenePred(gSeqWin, gTdb);
         errAbort("VCF txInfoLoad: expecting type 'genePred' or 'bigGenePred' for track '%s' "
                  "in geneTrack setting, but got type '%s'",
                  geneTrack, gTdb->type);
 else if (trackImgOnly)
     // For AJAX requests to redraw a single track, we have not loaded the whole trackDb,
     // so see if we can find tdb for geneTrack, and load its items.
     struct trackDb *gTdb = hTrackDbForTrack(database, geneTrack);
     if (gTdb)
         if (startsWith("ncbiRefSeq", geneTrack))
             txiList = txInfoLoadNcbiRefSeq(gSeqWin, gTdb);
         else if (sameString(geneTrack, "refGene"))
             txiList = txInfoLoadRefGene(gSeqWin, gTdb);
         else if (sameString(gTdb->type, "bigGenePred"))
             txiList = txInfoLoadBigGenePred(gSeqWin, gTdb);
             txiList = txInfoLoadGenePred(gSeqWin, gTdb);
 return txiList;
 static enum soTerm functionForRecord(struct vcfRecord *rec, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin,
                                      struct txInfo *txiList)
 /* Return the most severe functional consequence of rec for any transcript in txiList. */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 // Can't use rec->chrom because that might be just "1" instead of "chr1":
 struct bed3 variantBed3 = { NULL, chromName, rec->chromStart, rec->chromEnd };
 enum soTerm maxImpactTerm = soUnknown;
 struct txInfo *txi;
 for (txi = txiList;  txi != NULL;  txi = txi->next)
     int alIx;
     // Sometimes reference allele is actually a change to the transcript
     for (alIx = 0;  alIx < rec->alleleCount;  alIx++)
         char *allele = rec->alleles[alIx];
         // Watch out for weird symbolic alleles like "<INS:ME:ALU>".
         if (sameString(allele, "<DEL>"))
             allele = "";
         else if (allele[0] == '<')
         // Ignore IUPAC ambiguous values in alts (can leak in from hgPhyloPlace)
         if (anyIupac(allele))
         struct vpTx *vpTx = vpGenomicToTranscript(gSeqWin, &variantBed3, allele,
                                                   txi->psl, txi->txSeq);
         struct vpPep *vpPep = vpTranscriptToProtein(vpTx, txi->cds, txi->txSeq, txi->protSeq);
         struct gpFx *gpFx = vpTranscriptToGpFx(vpTx, txi->psl, txi->cds, txi->txSeq, vpPep,
                                                txi->protSeq, lm);
         enum soTerm term = gpFx->soNumber;
         if (soTermCmp(&term, &maxImpactTerm) < 0)
             maxImpactTerm = term;
 return maxImpactTerm;
 // tg->height needs an extra pixel at the bottom; it's eaten by the clipping rectangle:
 #define CLIP_PAD 1
 static void drawOneRec(struct vcfRecord *rec, unsigned int *gtHapOrder, unsigned int gtHapCount,
 		       struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 		       boolean isClustered, boolean isCenter, enum hapColorMode colorMode,
                        enum soTerm funcTerm)
 /* Draw a stack of genotype bars for this record */
 unsigned int chromStartMap = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec);
 unsigned int chromEndMap = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec);
 const double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 int x1 = round((double)(rec->chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int x2 = round((double)(rec->chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int w = x2-x1;
 if (w <= 1)
     w = 3;
 // When coloring mode is altOnly, we draw one extra pixel row at the top & one at bottom
 // to show the locations of variants, since the reference alleles are invisible:
 int extraPixel = 0;
 int hapHeight = tg->height - CLIP_PAD;
 if (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode)
     hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, yOff, x2, yOff, (isClustered ? purple : shadesOfGray[5]));
     extraPixel = 1;
     hapHeight -= extraPixel*2;
 double hapsPerPix = (double)gtHapCount / hapHeight;
 int pixIx;
 for (pixIx = 0;  pixIx < hapHeight;  pixIx++)
     int gtHapOrderIxStart = (int)(hapsPerPix * pixIx);
     int gtHapOrderIxEnd = round(hapsPerPix * (pixIx + 1));
     if (gtHapOrderIxEnd == gtHapOrderIxStart)
     int unks = 0, refs = 0, alts = 0;
     int gtHapOrderIx;
     for (gtHapOrderIx = gtHapOrderIxStart;  gtHapOrderIx < gtHapOrderIxEnd;  gtHapOrderIx++)
 	int gtHapIx = gtHapOrder[gtHapOrderIx];
 	int hapIx = gtHapIx & 1;
 	int gtIx = gtHapIx >>1;
 	struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx]);
 	if (gt->isPhased || gt->isHaploid || (gt->hapIxA == gt->hapIxB))
 	    int alIx = hapIx ? gt->hapIxB : gt->hapIxA;
 	    if (alIx < 0)
 	    else if (alIx > 0)
     int y = yOff + extraPixel + pixIx;
     Color col;
     if (colorMode == baseMode)
 	col = colorByBase(refs, alts, unks, rec->alleles[0], rec->alleles[1]);
     else if (colorMode == refAltMode)
 	col = colorByRefAlt(refs, alts, unks);
     else if (colorMode == functionMode)
         Color *funcShades = shadesOfGray;
         int funcShadeCount = maxShade+1;
         Color funcColor = colorFromSoTerm(funcTerm);
         if (funcColor == MG_RED)
             funcShades = shadesOfRedOnWhite;
             funcShadeCount = ArraySize(shadesOfRedOnWhite);
         else if (funcColor == MG_GREEN)
             funcShades = darkerShadesOfGreenOnWhite;
             funcShadeCount = ArraySize(darkerShadesOfGreenOnWhite);
         else if (funcColor == MG_BLUE)
             funcShades = shadesOfBlueOnWhite;
             funcShadeCount = ArraySize(shadesOfBlueOnWhite);
         col = colorByAltShade(refs, alts, unks, funcShades, funcShadeCount);
 	col = colorByAltOnly(refs, alts, unks);
     if (col != MG_WHITE)
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, y, x2, y, col);
 int yBot = yOff + tg->height - CLIP_PAD - 1;
 if (isCenter)
     if (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode)
 	// Colorful outline to distinguish this variant:
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yOff, x1-1, yBot, purple);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x2+1, yOff, x2+1, yBot, purple);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yOff, x2+1, yOff, purple);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yBot, x2+1, yBot, purple);
 	// Thick black lines to distinguish this variant:
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-3, yOff, 3, tg->height, MG_BLACK);
 	hvGfxBox(hvg, x2, yOff, 3, tg->height, MG_BLACK);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-2, yOff, x2+2, yOff, MG_BLACK);
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-2, yBot, x2+2, yBot, MG_BLACK);
     // Mouseover was handled already by mapBoxForCenterVariant
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
     gtSummaryString(rec, dy);
     mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, chromStartMap, chromEndMap, x1, yOff, w, tg->height, tg->track,
 		      rec->name, dy->string, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
 if (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode)
     hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, yBot, x2, yBot, (isClustered ? purple : shadesOfGray[5]));
 static int getCenterVariantIx(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 			      struct vcfRecord *records)
 // If the user hasn't specified a local variant/position to use as center,
 // just use the median variant in window.
 int defaultIx = (slCount(records)-1) / 2;
 char *centerChrom = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, "centerVariantChrom");
 if (centerChrom != NULL && sameString(chromName, centerChrom))
     int centerPos = cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, "centerVariantPos", -1);
     int winSize = seqEnd - seqStart;
     if (centerPos > (seqStart - winSize) && centerPos < (seqEnd + winSize))
 	int i;
 	struct vcfRecord *rec;
 	for (rec = records, i = 0;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next, i++)
 	    if (rec->chromStart >= centerPos)
 		return i;
 	return i-1;
 return defaultIx;
 /* Data used when drawing mouseover titles for clusters:  */
 struct titleHelper
     char *track;           // For imageV2's map item code
     int startIx;           // Index of first record (variant) used in clustering
     int centerIx;          // Index of center record (variant) used in clustering
     int endIx;             // Half-open index of last record (variant) used in clustering
     int nRecords;          // Total number of records in position range
     char **refs;           // Array of reference alleles for records used in clustering
     char **alts;           // Array of alternate alleles for records used in clustering
                            // (refs[0] and alts[0] are from record at startIx)
 void addClusterMapItem(struct hacTree *ht, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, struct titleHelper *helper)
 /* If using imageV2, add mouseover text (no link) with info about this cluster. */
 if (theImgBox && curImgTrack)
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
     struct hapCluster *c = (struct hapCluster *)ht->itemOrCluster;
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "N=%d ", c->leafCount);
     while (dyStringLen(dy) < 7)
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, ' ');
     if (helper->startIx > 0)
 	dyStringAppend(dy, "...");
     int i, nHapsForClustering = helper->endIx - helper->startIx;
     for (i=0;  i < nHapsForClustering;  i++)
 	boolean isCenter = (helper->startIx+i == helper->centerIx);
 	char *allele = isRef(c, i) ? helper->refs[i] : helper->alts[i];
 	if (isCenter)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, '[');
 	int altCount = c->leafCount - c->refCounts[i] - c->unkCounts[i];
 	if (c->refCounts[i] > 0 && altCount > 0)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, '*');
 	else if (strlen(allele) == 1)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, allele[0]);
 	    dyStringPrintf(dy, "(%s)", allele);
 	if (isCenter)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, ']');
     if (helper->endIx < helper->nRecords)
 	dyStringAppend(dy, "...");
     imgTrackAddMapItem(curImgTrack, TITLE_BUT_NO_LINK, dy->string,
 		       x1, y1, x2, y2, helper->track);
 /* Pixel y offset return type for recursive tree-drawing: */
 enum yRetType
 /* Callback for calculating y (in pixels) for a cluster node: */
 typedef int yFromNodeFunc(const struct slList *itemOrCluster, void *extraData,
 			  enum yRetType yType);
 static int rDrawTreeInLabelArea(struct hacTree *ht, struct hvGfx *hvg, enum yRetType yType, int x,
 				yFromNodeFunc *yFromNode, void *yh, struct titleHelper *th,
 				boolean drawRectangle)
 /* Recursively draw the haplotype clustering tree in the left label area.
  * Returns pixel height for use at non-leaf levels of tree. */
 const int branchW = 4;
 int labelEnd = leftLabelX + leftLabelWidth;
 if (yType == yrtStart || yType == yrtEnd)
     // We're just getting vertical span of a leaf cluster, not drawing any lines.
     int yLeft, yRight;
     if (ht->left)
 	yLeft = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->left, hvg, yType, x, yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	yLeft = yFromNode(ht->itemOrCluster, yh, yType);
     if (ht->right)
 	yRight = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->right, hvg, yType, x, yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	yRight = yFromNode(ht->itemOrCluster, yh, yType);
     if (yType == yrtStart)
 	return min(yLeft, yRight);
 	return max(yLeft, yRight);
 // Otherwise yType is yrtMidPoint.  If we have 2 children, we'll be drawing some lines:
 if (ht->left != NULL && ht->right != NULL)
     int midY;
     if (ht->childDistance == 0 || x+(2*branchW) > labelEnd)
 	// Treat this as a leaf cluster.
 	// Recursing twice is wasteful. Could be avoided if this, and yFromNode,
 	// returned both yStart and yEnd. However, the time to draw a tree of
 	// 2188 hap's (1kG phase1 interim) is in the noise, so I consider it
 	// not worth the effort of refactoring to save a sub-millisecond here.
 	int yStartLeft = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->left, hvg, yrtStart, x+branchW,
 					      yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	int yEndLeft = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->left, hvg, yrtEnd, x+branchW,
 					    yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	int yStartRight = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->right, hvg, yrtStart, x+branchW,
 					       yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	int yEndRight = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->right, hvg, yrtEnd, x+branchW,
 					     yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	int yStart = min(yStartLeft, yStartRight);
 	int yEnd = max(yEndLeft, yEndRight);
 	midY = (yStart + yEnd) / 2;
 	Color col = (ht->childDistance == 0) ? purple : MG_BLACK;
 	if (drawRectangle || ht->childDistance != 0)
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x+branchW, yStart, x+branchW, yEnd-1, col);
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x+branchW, yStart, labelEnd, yStart, col);
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x+branchW, yEnd-1, labelEnd, yEnd-1, col);
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x, midY, x+1, midY, col);
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x+1, midY, labelEnd-1, yStart, col);
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x+1, midY, labelEnd-1, yEnd-1, col);
 	addClusterMapItem(ht, x, yStart, labelEnd, yEnd-1, th);
 	int leftMid = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->left, hvg, yrtMidPoint, x+branchW,
 					   yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	int rightMid = rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->right, hvg, yrtMidPoint, x+branchW,
 					    yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 	midY = (leftMid + rightMid) / 2;
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x+branchW, leftMid, x+branchW, rightMid, MG_BLACK);
 	addClusterMapItem(ht, x, min(leftMid, rightMid), x+branchW-1, max(leftMid, rightMid), th);
     if (drawRectangle || ht->childDistance != 0)
 	hvGfxLine(hvg, x, midY, x+branchW, midY, MG_BLACK);
     return midY;
 else if (ht->left != NULL)
     return rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->left, hvg, yType, x, yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 else if (ht->right != NULL)
     return rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht->right, hvg, yType, x, yFromNode, yh, th, drawRectangle);
 // Leaf node -- return pixel height. Draw a line if yType is midpoint.
 int y = yFromNode(ht->itemOrCluster, yh, yType);
 if (yType == yrtMidPoint && x < labelEnd)
     hvGfxLine(hvg, x, y, labelEnd, y, purple);
     addClusterMapItem(ht, x, y, labelEnd, y+1, th);
 return y;
 struct yFromNodeHelper
 /* Pre-computed mapping from cluster nodes' gtHapIx to pixel heights. */
     unsigned int gtHapCount;
     unsigned int *gtHapIxToPxStart;
     unsigned int *gtHapIxToPxEnd;
 void initYFromNodeHelper(struct yFromNodeHelper *helper, int yOff, int height,
 			 unsigned int gtHapCount, unsigned int *gtHapOrder,
 			 int genotypeCount)
 /* Build a mapping of genotype and haplotype to pixel y coords. */
 helper->gtHapCount = gtHapCount;
 helper->gtHapIxToPxStart = needMem(genotypeCount * 2 * sizeof(unsigned int));
 helper->gtHapIxToPxEnd = needMem(genotypeCount * 2 * sizeof(unsigned int));
 double pxPerHap = (double)height / gtHapCount;
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < gtHapCount;  i++)
     int yStart = round(i * pxPerHap);
     int yEnd = round((i+1) * pxPerHap);
     if (yEnd == yStart)
     int gtHapIx = gtHapOrder[i];
     helper->gtHapIxToPxStart[gtHapIx] = yOff + yStart;
     helper->gtHapIxToPxEnd[gtHapIx] = yOff + yEnd;
 static int yFromHapNode(const struct slList *itemOrCluster, void *extraData,
 			enum yRetType yType)
 /* Extract the gtHapIx from hapCluster (hacTree node item), find out its relative order
  * and translate that to a pixel height. */
 unsigned int gtHapIx = ((const struct hapCluster *)itemOrCluster)->gtHapIx;
 struct yFromNodeHelper *helper = extraData;
 int y;
 if (yType == yrtStart)
     y = helper->gtHapIxToPxStart[gtHapIx];
 else if (yType == yrtEnd)
     y = helper->gtHapIxToPxEnd[gtHapIx];
     y = (helper->gtHapIxToPxStart[gtHapIx] + helper->gtHapIxToPxEnd[gtHapIx]) / 2;
 return y;
 void initTitleHelper(struct titleHelper *th, char *track, int startIx, int centerIx, int endIx,
 		     int nRecords, struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* Set up info including arrays of ref & alt alleles for cluster mouseover. */
 th->track = track;
 th->startIx = startIx;
 th->centerIx = centerIx;
 th->endIx = endIx;
 th->nRecords = nRecords;
 int len = endIx - startIx;
 AllocArray(th->refs, len);
 AllocArray(th->alts, len);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 int i;
 for (rec = vcff->records, i = 0;  rec != NULL && i < endIx;  rec = rec->next, i++)
     if (i < startIx)
     char refAl[16];
     abbrevAndHandleRC(refAl, sizeof(refAl), rec->alleles[0]);
     th->refs[i-startIx] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, refAl);
     char altAl1[16];
     abbrevAndHandleRC(altAl1, sizeof(altAl1), rec->alleles[1]);
     th->alts[i-startIx] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, altAl1);
 static void drawTreeInLabelArea(struct hacTree *ht, struct hvGfx *hvg, int yOff, int clipHeight,
 				struct yFromNodeHelper *yHelper, struct titleHelper *titleHelper,
 				boolean drawRectangle)
 /* Draw the haplotype clustering in the left label area (as much as fits there). */
 // Figure out which hvg to use, save current clipping, and clip to left label coords:
 struct hvGfx *hvgLL = (hvgSide != NULL) ? hvgSide : hvg;
 int clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak;
 hvGfxGetClip(hvgLL, &clipXBak, &clipYBak, &clipWidthBak, &clipHeightBak);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, leftLabelX, yOff, leftLabelWidth, clipHeight);
 // Draw the tree:
 int x = leftLabelX;
 (void)rDrawTreeInLabelArea(ht, hvgLL, yrtMidPoint, x, yFromHapNode, yHelper, titleHelper,
 // Restore the prior clipping:
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak);
 static void ignoreEm(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Ignore warnings from genotype parsing -- when there's one, there
  * are usually hundreds more just like it. */
 static enum hapColorMode getColorMode(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Get the hap-cluster coloring mode from cart & tdb. */
 enum hapColorMode colorMode = altOnlyMode;
 char *colorBy = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, VCF_HAP_COLORBY_VAR, VCF_DEFAULT_HAP_COLORBY);
 if (sameString(colorBy, VCF_HAP_COLORBY_ALTONLY))
     colorMode = altOnlyMode;
 else if (sameString(colorBy, VCF_HAP_COLORBY_REFALT))
     colorMode = refAltMode;
 else if (sameString(colorBy, VCF_HAP_COLORBY_BASE))
     colorMode = baseMode;
     char *geneTrack = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, "geneTrack", NULL);
     if (isNotEmpty(geneTrack) && sameString(colorBy, VCF_HAP_COLORBY_FUNCTION))
         colorMode = functionMode;
 return colorMode;
 #define GENE_SIZE_FUDGE 2500000
 static boolean vcfHapClusterDrawInit(struct track *tg, struct vcfFile *vcff, struct hvGfx *hvg,
                                      enum hapColorMode *retHapColorMode,
                                      struct seqWindow **retGSeqWin, struct txInfo **retTxiList)
 /* Parse vcff's genotypes and get ready to draw haplotypes.  Return FALSE if nothing to draw. */
 if (vcff->records == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 undefYellow = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &undefinedYellowColor);
 if (retHapColorMode)
     *retHapColorMode = getColorMode(tg->tdb);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
 if (*retHapColorMode == functionMode)
     if (!exprBedColorsMade)
         // Make darkerShadesOfGreenOnWhite for local use
         static struct rgbColor white  = {255, 255, 255};
         static struct rgbColor darkerGreen  = {0, 210, 0};
         hvGfxMakeColorGradient(hvg, &white, &darkerGreen,  EXPR_DATA_SHADES,
     int gStart = winStart - GENE_SIZE_FUDGE;
     if (gStart < 0)
         gStart = 0;
     int gEnd = winEnd + GENE_SIZE_FUDGE;
     int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chromName);
     if (gEnd > chromSize)
         gEnd = chromSize;
     *retGSeqWin = chromSeqWindowNew(database, chromName, gStart, gEnd);
     *retTxiList = txInfoLoad(*retGSeqWin, tg->tdb);
     *retGSeqWin = NULL;
     *retTxiList = NULL;
 return TRUE;
 static void vcfHapClusterDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 			      struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 			      MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Split samples' chromosomes (haplotypes), cluster them by center-weighted
  * alpha similarity, and draw in the order determined by clustering. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = tg->extraUiData;
 enum hapColorMode colorMode;
 struct seqWindow *gSeqWin;
 struct txInfo *txiList;
 if (!vcfHapClusterDrawInit(tg, vcff, hvg, &colorMode, &gSeqWin, &txiList))
 purple = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 0x99, 0x00, 0xcc);
 unsigned int gtHapCount = 0;
 int nRecords = slCount(vcff->records);
 int centerIx = getCenterVariantIx(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, vcff->records);
 // Limit the number of variants that we compare, to keep from timing out:
 // (really what we should limit is the number of distinct haplo's passed to hacTree!)
 // In the meantime, this should at least be a cart var...
 int maxVariantsPerSide = 50;
 int startIx = max(0, centerIx - maxVariantsPerSide);
 int endIx = min(nRecords, centerIx+1 + maxVariantsPerSide);
 struct hacTree *ht = NULL;
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = clusterHaps(vcff, centerIx, startIx, endIx, &gtHapCount, &ht);
 struct vcfRecord *centerRec = NULL;
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 int ix;
 // Unlike drawing order (last drawn is on top), the first mapBox gets priority,
 // so map center variant before drawing & mapping other variants!
 for (rec = vcff->records, ix=0;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next, ix++)
     if (ix == centerIx)
 	centerRec = rec;
 	mapBoxForCenterVariant(rec, hvg, tg, xOff, yOff, width);
 for (rec = vcff->records, ix=0;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next, ix++)
     boolean isClustered = (ix >= startIx && ix < endIx);
     if (ix != centerIx)
         enum soTerm funcTerm = soUnknown;
         if (colorMode == functionMode)
             funcTerm = functionForRecord(rec, gSeqWin, txiList);
 	drawOneRec(rec, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, isClustered, FALSE,
 		   colorMode, funcTerm);
 // Draw the center rec on top, outlined with black lines, to make sure it is very visible:
 enum soTerm funcTerm = soUnknown;
 if (colorMode == functionMode)
     funcTerm = functionForRecord(centerRec, gSeqWin, txiList);
 drawOneRec(centerRec, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, TRUE, TRUE,
 	   colorMode, funcTerm);
 // Draw as much of the tree as can fit in the left label area:
 int extraPixel = (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode) ? 1 : 0;
 int hapHeight = tg->height- CLIP_PAD - 2*extraPixel;
 struct yFromNodeHelper yHelper = {0, NULL, NULL};
 initYFromNodeHelper(&yHelper, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight, gtHapCount, gtHapOrder,
 struct titleHelper titleHelper = { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL };
 initTitleHelper(&titleHelper, tg->track, startIx, centerIx, endIx, nRecords, vcff);
 char *treeAngle = cartOrTdbString(cart, tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_TREEANGLE_VAR, VCF_DEFAULT_HAP_TREEANGLE);
 boolean drawRectangle = sameString(treeAngle, VCF_HAP_TREEANGLE_RECTANGLE);
 drawTreeInLabelArea(ht, hvg, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight+CLIP_PAD, &yHelper, &titleHelper,
 static void drawSampleLabels(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct hvGfx *hvg,
                              boolean isAllDiploid, int yStart, int height,
                              unsigned int *gtHapOrder, int gtHapCount, MgFont *font, Color color,
                              char *track)
 /* Draw sample names as left labels. */
 // Figure out which hvg to use, save current clipping, and clip to left label coords:
 struct hvGfx *hvgLL = (hvgSide != NULL) ? hvgSide : hvg;
 int clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak;
 hvGfxGetClip(hvgLL, &clipXBak, &clipYBak, &clipWidthBak, &clipHeightBak);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, leftLabelX, yStart, leftLabelWidth, height);
 if (isAllDiploid)
     double pxPerGt = (double)height / vcff->genotypeCount;
     if (pxPerGt < tl.fontHeight + 1)
         warn("track %s: drawSampleLabels called with insufficient height", track);
     int gtIx;
     for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < vcff->genotypeCount;  gtIx++)
         int y = gtIx * pxPerGt;
         hvGfxTextRight(hvgLL, leftLabelX, y+yStart, leftLabelWidth-1, (int)pxPerGt,
                        color, font, vcff->genotypeIds[gtIx]);
     double pxPerHt = (double)height / gtHapCount;
     if (pxPerHt < tl.fontHeight + 1)
         warn("track %s: drawSampleLabels called with insufficient height", track);
     int orderIx;
     for (orderIx = 0;  orderIx < gtHapCount;  orderIx++)
         int gtHapIx = gtHapOrder[orderIx];
         int gtIx = (gtHapIx >> 1);
         int y = gtIx * pxPerHt;
         hvGfxTextRight(hvgLL, leftLabelX, y+yStart, leftLabelWidth-1, (int)pxPerHt,
                        color, font, vcff->genotypeIds[gtIx]);
 // Restore the prior clipping:
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak);
 static void drawSampleTitles(struct vcfFile *vcff, int yStart, int height,
                              unsigned int *gtHapOrder, int gtHapCount, char *track)
 /* Draw mouseover labels / titles with the samples that are drawn at each pixel y offset */
 double hapPerPx = (double)gtHapCount / height;
 int labelEnd = leftLabelX + leftLabelWidth;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
 int y;
 for (y = 0;  y < height;  y++)
     int gtHapStart = y * hapPerPx;
     int gtHapEnd = (y + 1) * hapPerPx;
     if (gtHapEnd == gtHapStart)
     char *lastSample = NULL;
     int gtHapIx;
     for (gtHapIx = gtHapStart;  gtHapIx < gtHapEnd;  gtHapIx++)
         int gtIx = (gtHapOrder[gtHapIx] >> 1);
         char *sample = vcff->genotypeIds[gtIx];
         if (!lastSample || differentString(sample, lastSample))
             if (isNotEmpty(dy->string))
                 dyStringAppend(dy, ", ");
             dyStringAppend(dy, sample);
             lastSample = sample;
     imgTrackAddMapItem(curImgTrack, TITLE_BUT_NO_LINK, dy->string,
 		       leftLabelX, y+yStart, labelEnd, y+yStart+1, track);
 static unsigned int *gtHapOrderFromGtOrder(struct vcfFile *vcff,
                                              boolean *retIsAllDiploid, int *retGtHapCount)
 int ploidy = 2; // Assuming diploid genomes here, no XXY, tetraploid etc.
 int gtCount = vcff->genotypeCount;
 boolean isAllDiploid = TRUE;
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = needMem(gtCount * ploidy * sizeof(unsigned int));
 int orderIx = 0;
 int gtIx;
 // Determine the number of chromosome rows; for chrX, can be mix of diploid and haploid.
 for (gtIx=0;  gtIx < gtCount;  gtIx++)
     int gtHapIx = (gtIx << 1);
     gtHapOrder[orderIx] = gtHapIx;
     struct vcfRecord *rec;
     for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
         struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx]);
         if (!gt->isHaploid)
             gtHapOrder[orderIx] = gtHapIx+1;
             isAllDiploid = FALSE;
 if (retIsAllDiploid)
     *retIsAllDiploid = isAllDiploid;
 if (retGtHapCount)
     *retGtHapCount = orderIx;
 return gtHapOrder;
 static void vcfGtHapFileOrderDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
                                   struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
                                   MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw rows in the same fashion as vcfHapClusterDraw, but instead of clustering, use the
  * order in which samples appear in the VCF file. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = tg->extraUiData;
 enum hapColorMode colorMode;
 struct seqWindow *gSeqWin;
 struct txInfo *txiList;
 if (!vcfHapClusterDrawInit(tg, vcff, hvg, &colorMode, &gSeqWin, &txiList))
 boolean isAllDiploid;
 int gtHapCount;
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = gtHapOrderFromGtOrder(vcff, &isAllDiploid, &gtHapCount);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     enum soTerm funcTerm = soUnknown;
     if (colorMode == functionMode)
         funcTerm = functionForRecord(rec, gSeqWin, txiList);
     drawOneRec(rec, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, FALSE, FALSE,
                colorMode, funcTerm);
 // If height is sufficient, draw sample names as left labels; otherwise make mouseover titles
 // with sample names for each pixel y offset.
 int extraPixel = (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode) ? 1 : 0;
 int hapHeight = tg->height - CLIP_PAD - 2*extraPixel;
 int minHeightForLabels;
 if (isAllDiploid)
     minHeightForLabels = vcff->genotypeCount * (tl.fontHeight + 1);
     minHeightForLabels = gtHapCount * (tl.fontHeight + 1);
 if (hapHeight >= minHeightForLabels)
     drawSampleLabels(vcff, hvg, isAllDiploid, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount,
                      font, color, tg->track);
     drawSampleTitles(vcff, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg->track);
 static struct phyloTree *getTreeFromFile(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Get the filename that follows trackDb setting 'hapClusterMethod treeFile ' and read it in
  * as a phyloTree. */
 char *hapMethod = cloneString(trackDbSetting(tdb, VCF_HAP_METHOD_VAR));
 if (! startsWithWord(VCF_HAP_METHOD_TREE_FILE, nextWord(&hapMethod)))
     errAbort("getTreeFromFile: expected trackDb setting " VCF_HAP_METHOD_VAR "to start with '"
              VCF_HAP_METHOD_TREE_FILE "' followed by a file name, but got '%s'", hapMethod);
 char *fileName = hReplaceGbdb(nextWord(&hapMethod));
 return phyloOpenTree(fileName);
 struct hash *makeSampleToIx(struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* Alloc & return a hash of sample names to genotype indices in vcff. */
 struct hash *sampleToIx = hashNew(0);
 int gtIx;
 for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < vcff->genotypeCount;  gtIx++)
     hashAddInt(sampleToIx, vcff->genotypeIds[gtIx], gtIx);
 return sampleToIx;
 static int gtIxFromSample(struct hash *sampleToIx, char *sample, char *vcfFileName)
 /* Look up sample's genotype index in sampleToIx, die complaining about vcfFileName if not found. */
 int gtIx = hashIntValDefault(sampleToIx, sample, -1);
 if (gtIx < 0)
     errAbort("gtIxFromSample: sample '%s' not found in VCF file %s", sample, vcfFileName);
 return gtIx;
 static void rSetGtHapOrderFromTree(struct phyloTree *node, struct vcfFile *vcff,
                                    struct hash *sampleToIx,
                                    unsigned int *gtHapOrder, int *pGtHapCount,
                                    unsigned int *leafOrderToHapOrderStart,
                                    unsigned int *leafOrderToHapOrderEnd, int *pLeafCount)
 /* Set gtHapOrder to sample gt & hap indices in the order we encounter the samples in tree. */
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     int ix;
     for (ix = 0;  ix < node->numEdges;  ix++)
         rSetGtHapOrderFromTree(node->edges[ix], vcff, sampleToIx, gtHapOrder, pGtHapCount,
                                leafOrderToHapOrderStart, leafOrderToHapOrderEnd, pLeafCount);
     int gtIx = gtIxFromSample(sampleToIx, node->ident->name, vcff->fileOrUrl);
     int gtHapIx = (gtIx << 1);
     gtHapOrder[*pGtHapCount] = gtHapIx;
     leafOrderToHapOrderStart[*pLeafCount] = leafOrderToHapOrderEnd[*pLeafCount] = *pGtHapCount;
     *pGtHapCount += 1;
     struct vcfRecord *rec;
     for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
         struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx]);
         if (!gt->isHaploid)
             gtHapOrder[*pGtHapCount] = gtHapIx+1;
             leafOrderToHapOrderEnd[*pLeafCount] = *pGtHapCount;
             *pGtHapCount += 1;
     *pLeafCount += 1;
 static unsigned int *gtHapOrderFromTree(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct phyloTree *tree,
                                           unsigned int **retLeafOrderToHapOrderStart,
                                           unsigned int **retLeafOrderToHapOrderEnd,
                                           int *retGtHapCount)
 /* Alloc & return gtHapOrder, set to samples in the order we encounter them in tree.
  * Also build up maps of leaf order to low and high gtHapIx, for drawing the tree later. */
 struct hash *sampleToIx = makeSampleToIx(vcff);
 int ploidy = 2; // Assuming diploid genomes here, no XXY, tetraploid etc.
 int gtCount = vcff->genotypeCount;
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = needMem(gtCount * ploidy * sizeof(unsigned int));
 *retLeafOrderToHapOrderStart = needMem(gtCount * sizeof(unsigned int));
 *retLeafOrderToHapOrderEnd = needMem(gtCount * sizeof(unsigned int));
 *retGtHapCount = 0;
 int leafCount = 0;
 rSetGtHapOrderFromTree(tree, vcff, sampleToIx, gtHapOrder, retGtHapCount,
                        *retLeafOrderToHapOrderStart, *retLeafOrderToHapOrderEnd, &leafCount);
 if (leafCount != vcff->genotypeCount)
     errAbort("gtHapOrderFromTree: tree has %d leaves, but VCF file %s has %d genotype columns",
              leafCount, vcff->fileOrUrl, vcff->genotypeCount);
 return gtHapOrder;
 // Relative coordinates for tree layout, to be transformed into pixel coords later.
 struct nodeCoords
     double rank;   // Centerpoint of children's rank in terms of hap order (0 = top haplotype)
     int depth;     // Maximum child depth + 1
 static int phyloTreeAddNodeCoords(struct phyloTree *node,
                                   unsigned int *leafOrderToHapOrderStart,
                                   unsigned int *leafOrderToHapOrderEnd,
                                   int leafIx)
 /* Recursively annotate node and descendants with nodeCoords to prepare for drawing the tree. */
 struct nodeCoords *coords;
 node->priv = coords;
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     double minRank = -1, maxRank = 0;
     int maxDepth = 0;
     int ix;
     for (ix = 0;  ix < node->numEdges;  ix++)
         struct phyloTree *child = node->edges[ix];
         leafIx = phyloTreeAddNodeCoords(child, leafOrderToHapOrderStart, leafOrderToHapOrderEnd,
         struct nodeCoords *childCoords = child->priv;
         if (minRank < 0 || childCoords->rank < minRank)
             minRank = childCoords->rank;
         if (childCoords->rank > maxRank)
             maxRank = childCoords->rank;
         if (childCoords->depth > maxDepth)
             maxDepth = childCoords->depth;
     coords->rank = (minRank + maxRank) / 2.0;
     coords->depth = maxDepth + 1;
     // Leaf (sample)
     double rankStart = leafOrderToHapOrderStart[leafIx];
     double rankEnd = leafOrderToHapOrderStart[leafIx];
     coords->rank = (rankStart + rankEnd) / 2.0;
     coords->depth = 0;
 return leafIx;
 static int colorCmp(const void *pa, const void *pb)
 /* Compare two colors for sorting by numeric value. */
 const Color ca = *(Color *)pa;
 const Color cb = *(Color *)pb;
 return ca - cb;
 static Color colorFromChildColors(Color *childColors, int childCount, Color defaultCol)
 /* If the majority of children have the same color, then return that color, otherwise defaultCol. */
 Color childColCopy[childCount];
 memcpy(childColCopy, childColors, sizeof childColCopy);
 qsort(childColCopy, childCount, sizeof(*childColCopy), colorCmp);
 Color maxRunColor = childCount > 0 ? childColors[0] : defaultCol;
 int runLength = 1, maxRunLength = 1;
 int ix;
 for (ix = 1;  ix < childCount;  ix++)
     if (childColors[ix] == childColors[ix-1])
         if (runLength > maxRunLength)
             maxRunLength = runLength;
             maxRunColor = childColors[ix-1];
         runLength = 1;
 if (runLength > maxRunLength)
     maxRunLength = runLength;
     maxRunColor = childColors[ix-1];
 if (maxRunLength > (childCount>>1))
     return maxRunColor;
 return defaultCol;
 static Color rDrawPhyloTreeInLabelArea(struct phyloTree *node, struct hvGfx *hvg, int x,
                                        int yOff, double pxPerHap, MgFont *font,
                                        struct hash *highlightSamples, struct hash *sampleColors)
 /* Recursively draw the tree in the left label area. */
 const int branchW = 4;
 int labelEnd = leftLabelX + leftLabelWidth;
 Color color = MG_BLACK;
 if (!sampleColors)
     // Misuse the branch length value as RGB color (if it's the typical small number, will still
     // draw as approximately black):
     unsigned int rgb = node->ident->length;
     color = MAKECOLOR_32( ((rgb>>16)&0xff), ((rgb>>8)&0xff), (rgb&0xff) );
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     // Draw each child and a horizontal line to child
     int minY = -1, maxY = 0;
     Color childColors[node->numEdges];
     int ix;
     for (ix = 0;  ix < node->numEdges;  ix++)
         struct phyloTree *child = node->edges[ix];
         childColors[ix] = rDrawPhyloTreeInLabelArea(child, hvg, x+branchW, yOff, pxPerHap, font,
                                                     highlightSamples, sampleColors);
         struct nodeCoords *childCoords = child->priv;
         int childY = yOff + ((0.5 + childCoords->rank) * pxPerHap);
         hvGfxLine(hvg, x, childY, x+branchW, childY, childColors[ix]);
         if (minY < 0 || childY < minY)
             minY = childY;
         if (childY > maxY)
             maxY = childY;
     // Draw a vertical line to connect the children
     if (sampleColors != NULL)
         color = colorFromChildColors(childColors, node->numEdges, color);
     hvGfxLine(hvg, x, minY, x, maxY, color);
     // Leaf node -- draw a horizontal line, and label if there is space to right of tree
     struct nodeCoords *coords = node->priv;
     int yLine = yOff + ((0.5 + coords->rank) * pxPerHap);
     int yBox = yLine - pxPerHap / 2;
     int yText = yLine - tl.fontHeight / 2;
     // Dunno why but the default font seems to draw with the baseline at y while the other fonts
     // draw with the mid line at y.
     if (sameOk(tl.textSize, "8"))
         yText += 2;
     if (highlightSamples && node->ident->name && hashLookup(highlightSamples, node->ident->name))
         hvGfxBox(hvg, leftLabelX, yBox, leftLabelWidth, pxPerHap,
                  MAKECOLOR_32_A(170, 255, 255, 128));
     if (sampleColors != NULL)
         color = (Color)hashIntValDefault(sampleColors, node->ident->name, MG_BLACK);
     hvGfxLine(hvg, x, yLine, x+branchW, yLine, color);
     int textX = x + branchW + 3;
     if (pxPerHap >= tl.fontHeight+1 && textX < labelEnd)
         hvGfxText(hvg, textX, yText, MG_BLACK, font, node->ident->name);
 return color;
 static void drawPhyloTreeInLabelArea(struct phyloTree *tree, struct hvGfx *hvg, int yOff,
                                      int clipHeight, int gtHapCount,
                                      MgFont *font, struct hash *highlightSamples,
                                      struct hash *sampleColors)
 struct hvGfx *hvgLL = (hvgSide != NULL) ? hvgSide : hvg;
 int clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak;
 hvGfxGetClip(hvgLL, &clipXBak, &clipYBak, &clipWidthBak, &clipHeightBak);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, leftLabelX, yOff, leftLabelWidth, clipHeight);
 // Draw the tree:
 int x = leftLabelX;
 double pxPerHap = (double)clipHeight / gtHapCount;
 rDrawPhyloTreeInLabelArea(tree, hvgLL, x, yOff, pxPerHap, font, highlightSamples, sampleColors);
 // Restore the prior clipping:
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak);
 static void rHighlightSampleRows(struct phyloTree *node, struct hvGfx *hvg, int yOff,
                                  double pxPerHap, struct hash *highlightSamples)
 /* For each leaf node, if it is in highlightSamples then draw a highlight box for it. */
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     int ix;
     for (ix = 0;  ix < node->numEdges;  ix++)
         struct phyloTree *child = node->edges[ix];
         rHighlightSampleRows(child, hvg, yOff, pxPerHap, highlightSamples);
     // leaf node; highlight if it's in highlightSamples
     if (node->ident->name && hashLookup(highlightSamples, node->ident->name))
         struct nodeCoords *coords = node->priv;
         int y = yOff + (coords->rank * pxPerHap);
         hvGfxBox(hvg, insideX, y, insideWidth, pxPerHap, MAKECOLOR_32_A(170, 255, 255, 128));
 static struct hash *getSampleColors(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Return a hash of sample names to colors if specified in tdb, or NULL if none specified. */
 struct hash *sampleColors = NULL;
 char *setting = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, VCF_SAMPLE_COLOR_FILE, NULL);
 if (isNotEmpty(setting))
     // If the setting has not been set in the cart then we're getting the trackDb setting which
     // may specify a list of files and possibly labels like "Thing_one=file1 Thing_two=file2".
     // In that case, pick out the first file.
     if (strchr(setting, '=') || strchr(setting, ' '))
         setting = nextWord(&setting);
         char *eq = (strchr(setting, '='));
         if (eq)
             setting = eq+1;
     char *fileName = hReplaceGbdb(setting);
-    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileUdcMayOpen(fileName, TRUE);
+    struct lineFile *lf = netLineFileMayOpen(fileName);
     if (lf)
         sampleColors = hashNew(0);
         char *line;
         while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
-            char *words[2];
-            chopTabs(line, words);
+            char *words[3];
+            int wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
+            lineFileExpectWords(lf, 2, wordCount);
             char *sample = words[0];
             char *colorStr = words[1];
             int rgb = bedParseColor(colorStr);
             Color color = MAKECOLOR_32( ((rgb>>16)&0xff), ((rgb>>8)&0xff), (rgb&0xff) );
             hashAddInt(sampleColors, sample, color);
         warn("Can't open sampleColorFile '%s'", fileName);
 return sampleColors;
 static struct hash *getHighlightSamples(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Return a hash of node IDs to highlight in the phylo tree display, or NULL if none specified. */
 struct hash *highlightSamples = NULL;
 char *setting = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, "highlightIds", NULL);
 if (isNotEmpty(setting))
     struct slName *list = slNameListFromComma(setting);
     highlightSamples = hashFromSlNameList(list);
 return highlightSamples;
 static void vcfGtHapTreeFileDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
                                  struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
                                  MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw rows in the same fashion as vcfHapClusterDraw, but instead of clustering, use the
  * order in which samples appear in the VCF file. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = tg->extraUiData;
 enum hapColorMode colorMode;
 struct seqWindow *gSeqWin;
 struct txInfo *txiList;
 if (!vcfHapClusterDrawInit(tg, vcff, hvg, &colorMode, &gSeqWin, &txiList))
 struct phyloTree *tree = getTreeFromFile(tg->tdb);
 int gtHapCount;
 unsigned int *leafOrderToHapOrderStart, *leafOrderToHapOrderEnd;
 unsigned int *gtHapOrder = gtHapOrderFromTree(vcff, tree,
                                                 &leafOrderToHapOrderStart, &leafOrderToHapOrderEnd,
 // Figure out rank (vertical position) and depth (horizontal position) of every node in tree:
 phyloTreeAddNodeCoords(tree, leafOrderToHapOrderStart, leafOrderToHapOrderEnd, 0);
 int extraPixel = (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode) ? 1 : 0;
 int hapHeight = tg->height - CLIP_PAD - 2*extraPixel;
 struct hash *highlightSamples = getHighlightSamples(tg->tdb);
 if (highlightSamples)
     double pxPerHap = (double)hapHeight / gtHapCount;
     rHighlightSampleRows(tree, hvg, yOff+extraPixel, pxPerHap, highlightSamples);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     enum soTerm funcTerm = soUnknown;
     if (colorMode == functionMode)
         funcTerm = functionForRecord(rec, gSeqWin, txiList);
     drawOneRec(rec, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, FALSE, FALSE,
                colorMode, funcTerm);
 struct hash *sampleColors = getSampleColors(tg->tdb);
 drawPhyloTreeInLabelArea(tree, hvg, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight, gtHapCount, font, highlightSamples,
 drawSampleTitles(vcff, yOff+extraPixel, hapHeight, gtHapOrder, gtHapCount, tg->track);
 static int vcfHapClusterTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Return height of haplotype graph (2 * #samples * lineHeight);
  * 2 because we're assuming diploid genomes here, no XXY, tetraploid etc. */
 const struct vcfFile *vcff = tg->extraUiData;
 if (vcff->records == NULL)
     return 0;
 int ploidy = sameString(chromName, "chrY") ? 1 : 2;
 int simpleHeight = ploidy * vcff->genotypeCount * tg->lineHeight;
 int defaultHeight = min(simpleHeight, VCF_DEFAULT_HAP_HEIGHT);
 char *tdbHeight = trackDbSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_HEIGHT_VAR, NULL);
 if (isNotEmpty(tdbHeight))
     defaultHeight = atoi(tdbHeight);
 int cartHeight = cartOrTdbInt(cart, tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_HEIGHT_VAR, defaultHeight);
 if (tg->visibility == tvSquish)
     cartHeight /= 2;
 enum hapColorMode colorMode = getColorMode(tg->tdb);
 int extraPixel = (colorMode == altOnlyMode || colorMode == functionMode) ? 1 : 0;
 int totalHeight = cartHeight + CLIP_PAD + 2*extraPixel;
 tg->height = min(totalHeight, maximumTrackHeight(tg));
 return tg->height;
 static char *vcfHapClusterTrackName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* If someone asks for itemName/mapItemName, just send name of track like wiggle. */
 return tg->track;
 static void vcfHapClusterOverloadMethods(struct track *tg, struct vcfFile *vcff)
 /* If we confirm at load time that we can draw a haplotype graph, use
  * this to overwrite the methods for the rest of execution: */
 tg->heightPer = (tg->visibility == tvSquish) ? (tl.fontHeight/4) : (tl.fontHeight / 2);
 tg->lineHeight = tg->heightPer + 1;
 char *hapMethod = cartOrTdbString(cart, tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_METHOD_VAR, VCF_DEFAULT_HAP_METHOD);
 if (sameString(hapMethod, VCF_HAP_METHOD_FILE_ORDER))
     tg->drawItems = vcfGtHapFileOrderDraw;
 else if (startsWithWord(VCF_HAP_METHOD_TREE_FILE, hapMethod))
     tg->drawItems = vcfGtHapTreeFileDraw;
     tg->drawItems = vcfHapClusterDraw;
 tg->totalHeight = vcfHapClusterTotalHeight;
 tg->itemHeight = tgFixedItemHeight;
 tg->itemName = vcfHapClusterTrackName;
 tg->mapItemName = vcfHapClusterTrackName;
 tg->itemStart = tgItemNoStart;
 tg->itemEnd = tgItemNoEnd;
 tg->mapsSelf = TRUE;
 tg->extraUiData = vcff;
 static void indelTweakMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item,
         char *itemName, char *mapItemName, int start, int end, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* Pass the original vcf chromStart to pgSnpMapItem, so if we have trimmed an identical
  * first base from item's alleles and start, we will still pass the correct start to hgc. */
 struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *psvs = item;
 pgSnpMapItem(tg, hvg, item, itemName, mapItemName, psvs->vcfStart, psvs->vcfEnd,
 	     x, y, width, height);
 static void vcfPhasedLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load up one individuals phased genotypes in window */
 char *fileOrUrl = NULL;
 char *tbiFileOrUrl = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "bigDataIndex"); // unrelated to mysql
 /* Figure out url or file name. */
 if (tg->parallelLoading)
     /* do not use mysql during parallel-fetch load */
     fileOrUrl = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "bigDataUrl");
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tg->tdb);
     fileOrUrl = bbiNameFromSettingOrTableChrom(tg->tdb, conn, tg->table, chromName);
 if (isEmpty(fileOrUrl))
 int vcfMaxErr = -1;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = NULL;
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     vcff = vcfTabixFileAndIndexMayOpen(fileOrUrl, tbiFileOrUrl, chromName, winStart, winEnd, vcfMaxErr, -1);
     if (vcff != NULL)
         filterRecords(vcff, tg->tdb);
         filterRefOnlyAlleles(vcff, tg->tdb); // remove items that don't differ from reference
         // TODO: in multi-region mode, different windows end up with different sets of variants where
         // all are phased or not, which throws off track heights in each window. Similar to hapCluster
         // mode, just switch to pgSnp view when in multi-region for now.
         if (slCount(windows) > 1 || tg->visibility == tvDense)
         tg->items = vcfFileToPgSnp(vcff, tg->tdb);
             // pgSnp bases coloring/display decision on count of items:
         tg->extraUiData = vcff;
         tg->customInt = slCount(tg->items);
         // Don't vcfFileFree here -- we are using its string pointers!
         if (tbiFileOrUrl)
             errAbort("Unable to open VCF file/URL '%s' with tabix index '%s'", fileOrUrl, tbiFileOrUrl);
             errAbort("Unable to open VCF file/URL '%s'", fileOrUrl);
 if (errCatch->gotError || vcff == NULL)
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
         tg->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
         tg->drawItems = bigDrawWarning;
         tg->totalHeight = bigWarnTotalHeight;
 static void vcfPhasedAddMapBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct vcfRecord *rec, struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *psvs, char *text, int x, int y, int width, int height, struct track *track)
 // Add mapbox for a tick in the vcfPhased track
 mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, psvs->vcfStart, psvs->vcfEnd, x, y, width, height, track->track, rec->name, text, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
 struct hapDistanceMatrixCell
 /* The pair of alleles and how distant they are */
     struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *next;
     char *sampleId; // name of this sample
     char *otherId; // name of other sample
     int alleleIx; // index into vcfRecord->genotypes
     int otherAlleleIx; // index into vcfRecord->genotypes for other sample
     double dist;   // distance between this sample/allele and another sample/allele
 struct hapDistanceMatrix
 /* A row of hapDistanceMatrixCells, which store the distance computed by cwaDistance()
  * between two different alleles */
     struct hapDistanceMatrix *next; // next row in matrix
     char *sampleId;  // name of this sample
     int alleleIx; // allele id of this sample, 0 or 1
     struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *row;  // a row of cwaDistance scores
 static int hapDistanceMatrixCellCmp(const void *item1, const void *item2)
 const struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *cell1 = *(struct hapDistanceMatrixCell **)item1;
 const struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *cell2 = *(struct hapDistanceMatrixCell **)item2;
 return cell1->dist > cell2->dist;
 static struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *findClosestChildAlleleToParent(char *parent, char *child,
                                 struct hapDistanceMatrix *matrix)
 /* Get all cells belonging to a certain parent onto a list and sort by distance */
 struct hapDistanceMatrix *vec = NULL;
 struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *cellList = NULL, *cell = NULL;
 for (vec = matrix; vec != NULL; vec = vec->next)
     for (cell = vec->row; cell != NULL; cell = cell->next)
         if (sameString(cell->sampleId, parent))
             struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *tmp = needMem(sizeof(struct hapDistanceMatrixCell));
             tmp->next = NULL;
             tmp->sampleId = cloneString(cell->sampleId);
             tmp->alleleIx = cell->alleleIx;
             tmp->otherId = cloneString(vec->sampleId);
             tmp->otherAlleleIx = vec->alleleIx;
             tmp->dist = cell->dist;
             slAddHead(&cellList, tmp);
 slSort(&cellList, hapDistanceMatrixCellCmp);
 return cellList;
 static unsigned int toggleInt(unsigned int s)
 /* Add or subtract one */
 return s & 1 ? s - 1 : s + 1;
 static void fillOutHapOrder(unsigned int  *hapOrder, unsigned int hapCount, struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c1, struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c2, char **sampleDrawOrder)
 /* Assign indices to hapOrder in the order we should draw the alleles. Allows for the second parent
  * cell to be NULL */
 if (c1 == NULL)
     errAbort("Error: fillOutHapOrder passed NULL parent");
 int numSamplesToDraw = hapCount / 2;
 char *childSampleName = c1->otherId;
 int childIx = stringArrayIx(childSampleName, sampleDrawOrder, numSamplesToDraw);
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < numSamplesToDraw; i++)
     char *thisSample = sampleDrawOrder[i];
     short hapIx = 2*i;
     if (i != childIx) // fill out the parent indices, which may be above or below the child
         struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *thisCell = c2 != NULL && sameString(c2->sampleId,thisSample) ? c2 : c1;
         if (i < childIx)
             hapOrder[hapIx] = toggleInt(thisCell->alleleIx);
             hapOrder[hapIx+1] = thisCell->alleleIx;
         else // below the child
             hapOrder[hapIx] = thisCell->alleleIx;
             hapOrder[hapIx+1] = toggleInt(thisCell->alleleIx);
     else // fill out the child indices
         if (i == 0)
             if (c2)
                 hapOrder[hapIx] = c2->otherAlleleIx;
                 hapOrder[hapIx] = toggleInt(c1->otherAlleleIx);
             hapOrder[hapIx+1] = c1->otherAlleleIx;
         else if (i == 1)
             hapOrder[hapIx] = c1->otherAlleleIx;
             if (c2)
                 hapOrder[hapIx+1] = c2->otherAlleleIx;
                 hapOrder[hapIx+1] = toggleInt(c1->otherAlleleIx);
             hapOrder[hapIx] = c2->otherAlleleIx;
             hapOrder[hapIx+1] = c1->otherAlleleIx;
 static void maybeRollBackCell(struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c1, struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c2,
                               struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c1Copy, struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c2Copy)
 /* At this point c1->otherAlleleIx != c2->otherAlleleIx, however, it may be the case that c2 has a
  * better scoring match to c1->otherAlleleIx, so try to find it and reset the values */
 struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *tmp = c2;
 while (tmp->otherAlleleIx != c1->otherAlleleIx)
     tmp = tmp->next;
 if (tmp->dist < c1->dist)
     *c2 = *tmp;
     *c1 = *c1Copy;
 static void setHapOrderFromMatrix(unsigned int *hapOrder, unsigned int hapCount,
                                 struct hapDistanceMatrix *matrix, struct hapCluster **hapArray,
                                 struct vcfFile *vcff, char *childName, char **sampleDrawOrder)
 /* Given a matrix where each row is an allele of the child, and each column
  * is the distance from the child allele to a parent allele, fill out the order
  * in which the haplotypes will be drawn. The order are the indexes into rec->genotypes. */
 char *parentNames[(hapCount/2) - 1];
 struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c1 = NULL;
 struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c2 = NULL;
 int i, ix = 0;
 if (hapCount > 2) // is there a trio or at least part of one?
     for (i = 0; i < hapCount/2 ; i++)
         if (!sameString(sampleDrawOrder[i], childName))
             parentNames[ix++] = sampleDrawOrder[i];
     // For a parent/child combo, find the most likely set of transmitted
     // alleles. Depending on the number of variants in the window and the
     // haplotypes in question, both parents can tie as the person who
     // contributed a given allele
     c1 = findClosestChildAlleleToParent(parentNames[0], childName, matrix);
     c2 = findClosestChildAlleleToParent(parentNames[1], childName, matrix); // NULL if only one parent
     if (c1 && c2)
         if (c1->otherAlleleIx == c2->otherAlleleIx)
             struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c1Copy = c1;
             struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *c2Copy = c2;
             if (c1->dist >= c2->dist)
                 while (c1->dist >= c2->dist && c1->otherAlleleIx == c2->otherAlleleIx)
                     c1 = c1->next;
                 // at this point c1->otherAlleleIx != c2>otherAlleleIx, BUT c2 may have a better
                 // scoring match to this allele and we shouldn't have advanced c1 to begin with!
                 // This case is exercised at the following location (chr1:53896598-53897933) in
                 // the following file: /gbdb/hg38/1000Genomes/trio/NA12878_1463_CEU/NA12878_1463_CEUTrio.chr1.vcf.gz
                 // where the child's haplotypes are identical to both of the mother's haplotypes!
                 maybeRollBackCell(c1, c2, c1Copy, c2Copy);
                 while (c1->dist < c2->dist && c1->otherAlleleIx == c2->otherAlleleIx)
                     c2 = c2->next;
                 // similar to above case but swap c1 and c2
                 maybeRollBackCell(c2, c1, c2Copy, c1Copy);
     fillOutHapOrder(hapOrder, hapCount, c1, c2, sampleDrawOrder);
     hapOrder[0] = matrix->alleleIx;
     hapOrder[1] = matrix->next->alleleIx;
 static void assignHapArrayIx(int *ret, struct hapCluster **hapArray, struct vcfFile *vcff, char *sample, boolean doChild)
 int i;
 struct vcfRecord *rec = vcff->records;
 int ix = 0; // index into ret
 for (i = 0; i < slCount(hapArray); i++)
     struct hapCluster *hc = hapArray[i];
     struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[hc->gtHapIx >> 1]);
     if (!doChild && !sameString(gt->id, sample))
         ret[ix++] = i;
     else if (doChild && sameString(gt->id, sample))
         ret[ix++] = i;
 static struct hapDistanceMatrix *fillOutDistanceMatrix(struct hapCluster **hapArray, struct vcfFile *vcff, char *sample, struct cwaExtraData *helper, int gtCount)
 /* Allocates and fill out a struct hapDistanceMatrix, one row per child allele, and a
  * hapDistanceMatrixCell per parent allele */
 int parGtCount = (gtCount - 1) * 2;
 int i,j;
 struct vcfRecord *rec = vcff->records;
 struct hapDistanceMatrix *matrix = NULL;
 int childHapArrayIndices[2];
 int parentHapArrayIndices[parGtCount];
 assignHapArrayIx(childHapArrayIndices, hapArray, vcff, sample, TRUE);
 assignHapArrayIx(parentHapArrayIndices, hapArray, vcff, sample, FALSE);
 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
     struct hapDistanceMatrix *row = needMem(sizeof(struct hapDistanceMatrix));
     struct hapCluster *hcChild = hapArray[childHapArrayIndices[i]];
     struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[hcChild->gtHapIx >> 1]);
     row->row = NULL;
     row->sampleId = cloneString(gt->id);
     row->alleleIx = hcChild->gtHapIx;
     for (j = 0; j < parGtCount; j++)
         struct hapDistanceMatrixCell *cell = needMem(sizeof(struct hapDistanceMatrixCell));
         struct hapCluster *hcParent = hapArray[parentHapArrayIndices[j]];
         struct vcfGenotype *parGt = &(rec->genotypes[hcParent->gtHapIx >> 1]);
         cell->sampleId = cloneString(parGt->id);
         cell->alleleIx = hcParent->gtHapIx;
         cell->dist = cwaDistance((struct slList *)hcChild, (struct slList *)hcParent, helper);
         slAddHead(&(row->row), cell);
     slAddHead(&matrix, row);
 return matrix;
 unsigned int *computeHapDist(struct vcfFile *vcff, int centerIx, int startIx, int endIx, char *sample, int gtCount, char **sampleDrawOrder)
 // similar to clusterHaps(), but instead of making a hacTree at the end, call cwaDistance
 // on each of the pairs in hapArray to make a distance matrix, then compute a hapOrder from that
 double alpha = 0.5;
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct cwaExtraData helper = { centerIx-startIx, endIx-startIx, alpha, lm };
 struct hapCluster **hapArray = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(struct hapCluster *) * gtCount * 2);
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < 2 * gtCount;  i++)
     hapArray[i] = lmHapCluster(&helper);
     if (i > 0)
         hapArray[i-1]->next = hapArray[i];
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 int varIx;
 boolean haveHaploid;
 for (varIx = 0, rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL && varIx < endIx;  varIx++, rec = rec->next)
     if (varIx < startIx)
     int countIx = varIx - startIx;
     int gtIx;
     for (gtIx=0;  gtIx < gtCount;  gtIx++)
         // VCF may contain genotypes other than the few we are interested, so sampleDrawOrder[gtIx]
         // may not be the right index in rec->genotypes we want, look it up here
         const struct vcfGenotype *gt = vcfRecordFindGenotype(rec, sampleDrawOrder[gtIx]);
         int ix = stringArrayIx(sampleDrawOrder[gtIx], vcff->genotypeIds, vcff->genotypeCount);
         struct hapCluster *c1 = hapArray[gtIx];
         struct hapCluster *c2 = hapArray[gtCount + gtIx]; // hardwired ploidy=2
         c1->gtHapIx = ix << 1;
         c1->leafCount = 1;
         if (gt->isPhased || gt->isHaploid || (gt->hapIxA == gt->hapIxB))
             // first haplotype's counts:
             if (gt->hapIxA < 0)
                 c1->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
             else if (gt->hapIxA == 0)
                 c1->refCounts[countIx] = 1;
             if (gt->isHaploid)
                 haveHaploid = TRUE;
                 // got second haplotype, fill in its counts:
                 c2->gtHapIx = (ix << 1) | 1;
                 c2->leafCount = 1;
                 if (gt->hapIxB < 0)
                     c2->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
                 else if (gt->hapIxB == 0)
                     c2->refCounts[countIx] = 1;
             // Missing data or unphased heterozygote, don't use haplotype info for clustering
             c2->gtHapIx = (ix << 1) | 1;
             c2->leafCount = 1;
             c1->unkCounts[countIx] = c2->unkCounts[countIx] = 1;
     if (haveHaploid)
         // Some array items will have an empty cluster for missing hap2 --
         // trim those from the linked list.
         struct hapCluster *c = hapArray[0];
         while (c != NULL && c->next != NULL)
             if (c->next->leafCount == 0)
                 c->next = c->next->next;
                 c = c->next;
 // now fill out a distance matrix based on the cwaDistance between all the pairs in hapArray
 struct hapDistanceMatrix *hapDistMatrix = fillOutDistanceMatrix(hapArray, vcff, sample, &helper, gtCount);
 unsigned int hapCount = 2 * gtCount;
 unsigned int *hapOrder = needMem(sizeof(unsigned int) * hapCount);
 setHapOrderFromMatrix(hapOrder, hapCount, hapDistMatrix, hapArray, vcff, sample, sampleDrawOrder);
 return hapOrder;
 static void setTransmitOrder(unsigned int *gtHapOrder, char **transmitOrder, int gtHapCount, struct vcfRecord *rec, char **sampleOrder, char *childSample)
 /* Fill out an array of "transmitted", "untransmitted" strings for mouseover and color lookup */
 int i;
 int childSampleIx = stringArrayIx(childSample, sampleOrder, gtHapCount / 2);
 for (i = 0; i < gtHapCount; i++)
     int gtIx = gtHapOrder[i];
     struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx >> 1]);
     int alleleSampleIx = stringArrayIx(gt->id, sampleOrder, gtHapCount / 2);
     if (alleleSampleIx != childSampleIx)
         if (alleleSampleIx > childSampleIx)
             transmitOrder[i] = i % 2 == 0 ? "transmitted" : "untransmitted";
             transmitOrder[i] = i % 2 == 0 ? "untransmitted" : "transmitted";
         transmitOrder[i] = "child";
 enum phasedColorMode
 static enum phasedColorMode getPhasedColorMode(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Get the coloring mode for phased trio tracks */
 enum phasedColorMode colorMode = noColorMode;
 char *colorBy = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, VCF_PHASED_COLORBY_VAR, VCF_PHASED_COLORBY_VAR);
 if (sameString(colorBy, VCF_PHASED_COLORBY_MENDEL_DIFF))
     colorMode = mendelDiffMode;
 else if (sameString(colorBy, VCF_PHASED_COLORBY_DE_NOVO))
     colorMode = deNovoOnlyMode;
     char *geneTrack = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, "geneTrack", NULL);
     if (isNotEmpty(geneTrack) && sameString(colorBy, VCF_PHASED_COLORBY_FUNCTION))
         colorMode = phasedFunctionMode;
 return colorMode;
 static int getTickColor(struct track *track, struct vcfRecord *rec, int alleleIx, int nameIx, int gtHapCount, unsigned int *gtHapOrder, char *childSampleName, char *sampleOrder[], enum phasedColorMode colorMode, enum soTerm funcTerm)
 /* Return the color we should use for this variant */
 // if there are no parents to draw then no concept of transmitted vs unstransmitted
 Color col = MG_BLACK;
 if (colorMode == noColorMode)
     col = MG_BLACK;
 else if (colorMode == phasedFunctionMode)
     col = colorFromSoTerm(funcTerm);
     if (gtHapCount <= 2)
         col = MG_BLACK;
         char *sampleName = sampleOrder[nameIx];
         if (!sameString(sampleName, childSampleName)) // parents only have shading in funcMode
             col = MG_BLACK;
         else // maybe draw child ticks red
             struct vcfGenotype *childGt = &(rec->genotypes[gtHapOrder[alleleIx] >> 1]);
             int childHapIx = gtHapOrder[alleleIx] & 1 ? childGt->hapIxB : childGt->hapIxA;
             int parIx = alleleIx;
             int numSamples = gtHapCount / 2;
             boolean isEven = (alleleIx % 2) == 0;
             const int adjacentLineSet = 1;
             // how many haplotype "lines" away is the second parent if we are drawing in either
             // parent1,parent2,child or child,parent1,parent2 order:
             const int otherLineSet = 4;
             if (nameIx == 0)
                 if (!isEven)
                     parIx = alleleIx + adjacentLineSet;
                 else if (numSamples > 2)
                         parIx = alleleIx + otherLineSet;
             else if (nameIx == 1)
                 if (isEven)
                     parIx = alleleIx - adjacentLineSet;
                 else if (numSamples > 2) // don't compare the allele the child to a missing parent
                     parIx = alleleIx + adjacentLineSet;
                 if (isEven)
                     parIx = alleleIx - adjacentLineSet;
                     parIx = alleleIx - otherLineSet;
             struct vcfGenotype *parentGt = &(rec->genotypes[gtHapOrder[parIx] >> 1]);
             if (parentGt->isPhased || (parentGt->hapIxA == 1 && parentGt->hapIxB == 1))
                 int transmittedIx = gtHapOrder[parIx] & 1 ? parentGt->hapIxB : parentGt->hapIxA;
                 int untransmittedIx = gtHapOrder[parIx] & 1 ? parentGt->hapIxA : parentGt->hapIxB;
                 col = MG_BLACK;
                 if (colorMode == mendelDiffMode)
                     if (rec->alleles[childHapIx] != rec->alleles[transmittedIx] &&
                         rec->alleles[childHapIx] == rec->alleles[untransmittedIx])
                         col = MG_RED;
                     if (rec->alleles[childHapIx] != rec->alleles[transmittedIx] &&
                         rec->alleles[childHapIx] != rec->alleles[untransmittedIx])
                         col = MG_RED;
 return col;
 void vcfPhasedDrawOneRecord(struct track *track, struct hvGfx *hvg, struct vcfRecord *rec,
                             void *item, unsigned int *gtHapOrder, int gtHapCount, int xOff,
                             int yOffsets[], char *sampleOrder[], char *childSample, double scale,
                             char *transmitOrder[], enum phasedColorMode colorMode,
                             enum soTerm funcTerm)
 // Draw a record's haplotypes on the appropriate lines
 int i;
 int x1 = round((double)(rec->chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int x2 = round((double)(rec->chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *psvs = (struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *)item;
 int w = x2-x1;
 if (w < 1)
     w = 1;
 int tickHeight = track->itemHeight(track, track->items);
 for (i = 0; i < gtHapCount ; i++)
     struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtHapOrder[i] >> 1]);
     int nameIx = stringArrayIx(gt->id, sampleOrder, track->customInt);
     struct dyString *mouseover = dyStringNew(0);
     int tickColor = getTickColor(track, rec, i, nameIx, gtHapCount, gtHapOrder, childSample, sampleOrder, colorMode, funcTerm);
     if (gt->isPhased || (gt->hapIxA == 1 && gt->hapIxB == 1)) // if phased or homozygous alt
         int alIx = gtHapOrder[i] & 1 ? gt->hapIxB : gt->hapIxA;
         dyStringPrintf(mouseover, "%s ", gt->id);
         if (alIx != 0) // non-reference allele
             if (sameString(childSample, gt->id)) // we're drawing child ticks
                 dyStringPrintf(mouseover, "allele: %s", rec->alleles[alIx]);
                 if (gt->isPhased)
                     dyStringPrintf(mouseover, "likely %s allele: %s", transmitOrder[i], rec->alleles[alIx]);
                     int otherIx = (alIx == gt->hapIxB ? gt->hapIxA : gt->hapIxB);
                     dyStringPrintf(mouseover, "unphased alleles: %s/%s", rec->alleles[alIx], rec->alleles[otherIx]);
             int y = yOffsets[i] - (tickHeight/2);
             hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y, w, tickHeight, tickColor);
             vcfPhasedAddMapBox(hvg, rec, psvs, mouseover->string, x1, y, w, tickHeight, track);
     else if (gt->hapIxA != 0 || gt->hapIxB != 0)// draw the tick between the two haplotype lines
         int yMid = ((yOffsets[2*nameIx] + yOffsets[(2*nameIx)+1]) / 2); // midpoint of two haplotype lines
         hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, yMid - (tickHeight / 2), w, tickHeight, tickColor);
         dyStringPrintf(mouseover, "%s unphased genotype: %s/%s", gt->id, rec->alleles[0], rec->alleles[1]);
         vcfPhasedAddMapBox(hvg, rec, psvs, mouseover->string, x1, yMid, w, tickHeight, track);
 static void vcfPhasedAddLabel(struct track *track, struct hvGfx *hvg, char *label, int trackY, int labelY, MgFont *font, Color color)
 // Add a VCF Sample name to the left label of the haplotype representation
 int clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak;
 struct hvGfx *hvgLL = (hvgSide != NULL) ? hvgSide : hvg;
 hvGfxGetClip(hvgLL, &clipXBak, &clipYBak, &clipWidthBak, &clipHeightBak);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, leftLabelX, trackY, leftLabelWidth, track->height);
 hvGfxTextRight(hvgLL, leftLabelX, labelY, leftLabelWidth, track->lineHeight, color,
     font, label);
 // Restore the prior clipping:
 hvGfxSetClip(hvgLL, clipXBak, clipYBak, clipWidthBak, clipHeightBak);
 static void vcfPhasedSetupHaplotypesLines(struct track *track, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
                             int yOff, int width, int *retYOffsets, struct slPair *sampleNames,
                             char *childSample, MgFont *font)
 /* Setup the background for drawing the ticks, the two haplotype lines for each sample, and the
  * transparent gray box to help distinguish between consecutive samples */
 int sampleHeight = round(track->height / track->customInt);
 double yHap1 = track->lineHeight; // relative offset of first haplotype line
 double yHap2 = sampleHeight - track->lineHeight; // relative offset of second line
 struct slPair *name;
 int i, y1, y2;
 struct rgbColor yellow = lightRainbowAtPos(0.2);
 int transYellow = MAKECOLOR_32_A(yellow.r, yellow.g, yellow.b, 100);
 boolean useDefaultLabel = FALSE;
 if (cartVarExistsAnyLevel(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_DEFAULT_LABEL_VAR))
     useDefaultLabel = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_DEFAULT_LABEL_VAR, FALSE);
 boolean useAliasLabel = trackDbSettingOn(track->tdb, VCF_PHASED_TDB_USE_ALT_NAMES);
 if (cartVarExistsAnyLevel(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_ALIAS_LABEL_VAR))
     useAliasLabel = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_ALIAS_LABEL_VAR, FALSE);
 for (name = sampleNames, i = 0; name != NULL; name = name->next, i++)
     y1 = yOff + yHap1 + (i * sampleHeight);
     y2 = yOff + yHap2 + (i * sampleHeight);
     retYOffsets[2*i] = y1;
     retYOffsets[(2*i) + 1] = y2;
     // make the background of every other lane light yellow, but only when NOT doing PDF/EPS output
     if (hvg->pixelBased && sameString(childSample, name->name))
         hvGfxBox(hvg, xOff, y1-(track->lineHeight), width, (y2 + track->lineHeight) - (y1-track->lineHeight), transYellow);
     hvGfxLine(hvg, xOff, y1, xOff+width, y1, MG_BLACK);
     hvGfxLine(hvg, xOff, y2, xOff+width, y2, MG_BLACK);
     struct dyString *label = dyStringNew(0);
     boolean hasAlias = isNotEmpty((char *)name->val);
     dyStringPrintf(label, "%s%s%s",
         useDefaultLabel ? name->name : "",
         useDefaultLabel && useAliasLabel && hasAlias ? "/" : "",
         useAliasLabel && hasAlias ? (char *)name->val : "");
     vcfPhasedAddLabel(track, hvg, label->string, yOff, round(((y1 + y2) / 2) - (track->lineHeight / 2)), font, MG_BLACK);
 static void vcfPhasedDrawItems(struct track *track, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 			      struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 			      MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Split samples' chromosomes (haplotypes), cluster them by parents, and
  * draw them all along a line representing each chromosome*/
 struct vcfFile *vcff = track->extraUiData;
 if (vcff->records == NULL)
 struct txInfo *txiList = NULL;
 struct seqWindow *gSeqWin = chromSeqWindowNew(database, chromName, seqStart, seqEnd);
 enum phasedColorMode colorMode = getPhasedColorMode(track->tdb);
 if (colorMode == phasedFunctionMode)
     txiList = txInfoLoad(gSeqWin, track->tdb);
 const double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
 boolean hideOtherSamples = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_HIDE_OTHER_VAR, FALSE);
 struct slPair *pair, *sampleNames = vcfPhasedGetSampleOrder(cart, track->tdb, FALSE, hideOtherSamples);
 int gtCount = slCount(sampleNames);
 int gtHapCount = gtCount * 2;
 int yOffsets[gtHapCount]; // y offsets of each haplotype line
 char *sampleOrder[gtCount]; // order of sampleName lines
 int i;
 for (pair = sampleNames, i = 0; pair != NULL && i < gtCount; pair = pair->next, i++)
     sampleOrder[i] = pair->name;
 char *childSample = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, VCF_PHASED_CHILD_SAMPLE_SETTING));
 char *pt = strchr(childSample, '|');
 if (pt != NULL)
     *pt = '\0';
 // set up the "haplotype" lines and the transparent yellow box to delineate samples
 vcfPhasedSetupHaplotypesLines(track, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, yOffsets, sampleNames, childSample, font);
 // maybe sort the variants by haplotype then draw ticks
 unsigned int *hapOrder = needMem(sizeof(short) * gtHapCount);
 int nRecords = slCount(vcff->records);
 int centerIx = getCenterVariantIx(track, seqStart, seqEnd, vcff->records);
 int startIx = 0;
 int endIx = nRecords;
 hapOrder = computeHapDist(vcff, centerIx, startIx, endIx, childSample, gtCount, sampleOrder);
 struct vcfRecord *rec = NULL;
 struct slList *item = NULL;
 // array of "trans", "untrans", etc for mouseovers
 char *transmitOrder[gtHapCount];
 setTransmitOrder(hapOrder, transmitOrder, gtHapCount, vcff->records, sampleOrder, childSample);
 for (rec = vcff->records, item = track->items; rec != NULL && item != NULL; rec = rec->next, item = item->next)
     enum soTerm funcTerm = soUnknown;
     if (colorMode == phasedFunctionMode)
         funcTerm = functionForRecord(rec, gSeqWin, txiList);
     vcfPhasedDrawOneRecord(track, hvg, rec, item, hapOrder, gtHapCount, xOff, yOffsets, sampleOrder, childSample, scale, transmitOrder, colorMode, funcTerm);
 static int vcfPhasedItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
 return tg->heightPer;
 int vcfPhasedTrackHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 const struct vcfFile *vcff = tg->extraUiData;
 // when doing composite track height, vcfPhasedLoadItems won't have been called yet!
 if (vis == tvDense)
     return pgSnpHeight(tg, vis);
 if (!vcff || vcff->records == NULL)
     return 0;
 boolean hideOtherSamples = cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, VCF_PHASED_HIDE_OTHER_VAR, FALSE);
 int totalSamples = slCount(vcfPhasedGetSampleOrder(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, hideOtherSamples));
 tg->lineHeight = tl.fontHeight + 1;
 tg->heightPer = tl.fontHeight;
 // if all variants in view are phased, then 3 lines per sample,
 // else 4 lines. The extra 2 is for clear separation
 int heightPerSample;
 if (vcff->allPhased)
     heightPerSample = (3 * tg->lineHeight) + 2;
     heightPerSample = (4 * tg->lineHeight);
 tg->height = totalSamples * heightPerSample;
 tg->itemHeight = vcfPhasedItemHeight;
 // custom int is reserved for doing pgSnp coloring but as far as I can tell is
 // never actually used?
 tg->customInt = totalSamples;
 return tg->height;
 void vcfPhasedMethods(struct track *track)
 /* Load items from a VCF of one individuals phased genotypes */
 track->drawItems = vcfPhasedDrawItems;
 // Disinherit next/prev flag and methods since we don't support next/prev:
 track->nextExonButtonable = FALSE;
 track->nextPrevExon = NULL;
 track->nextPrevItem = NULL;
 track->loadItems = vcfPhasedLoadItems;
 track->totalHeight = vcfPhasedTrackHeight;
 track->itemName = vcfHapClusterTrackName;
 track->mapsSelf = TRUE;
 static void vcfTabixLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load items in window from VCF file using its tabix index file. */
 char *fileOrUrl = NULL;
 char *tbiFileOrUrl = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "bigDataIndex"); // unrelated to mysql
 /* Figure out url or file name. */
 if (tg->parallelLoading)
     /* do not use mysql during parallel-fetch load */
     fileOrUrl = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "bigDataUrl");
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tg->tdb);
     fileOrUrl = bbiNameFromSettingOrTableChrom(tg->tdb, conn, tg->table, chromName);
 if (isEmpty(fileOrUrl))
 fileOrUrl = hReplaceGbdb(fileOrUrl);
 int vcfMaxErr = -1;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = NULL;
 boolean hapClustEnabled = cartOrTdbBoolean(cart, tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_ENABLED_VAR, TRUE);
 if (slCount(windows)>1)
     hapClustEnabled = FALSE;  // haplotype sorting display not currently available with multiple windows.
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     vcff = vcfTabixFileAndIndexMayOpen(fileOrUrl, tbiFileOrUrl, chromName, winStart, winEnd, vcfMaxErr, -1);
     if (vcff != NULL)
 	filterRecords(vcff, tg->tdb);
         int vis = tdbVisLimitedByAncestors(cart,tg->tdb,TRUE,TRUE);
 	if (hapClustEnabled && vcff->genotypeCount > 1 &&
 	    (vis == tvPack || vis == tvSquish))
 	    vcfHapClusterOverloadMethods(tg, vcff);
 	    tg->items = vcfFileToPgSnp(vcff, tg->tdb);
 	    // pgSnp bases coloring/display decision on count of items:
 	    tg->customInt = slCount(tg->items);
 	// Don't vcfFileFree here -- we are using its string pointers!
         if (tbiFileOrUrl)
             errAbort("Unable to open VCF file/URL '%s' with tabix index '%s'", fileOrUrl, tbiFileOrUrl);
             errAbort("Unable to open VCF file/URL '%s'", fileOrUrl);
 if (errCatch->gotError || vcff == NULL)
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
 	tg->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     tg->drawItems = bigDrawWarning;
     tg->totalHeight = bigWarnTotalHeight;
 void vcfTabixMethods(struct track *track)
 /* Methods for VCF + tabix files. */
 track->mapItem = indelTweakMapItem;
 // Disinherit next/prev flag and methods since we don't support next/prev:
 track->nextExonButtonable = FALSE;
 track->nextPrevExon = NULL;
 track->nextPrevItem = NULL;
 track->loadItems = vcfTabixLoadItems;
 track->canPack = TRUE;
 static void vcfLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load items in window from VCF file. */
 int vcfMaxErr = -1;
 struct vcfFile *vcff = NULL;
 boolean hapClustEnabled = cartOrTdbBoolean(cart, tg->tdb, VCF_HAP_ENABLED_VAR, TRUE);
 if (slCount(windows)>1)
     hapClustEnabled = FALSE;  // haplotype sorting display not currently available with multiple windows.
 char *table = tg->table;
 struct customTrack *ct = tg->customPt;
 struct sqlConnection *conn;
 if (ct == NULL)
     conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, tg->tdb);
     conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
     table = ct->dbTableName;
 char *vcfFile = bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(tg->tdb, conn, table);
 /* protect against parse error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     vcff = vcfFileMayOpen(vcfFile, chromName, winStart, winEnd, vcfMaxErr, -1, TRUE);
     if (vcff != NULL)
 	filterRecords(vcff, tg->tdb);
         int vis = tdbVisLimitedByAncestors(cart,tg->tdb,TRUE,TRUE);
 	if (hapClustEnabled && vcff->genotypeCount > 1 && vcff->genotypeCount < 3000 &&
 	    (vis == tvPack || vis == tvSquish))
 	    vcfHapClusterOverloadMethods(tg, vcff);
 	    tg->items = vcfFileToPgSnp(vcff, tg->tdb);
 	    // pgSnp bases coloring/display decision on count of items:
 	    tg->customInt = slCount(tg->items);
 	// Don't vcfFileFree here -- we are using its string pointers!
         errAbort("Unable to open VCF file '%s'", vcfFile);
 if (errCatch->gotError || vcff == NULL)
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
 	tg->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     tg->drawItems = bigDrawWarning;
     tg->totalHeight = bigWarnTotalHeight;
 void vcfMethods(struct track *track)
 /* Methods for Variant Call Format. */
 track->mapItem = indelTweakMapItem;
 // Disinherit next/prev flag and methods since we don't support next/prev:
 track->nextExonButtonable = FALSE;
 track->nextPrevExon = NULL;
 track->nextPrevItem = NULL;
 track->loadItems = vcfLoadItems;
 track->canPack = TRUE;