  Tue Oct 20 01:18:28 2020 -0700
Fix speed of javascript in View, Facets, and Subtracks for hgTrackUi. fixes #26381

diff --git src/lib/cheapcgi.c src/lib/cheapcgi.c
index 51e1071..7d71148 100644
--- src/lib/cheapcgi.c
+++ src/lib/cheapcgi.c
@@ -1,2697 +1,2701 @@
 /* Routines for getting variables passed in from web page
  * forms via CGI.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "filePath.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 #include "mime.h"
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 #include <signal.h>
 //============ javascript inline-separation routines ===============
 // One of the main services that CSP (Content Security Policy) provides
 // is protecting from reflected and stored XSS attacks by disabling all inline javacript,
 // both in script tags, and in inline event handlers.  The separated javascript 
 // can be either added back to the end of the html page with a nonce or sha hashid,
 // or it can be saved to a temp file in trash and then included as a non-inline, off-page .js.
 struct dyString *jsInlineLines = NULL;
 void jsInlineInit()
 /* init if needed */
 if (!jsInlineLines) 
     jsInlineLines = dyStringNew(1024);	
 void jsInline(char *javascript)
 /* Add javascript text to output file or memory structure */
 jsInlineInit(); // init if needed
 dyStringAppend(jsInlineLines, javascript);
 void jsInlineF(char *format, ...)
 /* Add javascript text to output file or memory structure */
 jsInlineInit(); // init if needed
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 dyStringVaPrintf(jsInlineLines, format, args);
 boolean jsInlineFinishCalled = FALSE;
 void jsInlineFinish()
 /* finish outputting accumulated inline javascript */
 if (jsInlineFinishCalled)
     // jsInlineFinish can be called multiple times when generating framesets or genomeSpace.
     warn("jsInlineFinish() called already.");
 jsInlineInit(); // init if needed
 printf("<script type='text/javascript' nonce='%s'>\n%s</script>\n", getNonce(), jsInlineLines->string);
 jsInlineFinishCalled = TRUE;
 void jsInlineReset()
 /* used by genomeSpace to repeatedly output multiple pages to stdout */
 jsInlineFinishCalled = FALSE;
 const char * const jsEvents[] = { 
 "" };
 boolean findJsEvent(char *event)
 /* see if it is in the list */
 int i = 0;
 while (TRUE)
     const char *w = jsEvents[i];
     if (sameString(w, event))
 	return TRUE;
     if (sameString(w, ""))
 	return FALSE;
 return FALSE; // should never get here
 void checkValidEvent(char *event)
 /* check if it is lowercase and a known valid event name */
 char *temp = cloneString(event);
 if (!sameString(temp, event))
     warn("jsInline: javascript event %s should be given in lower-case", event);
 event = temp; 
 if (!findJsEvent(event))
     warn("jsInline: unknown javascript event %s", event);
 freeMem (event);
 void jsOnEventById(char *eventName, char *idText, char *jsText)
 /* Add js mapping for inline event */
 jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; %s};\n", idText, eventName, jsText);
 void jsOnEventByIdF(char *eventName, char *idText, char *format, ...)
 /* Add js mapping for inline event with printf formatting */
 jsInlineF("document.getElementById('%s').on%s = function(event) {if (!event) {event=window.event}; ", idText, eventName);
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 dyStringVaPrintf(jsInlineLines, format, args);
 //============ END of javascript inline-separation routines ===============
 /* These three variables hold the parsed version of cgi variables. */
 static char *inputString = NULL;
 static unsigned long inputSize;
 static struct hash *inputHash = NULL;
 static struct cgiVar *inputList = NULL;
 static boolean haveCookiesHash = FALSE;
 static struct hash *cookieHash = NULL;
 static struct cgiVar *cookieList = NULL;
 /* should cheapcgi use temp files to store uploaded files */
 static boolean doUseTempFile = FALSE;
 void dumpCookieList()
 /* Print out the cookie list. */
 struct cgiVar *v;
 for (v=cookieList; v != NULL; v = v->next)
     printf("%s=%s (%d)\n", v->name, v->val, v->saved);
 void useTempFile()
 /* tell cheapcgi to use temp files */
 doUseTempFile = TRUE;
 boolean cgiIsOnWeb()
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're being run as a CGI. */
 return getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") != NULL;
 char *cgiRequestMethod()
 return getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
 char *cgiRequestUri()
 /* Return CGI REQUEST_URI */
 return getenv("REQUEST_URI");
 char *cgiRequestContentLength()
 /* Return HTTP REQUEST CONTENT_LENGTH if available*/
 return getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
 char *cgiScriptName()
 /* Return name of script so libs can do context-sensitive stuff. */
 char *scriptName = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
 if (scriptName == NULL)
     scriptName = "cgiSpoofedScript";
 return scriptName;
 char *cgiScriptDirUrl()
 /* Return the absolute cgi-bin directory on this webserver.
  * This is not the local directory but the <path> part after the server
  * in external URLs to this webserver.
  * e.g. if CGI is called http://localhost/subdir/cgi-bin/cgiTest
  * then returned value is /subdir/
  * return value must be free'd. */
 char* cgiPath = cloneString(cgiScriptName());
 char dir[PATH_LEN];
 splitPath(cgiPath, dir, NULL, NULL);
 char* dirStr = needMem(PATH_LEN);
 safecpy(dirStr, PATH_LEN, dir);
 return dirStr;
 char *cgiServerName()
 /* Return name of server, better to use cgiServerNamePort() for
    actual URL construction */
 return getenv("SERVER_NAME");
 char *cgiServerPort()
 /* Return port number of server, default 80 if not found */
 char *port = getenv("SERVER_PORT");
 if (port)
     return port;
     return "80";
 boolean cgiServerHttpsIsOn()
 /* Return true if HTTPS is on */
 char *httpsIsOn = getenv("HTTPS");
 if (httpsIsOn)
     return sameString(httpsIsOn, "on");
     return FALSE;
 char *cgiAppendSForHttps()
 /* if running on https, add the letter s to the url protocol */
 if (cgiServerHttpsIsOn())
     return "s";
 return "";
 char *cgiServerNamePort()
 /* Return name of server with port if different than 80 */
 char *port = cgiServerPort();
 char *name = cgiServerName();
 struct dyString *result = newDyString(256);
 char *defaultPort = "80";
 if (cgiServerHttpsIsOn())
     defaultPort = "443";
 if (name)
     if (differentString(port, defaultPort))
     return dyStringCannibalize(&result);
     return NULL;
 char *cgiRemoteAddr()
 /* Return IP address of client (or "unknown"). */
 static char *dunno = "unknown";
 char *remoteAddr = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
 if (remoteAddr == NULL)
     remoteAddr = dunno;
 return remoteAddr;
 char *cgiUserAgent()
 /* Return remote user agent (HTTP_USER_AGENT) or NULL if remote user agent is not known */
 return getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
 enum browserType cgiClientBrowser(char **browserQualifier, enum osType *clientOs,
                                   char **clientOsQualifier)
 /* Return client browser type determined from (HTTP_USER_AGENT)
    Optionally requuest the additional info about the client */
 // WARNING: The specifics of the HTTP_USER_AGENT vary widely.
 //          This has only been tested on a few cases.
 static enum browserType clientBrowser = btUnknown;
 static enum browserType clientOsType  = (enum browserType)osUnknown;
 static char *clientBrowserExtra       = NULL;
 static char *clientOsExtra            = NULL;
 if (clientBrowser == btUnknown)
     char *userAgent = cgiUserAgent();
     if (userAgent != NULL)
         //warn(userAgent);  // Use this to investigate other cases
         char *ptr=NULL;
         // Determine the browser
         if ((ptr = stringIn("Opera",userAgent)) != NULL) // Must be before IE
             clientBrowser = btOpera;
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("MSIE ",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientBrowser = btIE;
             ptr += strlen("MSIE ");
             clientBrowserExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,';');
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("Firefox",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientBrowser = btFF;
             ptr += strlen("(Firefox/");
             clientBrowserExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,' ');
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("Chrome",userAgent)) != NULL)  // Must be before Safari
             clientBrowser = btChrome;
             ptr += strlen("Chrome/");
             clientBrowserExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,' ');
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("Safari",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientBrowser = btSafari;
             ptr += strlen("Safari/");
             clientBrowserExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,' ');
             clientBrowser = btOther;
         // Determine the OS
         if ((ptr = stringIn("Windows",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientOsType = (enum browserType)osWindows;
             ptr += strlen("Windows ");
             clientOsExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,';');
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("Linux",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientOsType = (enum browserType)osLinux;
             ptr += strlen("Linux ");
             clientOsExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,';');
         else if ((ptr = stringIn("Mac ",userAgent)) != NULL)
             clientOsType = (enum browserType)osMac;
             ptr += strlen("Mac ");
             clientOsExtra = cloneFirstWordByDelimiter(ptr,';');
             clientOsType = (enum browserType)osOther;
 if (browserQualifier != NULL)
     if (clientBrowserExtra != NULL)
         *browserQualifier = cloneString(clientBrowserExtra);
         *browserQualifier = NULL;
 if (clientOs != NULL)
     *clientOs = (enum osType)clientOsType;
 if (clientOsQualifier != NULL)
     if (clientOsExtra != NULL)
         *clientOsQualifier = cloneString(clientOsExtra);
         *clientOsQualifier = NULL;
 return clientBrowser;
 char *_cgiRawInput()
 /* For debugging get the unprocessed input. */
 return inputString;
 static void getQueryInputExt(boolean abortOnErr)
 /* Get query string from environment if they've used GET method. */
 inputString = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
 if (inputString == NULL)
     if (abortOnErr)
 	errAbort("No QUERY_STRING in environment.");
     inputString = cloneString("");
 inputString = cloneString(inputString);
 static void getQueryInput()
 /* Get query string from environment if they've used GET method. */
 static void getPostInput()
 /* Get input from file if they've used POST method.
  * Grab any GET QUERY_STRING input first. */
 char *s;
 long i;
 int r;
 int getSize = strlen(inputString);
 s = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
 if (s == NULL)
     errAbort("No CONTENT_LENGTH in environment.");
 if (sscanf(s, "%lu", &inputSize) != 1)
     errAbort("CONTENT_LENGTH isn't a number.");
 s = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");
 if (s != NULL && startsWith("multipart/form-data", s))
     /* use MIME parse on input stream instead, can handle large uploads */
     /* inputString must not be NULL so it knows it was set */
 int len = getSize + inputSize;
 if (getSize > 0)
 char *temp = needMem((size_t)len+1);
 for (i=0; i<inputSize; ++i)
     r = getc(stdin);
     if (r == EOF)
 	errAbort("Short POST input to %s: CONTENT_LENGTH=%ld, only %ld supplied",
                  cgiScriptName(), inputSize, i);
     temp[i] = r;
 if (getSize > 0)
   temp[i++] = '&';
 strncpy(temp+i, inputString, getSize);
 temp[len] = 0;
 inputString = temp;
 #define memmem(hay, haySize, needle, needleSize) \
     memMatch(needle, needleSize, hay, haySize)
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 static void cgiParseMultipart(struct hash **retHash, struct cgiVar **retList)
 /* process a multipart form */
 char h[1024];  /* hold mime header line */
 char *s = NULL, *ct = NULL;
 struct dyString *dy = newDyString(256);
 struct mimeBuf *mb = NULL;
 struct mimePart *mp = NULL;
 char **env = NULL;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(6);
 struct cgiVar *list = NULL, *el;
 extern char **environ;
 //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: top of cgiParseMultipart()\n");
 /* find the CONTENT_ environment strings, use to make Alternate Header string for MIME */
 for(env=environ; *env; env++)
     if (startsWith("CONTENT_",*env))
         //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",*env);  //debug
 	s = strchr(h,'_');    /* change env syntax to MIME style header, from _= to -: */
 	if (!s)
 	    errAbort("expecting '_' parsing env var %s for MIME alt header", *env);
 	*s = '-';
 	s = strchr(h,'=');
 	if (!s)
 	    errAbort("expecting '=' parsing env var %s for MIME alt header", *env);
 	*s = ':';
 dyStringAppend(dy,"\r\n");  /* blank line at end means end of headers */
 //fprintf(stderr,"Alternate Header Text:\n%s",dy->string);
 mb = initMimeBuf(STDIN_FILENO);
 //fprintf(stderr,"got past initMimeBuf(STDIN_FILENO)\n");
 mp = parseMultiParts(mb, cloneString(dy->string)); /* The Alternate Header will get freed */
 if(!mp->multi) /* expecting multipart child parts */
     errAbort("Malformatted multipart-form.");
 //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: Wow got past parse of MIME!\n");
 ct = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-type");
 //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: main content-type: %s\n",ct);
 if (!startsWith("multipart/form-data",ct))
     errAbort("main content-type expected starts with [multipart/form-data], found [%s]",ct);
     char *cd = NULL, *cdMain = NULL, *cdName = NULL, *cdFileName = NULL;
     cd = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-disposition");
     // char *ct = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-type");
     //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: content-disposition: %s\n",cd);
     //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: content-type: %s\n",ct);
     //fprintf(stderr,"cgiParseMultipart: main:[%s], name:[%s], filename:[%s]\n",cdMain,cdName,cdFileName);
     if (!sameString(cdMain,"form-data"))
 	errAbort("main content-type expected [form-data], found [%s]",cdMain);
     //fprintf(stderr,"GALT: mp->size[%llu], mp->binary=[%d], mp->fileName=[%s], mp=>data:[%s]\n",
         //(unsigned long long) mp->size, mp->binary, mp->fileName,
         //mp->binary && mp->data ? "<binary data not safe to print>" : mp->data);
     /* filename if there is one */
     /* Internet Explorer on Windows is sending full path names, strip
      * directory name from those.  Using \ and / and : as potential
      * path separator characters, e.g.:
      *	 C:\Documents and Settings\tmp\file.txt.gz
     if (cdFileName)
 	char *lastPathSep = strrchr(cdFileName, (int) '\\');
 	if (!lastPathSep)
 		lastPathSep = strrchr(cdFileName, (int) '/');
 	if (!lastPathSep)
 		lastPathSep = strrchr(cdFileName, (int) ':');
 	char varNameFilename[256];
 	safef(varNameFilename, sizeof(varNameFilename), "%s__filename", cdName);
 	if (lastPathSep)
 	    el->val = cloneString(lastPathSep+1);
 	    el->val = cloneString(cdFileName);
         slAddHead(&list, el);
         hashAddSaveName(hash, varNameFilename, el, &el->name);
     if (mp->data)
         if (mp->binary)
 	    char varNameBinary[256];
 	    char addrSizeBuf[40];
             safef(addrSizeBuf,sizeof(addrSizeBuf),"%lu %llu",
 		(unsigned long)mp->data,
 		(unsigned long long)mp->size);
 	    el->val = cloneString(addrSizeBuf);
 	    slAddHead(&list, el);
 	    hashAddSaveName(hash, varNameBinary, el, &el->name);
 	else  /* normal variable, not too big, does not contain zeros */
 	    el->val = mp->data;
 	    slAddHead(&list, el);
 	    hashAddSaveName(hash, cdName, el, &el->name);
     else if (mp->fileName)
 	char varNameData[256];
 	safef(varNameData, sizeof(varNameData), "%s__data", cdName);
         el->val = mp->fileName;
         slAddHead(&list, el);
         hashAddSaveName(hash, varNameData, el, &el->name);
         //fprintf(stderr,"GALT special: saved varNameData:[%s], mp=>fileName:[%s]\n",el->name,el->val);
     else if (mp->multi)
 	warn("unexpected nested MIME structures");
 	errAbort("mp-> type not data,fileName, or multi - unexpected MIME structure");
 *retList = list;
 *retHash = hash;
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 static void parseCookies(struct hash **retHash, struct cgiVar **retList)
 /* parses any cookies and puts them into the given hash and list */
 char* str;
 char *namePt, *dataPt, *nextNamePt;
 struct hash *hash;
 struct cgiVar *list = NULL, *el;
 /* don't build the hash table again */
 if(haveCookiesHash == TRUE)
 str = cloneString(getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"));
 if(str == NULL) /* don't have a cookie */
 hash = newHash(6);
 namePt = str;
 while (isNotEmpty(namePt))
     dataPt = strchr(namePt, '=');
     if (dataPt == NULL)
 	errAbort("Mangled Cookie input string: no = in '%s' (offset %d in complete cookie string: '%s')",
 		 namePt, (int)(namePt - str), getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"));
     *dataPt++ = 0;
     nextNamePt = strchr(dataPt, ';');
     if (nextNamePt != NULL)
          *nextNamePt++ = 0;
 	 if (*nextNamePt == ' ')
     el->val = dataPt;
     slAddHead(&list, el);
     hashAddSaveName(hash, namePt, el, &el->name);
     namePt = nextNamePt;
 haveCookiesHash = TRUE;
 *retList = list;
 *retHash = hash;
 char *findCookieData(char *varName)
 /* Get the string associated with varName from the cookie string. */
 struct hashEl *hel;
 char *firstResult;
 /* make sure that the cookie hash table has been created */
 parseCookies(&cookieHash, &cookieList);
 if (cookieHash == NULL)
     return NULL;
 /* Watch out for multiple cookies with the same name (hel is a list) --
  * warn if we find them. */
 hel = hashLookup(cookieHash, varName);
 if (hel == NULL)
     return NULL;
     firstResult = ((struct cgiVar *)hel->val)->val;
 hel = hel->next;
 while (hel != NULL)
     char *val = ((struct cgiVar *)(hel->val))->val;
     if (sameString(varName, hel->name) && !sameString(firstResult, val))
 	/* This is too early to call warn -- it will mess up html output. */
 		"findCookieData: Duplicate cookie value from IP=%s: "
 		"%s has both %s and %s\n",
 		varName, firstResult, val);
     hel = hel->next;
 return firstResult;
 static char *cgiInputSource(char *s)
 /* For NULL sources make a guess as to real source. */
 char *qs;
 if (s != NULL)
     return s;
 qs = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
 if (qs == NULL)
     return "POST";
 char *cl = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
 if (cl != NULL && atoi(cl) > 0)
     return "POST";
 return "QUERY";
 static void _cgiFindInput(char *method)
 /* Get raw CGI input into inputString.  Method can be "POST", "QUERY", "GET" or NULL
  * for unknown. */
 if (inputString == NULL)
     method = cgiInputSource(method);
     if (sameWord(method, "POST"))
     else if (sameWord(method, "QUERY") || sameWord(method, "GET"))
         errAbort("Unknown form method");
 struct cgiDictionary *cgiDictionaryFromEncodedString(char *encodedString)
 /* Giving a this=that&this=that string,  return cgiDictionary parsed out from it. 
  * This does *not* destroy input like the lower level cgiParse functions do. */
 struct cgiDictionary *d;
 d->stringData = cloneString(encodedString);
 cgiParseInputAbort(d->stringData, &d->hash, &d->list);
 return d;
 void cgiDictionaryFree(struct cgiDictionary **pD)
 /* Free up resources associated with dictionary. */
 struct cgiDictionary *d = *pD;
 if (d != NULL)
 void cgiDictionaryFreeList(struct cgiDictionary **pList)
 /* Free up a whole list of cgiDictionaries */
 struct cgiDictionary *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 boolean cgiParseNext(char **pInput, char **retVar, char **retVal)
 /* Parse out next var/val in a var=val&var=val... cgi formatted string 
  * This will insert zeroes and other things into string. 
  * Usage:
  *     char *pt = cgiStringStart;
  *     char *var, *val
  *     while (cgiParseNext(&pt, &var, &val))
  *          printf("%s\t%s\n", var, val); */
 char *var = *pInput;
 if (var == NULL || var[0] == 0)
     return FALSE;
 char *val = strchr(var, '=');
 if (val == NULL)
     errAbort("Mangled CGI input string %s", var);
 *val++ = 0;
 char *end = strchr(val, '&');
 if (end == NULL)
     end = strchr(val, ';');  // For DAS
 if (end == NULL)
     end = val + strlen(val);
     *pInput = NULL;
     *pInput = end+1;
     *end = 0;
 *retVar = var;
 *retVal = val;
 return TRUE;
 void cgiParseInputAbort(char *input, struct hash **retHash,
         struct cgiVar **retList)
 /* Parse cgi-style input into a hash table and list.  This will alter
  * the input data.  The hash table will contain references back
  * into input, so please don't free input until you're done with
  * the hash. Prints message aborts if there's an error.
  * To clean up - slFreeList, hashFree, and only then free input. */
 char *namePt, *dataPt, *nextNamePt;
 struct hash *hash = *retHash;
 struct cgiVar *list = *retList, *el;
 if (!hash)
   hash = newHash(6);
 namePt = input;
 while (namePt != NULL && namePt[0] != 0)
     dataPt = strchr(namePt, '=');
     if (dataPt == NULL)
 	errAbort("Mangled CGI input string %s", namePt);
     *dataPt++ = 0;
     nextNamePt = strchr(dataPt, '&');
     if (nextNamePt == NULL)
 	nextNamePt = strchr(dataPt, ';');	/* Accomodate DAS. */
     if (nextNamePt != NULL)
          *nextNamePt++ = 0;
     cgiDecode(namePt,namePt,strlen(namePt));	/* for unusual ct names */
     el->val = dataPt;
     slAddHead(&list, el);
     hashAddSaveName(hash, namePt, el, &el->name);
     namePt = nextNamePt;
 *retList = list;
 *retHash = hash;
 static jmp_buf cgiParseRecover;
 static void cgiParseAbort()
 /* Abort cgi parsing. */
 longjmp(cgiParseRecover, -1);
 boolean cgiParseInput(char *input, struct hash **retHash,
         struct cgiVar **retList)
 /* Parse cgi-style input into a hash table and list.  This will alter
  * the input data.  The hash table will contain references back
  * into input, so please don't free input until you're done with
  * the hash. Prints message and returns FALSE if there's an error.
  * To clean up - slFreeList, hashFree, and only then free input. */
 boolean ok = TRUE;
 int status = setjmp(cgiParseRecover);
 if (status == 0)    /* Always true except after long jump. */
     cgiParseInputAbort(input, retHash, retList);
 else    /* They long jumped here because of an error. */
     ok = FALSE;
 return ok;
 char *cgiStringNewValForVar(char *cgiIn, char *varName, char *newVal)
 /* Return a cgi-encoded string with newVal in place of what was oldVal.
  * It is an error for var not to exist.   Do a freeMem of this string
  * when you are through. */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(strlen(cgiIn) + strlen(newVal));
 struct cgiParsedVars *cpv = cgiParsedVarsNew(cgiIn);
 struct cgiVar *var;
 boolean doneSub = FALSE;
 for (var = cpv->list; var != NULL; var = var->next)
     char *val = var->val;
     if (sameString(var->name, varName))
         val = newVal;
 	doneSub = TRUE;
     cgiEncodeIntoDy(var->name, val, dy);
 if (!doneSub)
     errAbort("Couldn't find %s in %s", varName, cgiIn);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 static boolean dumpStackOnSignal = FALSE;  // should a stack dump be generated?
 static void catchSignal(int sigNum)
 /* handler for various terminal signals for logging purposes */
 char *sig = NULL;
 switch (sigNum)
     case SIGTERM:  // after timing out for not producing any stdout or stderr output for too long,
 		   //  apache gives you 3 seconds to clean up and exit or it then sends SIGKILL.
       sig = "SIGTERM";
     case SIGHUP:   // apache sends this when it is doing a graceful restart or a log rotate.
       sig = "SIGHUP";
     case SIGABRT:
       sig = "SIGABRT";
     case SIGSEGV:
       sig = "SIGSEGV";
     case SIGFPE:
       sig = "SIGFPE";
     case SIGBUS:
       sig = "SIGBUS";
     // apache closes STDERR on the CGI before it sends the SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals
     //  which means that stderr output after that point will not be visible in error_log.
     fprintf(stderr, "Received signal %s\n", sig);
     if (dumpStackOnSignal)
         dumpStack("Stack for signal %s\n", sig);
 if (sigNum == SIGTERM || sigNum == SIGHUP) 
     exit(1);   // so that atexit cleanup get called
 void initSigHandlers(boolean dumpStack)
 /* set handler for various terminal signals for logging purposes.
  * if dumpStack is TRUE, attempt to dump the stack. */
 if (cgiIsOnWeb())
     // SIGKILL is not trappable or ignorable
     signal(SIGTERM, catchSignal);
     signal(SIGHUP, catchSignal);
     signal(SIGABRT, catchSignal);
     signal(SIGSEGV, catchSignal);
     signal(SIGFPE, catchSignal);
     signal(SIGBUS, catchSignal);
     dumpStackOnSignal = dumpStack;
 static void initCgiInput()
 /* Initialize CGI input stuff.  After this CGI vars are
  * stored in an internal hash/list regardless of how they
  * were passed to the program. */
 char* s;
 if (inputString != NULL)
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 /* check to see if the input is a multipart form */
 s = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");
 if (s != NULL && startsWith("multipart/form-data", s))
     cgiParseMultipart(&inputHash, &inputList);
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 cgiParseInputAbort(inputString, &inputHash, &inputList);
 /* now parse the cookies */
 parseCookies(&cookieHash, &cookieList);
 /* Set enviroment variables CGIs to enable sql tracing and/or profiling */
 s = cgiOptionalString("JKSQL_TRACE");
 if (s != NULL)
     envUpdate("JKSQL_TRACE", s);
 s = cgiOptionalString("JKSQL_PROF");
 if (s != NULL)
     envUpdate("JKSQL_PROF", s);
 struct cgiVar *cgiVarList()
 /* return the list of cgiVar's */
 return inputList;
 static char *findVarData(char *varName)
 /* Get the string associated with varName from the query string. */
 struct cgiVar *var;
 if ((var = hashFindVal(inputHash, varName)) == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return var->val;
 void cgiBadVar(char *varName)
 /* Complain about a variable that's not there. */
 if (varName == NULL) varName = "";
 errAbort("Sorry, didn't find CGI input variable '%s'", varName);
 static char *mustFindVarData(char *varName)
 /* Find variable and associated data or die trying. */
 char *res = findVarData(varName);
 if (res == NULL)
 return res;
 char *javaScriptLiteralEncode(char *inString)
 /* Use backslash escaping on newline
  * and quote chars, backslash and others.
  * Intended that the encoded string will be
  * put between quotes at a higher level and
  * then interpreted by Javascript. */
 char c;
 int outSize = 0;
 char *outString, *out, *in;
 if (inString == NULL)
 /* Count up how long it will be */
 in = inString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (c == '\''
      || c == '\"'
      || c == '&'
      || c == '\\'
      || c == '\n'
      || c == '\r'
      || c == '\t'
      || c == '\b'
      || c == '\f'
         outSize += 2;
         outSize += 1;
 outString = needMem(outSize+1);
 /* Encode string */
 in = inString;
 out = outString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (c == '\''
      || c == '\"'
      || c == '&'
      || c == '\\'
      || c == '\n'
      || c == '\r'
      || c == '\t'
      || c == '\b'
      || c == '\f'
         *out++ = '\\';
     *out++ = c;
 *out++ = 0;
 return outString;
 /* NOTE: Where in the URL to use which of these functions:
  * Parts of a URL:
  *   protocol://user:password@server.com:port/path/filename?var1=val1&var2=val2
  * Note that a space should only be encoded to a plus and decoded from a plus
  * when dealing with http URLs in the query part of the string,
  * which is the part after the ? above.
  * It should not be used in the rest of the URL.  
  * So in the query string part of a URL, do use cgiEncode/cgiDecode. 
  * And in the rest of the URL, use cgiEncodeFUll/cgiDecodeFull 
  * which do not code space as plus.
  * Since FTP does not use URLs with query parameters, use the Full version.
 void cgiDecode(char *in, char *out, int inLength)
 /* Decode from cgi pluses-for-spaces format to normal.
  * Out will be a little shorter than in typically, and
  * can be the same buffer. */
 char c;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<inLength;++i)
     c = *in++;
     if (c == '+')
 	*out++ = ' ';
     else if (c == '%')
 	int code;
         if (sscanf(in, "%2x", &code) != 1)
 	    code = '?';
 	in += 2;
 	i += 2;
 	*out++ = code;
 	*out++ = c;
 *out++ = 0;
 void cgiDecodeFull(char *in, char *out, int inLength)
 /* Out will be a cgi-decoded version of in (no space from plus!).
  * Out will be a little shorter than in typically, and
  * can be the same buffer. */
 char c;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<inLength;++i)
     c = *in++;
     if (c == '%')
 	int code;
         if (sscanf(in, "%2x", &code) != 1)
 	    code = '?';
 	in += 2;
 	i += 2;
 	*out++ = code;
 	*out++ = c;
 *out++ = 0;
 char *cgiEncode(char *inString)
 /* Return a cgi-encoded version of inString.
  * Alphanumerics kept as is, space translated to plus,
  * and all other characters translated to %hexVal. */
 char c;
 int outSize = 0;
 char *outString, *out, *in;
 if (inString == NULL)
 /* Count up how long it will be */
 in = inString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (isalnum(c) || c == ' ' || c == '.' || c == '_')
         outSize += 1;
         outSize += 3;
 outString = needMem(outSize+1);
 /* Encode string */
 in = inString;
 out = outString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_')
         *out++ = c;
     else if (c == ' ')
         *out++ = '+';
         unsigned char uc = c;
         char buf[4];
         *out++ = '%';
         safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02X", uc);
         *out++ = buf[0];
         *out++ = buf[1];
 *out++ = 0;
 return outString;
 char *cgiEncodeFull(char *inString)
 /* Return a cgi-encoded version of inString (no + for space!).
  * Alphanumerics/./_ kept as is and all other characters translated to
  * %hexVal. */
 char c;
 int outSize = 0;
 char *outString, *out, *in;
 if (inString == NULL)
 /* Count up how long it will be */
 in = inString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_')
         outSize += 1;
         outSize += 3;
 outString = needMem(outSize+1);
 /* Encode string */
 in = inString;
 out = outString;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
     if (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_')
         *out++ = c;
         unsigned char uc = c;
         char buf[4];
         *out++ = '%';
         safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02X", uc);
         *out++ = buf[0];
         *out++ = buf[1];
 *out++ = 0;
 return outString;
 char *cgiOptionalString(char *varName)
 /* Return value of string if it exists in cgi environment, else NULL */
 return findVarData(varName);
 char *cgiString(char *varName)
 /* Return string value of cgi variable. */
 return mustFindVarData(varName);
 char *cgiUsualString(char *varName, char *usual)
 /* Return value of string if it exists in cgi environment.
  * Otherwise return 'usual' */
 char *pt;
 pt = findVarData(varName);
 if (pt == NULL)
     pt = usual;
 return pt;
 struct slName *cgiStringList(char *varName)
 /* Find list of cgi variables with given name.  This
  * may be empty.  Free result with slFreeList(). */
 struct hashEl *hel;
 struct slName *stringList = NULL, *string;
 for (hel = hashLookup(inputHash, varName); hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
     if (sameString(hel->name, varName))
 	struct cgiVar *var = hel->val;
 	string = newSlName(var->val);
 	slAddHead(&stringList, string);
 return stringList;
 int cgiInt(char *varName)
 /* Return int value of cgi variable. */
 char *data;
 char c;
 data = mustFindVarData(varName);
 data = skipLeadingSpaces(data);
 c = data[0];
 if (!(isdigit(c) || (c == '-' && isdigit(data[1]))))
      errAbort("Expecting number in %s, got \"%s\"\n", varName, data);
 return atoi(data);
 int cgiIntExp(char *varName)
 /* Evaluate an integer expression in varName and
  * return value. */
 return intExp(cgiString(varName));
 int cgiOptionalInt(char *varName, int defaultVal)
 /* This returns integer value of varName if it exists in cgi environment
  * and it's not just the empty string otherwise it returns defaultVal. */
 char *s = cgiOptionalString(varName);
 s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
 if (isEmpty(s))
     return defaultVal;
 return cgiInt(varName);
 double cgiDouble(char *varName)
 /* Returns double value. */
 char *data;
 double x;
 data = mustFindVarData(varName);
 if (sscanf(data, "%lf", &x)<1)
      errAbort("Expecting real number in %s, got \"%s\"\n", varName, data);
 return x;
 double cgiOptionalDouble(char *varName, double defaultVal)
 /* Returns double value. */
 if (!cgiVarExists(varName))
     return defaultVal;
 return cgiDouble(varName);
 boolean cgiVarExists(char *varName)
 /* Returns TRUE if the variable was passed in. */
 return hashLookup(inputHash, varName) != NULL;
 boolean cgiBoolean(char *varName)
 return cgiVarExists(varName);
 int cgiOneChoice(char *varName, struct cgiChoice *choices, int choiceSize)
 /* Returns value associated with string variable in choice table. */
 char *key = cgiString(varName);
 int i;
 int val = -1;
 for (i=0; i<choiceSize; ++i)
     if (sameWord(choices[i].name, key))
         val =  choices[i].value;
         return val;
 errAbort("Unknown key %s for variable %s\n", key, varName);
 return val;
 void cgiMakeSubmitButton()
 /* Make 'submit' type button. */
 cgiMakeButton("Submit", "Submit");
 void cgiMakeResetButton()
 /* Make 'reset' type button. */
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=RESET NAME=\"Reset\" VALUE=\" Reset \">");
 void cgiMakeClearButton(char *form, char *field)
 /* Make button to clear a text field. */
 char id[256];
 safef(id, sizeof id, "%s_clickBut", form);
 char javascript[1024];
 safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript),
     "document.%s.%s.value = ''; document.%s.submit();", form, field, form);
 cgiMakeOnClickButton(id, javascript, " Clear  ");
 void cgiMakeClearButtonNoSubmit(char *form, char *field)
 /* Make button to clear a text field, without resubmitting the form. */
 char id[256];
 safef(id, sizeof id, "%s_clear", field);
 char javascript[1024];
 safef(javascript, sizeof javascript,
         "document.%s.%s.value = '';", form, field);
 cgiMakeOnClickButton(id, javascript, " Clear ");
 void cgiMakeSubmitButtonMaybePressed(char *name, char *value, char *msg, 
                 char *onClick, boolean pressed)
 /* Make 'submit' type button, with optional messsage and onclick javascript.
    Set styling to indicate whether button has been pressed (for buttons that change browser mode).
 printf("<input type='submit' name='%s' id='%s' value='%s'",
         name, name, value);
 if (pressed)
     printf(" class='pressed'");
 if (msg)
     printf(" title='%s'", msg);
 if (onClick)
     jsOnEventById("click", name, onClick);
 void cgiMakeButtonWithMsg(char *name, char *value, char *msg)
 /* Make 'submit' type button. Display msg on mouseover, if present*/
 cgiMakeSubmitButtonMaybePressed(name, value, msg, NULL, FALSE);
 void cgiMakeOnClickSubmitButton(char *command, char *name, char *value)
 /* Make submit button with both variable name and value with client side
  * onClick (java)script. */
 cgiMakeSubmitButtonMaybePressed(name, value, NULL, command, FALSE);
 void cgiMakeButtonWithOnClick(char *name, char *value, char *msg, char *onClick)
 /* Make 'submit' type button, with onclick javascript */
 cgiMakeSubmitButtonMaybePressed(name, value, msg, onClick, FALSE);
 void cgiMakeButton(char *name, char *value)
 /* Make 'submit' type button */
 cgiMakeButtonWithMsg(name, value, NULL);
 void cgiMakeOnClickButton(char *id, char *command, char *value)
 /* Make button with client side onClick javascript. */
 printf("<INPUT TYPE='button' id='%s' VALUE=\"%s\">", id, value);
 jsOnEventById("click", id, command);
 void cgiMakeOptionalButton(char *name, char *value, boolean disabled)
 /* Make 'submit' type button that can be disabled. */
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"%s\" VALUE=\"%s\"", name, value);
 if (disabled)
     printf(" DISABLED");
 void cgiMakeFileEntry(char *name)
 /* Make file entry box/browser */
     printf("<INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=\"%s\">", name);
 void cgiSimpleTableStart()
 /* start HTML table  -- no customization. Leaves room
  * for a fancier implementation */
 void cgiTableEnd()
 /* end HTML table */
 void cgiSimpleTableRowStart()
 /* Start table row */
 void cgiTableRowEnd()
 /* End table row */
 void cgiSimpleTableFieldStart()
 /* Start table field */
 void cgiTableFieldStartAlignRight()
 /* Start table field and align right*/
 printf("<TD ALIGN = RIGHT>");
 void cgiTableFieldEnd()
 /* End table field */
 void cgiTableField(char *text)
 /* Make table field entry */
 printf("<TD> %s </TD>\n", text);
 void cgiTableFieldWithMsg(char *text, char *msg)
 /* Make table field entry with mouseover */
 printf("<TD %s%s%s> %s </TD>\n",
         (msg ? " TITLE=\"" : ""), (msg ? msg : ""), (msg ? "\"" : "" ),
 void cgiParagraph(char *text)
 /* Make text paragraph */
 printf("<P> %s\n", text);
 void cgiMakeRadioButton(char *name, char *value, boolean checked)
 /* Make radio type button.  A group of radio buttons should have the
  * same name but different values.   The default selection should be
  * sent with checked on. */
 printf("<input type=radio name='%s' id='%s' value='%s'",
         name, name, value);
 if (checked)
    printf(" CHECKED");
 void cgiMakeOnEventRadioButtonWithClass(char *name, char *value, boolean checked,
     char *class, char *event, char *command)
 /* Make radio type button with an event and an optional class attribute.
  *  A group of radio buttons should have the
  * same name but different values.   The default selection should be
  * sent with checked on. If class is non-null it is included. */
 char temp[256];
 safef(temp, sizeof temp, "%s_%s", name, value);
 char *valNoSpc = replaceChars(temp, " ", "_"); // replace spaces with underscore
 char *id = replaceChars(valNoSpc, ".", "_"); // replace dots with underscore, js does not like dots in ids
 printf("<input type=radio name='%s' id='%s' value='%s'",
         name, id, value);
 if (checked)
    printf(" CHECKED");
 printf(" class='%s'", class);
 jsOnEventById(event, id, command);
 char *cgiBooleanShadowPrefix()
 /* Prefix for shadow variable set with boolean variables. */
 return "boolshad.";
 #define BOOLSHAD_EXTRA "class='cbShadow'"
 boolean cgiBooleanDefined(char *name)
 /* Return TRUE if boolean variable is defined (by
  * checking for shadow. */
 char buf[256];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), name);
 return cgiVarExists(buf);
 static void cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(char *name, boolean checked, boolean enabled,
                                  char *id, char *moreHtml)
 /* Make check box - designed to be called by the variously overloaded
  * cgiMakeCheckBox functions, and should NOT be called directly.
  * moreHtml: optional additional html like javascript call or mouseover msg (may be NULL)
  * id: button id (may be NULL)
  * Also make a shadow hidden variable and support 2 boolean states:
  *    checked/unchecked and enabled/disabled. */
 char buf[256], idBuf[256];
     safef(idBuf, sizeof(idBuf), " id=\"%s\"", id);
     idBuf[0] = 0;
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"%s\"%s VALUE=on %s%s%s>", name, idBuf,
         (moreHtml ? moreHtml : ""),
         (checked ? " CHECKED" : ""),
         (enabled ? "" : " DISABLED"));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), name);
 cgiMakeHiddenVarWithExtra(buf, ( enabled ? "0" : (checked ? "-1" : "-2")),BOOLSHAD_EXTRA);
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxUtil(char *name, boolean checked, char *msg, char *id)
 /* Make check box - can be called directly, though it was originally meant
  * as the common code for all lower level checkbox routines.
  * However, it's util functionality has been taken over by
  * cgiMakeCheckBoxWithIdAndOptionalHtml() */
 char buf[256];
 if (msg)
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "TITLE=\"%s\"", msg);
     buf[0] = 0;
 cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(name, checked, TRUE, id, buf);
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxWithMsg(char *name, boolean checked, char *msg)
 char buf[512];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "title='%s'", msg);
 cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(name, checked, TRUE, NULL, buf);
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId(char *name, boolean checked, char *id)
 /* Make check box, which includes an ID. */
 cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(name, checked, TRUE, id, NULL);
 void cgiMakeCheckBox(char *name, boolean checked)
 /* Make check box. */
 cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(name, checked, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxEnabled(char *name, boolean checked, boolean enabled)
 /* Make check box, optionally enabled/disabled. */
 cgiMakeCheckBox2Bool(name, checked, enabled, NULL, NULL);
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxMore(char *name, boolean checked, char *moreHtml)
 /* Make check box with moreHtml. */
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxIdAndMore(char *name, boolean checked, char *id, char *moreHtml)
 /* Make check box with ID and extra (non-javascript) html. */
 void cgiMakeCheckBoxFourWay(char *name, boolean checked, boolean enabled, char *id,
                             char *classes, char *moreHtml)
 /* Make check box - with fourWay functionality (checked/unchecked by enabled/disabled)
  * Also makes a shadow hidden variable that supports the 2 boolean states. */
 char shadName[256];
+char shadId[256];
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME='%s'", name);
 if (id)
     printf(" id='%s'", id);
 if (checked)
     printf(" CHECKED");
 if (!enabled)
     if (findWordByDelimiter("disabled",' ', classes) == NULL) // fauxDisabled ?
         printf(" DISABLED");
 if (classes)
     printf(" class='%s'",classes);
 if (moreHtml)
     printf(" %s",moreHtml);
 // The hidden var needs to hold the 4way state
 safef(shadName, sizeof(shadName), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), name);
-cgiMakeHiddenVarWithExtra(shadName, ( enabled ? "0" : (checked ? "-1" : "-2")),BOOLSHAD_EXTRA);
+if (id)
+    safef(shadId, sizeof(shadId), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), id);
+cgiMakeHiddenVarWithIdExtra(shadName, id ? shadId : NULL, ( enabled ? "0" : (checked ? "-1" : "-2")),BOOLSHAD_EXTRA);
 void cgiMakeHiddenBoolean(char *name, boolean on)
 /* Make hidden boolean variable. Also make a shadow hidden variable so we
  * can distinguish between variable not present and
  * variable set to false. */
 char buf[256];
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(name, on ? "on" : "off");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), name);
 cgiMakeHiddenVarWithExtra(buf, "1",BOOLSHAD_EXTRA);
 void cgiMakeTextArea(char *varName, char *initialVal, int rowCount, int columnCount)
 /* Make a text area with area rowCount X columnCount and with text: intialVal */
 cgiMakeTextAreaDisableable(varName, initialVal, rowCount, columnCount, FALSE);
 void cgiMakeTextAreaDisableable(char *varName, char *initialVal, int rowCount, int columnCount, boolean disabled)
 /* Make a text area that can be disabled. The area has rowCount X
  * columnCount and with text: intialVal
  * We found out the hard way be very careful with linefeeds and their encoding inside the text "initialVal".
  * All browsers submit the textarea values with CR LF newlines.
  * If there is a lone CR or LF, the browser will insert the missing partner to form a new CR LF pair. 
  * This can lead to exponential doubling of newline characters or their html entities,
  * if one of CR or LF is encoded and the other is not.
 htmlPrintf("<TEXTAREA NAME='%s|attr|' ROWS=%d COLS=%d %s|none|>%s</TEXTAREA>", varName,
        rowCount, columnCount, disabled ? "DISABLED" : "",
        (initialVal != NULL ? initialVal : ""));
 void cgiMakeOnKeypressTextVar(char *varName, char *initialVal, int charSize,
 			      char *script)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial value, with a (java)script
  * to execute every time a key is pressed.  If charSize is zero it's
  * calculated from initialVal size. */
 if (initialVal == NULL)
     initialVal = "";
 if (charSize == 0) charSize = strlen(initialVal);
 if (charSize == 0) charSize = 8;
 htmlPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='%s|attr|' ID='%s|attr|' SIZE=%d VALUE='%s|attr|'", 
 	varName, varName, charSize, initialVal);
 if (isNotEmpty(script))
     jsOnEventById("keypress", varName, script);
 void cgiMakeTextVar(char *varName, char *initialVal, int charSize)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial value.  If charSize
  * is zero it's calculated from initialVal size. */
 cgiMakeOnKeypressTextVar(varName, initialVal, charSize, NULL);
 void cgiMakeTextVarWithJs(char *varName, char *initialVal, int width, char *event, char *javascript)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial value. */
 if (initialVal == NULL)
     initialVal = "";
 if (width==0)
 if (width==0)
     width = 100;
 htmlPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT class='inputBox' NAME='%s|attr|' id='%s' style='width:%dpx' VALUE='%s|attr|'>\n",
        varName, varName, width, initialVal);
 if (event)
     jsOnEventById(event, varName, javascript);
 void cgiMakeIntVarWithExtra(char *varName, int initialVal, int maxDigits, char *extra)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial value and optional extra HTML.  */
 if (maxDigits == 0) maxDigits = 4;
 htmlPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='%s|attr|' SIZE=%d VALUE=%d %s|none|>", // TODO XSS risk in extra
                 varName, maxDigits, initialVal, extra ? extra : "");
 void cgiMakeIntVar(char *varName, int initialVal, int maxDigits)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial value.  */
 cgiMakeIntVarWithExtra(varName, initialVal, maxDigits, NULL);
 void cgiMakeIntVarInRange(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width,
                           char *min, char *max)
 /* Make a integer control filled with initial value.
    If min and/or max are non-NULL will enforce range
    Requires utils.js jQuery.js and inputBox class */
 if (width==0)
     if (max)
         int sz=initialVal+1000;
         if (min)
             sz=atoi(min) + 1000;
         width = 10;
         while (sz/=10)
 if (width < 65)
     width = 65;
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT class='inputBox' name='%s' id='%s' style='width: %dpx' value=%d",
 jsOnEventByIdF("change", varName, "return validateInt(this,%s,%s);",
        (min ? min : "\"null\""),(max ? max : "\"null\""));
 if (title)
     printf(" title='%s'",title);
 void cgiMakeIntVarWithLimits(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width,
                              int min, int max)
 char minLimit[20];
 char maxLimit[20];
 char *minStr=NULL;
 char *maxStr=NULL;
 if (min != NO_VALUE)
     minStr = minLimit;
 if (max != NO_VALUE)
     maxStr = maxLimit;
 void cgiMakeIntVarWithMin(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, int min)
 char minLimit[20];
 char *minStr=NULL;
 if (min != NO_VALUE)
     minStr = minLimit;
 void cgiMakeIntVarWithMax(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, int max)
 char maxLimit[20];
 char *maxStr=NULL;
 if (max != NO_VALUE)
     maxStr = maxLimit;
 void cgiMakeDoubleVar(char *varName, double initialVal, int maxDigits)
 /* Make a text control filled with initial floating-point value.  */
 if (maxDigits == 0) maxDigits = 4;
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"%s\" SIZE=%d VALUE=%g>", varName,
         maxDigits, initialVal);
 void cgiMakeDoubleVarInRange(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width,
                              char *min, char *max)
 /* Make a floating point control filled with initial value.
    If min and/or max are non-NULL will enforce range
    Requires utils.js jQuery.js and inputBox class */
 if (width==0)
     if (max)
 if (width < 65)
     width = 65;
 printf("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT class='inputBox' name='%s' id='%s' style='width: %dpx' value=%s",
 jsOnEventByIdF("change", varName, "return validateFloat(this,%s,%s);",
        (min ? min : "\"null\""),(max ? max : "\"null\""));
 if (title)
     printf(" title='%s'",title);
 void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithLimits(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width,
                                 double min, double max)
 char minLimit[20];
 char maxLimit[20];
 char *minStr=NULL;
 char *maxStr=NULL;
 if ((int)min != NO_VALUE)
     minStr = minLimit;
 if ((int)max != NO_VALUE)
     maxStr = maxLimit;
 void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithMin(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, double min)
 char minLimit[20];
 char *minStr=NULL;
 if ((int)min != NO_VALUE)
     minStr = minLimit;
 void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithMax(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, double max)
 char maxLimit[20];
 char *maxStr=NULL;
 if ((int)max != NO_VALUE)
     maxStr = maxLimit;
 void cgiMakeDropListClassWithIdStyleAndJavascript(char *name, char *id, char *menu[],
         int menuSize, char *checked, char *class, char *style, struct slPair *events)
 /* Make a drop-down list with name, id, text class, style and javascript. */
 int i;
 char *selString;
 if (checked == NULL) checked = menu[0];
 if (name)
     printf(" NAME='%s'", name);
 if (events && !id)  // use name as id
     id = name;
 if (id)
     printf(" id='%s'", id);
 if (class)
     printf(" class='%s'", class);
 if (events)
     struct slPair *e;
     for(e = events; e; e = e->next)
 	jsOnEventById(e->name, id, e->val);
 if (style)
     printf(" style='%s'", style);
 for (i=0; i<menuSize; ++i)
     if (sameWord(menu[i], checked))
         selString = " SELECTED";
         selString = "";
     printf("<OPTION%s>%s</OPTION>\n", selString, menu[i]);
 void cgiMakeDropListClassWithStyleAndJavascript(char *name, char *menu[],
         int menuSize, char *checked, char *class, char *style, struct slPair *events)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names, text class, style and javascript. */
 void cgiMakeDropListClassWithStyle(char *name, char *menu[],
                                    int menuSize, char *checked, char *class, char *style)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names, text class and style. */
 void cgiMakeDropListClass(char *name, char *menu[],
                           int menuSize, char *checked, char *class)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names. */
 cgiMakeDropListClassWithStyle(name, menu, menuSize, checked, class, NULL);
 void cgiMakeDropList(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, char *checked)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names.
  * uses style "normalText" */
     cgiMakeDropListClass(name, menu, menuSize, checked, "normalText");
 char *cgiMultListShadowPrefix()
 /* Prefix for shadow variable set with multi-select inputs. */
 return "multishad.";
 void cgiMakeMultList(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, struct slName *checked, int length)
 /* Make a list of names with window height equalt to length,
  * which can have multiple selections. Same as drop-down list
  * except "multiple" is added to select tag. */
 int i;
 char *selString;
 if (checked == NULL) checked = slNameNew(menu[0]);
 printf("<SELECT MULTIPLE SIZE=%d ALIGN=CENTER NAME=\"%s\">\n", length, name);
 for (i=0; i<menuSize; ++i)
     if (slNameInList(checked, menu[i]))
         selString = " SELECTED";
         selString = "";
     printf("<OPTION%s>%s</OPTION>\n", selString, menu[i]);
 char buf[512];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiMultListShadowPrefix(), name);
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(buf, "1");
 void cgiMakeCheckboxGroupWithVals(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[], int menuSize,
 				  struct slName *checked, int tableColumns)
 /* Make a table of checkboxes that have the same variable name but different
  * values (same behavior as a multi-select input), with nice labels in menu[]. */
 int i;
 if (values == NULL) values = menu;
 if (menu == NULL) menu = values;
 for (i = 0;  i < menuSize;  i++)
     if (i > 0 && (i % tableColumns) == 0)
     printf("<TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"%s\" VALUE=\"%s\" %s></TD>"
 	   name, values[i], (slNameInList(checked, values[i]) ? "CHECKED" : ""),
 if ((i % tableColumns) != 0)
     while ((i++ % tableColumns) != 0)
 char buf[512];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiMultListShadowPrefix(), name);
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(buf, "0");
 void cgiMakeCheckboxGroup(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, struct slName *checked,
 			  int tableColumns)
 /* Make a table of checkboxes that have the same variable name but different
  * values (same behavior as a multi-select input). */
 cgiMakeCheckboxGroupWithVals(name, menu, NULL, menuSize, checked, tableColumns);
 void cgiMakeDropListFullExt(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[],
                          int menuSize, char *checked, char *event, char *javascript, char *style, char *class)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names and values.
  * Optionally include values for style and class */
 int i;
 char *selString;
 if (checked == NULL) checked = menu[0];
 printf("<SELECT NAME='%s'", name);
 if (class)
     printf(" class='%s'", class);
 if (javascript)
     printf(" id='%s'", name);
     jsOnEventById(event, name, javascript);
 if (style)
     printf(" style='%s'", style);
 for (i=0; i<menuSize; ++i)
     if (sameWord(values[i], checked))
         selString = " SELECTED";
         selString = "";
     printf("<OPTION%s VALUE=\"%s\">%s</OPTION>\n", selString, values[i], menu[i]);
 void cgiMakeDropListFull(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[],
                          int menuSize, char *checked, char *event, char *javascript)
 /* Make a table of checkboxes that have the same variable name but different
  * values (same behavior as a multi-select input). */
 cgiMakeDropListFullExt(name, menu, values, menuSize, checked, event, javascript, NULL, NULL);
 char *cgiMakeSelectDropList(boolean multiple, char *name, struct slPair *valsAndLabels,
                             char *selected, char *anyAll,char *extraClasses, char *event, char *javascript, char *style, char *id)
 // Returns allocated string of HTML defining a drop-down select
 // (if multiple, REQUIRES ui-dropdownchecklist.js)
 // valsAndLabels: val (pair->name) must be filled in but label (pair->val) may be NULL.
 // selected: if not NULL is a val found in the valsAndLabels (multiple then comma delimited list).
 //           If null and anyAll not NULL, that will be selected
 // anyAll: if not NULL is the string for an initial option. It can contain val and label,
 //         delimited by a comma
 // event: click, etc.
 // javacript: what to execute when the event happens.
 // style: inline style
 // id is optional
 struct dyString *output = dyStringNew(1024);
 boolean checked = FALSE;
 dyStringPrintf(output,"<SELECT name='%s'",name);
 if (multiple)
     dyStringAppend(output," MULTIPLE");
 if (extraClasses != NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(output," class='%s%s'",extraClasses,(multiple ? " filterBy" : ""));
 else if (multiple)
     dyStringAppend(output," class='filterBy'");
 char *autoId = NULL;
 if (javascript)
     if (!id)
     	id = name;
 if (id)
     dyStringPrintf(output, " id='%s'", id);
 if (javascript)
     jsOnEventById(event, id, javascript);
 if (style)
     dyStringPrintf(output, " style='%s'", style);
 // Handle initial option "Any" or "All"
 if (anyAll != NULL)
     char *val = anyAll;  // Could contain a label after the value
     char *label = strchr(val,',');  // Could contain a label after the value
     if (label != NULL)
         val = cloneString(anyAll);
         label = strchr(val,',');  // again because this is new mem
         *label = '\0';
         label = label+1;
         label = val;
     checked = TRUE; // The default case
     if (selected != NULL)
         if (multiple)
             checked = (findWordByDelimiter(val,',', selected) != NULL);
             checked = sameString(val,selected);
     dyStringPrintf(output, "<OPTION%s VALUE='%s'>%s</OPTION>\n",(checked ? " SELECTED" : ""),
                    val, javaScriptLiteralEncode(label));
     if (label != val)
 // All other options
 struct slPair *valPair = valsAndLabels;
 for (; valPair != NULL; valPair = valPair->next)
     checked = FALSE;
     if (selected != NULL)
         if (multiple)
             checked = (findWordByDelimiter(valPair->name,',', selected) != NULL);
             checked = sameString(valPair->name,selected);
     char *label = valPair->name;
     if (valPair->val != NULL)
         label = valPair->val;
     dyStringPrintf(output, "<OPTION%s VALUE='%s'>%s</OPTION>\n",(checked ? " SELECTED" : ""),
                    (char *)valPair->name, javaScriptLiteralEncode(label));
 return dyStringCannibalize(&output);
 void cgiMakeDropListWithVals(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[],
                          int menuSize, char *checked)
 /* Make a drop-down list with names and values. In this case checked
  * corresponds to a value, not a menu. */
 int i;
 char *selString;
 if (checked == NULL) checked = values[0];
 printf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\">\n", name);
 for (i=0; i<menuSize; ++i)
     if (sameWord(values[i], checked))
         selString = " SELECTED";
         selString = "";
     printf("<OPTION%s VALUE=\"%s\">%s</OPTION>\n", selString, values[i], menu[i]);
 void cgiDropDownWithTextValsAndExtra(char *name, char *text[], char *values[],
                                      int count, char *selected, char *extra)
 /* Make a drop-down list with both text and values. */
 int i;
 char *selString;
 assert(values != NULL && text != NULL);
 if (selected == NULL)
     selected = values[0];
 if (name)
     printf(" NAME='%s'", name);
 if (extra)
     printf("%s", extra);
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     if (sameWord(values[i], selected))
         selString = " SELECTED";
         selString = "";
     printf("<OPTION%s value='%s'>%s</OPTION>\n", selString, values[i], text[i]);
-void cgiMakeHiddenVarWithExtra(char *varName, char *string,char *extra)
+void cgiMakeHiddenVarWithIdExtra(char *varName, char *id, char *string,char *extra)
 /* Store string in hidden input for next time around. */
-printf("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='%s' VALUE='%s'", varName, string);
+printf("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='%s'", varName);
+if (id)
+    printf(" ID='%s'", id);
 if (extra)
-    printf(" %s>\n",extra);
-    puts(">");
+    printf(" %s",extra);
+printf(" VALUE='%s'>\n", string);
 void cgiContinueHiddenVar(char *varName)
 /* Write CGI var back to hidden input for next time around. */
 if (cgiVarExists(varName))
-    cgiMakeHiddenVar(varName, cgiString(varName));
+    cgiMakeHiddenVarWithIdExtra(varName, varName, cgiString(varName), NULL);
 void cgiVarExclude(char *varName)
 /* If varName exists, remove it. */
 if (cgiVarExists(varName))
     struct cgiVar *cv = hashRemove(inputHash, varName);
     slRemoveEl(&inputList, cv);
 void cgiVarExcludeExcept(char **varNames)
 /* Exclude all variables except for those in NULL
  * terminated array varNames.  varNames may be NULL
  * in which case nothing is excluded. */
 struct hashEl *list, *el;
 struct hash *exclude = newHash(8);
 char *s;
 /* Build up hash of things to exclude */
 if (varNames != NULL)
    while ((s = *varNames++) != NULL)
        hashAdd(exclude, s, NULL);
 /* Step through variable list and remove them if not
  * excluded. */
 list = hashElListHash(inputHash);
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (!hashLookup(exclude, el->name))
 void cgiVarSet(char *varName, char *val)
 /* Set a cgi variable to a particular value. */
 struct cgiVar *var;
 var->val = cloneString(val);
 hashAddSaveName(inputHash, varName, var, &var->name);
 struct dyString *cgiUrlString()
 /* Get URL-formatted that expresses current CGI variable state. */
 struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0);
 struct cgiVar *cv;
 char *e;
 for (cv = inputList; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next)
     if (cv != inputList)
        dyStringAppend(dy, "&");
     e = cgiEncode(cv->val);
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s=", cv->name);
     dyStringAppend(dy, e);
 return dy;
 void cgiEncodeIntoDy(char *var, char *val, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Add a CGI-encoded &var=val string to dy. */
 if (dy->stringSize != 0)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '&');
 dyStringAppend(dy, var);
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '=');
 char *s = cgiEncode(val);
 dyStringAppend(dy, s);
 void cgiContinueAllVars()
 /* Write back all CGI vars as hidden input for next time around. */
 struct cgiVar *cv;
 for (cv = inputList; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next)
     cgiMakeHiddenVar(cv->name, cv->val);
 boolean cgiFromCommandLine(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean preferWeb)
 /* Use the command line to set up things as if we were a CGI program.
  * User types in command line (assuming your program called cgiScript)
  * like:
  *        cgiScript nonCgiArg1 var1=value1 var2=value2 var3=value3 nonCgiArg2
  * or like
  *        cgiScript nonCgiArg1 var1=value1&var2=value2&var3=value3 nonCgiArg2
  * or even like
  *        cgiScript nonCgiArg1 -x -y=bogus z=really
  * (The non-cgi arguments can occur anywhere.  The cgi arguments (all containing
  * the character '=' or starting with '-') are erased from argc/argv.  Normally
  * you call this cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 int argc = *pArgc;
 int i;
 int argcLeft = argc;
 char *name;
 static char queryString[65536];
 char *q = queryString;
 boolean needAnd = TRUE;
 boolean gotAny = FALSE;
 boolean startDash;
 boolean gotEq;
 static char hostLine[512];
 if (preferWeb && cgiIsOnWeb())
     return TRUE;	/* No spoofing required! */
 q += safef(q, queryString + sizeof(queryString) - q,
 	   "%s", "QUERY_STRING=cgiSpoof=on");
 for (i=0; i<argcLeft; )
     name = argv[i];
     if ((startDash = (name[0] == '-')))
     gotEq = (strchr(name, '=') != NULL);
     if (gotEq || startDash)
         if (needAnd)
             *q++ = '&';
         q += safef(q, queryString + sizeof(queryString) - q, "%s", name);
         if (!gotEq || strchr(name, '&') == NULL)
             needAnd = TRUE;
 	if (!gotEq)
 	    q += safef(q, queryString + sizeof(queryString) - q, "=on");
         memcpy(&argv[i], &argv[i+1], sizeof(argv[i]) * (argcLeft-i-1));
         argcLeft -= 1;
         gotAny = TRUE;
 if (gotAny)
     *pArgc = argcLeft;
 char *host = getenv("HOST");
 if (host == NULL)
     host = "unknown";
 safef(hostLine, sizeof(hostLine), "SERVER_NAME=%s", host);
 return gotAny;
 boolean cgiSpoof(int *pArgc, char *argv[])
 /* If run from web line set up input
  * variables from web line, otherwise
  * set up from command line. */
 return cgiFromCommandLine(pArgc, argv, TRUE);
 boolean cgiFromFile(char *fileName)
 /* Set up a cgi environment using parameters stored in a file.
  * Takes file with arguments in the form:
  *       argument1=someVal
  *       # This is a comment
  *       argument2=someOtherVal
  *       ...
  * and puts them into the cgi environment so that the usual
  * cgiGetVar() commands can be used. Useful when a program
  * has a lot of possible parameters.
 char **argv = NULL;
 int argc = 0;
 int maxArgc = 10;
 int i;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *line;
 boolean spoof= FALSE;
 AllocArray(argv, maxArgc);
 /* Remember that first arg is program name.
    Put filename there instead. */
 argc = 1;
 argv[0] = cloneString(fileName);
     /* If we are at the end we're done. */
     if(!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* If it is a comment or blank line skip it. */
     if (line[0] == '#' || sameString(line, ""))
     /* If our argv array is full expand it. */
     if((argc+1) >= maxArgc)
 	ExpandArray(argv, maxArgc, 2*maxArgc);
 	maxArgc *= 2;
     /* Fill in another argument to our psuedo arguments. */
     argv[argc++] = cloneString(line);
 spoof = cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 /* Cleanup. */
 for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
 return spoof;
 void logCgiToStderr()
 /* Log useful CGI info to stderr */
 char *ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
 char *cgiBinary = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
 char *requestUri = getenv("REQUEST_URI");
 char *hgsid = cgiOptionalString("hgsid");
 char *cgiFileName = NULL;
 time_t nowTime = time(NULL);
 struct tm *tm;
 tm = localtime(&nowTime);
 char *ascTime = asctime(tm);
 size_t len = strlen(ascTime);
 if (cgiBinary)
     cgiFileName = basename(cgiBinary);
     cgiFileName = "cgi-bin";
 if (len > 3) ascTime[len-2] = '\0';
 if (!ip)
     ip = "unknown";
 if (!hgsid)
     hgsid = "unknown";
 if (!requestUri)
     requestUri = "unknown";
 fprintf(stderr, "[%s] [%s] [client %s] [hgsid=%.24s] [%.1024s] ", ascTime, cgiFileName, ip,
 	hgsid, requestUri);
 void cgiResetState()
 /* This is for reloading CGI settings multiple times in the same program
  * execution.  No effect if state has not yet been initialized. */
 inputString = NULL;
 if (inputHash != NULL)
 inputHash = NULL;
 inputList = NULL;
 haveCookiesHash = FALSE;
 if (cookieHash != NULL)
 cookieHash = NULL;
 cookieList = NULL;
 void cgiDown(float lines)
 // Drop down a certain number of lines (may be fractional)
 printf("<div style='height:%fem;'></div>\n",lines);
 char *commonCssStyles()
 /* Returns a string of common CSS styles */
 // Contents currently is OBSOLETE as these have been moved to HGStyle.css
 // TODO: remove all traces (from web.c, hgTracks, hgTables) as this funtion does nothing.
 return "";
 static void turnCgiVarsToVals(struct hashEl *hel)
 /* To save cgiParseVars clients from doing an extra lookup, replace
  * hash filled with cgiVars as values with one filled with cgiVar->val
  * instead.  Since cgiVar->name is same as hashEl->name,  no info is really
  * lost, and it simplifies the code that uses us. */
 struct cgiVar *var = hel->val;
 hel->val = var->val;
 struct cgiParsedVars *cgiParsedVarsNew(char *cgiString)
 /* Build structure containing parsed out cgiString */
 struct cgiParsedVars *tags;
 tags->stringBuf = cloneString(cgiString);
 cgiParseInputAbort(tags->stringBuf, &tags->hash, &tags->list);
 hashTraverseEls(tags->hash, turnCgiVarsToVals);
 return tags;
 void cgiParsedVarsFree(struct cgiParsedVars **pTags)
 /* Free up memory associated with cgiParsedVars */
 struct cgiParsedVars *tags = *pTags;
 if (tags != NULL)
 void cgiParsedVarsFreeList(struct cgiParsedVars **pList)
 /* Free up list of cgiParsedVars */
 struct cgiParsedVars *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void cgiEncodeHash(struct hash *hash, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Put a cgi-encoding of a string valued hash into dy.  Tags are always
  * alphabetical to make it easier to compare if two hashes are same. */
 struct hashEl *el, *elList = hashElListHash(hash);
 slSort(&elList, hashElCmp);
 boolean firstTime = TRUE;
 char *s = NULL;
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (firstTime)
 	firstTime = FALSE;
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, '&');
     dyStringAppend(dy, el->name);
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '=');
     s = cgiEncode(el->val);
     dyStringAppend(dy, s);