  Mon Nov 23 04:43:33 2020 -0800
small fix to chromToUcsc for the special case of a mix of fixedStep + bed-Graph, no redmine

diff --git src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
index 636ed54..3760c0f 100755
--- src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
+++ src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
@@ -51,36 +51,39 @@
     return args, options
 # ----------- main --------------
 def splitLines(ifh):
     " yield (chromName, restOfLine) for all lines of ifh "
     sep = -1
     #if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
     lineNo = 0
     for line in ifh:
         if line.startswith("fixedStep") or line.startswith("variableStep"):
             row = line.split()
             yield lineNo, " ", row # *step lines are always space-separated
             if sep==-1:
-                if "\t" in line:
-                    sep = "\t"
-                else:
+                # why test first for space? Because after fixedStep, the lines are just single numbers
+                if " " in line:
                     sep = None # = split on any whitespace, consec. whitespc counts as one
+                else:
+                    sep = "\t" # default is to split on tab
             row = line.rstrip("\n\t").split(sep)
             lineNo += 1
+            if sep is None:
+                sep = " "
             yield lineNo, sep, row
 def parseAlias(fname):
     " parse tsv file with at least two columns, orig chrom name and new chrom name "
     toUcsc = {}
     if fname.startswith("http://") or fname.startswith("https://"):
         ifh = urlopen(fname)
         if fname.endswith(".gz"):
             data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=ifh).read().decode()
             ifh = data.splitlines()
     elif fname.endswith(".gz"):
         ifh = gzip.open(fname)
         ifh = open(fname)