  Tue Jan 5 00:40:36 2021 -0800
First cut of vRowMatrix to stream through a variety of matrices semi-transparently I hope.  FOr now just handles tsv though.

diff --git src/inc/sparseMatrix.h src/inc/sparseMatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d16925
--- /dev/null
+++ src/inc/sparseMatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* sparseRowMatrix - library to support sparse matrices that are accessed conveniently by row. */
+struct sparseRowVal
+/* Linked list of things in a row */
+    {
+    struct sparseRowVal *next;
+    int x;
+    float val;
+    };
+struct sparseRowMatrix
+/* A sparse matrix with fast row access in memory */
+    {
+    struct sparseRowMatrix *next;
+    int xSize, ySize;	/* Dimensions of our matrix */
+    struct lm *lm;	/* Local memory pool, where row lists come from */
+    struct sparseRowVal **rows;
+    };
+struct sparseRowMatrix *sparseRowMatrixNew(int xSize, int ySize);
+/* Make up a new sparseRowMatrix structure */
+void sparseRowMatrixFree(struct sparseRowMatrix **pMatrix);
+/* Free up resources associated with sparse matrix  */
+void sparseRowMatrixAdd(struct sparseRowMatrix *matrix, int x, int y, float val);
+/* Add data to our sparse matrix */
+void sparseRowMatrixUnpackRow(struct sparseRowMatrix *matrix, int y, double *row, int rowSize);
+/* Unpack sparse matrix into buf that should be matrix->xSize long */
+void sparseRowMatrixSaveAsTsv(struct sparseRowMatrix *matrix, 
+    char **columnLabels, char **rowLabels, char *fileName);
+/* Save sparseRowMatrix to tab-sep-file as expanded non-sparse */