  Tue Jan 5 00:40:36 2021 -0800
First cut of vRowMatrix to stream through a variety of matrices semi-transparently I hope.  FOr now just handles tsv though.

diff --git src/inc/vMatrix.h src/inc/vMatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f77990
--- /dev/null
+++ src/inc/vMatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* vMatrix - stuff to handle virtual matrices of double-precision numbers */
+#ifndef VMATRIX_H
+#define VMATRIX_H
+/* To use the vRowMatrix for line at a time access do:
+ *       struct vRowMatrix *v = vRowMatrixOnTsv(fileName);
+ *       char *label;
+ *       double *row;
+ *       while ((row = vRowMatrixNextRow(v, &label))
+ *           {
+ *           // do your processing
+ *           }
+ *       vRowMatrixClose(&v);
+ */
+struct vRowMatrix
+/* A virtual matrix optimized for row-at-a-time access */
+    {
+    struct vRowMatrix *next;
+    int xSize;	/* Dimensions */
+    int y;		/* Current Y position */
+    char **columnLabels;	    /* xSize of these */
+    double *(*nextRow)(struct vRowMatrix *matrix, char **retLabel);	    /* Fetch next row of data, NULL at end */
+    void (*free)(struct vRowMatrix *matrix);	    /* Free up any associated data */
+    void *vData;				    /* Type dependent pointer */
+    };
+struct vRowMatrix *vRowMatrixOnTsv(char *fileName);
+/* Return a vRowMatrix on a tsv file with first column and row as labels */
+double *vRowMatrixNextRow(struct vRowMatrix *v, char **retLabel);
+/* Return next row or NULL at end */
+void vRowMatrixFree(struct vRowMatrix **pv);
+/* Free up vRowMatrix (and call it's free method) */
+struct vRowMatrix *vRowMatrixNewEmpty(int xSize, char **columnLabels);
+/* Allocate vRowMatrix but without methods or data filled in.  Typically used by a factory/wrapper method  
+ * such as vRowMatrixOnTsv*/
+void vMatrixSaveAsTsv(struct vRowMatrix *matrix, 
+    char **columnLabels, char **rowLabels, char *fileName);
+/* Save sparseRowMatrix to tab-sep-file as expanded non-sparse */
+/* Big old memory unpacked in memory matrices - a useful thing sometimes. */
+struct memMatrix
+/* Unpacked representation in memory */
+    {
+    struct memMatrix *next;
+    int xSize, ySize;	/* Dimensions */
+    double **rows;	/* There are y items here */
+    char **xLabels, **yLabels;  /* Arrays of labels */
+    struct lm *lm;
+    };
+void memMatrixFree(struct memMatrix **pMatrix);
+/* Free up memory matrix */
+struct memMatrix *memMatrixFromTsv(char *fileName);
+/* Return a memMatrix based on file */
+#endif /* VMATRIX_H */