ee6a0d80b7fc2cf0cac37157b36834ef39a32c33 kent Sat Jan 9 09:20:30 2021 -0800 Adding note about other utilities that do similar things to usage statement. diff --git src/utils/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed.c src/utils/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed.c index 19d2053..4f32403 100644 --- src/utils/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed.c +++ src/utils/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed/clusterMatrixToBarChartBed.c @@ -7,30 +7,31 @@ #include "options.h" #include "localmem.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "sqlNum.h" boolean clSimple = FALSE; boolean clMedian = FALSE; char *clName2 = NULL; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "clusterMatrixToBarchartBed - Compute a barchart bed file from a gene matrix\n" "and a gene bed file and a way to cluster samples.\n" + "NOTE: consider using matrixClusterColumns and matrixToBarChartBed instead\n" "usage:\n" " clusterMatrixToBarchartBed sampleClusters.tsv geneMatrix.tsv geneset.bed output.bed\n" "where:\n" " sampleClusters.tsv is a two column tab separated file with sampleId and clusterId\n" " geneMatrix.tsv has a row for each gene. The first row uses the same sampleId as above\n" " geneset.bed has the maps the genes in the matrix (from it's first column) to the genome\n" " geneset.bed needs 6 standard bed fields. Unless name2 is set it also needs a name2\n" " field as the last field\n" " output.bed is the resulting bar chart, with one column per cluster\n" "options:\n" " -simple - don't store the position of gene in geneMatrix.tsv file in output\n" " -median - use median (instead of mean)\n" " -name2=twoColFile.tsv - get name2 from file where first col is same ase geneset.bed's name\n" ); }