  Mon Jan 11 16:50:51 2021 -0800
Implementing subtraction, since it was in the docs, as Jonathon pointed out.  #ref 26745

diff --git src/lib/strex.c src/lib/strex.c
index 38c0933..7c4efa1 100644
--- src/lib/strex.c
+++ src/lib/strex.c
@@ -1,2106 +1,2146 @@
 /* strex - implementation of STRing EXPression language,  currently used in tabToTabDir
  * to describe how the output fields are filled in from input fields. 
  * This is a little language implemented as a recursive descent parser that creates a
  * parse tree that can be quickly evaluated to produce a string output given an input
  * set of symbols.  It is up to the evaluator to make up a symbol table, but an example of
  * using a hash as a symbol table is available.
  * The language handles variables, string constants, numerical constants, and
  * a set of built in predefined functions.   The numerical constants are only used for
  * array indexes and some of the built in functions.  All functions return string values, and
  * all variables have string values.
  * You can build up strings with the '+' operator, which concatenates two strings.
  * String constants can be either " or ' delimited
  * You can parse apart strings with the built in functions and with the subscript [] operator.
  * The built in functions are described in a separate doc,  which will hopefully still be
  * available in the same directory as this file as strex.doc when you read this.
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "csv.h"
 #include "tokenizer.h"
 #include "hmac.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "strex.h"
 enum strexType
 /* A type within parse tree or built in function specification. */
     strexTypeBoolean = 1,
     strexTypeString = 2,
     strexTypeInt = 3,
     strexTypeDouble = 4,
 enum strexBuiltInFunc
 /* One of these for each builtIn.  We'll just do a switch to implement.
  * Each built in function needs a value here, to keep it simple there's
  * aa correspondence between these names and the built in function name */
 struct strexBuiltIn
 /* Information to describe a built in function */
     char *name;		/* Name in strex language:  trim, split, etc */
     enum strexBuiltInFunc func;  /* enum version: strexBuiltInTrim strexBuiltInChop etc. */
     enum strexType returnType;	 /* Type of return value */
     int paramCount;	/* Number of parameters, not flexible in this language! */
     enum strexType *paramTypes;  /* Array of types, one for each parameter */
 union strexVal
 /* Some value of arbirary type that can be of any type corresponding to strexType */
     boolean b;
     char *s;
     long long i;
     double x;
     struct strexBuiltIn *builtIn;
 struct strexEval
 /* Result of evaluation of parse tree. */
     enum strexType type;
     union strexVal val;
 enum strexOp
 /* An operation in the parse tree. */
     strexOpUnknown,	/* Should not occur */
     strexOpLiteral,        /* Literal string or number. */
     strexOpSymbol,	/* A symbol name. */
     strexOpBuiltInCall,	/* Call a built in function */
     strexOpPick,	/* Similar to built in but pick deserves it's own op. */
     strexOpConditional,	/* Conditional trinary operation */
     strexOpArrayIx,	/* An array with an index. */
     strexOpArrayRange,	/* An array with a range. */
     strexOpStrlen,	/* Length of a string */
     /* Unary minus for numbers, logical not */
     /* Binary operations. */
+    strexOpSubtract,
     /* Type conversions - possibly a few more than we actually need at the moment. */
 struct strexParse
 /* A strex parse-tree node.  The tree itself is just the root node. */
     struct strexParse *next;	/* Points to younger sibling if any. */
     struct strexParse *children;	/* Points to oldest child if any. */
     enum strexOp op;		/* Operation at this node. */
     enum strexType type;		/* Return type of this operation. */
     union strexVal val;		/* Return value of this operation. */
 struct strexIn
 /* Input to the strex parser - tokenizer and a hash full of built in functions. */
     struct tokenizer *tkz;  /* Get next text input from here */
     struct hash *builtInHash;  /* Hash of built in functions */
     void *symbols;	    /* NULL or pointer to a symbol table to check */
     StrexLookup lookup; /* lookup something in symbol table if we have it */
     struct hash *importHash;   /* Hash of importex expressions keyed by file name */
 /* Some predefined lists of parameter types */
 static enum strexType oneString[] = {strexTypeString};
 static enum strexType twoStrings[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeString};
 static enum strexType threeStrings[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeString, strexTypeString};
 static enum strexType stringInt[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeInt};
 static enum strexType stringStringInt[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeString, strexTypeInt};
 static enum strexType stringIntInt[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeInt, strexTypeInt};
 static enum strexType stringStringIntInt[] = {strexTypeString, strexTypeString,
     strexTypeInt, strexTypeInt};
 /* There's one element here for each built in function.  There's also a few switches you'll need to
  * fill in if you add a new built in function. */
 static struct strexBuiltIn builtins[] = {
     { "trim", strexBuiltInTrim, strexTypeString, 1, oneString, },
     { "between", strexBuiltInBetween, strexTypeString, 3, threeStrings },
     { "word", strexBuiltInWord, strexTypeString, 2, stringInt },
     { "now", strexBuiltInNow, strexTypeString, 0, NULL },
     { "md5", strexBuiltInMd5, strexTypeString, 1, oneString },
     { "chop", strexBuiltInChop, strexTypeString, 3, stringStringInt },
     { "uncsv", strexBuiltInUncsv, strexTypeString, 2, stringInt },
     { "untsv", strexBuiltInUntsv, strexTypeString, 2, stringInt },
     { "replace", strexBuiltInReplace, strexTypeString, 3, threeStrings },
     { "fix", strexBuiltInFix, strexTypeString, 3, threeStrings },
     { "strip", strexBuiltInStrip, strexTypeString, 2, twoStrings },
     { "len", strexBuiltInLen, strexTypeInt, 1, oneString},
     { "symbol", strexBuiltInSymbol, strexTypeString, 2, twoStrings },
     { "upper", strexBuiltInUpper, strexTypeString, 1, oneString },
     { "lower", strexBuiltInLower, strexTypeString, 1, oneString },
     { "in", strexBuiltInIn, strexTypeBoolean, 2, twoStrings },
     { "starts_with", strexBuiltInStarts, strexTypeBoolean, 2, twoStrings}, 
     { "ends_with", strexBuiltInEnds, strexTypeBoolean, 2, twoStrings}, 
     { "same", strexBuiltInSame, strexTypeBoolean, 2, twoStrings}, 
     { "tidy", strexBuiltInTidy, strexTypeString, 3, threeStrings },
     { "warn", strexBuiltInWarn, strexTypeString, 1, oneString},
     { "error", strexBuiltInError, strexTypeString, 1, oneString},
     { "letter_range", strexBuiltInLetterRange, strexTypeString, 3, stringIntInt},
     { "word_range", strexBuiltInWordRange, strexTypeString, 3, stringIntInt},
     { "chop_range", strexBuiltInChopRange, strexTypeString, 4, stringStringIntInt},
 static struct hash *hashBuiltIns()
 /* Build a hash of builtins keyed by name */
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<ArraySize(builtins); ++i)
     hashAdd(hash, builtins[i].name, &builtins[i]);
 return hash;
 static struct strexIn *strexInNew(struct lineFile *lf,
     void *symbols, StrexLookup lookup)
 /* Return a new strexIn structure wrapped around lineFile */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = tokenizerOnLineFile(lf);
 tkz->leaveQuotes = TRUE;
 struct strexIn *si;
 si->tkz = tkz;
 si->builtInHash = hashBuiltIns();
 si->importHash = hashNew(4);
 si->symbols = symbols;
 si->lookup = lookup;
 return si;
 static void strexInFree(struct strexIn **pSi)
 /* Free up memory associated with strexIn structure */
 struct strexIn *si = *pSi;
 if (si != NULL)
 struct strexParse *strexParseNew(enum strexOp op, enum strexType type)
 /* Return a fresh strexParse of the given op and type with the val set to 0/NULL */
 struct strexParse *p;
 p->op = op;
 p->type = type;
 return p;
 static void strexParseValDump(struct strexParse *p, FILE *f)
 /* Dump out value to file. */
 union strexVal val = p->val;
 switch (p->op)
     case strexOpBuiltInCall:
         fprintf(f, "%s", val.builtIn->name);
 switch (p->type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         fprintf(f, "%s", (val.b ? "true" : "false") );
     case strexTypeString:
         fprintf(f, "%s", (val.s == NULL ? "(null)" : val.s));
     case strexTypeInt:
         fprintf(f, "%lld", val.i);
     case strexTypeDouble:
         fprintf(f, "%f", val.x);
 static char *strexTypeToString(enum strexType type)
 /* Return a string representation of type */
 switch (type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
 	return "boolean";
     case strexTypeString:
 	return "string";
     case strexTypeInt:
 	return "integer";
     case strexTypeDouble:
 	return "floating point";
 	return NULL;
 static char *strexOpToString(enum strexOp op)
 /* Return string representation of parse op. */
 switch (op)
     case strexOpLiteral:
 	return "strexOpLiteral";
     case strexOpSymbol:
 	return "strexOpSymbol";
     case strexOpStringToBoolean:
         return "strexOpStringToBoolean";
     case strexOpIntToBoolean:
         return "strexOpIntToBoolean";
     case strexOpDoubleToBoolean:
         return "strexOpDoubleToBoolean";
     case strexOpStringToInt:
         return "strexOpStringToInt";
     case strexOpDoubleToInt:
         return "strexOpDoubleToInt";
     case strexOpBooleanToInt:
         return "strexOpBooleanToInt";
     case strexOpStringToDouble:
         return "strexOpStringToDouble";
     case strexOpBooleanToDouble:
         return "strexOpBooleanToDouble";
     case strexOpIntToDouble:
         return "strexOpIntToDouble";
     case strexOpBooleanToString:
         return "strexOpBooleanToString";
     case strexOpIntToString:
         return "strexOpIntToString";
     case strexOpDoubleToString:
         return "strexOpDoubleToString";
     case strexOpUnaryMinusInt:
         return "strexOpUnaryMinusInt";
     case strexOpUnaryMinusDouble:
         return "strexOpUnaryMinusDouble";
     case strexOpAdd:
 	return "strexOpAdd";
     case strexOpOr:
 	return "strexOpOr";
     case strexOpAnd:
 	return "strexOpAnd";
     case strexOpBuiltInCall:
         return "strexOpBuiltInCall";
     case strexOpPick:
         return "strexOpPick";
     case strexOpConditional:
         return "strexOpConditional";
     case strexOpArrayIx:
         return "strexOpArrayIx";
     case strexOpArrayRange:
         return "strexOpArrayRange";
     case strexOpStrlen:
         return "strexOpStrlen";
 	return "strexOpUnknown";
 void strexParseDump(struct strexParse *p, int depth, FILE *f)
 /* Dump out strexParse tree and children. */
 spaceOut(f, 3*depth);
 fprintf(f, "%s ", strexOpToString(p->op));
 strexParseValDump(p,  f);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 struct strexParse *child;
 for (child = p->children; child != NULL; child= child->next)
     strexParseDump(child, depth+1, f);
 static void expectingGot(struct strexIn *in, char *expecting, char *got)
 /* Print out error message about unexpected input. */
 errAbort("Expecting %s, got %s, line %d of %s", expecting, got, in->tkz->lf->lineIx,
 static void strexParseFree(struct strexParse **pParse)
 /* Free up memory resources associeated with a strexParse */
 struct strexParse *p = *pParse;
 if (p != NULL)
     if (p->type == strexTypeString)
 static void skipOverRequired(struct strexIn *in, char *expecting)
 /* Make sure that next token is tok, and skip over it. */
 if (!sameWord(in->tkz->string, expecting))
     expectingGot(in, expecting, in->tkz->string);
 static struct strexParse *strexParseExpression(struct strexIn *in);
 /* Parse out an expression with a single value */
 static struct strexParse *strexParseOr(struct strexIn *in);
 /* Parse out logical/string or binary operator. Lowest level logical op, before conditional */
 static struct strexParse *strexParseAtom(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Return low level (symbol or literal) or a parenthesis enclosed expression. */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 char *tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 struct strexParse *p;
 char c = tok[0];
 if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
     p->op = strexOpLiteral;
     p->type = strexTypeString;
     int len = strlen(tok+1);
     p->val.s = cloneStringZ(tok+1, len-1);
 else if (isalpha(c) || c == '_')
     p->op = strexOpSymbol;
     p->type = strexTypeString;	/* String until promoted at least. */
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(64);
     for (;;)  // Join together . separated things into single symbol */
 	dyStringAppend(dy, tok);
 	if ((tok = tokenizerNext(tkz)) == NULL)
 	if (tok[0] != '.')
 	dyStringAppend(dy, tok);
 	if ((tok = tokenizerNext(tkz)) == NULL)
     p->val.s = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
     // We look ahead a little to see if it's a function - hmm
     tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
     boolean isFunct = (tok != NULL && tok[0] == '(');
     if (!isFunct && in->symbols != NULL && in->lookup(in->symbols, p->val.s) == NULL )
 	errAbort("No field %s exists line %d of %s", p->val.s, 
 	    in->tkz->lf->lineIx, in->tkz->lf->fileName);
 else if (isdigit(c))
     p->op = strexOpLiteral;
     p->type = strexTypeInt;
     p->val.i = sqlUnsigned(tok);
     if ((tok = tokenizerNext(tkz)) != NULL)
 	if (tok[0] == '.')
 	    char buf[32];
 	    tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld.%s", p->val.i, tok);
 	    p->type = strexTypeDouble;
 	    p->val.x = sqlDouble(buf);
 else if (c == '(')
     p = strexParseExpression(in);
     skipOverRequired(in, ")");
     errAbort("Unexpected %s line %d of %s", tok, tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 return p;
 static enum strexType commonTypeForMathBop(enum strexType left, enum strexType right)
 /* Return type that will work for a math binary operation. */
 if (left == right)
     return left;
 else if (left == strexTypeString || right == strexTypeString)
     return strexTypeString;
 else if (left == strexTypeDouble || right == strexTypeDouble)
     return strexTypeDouble;
 else if (left == strexTypeInt || right == strexTypeInt)
     return strexTypeInt;
 else if (left == strexTypeBoolean || right == strexTypeBoolean)
     return strexTypeBoolean;
     errAbort("Can't find commonTypeForBop");
     return strexTypeString;
 static enum strexType commonTypeForLogicBop(enum strexType left, enum strexType right)
 /* Return type that will work for a boolean binary operation. */
 if (left == right)
     return left;
     return strexTypeBoolean;
 static enum strexOp booleanCastOp(enum strexType oldType)
 /* Return op to convert oldType to boolean. */
 switch (oldType)
     case strexTypeString:
         return strexOpStringToBoolean;
     case strexTypeInt:
         return strexOpIntToBoolean;
     case strexTypeDouble:
         return strexOpDoubleToBoolean;
 	return strexOpUnknown;
 static enum strexOp intCastOp(enum strexType oldType)
 /* Return op to convert oldType to int. */
 switch (oldType)
     case strexTypeString:
         return strexOpStringToInt;
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         return strexOpBooleanToInt;
     case strexTypeDouble:
         return strexOpDoubleToInt;
 	return strexOpUnknown;
 static enum strexOp doubleCastOp(enum strexType oldType)
 /* Return op to convert oldType to double. */
 switch (oldType)
     case strexTypeString:
         return strexOpStringToDouble;
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         return strexOpBooleanToDouble;
     case strexTypeInt:
         return strexOpIntToDouble;
 	return strexOpUnknown;
 static enum strexOp stringCastOp(enum strexType oldType)
 /* Return op to convert oldType to double. */
 switch (oldType)
     case strexTypeDouble:
         return strexOpDoubleToString;
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         return strexOpBooleanToString;
     case strexTypeInt:
         return strexOpIntToString;
 	return strexOpUnknown;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseCoerce(struct strexParse *p, enum strexType type)
 /* If p is not of correct type, wrap type conversion node around it. */
 if (p->type == type)
     return p;
     struct strexParse *cast;
     cast->children = p;
     cast->type = type;
     switch (type)
 	case strexTypeString:
 	    cast->op = stringCastOp(p->type);
 	case strexTypeBoolean:
 	    cast->op = booleanCastOp(p->type);
 	case strexTypeInt:
 	    cast->op = intCastOp(p->type);
 	case strexTypeDouble:
 	    cast->op = doubleCastOp(p->type);
     return cast;
 static union strexVal strexValEmptyForType(enum strexType type)
 /* Create default empty/zero value - from empty string to 0.0 */
 union strexVal ret;
 switch (type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
 	ret.b = FALSE;
     case strexTypeString:
         ret.s = "";
     case strexTypeInt:
         ret.i = 0;
     case strexTypeDouble:
         ret.x = 0;
 return ret;
 #ifdef OLD
 static struct strexEval nullValForType(enum strexType type)
 /* Return 0, "", 0.0 depending */
 struct strexEval res = {.type=type, .val=strexValEmptyForType(type)};
 return res;
 #endif /* OLD */
 static struct strexParse *strexParseFunction(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Handle the (a,b,c) in funcCall(a,b,c).  Convert it into tree:
 *         strexOpBuiltInCall
 *            strexParse(a)
 *            strexParse(b)
 *            strexParse(c)
 * or something like that.  With no parameters 
 *        strexOpBuiltInCall */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *function = strexParseAtom(in);
 char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
 if (tok == NULL)
 else if (tok[0] == '(')
     /* Check that the current op, is a pure symbol. */
     if (function->op != strexOpSymbol)
         errAbort("Unexpected '(' line %d of %s", tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
     /* Look up function to call and complain if it doesn't exist */
     char *functionName = function->val.s;
     /* Deal with special named ops like pick */
     if (sameString(functionName, "pick"))
 	/* Yay, the pick operation.  It looks like
 	 *    pick( keyExp,  key1, val1, key2, val2, ..., keyN, valN)
 	 * the logic is to evaluate keyExp, and then pick one of the valN's to return,
 	 * the one where the keyN is the same as keyExp */
 	struct strexParse *keyExp = strexParseOr(in);
 	skipOverRequired(in, "?");
 	/* Loop through parsing key/val pairs.  We'll save away the first value
 	 * and the default value if we see one. */
 	struct strexParse *firstVal = NULL;
 	struct strexParse *defaultVal = NULL;
 	for (;;)
 	    /* Peek at next token to see if it is "default" */
 	    char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
 	    boolean isDefault = FALSE;
 	    struct strexParse *val;
 	    if (sameString(tok, "default"))
 		if (defaultVal != NULL)
 		    errAbort("multiple defaults in pick, line %d of %s",
 		        tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 		skipOverRequired(in, ":");
 		defaultVal = val = strexParseExpression(in);
 		isDefault = TRUE;
 		/* Nope not default, back up input stream and evaluate key expression */
 		struct strexParse *key = strexParseCoerce(strexParseExpression(in), keyExp->type);
 		slAddHead(&function->children, key);
 		skipOverRequired(in, ":");
 		val = strexParseExpression(in);
 	    /* Keep track of overall expression type by storing the first value we see and
 	     * making sure subsequent types agree with first one. */
 	    if (firstVal == NULL)
 		firstVal = val;
 		if (firstVal->type != val->type)
 		    errAbort("Mixed value types %s and %s in pick() expression line %d of %s",
 			strexTypeToString(firstVal->type), strexTypeToString(val->type),
 			tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 		val = strexParseCoerce(val, firstVal->type);
 	    if (!isDefault)
 		slAddHead(&function->children, val);
 	    tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	    if (tok[0] == ')')
 	    else if (tok[0] != ',')
 		errAbort("Error in pick parameter list line %d of %s", 
 		    tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 	/* Now deal with adding default value as first child */
 	if (defaultVal == NULL)
 	    /* Need to make up empty default */
 	    defaultVal = strexParseNew(strexOpLiteral, firstVal->type);
 	    defaultVal->val = strexValEmptyForType(firstVal->type);
 	slAddHead(&function->children, defaultVal);
 	/* Finally put the key expression at the very head */
 	slAddHead(&function->children, keyExp);
 	/* Going to reuse current op, turn it into pick */
 	function->op = strexOpPick;
 	function->type = firstVal->type;
     else if sameString(functionName, "import")
 	/* We save away the current op for now.  The function variable is where we'll
 	 * return the expression we import. */
 	struct strexParse *importer = function;
 	function = NULL;
 	/* Parse out the file name.  We'll insist it's a constant string */
 	struct strexParse *fileExp = strexParseAtom(in);
 	if (fileExp->op != strexOpLiteral || fileExp->type != strexTypeString)
 	   errAbort("Paramater to import needs to be a quoted file name line %d of %s",
 	       tkz->lf->lineIx,  tkz->lf->fileName);
 	char *fileName = fileExp->val.s;
 	/* Look up imported parse tree in hash,  reading it from file if need be. */
 	function = hashFindVal(in->importHash, fileName);
 	if (function == NULL)
 	    function = strexParseFile(fileName, in->symbols, in->lookup);
 	    hashAdd(in->importHash, fileName, function);
 	skipOverRequired(in, ")");
 	/* Clean up */
 	/* It's a builtin function as opposed to a special op.  Figure out which one.*/
 	struct strexBuiltIn *builtIn = hashFindVal(in->builtInHash, functionName);
 	if (builtIn == NULL)
 	    errAbort("No built in function %s exists line %d of %s", functionName, tkz->lf->lineIx,
 	/* We're going to reuse this current op */
 	function->op = strexOpBuiltInCall;
 	function->type = builtIn->returnType;
 	function->val.builtIn = builtIn;
 	tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	if (tok[0] != ')')
 	    for (;;)
 		struct strexParse *param = strexParseExpression(in);
 		slAddHead(&function->children, param);
 		tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 		if (tok[0] == ')')
 		else if (tok[0] != ',')
 		    errAbort("Error in parameter list for %s line %d of %s", function->val.s, 
 			tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 	/* Check function parameter count */
 	int childCount = slCount(function->children);
 	if (childCount != builtIn->paramCount)
 	    errAbort("Function %s has %d parameters but needs %d line %d of %s",
 		builtIn->name, childCount, builtIn->paramCount, tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 	/* Check function parameter types */
 	int i;
 	struct strexParse *p;
 	for (i=0, p=function->children; i<childCount; ++i, p = p->next)
 	    if (p->type != builtIn->paramTypes[i])
 		errAbort("Parameter #%d to %s needs to be type %s not %s line %d of %s",
 		    i, builtIn->name,  strexTypeToString(builtIn->paramTypes[i]), 
 		    strexTypeToString(p->type), tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
 return function;
 struct strexParse *arrayRangeTree(struct strexParse *array, 
     struct strexParse *firstIndex, struct strexParse *secondIndex)
 /* Creat an array range parse tree */
 struct strexParse *p = strexParseNew(strexOpArrayRange, strexTypeString);
 p->children = array;
 array->next = firstIndex;
 firstIndex->next = secondIndex;
 return p;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseIndex(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Handle the [] in this[6].  Convert it into tree:
 *         strexOpArrayIx
 *            strexParseFunction
 *            strexParseFunction */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *array = strexParseFunction(in);
 struct strexParse *p = array;
 char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
 if (tok == NULL)
 else if (tok[0] == '[')
     array = strexParseCoerce(array, strexTypeString);
     tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
     if (tok[0] == ':')  // Case where is a range with empty beginning.  We can even compute index.
 	tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	if (tok[0] == ']')
 	    tokenizerReuse(tkz);    // Range is just whole array, do nothing really
 	    struct strexParse *firstIndex = strexParseNew(strexOpLiteral, strexTypeInt);
 	    struct strexParse *secondIndex = strexParseCoerce(strexParseExpression(in), strexTypeInt);
 	    p = arrayRangeTree(array, firstIndex, secondIndex);
 	struct strexParse *firstIndex = strexParseCoerce(strexParseExpression(in), strexTypeInt);
 	tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	if (tok[0] == ':')
 	    struct strexParse *secondIndex;
 	    tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 	    if (tok[0] == ']')  // Case where second half of range is empty
 		secondIndex = strexParseNew(strexOpStrlen, strexTypeInt);
 		secondIndex->children = array;
 		secondIndex = strexParseCoerce(strexParseExpression(in), strexTypeInt);
 	    p = arrayRangeTree(array, firstIndex, secondIndex);
 	    // Simple no range case
 	    p = strexParseNew(strexOpArrayIx, strexTypeString);
 	    p->children = array;
 	    array->next = firstIndex;
     skipOverRequired(in, "]");
 return p;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseUnaryNeg(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Return parse tree for unary minus or logical not */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 char *tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
 if (tok[0] == '-')
     struct strexParse *c = strexParseIndex(in);
     struct strexParse *p;
     if (c->type == strexTypeInt)
 	p->op = strexOpUnaryMinusInt;
 	p->type = strexTypeInt;
 	c = strexParseCoerce(c, strexTypeDouble);
 	p->op = strexOpUnaryMinusDouble;
 	p->type = strexTypeDouble;
     p->children = c;
     return p;
 else if (sameString(tok, "not"))
     struct strexParse *c = strexParseIndex(in);
     struct strexParse *p;
     if (c->type == strexTypeBoolean)
 	p->op = strexOpNot;
 	c = strexParseCoerce(c, strexTypeBoolean);
 	p->op = strexOpNot;
     p->type = strexTypeBoolean;
     p->children = c;
     return p;
     return strexParseIndex(in);
 static struct strexParse *strexParseSum(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Parse out plus or minus. */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *p = strexParseUnaryNeg(in);
 for (;;)
     char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
-    if (tok == NULL || differentString(tok, "+"))
+    if (tok == NULL || (differentString(tok, "+") && differentString(tok, "-")))
 	return p;
+    enum strexOp op = (tok[0] == '+' ? strexOpAdd : strexOpSubtract);
     /* What we've parsed so far becomes left side of binary op, next term ends up on right. */
     struct strexParse *l = p;
     struct strexParse *r = strexParseUnaryNeg(in);
     /* Make left and right side into a common type */
     enum strexType childType = commonTypeForMathBop(l->type, r->type);
+    if (op == strexOpSubtract)
+        {
+	if (childType == strexTypeString)
+	    {
+	    errAbort("Expecting numbers around '-' sign line %d of %s",
+		in->tkz->lf->lineIx, in->tkz->lf->fileName);
+	    }
+	}
     l = strexParseCoerce(l, childType);
     r = strexParseCoerce(r, childType);
     /* Create the binary operation */
     p->op = strexOpAdd;
     p->type = childType;
     /* Now hang children onto node. */
     p->children = l;
     l->next = r;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseAnd(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Parse out plus or minus. */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *p = strexParseSum(in);
 for (;;)
     char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
     if (tok == NULL || differentString(tok, "and"))
 	return p;
     /* What we've parsed so far becomes left side of binary op, next term ends up on right. */
     struct strexParse *l = p;
     struct strexParse *r = strexParseSum(in);
     /* Make left and right side into a common type */
     enum strexType childType = commonTypeForLogicBop(l->type, r->type);
     l = strexParseCoerce(l, childType);
     r = strexParseCoerce(r, childType);
     /* Create the binary operation */
     p->op = strexOpAnd;
     p->type = childType;
     /* Now hang children onto node. */
     p->children = l;
     l->next = r;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseOr(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Parse out logical/string or binary operator. */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *p = strexParseAnd(in);
 for (;;)
     char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
     if (tok == NULL || differentString(tok, "or"))
 	return p;
     /* What we've parsed so far becomes left side of binary op, next term ends up on right. */
     struct strexParse *l = p;
     struct strexParse *r = strexParseAnd(in);
     /* Make left and right side into a common type */
     enum strexType childType = commonTypeForLogicBop(l->type, r->type);
     l = strexParseCoerce(l, childType);
     r = strexParseCoerce(r, childType);
     /* Create the binary operation */
     p->op = strexOpOr;
     p->type = childType;
     /* Now hang children onto node. */
     p->children = l;
     l->next = r;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseConditional(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Handle the ternary operator ?:  usually written as ( boolean ? trueExp : falseExp)
  * because of it's ridiculously low precedence.  Makes this parse tree:
  *         strexOpConditional
  *            boolean exp  (always boolean type)
  *            true exp     (same type as false exp)
  *            false exp    (same type as true exp)      */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 struct strexParse *p = strexParseOr(in);
 char *tok = tokenizerNext(tkz);
 if (tok == NULL)
 else if (tok[0] == '?')
     struct strexParse *booleanExp = strexParseCoerce(p, strexTypeBoolean);
     struct strexParse *trueExp = strexParseExpression(in);
     skipOverRequired(in, ":");
     struct strexParse *falseExp = strexParseExpression(in);
     if (trueExp->type != falseExp->type)
 	errAbort("Mixed value types %s and %s in conditional expression (?:) line %d of %s",
 	    strexTypeToString(trueExp->type), strexTypeToString(falseExp->type),
 	    tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
     /* Make conditional expression and hook up it's three children. */
     struct strexParse *conditional = strexParseNew(strexOpConditional, trueExp->type);
     conditional->children = booleanExp;
     booleanExp->next = trueExp;
     trueExp->next = falseExp;
     p = conditional;
 return p;
 static struct strexParse *strexParseExpression(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Parse out an expression. Leaves input at next expression. */
 return strexParseConditional(in);
 static void ensureAtEnd(struct strexIn *in)
 /* Make sure that we are at end of input. */
 struct tokenizer *tkz = in->tkz;
 char *leftover = tokenizerNext(tkz);
 if (leftover != NULL)
     errAbort("Extra input starting with '%s' line %d of %s", leftover, tkz->lf->lineIx,
 struct strexParse *strexParseString(char *s, char *fileName, int fileLineNumber,
     void *symbols, StrexLookup lookup)
 /* Parse out string expression in s and return root of tree.  The fileName and
  * fileLineNumber should be filled in with where string came from.  */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString(fileName, TRUE, s);
 lf->lineIx = fileLineNumber;
 struct strexIn *si = strexInNew(lf, symbols, lookup);
 struct strexParse *parseTree = strexParseExpression(si);
 if (verboseLevel() >= 2)
    strexParseDump(parseTree, 1, stderr);
 return parseTree;
 struct strexParse *strexParseFile(char *fileName, void *symbols, StrexLookup lookup)
 /* Parse string expression out of a file */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 struct strexIn *si = strexInNew(lf, symbols, lookup);
 si->tkz->uncommentShell = TRUE;   // Yay to comments.
 struct strexParse *parseTree = strexParseExpression(si);
 return parseTree;
 /************ The parsing section is done, now for the evaluation section. **************/
 struct strexRun
 /* What we need to run a strex expression evaluation */
     void *symbols;	/* Pointer to symbol table */
     StrexLookup lookup; /* Something that can look up things in symbol table */
     struct lm *lm;	/* Local memory for evaluation */
     void (*warnHandler)(void *symbols, char *warning);  /* Send warning messages here */
     void (*abortHandler)(void *symbols);	    /* Call this guy to abort */
 static void strexDefaultAbort()
 /* Default abort handler */
 static struct strexRun *strexRunNew(void *symbols, StrexLookup lookup, 
     void (*warnHandler)(void *symbols, char *warning), void (*abortHandler)(void *symbols) )
 /* Return new strexRun structure */
 struct strexRun *run;
 run->lm = lmInit(0);
 run->symbols = symbols;
 run->lookup = lookup;
 run->warnHandler = warnHandler;
 run->abortHandler = (abortHandler != NULL ? abortHandler : strexDefaultAbort);
 return run;
 static void strexRunFree(struct strexRun **pRun)
 /* Free up strex run structure */
 struct strexRun *run = *pRun;
 if (run != NULL)
 static struct strexEval strexLocalEval(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run);
 /* Evaluate self on parse tree, allocating memory if needed from lm. */
 static struct strexEval strexEvalCoerceToString(struct strexEval r, char *buf, int bufSize)
 /* Return a version of r with .val.s filled in with something reasonable even
  * if r input is not a string */
 assert(bufSize >= 32);
 switch (r.type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         r.val.s = (r.val.b ? "true" : "false");
     case strexTypeString:
 	break;	/* It's already done. */
     case strexTypeInt:
 	safef(buf, bufSize, "%lld", r.val.i);
 	r.val.s = buf;
     case strexTypeDouble:
 	safef(buf, bufSize, "%g", r.val.x);
 	r.val.s = buf;
 	r.val.s = NULL;
 r.type = strexTypeString;
 return r;
+static struct strexEval strexEvalSubtract(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
+/* Return a - b. */
+struct strexParse *lp = p->children;
+struct strexParse *rp = lp->next;
+struct strexEval lv = strexLocalEval(lp, run);
+struct strexEval rv = strexLocalEval(rp, run);
+struct strexEval res;
+assert(lv.type == rv.type);   // Is our type automatic casting working?
+switch (lv.type)
+    {
+    case strexTypeInt:
+	res.val.i = (lv.val.i - rv.val.i);
+	break;
+    case strexTypeDouble:
+	res.val.x = (lv.val.x - rv.val.x);
+	break;
+    default:
+	internalErr();
+	res.val.b = FALSE;
+	break;
+    }
+res.type = lv.type;
+return res;
 static struct strexEval strexEvalAdd(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Return a + b. */
 struct strexParse *lp = p->children;
 struct strexParse *rp = lp->next;
 struct strexEval lv = strexLocalEval(lp, run);
 struct strexEval rv = strexLocalEval(rp, run);
 struct strexEval res;
 assert(lv.type == rv.type);   // Is our type automatic casting working?
 switch (lv.type)
     case strexTypeInt:
 	res.val.i = (lv.val.i + rv.val.i);
     case strexTypeDouble:
 	res.val.x = (lv.val.x + rv.val.x);
     case strexTypeString:
 	char numBuf[32];
 	if (rv.type != strexTypeString)  // Perhaps later could coerce to string
 	    rv = strexEvalCoerceToString(rv, numBuf, sizeof(numBuf));
 	int lLen = strlen(lv.val.s);
 	int rLen = strlen(rv.val.s);
 	char *s = lmAlloc(run->lm, lLen + rLen + 1);
 	memcpy(s, lv.val.s, lLen);
 	memcpy(s+lLen, rv.val.s, rLen);
 	res.val.s = s;
 	res.val.b = FALSE;
 res.type = lv.type;
 return res;
 static struct strexEval strexEvalOr(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Return a or b. */
 struct strexParse *lp = p->children;
 struct strexParse *rp = lp->next;
 struct strexEval res = strexLocalEval(lp, run);
 boolean gotIt = TRUE;
 switch (res.type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
 	gotIt = res.val.b != 0;
     case strexTypeInt:
 	gotIt = (res.val.i != 0);
     case strexTypeDouble:
 	gotIt = (res.val.x != 0);
     case strexTypeString:
 	gotIt = (res.val.s[0] != 0);
 if (gotIt)
    return res;
 // We didn't get it, so have evaluate the other side */
 return strexLocalEval(rp, run);
 static struct strexEval strexEvalAnd(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Return a and b. */
 struct strexParse *lp = p->children;
 struct strexParse *rp = lp->next;
 struct strexEval lv = strexLocalEval(lp, run);
 struct strexEval rv = strexLocalEval(rp, run);
 struct strexEval res;
 assert(lv.type == rv.type);   // Is our type automatic casting working?
 switch (lv.type)
     case strexTypeBoolean:
         res.val.b = (lv.val.b && rv.val.b);
     case strexTypeInt:
 	res.val.i = (lv.val.i ? rv.val.i : lv.val.i);
     case strexTypeDouble:
 	res.val.x = (lv.val.x != 0.0 ? rv.val.x : lv.val.x);
     case strexTypeString:
 	res.val.s = (lv.val.s[0] ? rv.val.s : lv.val.s);
 	res.val.b = FALSE;
 res.type = lv.type;
 return res;
 static char *csvParseOneOut(char *csvIn, int ix, struct dyString *scratch)
 /* Return csv value of given index or NULL if at end */
 char *pos = csvIn;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<ix; ++i)
     if (csvParseNext(&pos,scratch) == NULL)
         return NULL;
 return csvParseNext(&pos, scratch);
 static struct strexEval strexEvalArrayIx(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Handle parse tree generated by an indexed array. */
 struct strexParse *array = p->children;
 struct strexParse *index = array->next;
 struct strexEval arrayVal = strexLocalEval(array, run);
 struct strexEval indexVal = strexLocalEval(index, run);
 int ix = indexVal.val.i;
 if (ix  < 0)
     ix = strlen(arrayVal.val.s) + ix;
 struct strexEval res;
 res.val.s = lmCloneStringZ(run->lm, arrayVal.val.s + ix, 1);
 res.type = strexTypeString;
 return res;
 static void pythonInterpretEnds(int *pStart, int *pEnd, int len)
 /* Adjusts *pStart and *pEnd from python ideas that may include negative
  * numbers back to our ideas */
 int start = *pStart, end = *pEnd;
 // Negative numbers count from end of array
 if (start < 0)
     start = len + start;
 if (end < 0)
     end = len + end;
 // Do some clipping to keep results in range
 if (start < 0)
    start = 0;
 if (end > len)
     end = len;
 if (end < start) end = start;
 // Return results
 *pStart = start;
 *pEnd = end;
 static char *joinString(char **parts, char *joiner, int start, int end, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Return a string that is just all the parts concatenated together with the joiner char
  * between them */
 int joinerSize = strlen(joiner);
 /* Figure out output string size. */
 int i;
 int outSize = -joinerSize;  // Simplifies calcs on size to init to this
 for (i=start; i<end; ++i)
     outSize += strlen(parts[i]) + joinerSize;
 /* Allocate output string and copy first word in range to it.  */
 char *result = lmAlloc(run->lm, outSize + 1);
 char *out = result;
 char *onePart = parts[start];
 int oneSize = strlen(onePart);
 strcpy(out, onePart);
 out += oneSize;
 /* Fall into loop to copy joiner/part/joiner/part/.../joiner/part */
 for (i=start+1; i<end; ++i)
      strcpy(out, joiner);
      out += joinerSize;
      onePart = parts[i];
      oneSize = strlen(onePart);
      strcpy(out, onePart);
      out += oneSize;
 return result;
 static char *strexEvalWordRange(char *string, int start, int end, 
     struct strexRun *run)
 int wordCount = chopByWhite(string, NULL, 0);
 pythonInterpretEnds(&start, &end, wordCount);
 if (start >= end || wordCount <= 0)
     return "";
     /* We aren't super efficient here, we parse them all out and then glue
      * the ones we want back together */
     char **words;
     lmAllocArray(run->lm, words, wordCount);
     char *clone = lmCloneString(run->lm, string);
     chopByWhite(clone, words, wordCount);
     return joinString(words, " ", start, end, run);
 static char *strexEvalChopRange(char *string, char *splits, int start, int end, 
     struct strexRun *run)
 char splitter = splits[0];
 int wordCount = chopByChar(string, splitter, NULL, 0);
 pythonInterpretEnds(&start, &end, wordCount);
 if (start >= end || wordCount <= 0)
     return "";
     /* We aren't super efficient here, we parse them all out and then glue
      * the ones we want back together */
     char **words;
     lmAllocArray(run->lm, words, wordCount);
     char *clone = lmCloneString(run->lm, string);
     chopByChar(clone, splitter, words, wordCount);
     char joiner[2] = {splitter, 0};
     return joinString(words, joiner, start, end, run);
 static struct strexEval strexEvalArrayStartEnd(struct strexParse *array, 
     struct strexParse *index1, struct strexParse *index2, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Evaluate expression to return result of character array selection between
  * index1 and index2 */
 struct strexEval arrayVal = strexLocalEval(array, run);
 struct strexEval rangeStart = strexLocalEval(index1, run);
 struct strexEval rangeEnd = strexLocalEval(index2, run);
 char *arraySource = arrayVal.val.s;
 int start = rangeStart.val.i;
 int end = rangeEnd.val.i;
 int len = strlen(arraySource); 
 pythonInterpretEnds(&start, &end, len);
 struct strexEval res;
 res.val.s = lmCloneStringZ(run->lm, arrayVal.val.s + start, end-start);
 res.type = strexTypeString;
 return res;
 static struct strexEval strexEvalArrayRange(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Handle parse tree generated by array range expression, which by now
  * has just been turned into two integer values. */
 struct strexParse *array = p->children;
 struct strexParse *index1 = array->next;
 struct strexParse *index2 = index1->next;
 return strexEvalArrayStartEnd(array, index1, index2, run);
 static char *splitString(char *words,  int ix,  struct lm *lm)
 /* Return the space-delimited word of index ix as clone into lm */
 if (ix < 0)	// Negative index.  We got to count, dang
     int wordCount = chopByWhite(words, NULL, 0);   
     ix = wordCount + ix;
     if (ix < 0)
         return "";
 char *s = words;
 int i;
 for (i=0; ; ++i)
     s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
     if (isEmpty(s))
 	return "";
     char *end = skipToSpaces(s);
     if (i == ix)
 	if (end == NULL)
 	    return lmCloneString(lm, s);
 	    return lmCloneStringZ(lm, s, end - s);
     s = end;
 static char *uncsvString(char *csvIn,  int ix,  struct lm *lm)
 /* Return the comma separated value of index ix. Memory for result is lm */
 struct dyString *scratch = dyStringNew(0);
 char *one = csvParseOneOut(csvIn, ix, scratch); 
 char *res = emptyForNull(lmCloneString(lm, one));	// Save in more permanent memory
 return res;
 static char *separateString(char *string, char *splitter, int ix, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return the ix'th part of string as split apart by splitter */
 int splitterSize = strlen(splitter);
 if (splitterSize != 1)
     errAbort("Separator parameter to split must be a single character, not %s", splitter);
 int count = chopByChar(string, splitter[0], NULL, 0);
 if (ix < 0)	// Negative index.  No problem, count from the end
     ix = count + ix;
     if (ix < 0)
         return "";	// Still out of range, oh well
 if (ix >= count)
     return "";
 char **row;
 lmAllocArray(lm, row, count);
 char *scratch = lmCloneString(lm, string);
 chopByChar(scratch, splitter[0], row, count);
 return row[ix];
 static char *untsvString(char *tsvIn, int ix, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return the tab separated value at given index living somewhere in lm. */
 return separateString(tsvIn, "\t", ix, lm);
 static char *replaceString(char *in, char *oldVal, char *newVal, struct lm *lm)
 /* Replace every occurrence of oldVal with newVal in string */
 if (sameString(in, oldVal) )
     return lmCloneString(lm, newVal);  // Simple case that also handles empty oldVal match empty in
     if (isEmpty(oldVal))
         return lmCloneString(lm, in);
 	char *s = replaceChars(in, oldVal, newVal);
 	char *result = lmCloneString(lm, s);  // Move to local memory
 	return result;
 static char *stripAll(char *in, char *toRemove, struct lm *lm)
 /* Remove every occurrence of any of the chars in toRemove from in. */
 char *result = lmCloneString(lm, in);  // Move to local memory
 char c, *s = toRemove;
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     stripChar(result, c);
 return result;
 static char *symbolify(char *prefix, char *original, struct lm *lm)
 /* Convert original to something could use as a C language symbol with dots maybe. */
 if (isEmpty(original))
     return original;
 int prefixSize = strlen(prefix);
 int originalSize = strlen(original);
 int allocSize = prefixSize + 2*originalSize + 1;    // worse case all hexed
 char *result = lmAlloc(lm, allocSize);  // Move to local memory
 strcpy(result, prefix);
 char *in = skipLeadingSpaces(original); 
 char *out = result + prefixSize;
 unsigned char c;
 while ((c = *in++) != 0)
      if (isspace(c) || c == '-' || c == '.')
 	 *out++ = '_';
      else if (isalnum(c) || c == '_')
          *out++ = c;
 	 char hexBuf[8];
 	 safef(hexBuf, sizeof(hexBuf), "%02X", c);
 	 strcpy(out, hexBuf);
 	 out += strlen(hexBuf);
 *out++ = 0;
 int len = strlen(result) - prefixSize;
 if (len > 32)
     char *md5 = hmacMd5("", original);
     strcpy(result + prefixSize, md5);
 return result;
 static struct strexEval strexEvalCallBuiltIn(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Handle parse tree generated by call to a built in function. */
 struct strexBuiltIn *builtIn = p->val.builtIn;
 struct strexEval res;
 res.type = builtIn->returnType;
 struct lm *lm = run->lm;
 switch (builtIn->func)
     case strexBuiltInTrim:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.s = trimSpaces(a.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInBetween:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval c = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	char *between = stringBetween(a.val.s, c.val.s, b.val.s);
 	res.val.s = emptyForNull(lmCloneString(lm, between));
     case strexBuiltInWord:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.s = splitString(a.val.s, b.val.i, lm);
     case strexBuiltInNow:
 	time_t now;
 	char buf[64];
 	// strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%FT%TZ", gmtime(&now));
 	strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%FT%T%z", localtime(&now));
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(lm, buf);
     case strexBuiltInMd5:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	char *md5 = hmacMd5("", a.val.s);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(lm, md5);
     case strexBuiltInChop:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval c = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	res.val.s = separateString(a.val.s, b.val.s, c.val.i, lm);
     case strexBuiltInUncsv:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.s = uncsvString(a.val.s, b.val.i, lm);
     case strexBuiltInUntsv:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.s = untsvString(a.val.s, b.val.i, lm);
     case strexBuiltInReplace:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval c = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	res.val.s = replaceString(a.val.s, b.val.s, c.val.s, lm);
     case strexBuiltInFix:
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval oldVal = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval newVal = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	if (sameString(string.val.s, oldVal.val.s))
 	    res.val.s = newVal.val.s;
 	    res.val.s = string.val.s;
     case strexBuiltInStrip:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.s = stripAll(a.val.s, b.val.s, lm);
     case strexBuiltInLen:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.i = strlen(a.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInSymbol:  // Convert string to something could use as a C language symbol
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.s = symbolify(a.val.s, b.val.s, lm);
     case strexBuiltInLower:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(lm, a.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInUpper:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(lm, a.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInIn: 
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval query = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.b = (strstr(string.val.s, query.val.s) != NULL);
     case strexBuiltInStarts:
         struct strexEval starts = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.b = startsWith(starts.val.s, string.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInEnds:
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval end = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.b = endsWith(string.val.s, end.val.s);
     case strexBuiltInSame:
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
 	res.val.b = (strcmp(a.val.s, b.val.s) == 0);
     case strexBuiltInTidy:
 	/* Get parameters */
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval c = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	char *before = a.val.s;
 	char *orig = b.val.s;
 	char *after = c.val.s;
 	/* Figure out start position - start of string if before string is empty or doesn't match 
 	 * otherwise right after the place where before matches. */
 	char *ourStart = NULL;
 	if (!isEmpty(before))
 	    ourStart = strstr(orig, before);
 	    if (ourStart != NULL) 
 		ourStart += strlen(before);
 	if (ourStart == NULL)
 	    ourStart = orig;
 	/* Figure out end position */
 	char *defaultEnd = ourStart + strlen(ourStart);
 	char *ourEnd = NULL;
 	if (!isEmpty(after))
 	    ourEnd = strstr(ourStart, after);
 	if (ourEnd == NULL)
 	    ourEnd = defaultEnd;
 	int size = ourEnd - ourStart;
 	assert(size >= 0);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneStringZ(lm, ourStart, size);
     case strexBuiltInWarn:
 	/* Figure out the message we want to convey, send it to warning handler
 	 * before returning it. */
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	char *message = a.val.s;
 	char *output = lmJoinStrings(run->lm, "WARNING: ", message);
 	if (run->warnHandler != NULL) run->warnHandler(run->symbols, output);
 	res.val.s = output;
     case strexBuiltInError:
 	/* Figure out the message we want to convey, send it to warning handler
 	 * before returning it. */
         struct strexEval a = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	char *message = a.val.s;
 	char *output = lmJoinStrings(run->lm, "ERROR: ", message);
 	if (run->warnHandler != NULL) 
 	    run->warnHandler(run->symbols, output);
 	if (run->abortHandler != NULL) 
 	errAbort("%s", output);
 	res.val.s = output;   // some sort of OCD makes me fill this in in spite of errAbort above
     case strexBuiltInLetterRange:
 	res = strexEvalArrayStartEnd(p->children, p->children->next, p->children->next->next, run);
     case strexBuiltInWordRange:
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval start = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval end = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
 	res.val.s = strexEvalWordRange(string.val.s, start.val.i, end.val.i, run);
     case strexBuiltInChopRange:
         struct strexEval string = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
         struct strexEval splitter = strexLocalEval(p->children->next, run);
         struct strexEval start = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next, run);
         struct strexEval end = strexLocalEval(p->children->next->next->next, run);
 	res.val.s = strexEvalChopRange(string.val.s, splitter.val.s, start.val.i, end.val.i, run);
 return res;
 static struct strexEval strexEvalPick(struct strexParse *pick, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Evaluate a pick operator. */
 /* Evaluate the keyValue */
 struct strexParse *p = pick->children;
 struct strexEval keyVal = strexLocalEval(p, run);
 p = p->next;
 /* Get pointer to default expression but don't evaluate it yet */
 struct strexParse *defaultExp = p;
 p = p->next;
 /* Loop through all the key/val pairs until find first that matches. */
 boolean gotMatch = FALSE;
 while (p != NULL)
     struct strexEval key = strexLocalEval(p, run);
     p = p->next;  // Parser guarantees this non-null
     struct strexParse *valExp = p;
     p = p->next;
     switch (key.type)
 	 case strexTypeInt:
 	      gotMatch = (keyVal.val.i == key.val.i);
 	 case strexTypeDouble:
 	      gotMatch = (keyVal.val.x == key.val.x);
 	 case strexTypeBoolean:
 	      gotMatch = (keyVal.val.b = key.val.b);
 	 case strexTypeString:
 	      gotMatch = sameString(keyVal.val.s, key.val.s);
     if (gotMatch)
          return strexLocalEval(valExp, run);
 return strexLocalEval(defaultExp, run);
 static struct strexEval strexEvalConditional(struct strexParse *conditional, struct strexRun *run)
 struct strexParse *child = conditional->children;
 struct strexEval b = strexLocalEval(child, run);
 struct strexEval res;
 if (b.val.b)
     res = strexLocalEval(child->next, run); 
     res = strexLocalEval(child->next->next, run); 
 return res;
 static struct strexEval strexLocalEval(struct strexParse *p, struct strexRun *run)
 /* Evaluate self on parse tree, allocating memory if needed from lm. */
 struct strexEval res;
 switch (p->op)
     case strexOpLiteral:
 	res.val = p->val;
 	res.type = p->type;
     case strexOpSymbol:
 	res.type = strexTypeString;
 	char *s = run->lookup(run->symbols, p->val.s);
 	if (s == NULL)
 	    res.val.s = "";
 	    res.val.s = s;
     /* Type casts. */
     case strexOpStringToBoolean:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeBoolean;
 	res.val.b = (res.val.s[0] != 0);
     case strexOpIntToBoolean:
         res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeBoolean;
 	res.val.b = (res.val.i != 0);
     case strexOpDoubleToBoolean:
         res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeBoolean;
 	res.val.b = (res.val.x != 0.0);
     case strexOpStringToInt:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeInt;
 	res.val.i = atoll(res.val.s);
     case strexOpDoubleToInt:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeInt;
 	res.val.i = res.val.x;
     case strexOpStringToDouble:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeDouble;
 	res.val.x = atof(res.val.s);
     case strexOpBooleanToInt:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeInt;
 	res.val.i = res.val.b;
     case strexOpBooleanToDouble:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeDouble;
 	res.val.x = res.val.b;
     case strexOpIntToDouble:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeDouble;
 	res.val.x = res.val.b;
     case strexOpIntToString:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeString;
 	char buf[32];
 	safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", res.val.i);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(run->lm, buf);
     case strexOpDoubleToString:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeString;
 	char buf[32];
 	safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", res.val.x);
 	res.val.s = lmCloneString(run->lm, buf);
     case strexOpBooleanToString:
 	res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.type = strexTypeString;
         res.val.s = (res.val.b ? "true" : "false");
     /* Arithmetical negation. */
     case strexOpUnaryMinusInt:
         res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.i = -res.val.i;
     case strexOpUnaryMinusDouble:
         res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.x = -res.val.x;
     case strexOpArrayIx:
        res = strexEvalArrayIx(p, run);
     case strexOpArrayRange:
        res = strexEvalArrayRange(p, run);
     case strexOpStrlen:
        res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
        res.type = strexTypeInt;
        res.val.i = strlen(res.val.s);
     /* More complicated ops. */
     case strexOpBuiltInCall:
        res = strexEvalCallBuiltIn(p, run);
     case strexOpPick:
        res = strexEvalPick(p, run);
     case strexOpConditional:
        res = strexEvalConditional(p, run);
     /* Mathematical ops, simple binary type */
     case strexOpAdd:
        res = strexEvalAdd(p, run);
+    case strexOpSubtract:
+       res = strexEvalSubtract(p, run);
+       break;
     /* Logical ops, simple binary type and not*/
     case strexOpOr:
         res = strexEvalOr(p, run);
     case strexOpAnd:
         res = strexEvalAnd(p, run);
     case strexOpNot:
         res = strexLocalEval(p->children, run);
 	res.val.b = !res.val.b;
         errAbort("Unknown op %s\n", strexOpToString(p->op));
 	res.type = strexTypeInt;	// Keep compiler from complaining.
 	res.val.i = 0;	// Keep compiler from complaining.
 return res;
 /* ---- And the one public evaluation function ---- */
 char *strexEvalAsString(struct strexParse *p, void *symbols, StrexLookup lookup,
     void (*warnHandler)(void *symbols, char *warning), void (*abortHandler)(void *symbols) )
 /* Return result as a string value.  The warnHandler and abortHandler are optional,
  * and can be used to wrap your own warnings and abort processing onto what strex
  * provides.  For default behavior just pass in NULL. */
 /* Set up run time environment for strex and evaluate.*/
 struct strexRun *run = strexRunNew(symbols, lookup, warnHandler, abortHandler);
 struct strexEval res = strexLocalEval(p,run);
 /* Convert result to string and copy to memory that'll survive loss of run time environment */
 char numBuf[32];
 struct strexEval strRes = strexEvalCoerceToString(res, numBuf, sizeof(numBuf));
 char *ret = cloneString(strRes.val.s);  
 /* Clean up and go home */
 return ret;