7dea7c645f8ce8892d6d4d162a3cf8295309062f chmalee Fri Dec 11 11:22:24 2020 -0800 Bringing repo copies of omim scripts up to date with the working versions, refs #18151 diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/isca/validateISCA.sh src/hg/utils/otto/isca/validateISCA.sh index c1def64..2c0f717 100755 --- src/hg/utils/otto/isca/validateISCA.sh +++ src/hg/utils/otto/isca/validateISCA.sh @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ #!/bin/sh -e db=$1 cd $db tooMuch=0.1000 # how much change (either gain or loss) is too much for i in `cat ../../isca.tables` do checkTableCoords $db -table=$i"New" || exit 1 #/cluster/home/braney/bin/x86_64/checkTableCoords $db -table=$i"New" || exit 1 positionalTblCheck $db $i"New" || exit 1 done for i in `cat ../../isca.tables` do if test $i == "iscaPathGainCum" -o $i == "iscaPathLossCum" \ -o $i == "iscaBenignGainCum" -o $i == "iscaBenignLossCum" then fields='*' else fields="chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,name,score,strand,thickStart,thickEnd" fi echo "select $fields from $i" | hgsql $db | tail -n +2 | sort > $i.out f=$i"New" echo "select $fields from $f" |hgsql $db | tail -n +2 | sort > $f.out oldCount=`cat $i.out | wc -l` newCount=`cat $f.out | wc -l` common=`join -t '\001' $i.out $f.out | wc -l` onlyOld=`join -t '\001' -v 1 $i.out $f.out | wc -l` onlyNew=`join -t '\001' -v 2 $i.out $f.out | wc -l` echo $i $newCount "-" $onlyNew "=" $common "=" $oldCount "-" $onlyOld -# rm $i.out $f.out + rm $i.out $f.out done > newISCA.stats cat newISCA.stats | awk -v db=$db -v tooMuch=$tooMuch ' { if (($4/$6 > tooMuch) || ($10/$6 > tooMuch)) { print "validate on " db "." $1 " failed:" $4,$6,$4/$6,$10,$6,$10/$6; exit 1 } }' exit 0