  Mon Dec 7 13:18:05 2020 -0800
adding annotations from Lindblad-Toh lab refs #26657

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4/initialBuild.txt src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4/initialBuild.txt
index 812fcfa..8f111b4 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4/initialBuild.txt
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4/initialBuild.txt
@@ -1,1151 +1,1151 @@
 # for emacs: -*- mode: sh; -*-
 # This file describes browser build for the canFam4
 #  Can use existing photograph (otherwise find one before starting here)
 #  Initial steps, reuse existing photograph (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
 # To start this initialBuild.txt document, from a previous assembly document:
 mkdir ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4
 cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/doc/canFam4
 sed -e 's/gorGor6/canFam4/g; s/GorGor6/CanFam4/g; s/DONE/TBD/g;' \
   ../gorGor6/initialBuild.txt > initialBuild.txt
 mkdir -p /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/genbank
 cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
 # have asked for a photograph of Mischka
 #  For now use existing photograph
 cp -p ../canFam3/photoReference.txt .
 sed -e 's/^/# /;' photoReference.txt
 # photoCreditURL  http://www.genome.gov/dmd/img.cfm?node=Photos/Animals/Dog&id=79106
 # photoCreditName NHGRI press photos
 ## download from NCBI
 cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/genbank
 time rsync -L -a -P --stats \
 rsync://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/011/100/685/GCA_011100685.1_UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0/ ./
 # sent 2,007 bytes  received 2,669,666,587 bytes  56,203,549.35 bytes/sec
 # total size is 2,669,007,752  speedup is 1.00
 # real    0m47.732s
 # this information is from the top of 
 #    canFam4/genbank/*_assembly_report.txt
 #    (aka: canFam4/genbank/GCA_011100685.1_UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0_assembly_report.txt
 # Assembly name:  UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
 # Organism name:  Canis lupus familiaris (dog)
 # Infraspecific name:  breed=German Shepherd
 # Isolate:  Mischka
 # Sex:  female
 # Taxid:          9615
 # BioSample:      SAMN13230619
 # BioProject:     PRJNA587469
 # Submitter:      Uppsala University
 # Date:           2020-03-09
 # Assembly type:  haploid
 # Release type:   major
 # Assembly level: Chromosome
 # Genome representation: full
 # WGS project:    JAAHUQ01
 # Assembly method: FALCON v. 0.5.0
 # Expected final version: yes
 # Genome coverage: 100.0x
 # GenBank assembly accession: GCA_011100685.1
 ## Assembly-Units:
 ## GenBank Unit Accession       RefSeq Unit Accession   Assembly-Unit name
 ## GCA_011100695.1              Primary Assembly
 ## GCA_011100705.1              non-nuclear
 # check assembly size for later reference:
 faSize G*0_genomic.fna.gz
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 1641522214 upper 840419366 lower)
 #	in 2198 sequences in 1 files
 # Total size: mean 1129208.4 sd 8542765.0 min 13084 (JAAHUQ010000994.1)
 #	max 124992030 (CM022000.1) median 43246
 # %33.86 masked total, %33.86 masked real
 # Survey types of gaps:
 zcat *gaps.txt.gz | cut -f5 | sort | uniq -c
       1 gap_type
     585 within_scaffold
 # And total size in gaps:
 zcat *gaps.txt.gz | grep -v "^#" | awk '{print $3-$2+1}' | ave stdin
 Q1 100.000000
 median 100.000000
 Q3 100.000000
 average 100.000000
 min 100.000000
 max 100.000000
 count 585
 total 58500.000000
 standard deviation 0.000000
 # establish config.ra file (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/prepConfig.pl canFam4 mammal dog \
        genbank/*_assembly_report.txt > canFam4.config.ra
     # compare with previous version to see if it is sane:
     diff canFam4.config.ra ../canFam3/canFam3.config.ra
     # verify it really does look sane
     cat canFam4.config.ra
 # config parameters for makeGenomeDb.pl:
 db canFam4
 clade mammal
 scientificName Canis lupus familiaris
 commonName Dog
 assemblyDate Mar. 2020
 assemblyLabel Uppsala University
 assemblyShortLabel UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
 orderKey 4662
 # mitochondrial sequence included in refseq release
 # mitoAcc CM022001.1
 mitoAcc none
 fastaFiles /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/ucsc/*.fa.gz
 agpFiles /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/ucsc/*.agp
 # qualFiles none
 dbDbSpeciesDir dog
 photoCreditURL  http://www.genome.gov/dmd/img.cfm?node=Photos/Animals/Dog&id=79106
 photoCreditName NHGRI press photos
 ncbiGenomeId 85
 ncbiAssemblyId 6119491
 ncbiAssemblyName UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
 ncbiBioProject 587469
 ncbiBioSample SAMN13230619
 genBankAccessionID GCA_011100685.1
 taxId 9615
 # setup UCSC named files (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/ucsc
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/ucsc
     # check for duplicate sequences:
     time faToTwoBit -noMask ../genbank/G*0_genomic.fna.gz genbank.2bit
     #  real    1m20.881s
     twoBitDup genbank.2bit
     # no output is a good result, otherwise, would have to eliminate duplicates
     # the scripts creating the fasta here will be using this genbank.2bit file
     # remove it later
     # compare gaps with what the gaps.gz file reported:
     twoBitInfo -nBed genbank.2bit  genbank.gap.bed
     awk '{print $3-$2}' *.gap.bed | ave stdin
 Q1 100.000000
 median 100.000000
 Q3 100.000000
 average 100.000000
 min 100.000000
 max 100.000000
 count 585
 total 58500.000000
 standard deviation 0.000000
     time ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/ucscCompositeAgp.pl \
       ../genbank/G*0_genomic.fna.gz \
 CM021962.1 chr1
 CM021963.1 chr2
 CM021964.1 chr3
 CM021965.1 chr4
 CM021966.1 chr5
 CM021967.1 chr6
 CM021968.1 chr7
 CM021969.1 chr8
 CM021970.1 chr9
 CM021971.1 chr10
 CM021972.1 chr11
 CM021973.1 chr12
 CM021974.1 chr13
 CM021975.1 chr14
 CM021976.1 chr15
 CM021977.1 chr16
 CM021978.1 chr17
 CM021979.1 chr18
 CM021980.1 chr19
 CM021981.1 chr20
 CM021982.1 chr21
 CM021983.1 chr22
 CM021984.1 chr23
 CM021985.1 chr24
 CM021986.1 chr25
 CM021987.1 chr26
 CM021988.1 chr27
 CM021989.1 chr28
 CM021990.1 chr29
 CM021991.1 chr30
 CM021992.1 chr31
 CM021993.1 chr32
 CM021994.1 chr33
 CM021995.1 chr34
 CM021996.1 chr35
 CM021997.1 chr36
 CM021998.1 chr37
 CM021999.1 chr38
 CM022000.1 chrX
 real    9m46.642s
     time ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/unplacedWithChroms.pl \
     # processed 2158 sequences into chrUn.fa.gz
     # real    0m27.447s
     # there are no unlocalized in this assembly
     time ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/unlocalizedWithChroms.pl \
     # bash syntax here
     mitoAcc=`grep "^# mitoAcc" ../canFam4.config.ra | awk '{print $NF}'`
     printf "# mitoAcc %s\n" "$mitoAcc"
 # mitoAcc CM022001.1
     zcat \
   ../genbank/*_assembly_structure/non-nuclear/assem*/AGP/chrMT.comp.agp.gz \
      | grep -v "^#" | sed -e "s/^$mitoAcc/chrM/;" > chrM.agp
     cat chrM.agp
 # chrM    1  16728   1       W       JAAHUQ010000407.1       1       16728  +
     printf ">chrM\n" > chrM.fa
     twoBitToFa -noMask genbank.2bit:$mitoAcc stdout | grep -v "^>" >> chrM.fa
     gzip chrM.fa
     faSize chrM.fa.gz
 # 16728 bases (0 N's 16728 real 16728 upper 0 lower) in 1 sequences in 1 files
     # verify fasta and AGPs agree
     time faToTwoBit *.fa.gz test.2bit
     # real    0m55.597s
     cat *.agp | checkAgpAndFa stdin test.2bit 2>&1 | tail -4
     # All AGP and FASTA entries agree - both files are valid
     # and no sequence lost from orginal:
     twoBitToFa test.2bit stdout | faSize stdin
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 2481941580 upper 0 lower)
 #	in 2198 sequences in 1 files
 # Total size: mean 1129208.4 sd 8542765.0 min 13084 (chrUn_JAAHUQ010000994v1)
 #	max 124992030 (chrX) median 43246
     # same numbers as above (except for upper/lower masking)
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 1641522214 upper 840419366 lower)
 #	in 2198 sequences in 1 files
     # Verify these AGP files define all the gaps:
     zgrep -w scaffold *.agp | awk '{print $3-$2+1}' | ave stdin
 Q1 100.000000
 median 100.000000
 Q3 100.000000
 average 100.000000
 min 100.000000
 max 100.000000
 count 585
 total 58500.000000
 standard deviation 0.000000
     # this is correct, as seen before
     # no longer need these temporary 2bit files
     rm test.2bit genbank.2bit genbank.gap.bed
 #  Initial database build (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     # verify sequence and AGP are OK:
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     time (makeGenomeDb.pl -workhorse=hgwdev -dbHost=hgwdev -fileServer=hgwdev \
          -stop=agp canFam4.config.ra) > agp.log 2>&1
     # real    2m1.387s
     # then finish it off:
     time (makeGenomeDb.pl -workhorse=hgwdev -dbHost=hgwdev \
        -fileServer=hgwdev -continue=db canFam4.config.ra) > db.log 2>&1
     # real    15m0.853s
     # check in the trackDb files created in TemporaryTrackDbCheckout/
     #    and add canFam4 to trackDb/makefile   refs #25279
     # temporary symlink until masked sequence is available
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     ln -s `pwd`/canFam4.unmasked.2bit /gbdb/canFam4/canFam4.2bit
 # check gap table vs NCBI gap file (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/gap
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/gap
     zgrep -v "^#" ../../genbank/G*_gaps.txt.gz \
 	| awk '{printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s_%s\n", $1,$2-1,$3,$5,$6}' \
 	| sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > genbank.gap.bed
     # type survey:
     cut -f4 *.bed | sort | uniq -c
     #	    585 within_scaffold_paired-ends
     # how much defined by NCBI:
     awk '{print $3-$2}' *.bed | ave stdin | grep -w total
     # total 58500.000000
     # how much in the gap table:
     hgsql -e 'select * from gap;' canFam4 | awk '{print $4-$3}' \
 	| ave stdin | grep -w total
     # total 58500.000000
     # equal amounts, no need to adjust the gap table
 # cpgIslands on UNMASKED sequence (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cpgIslandsUnmasked
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cpgIslandsUnmasked
     time (doCpgIslands.pl -dbHost=hgwdev -bigClusterHub=ku -buildDir=`pwd` \
        -tableName=cpgIslandExtUnmasked \
           -maskedSeq=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.unmasked.2bit \
              -workhorse=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    3m30.591s
     cat fb.canFam4.cpgIslandExtUnmasked.txt
     # 56535294 bases of 2481941580 (2.278%) in intersection
 # cytoBandIdeo - (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cytoBand
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cytoBand
     makeCytoBandIdeo.csh canFam4
 # run up idKeys files for chromAlias/ncbiRefSeq (done - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/idKeys
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/idKeys
     time (doIdKeys.pl \
         -twoBit=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.unmasked.2bit \
         -buildDir=`pwd` canFam4) > do.log 2>&1 &
     # real    3m22.298s
     cat canFam4.keySignature.txt
     #  174191aae5515d1114a9d6320b152b1a
 # gapOverlap (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/gapOverlap
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/gapOverlap
     time (doGapOverlap.pl \
         -twoBit=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.unmasked.2bit canFam4 ) \
         > do.log 2>&1 &
     # real    1m49.489s
     # there only only nine:
     wc -l bed.tab
     # 9 bed.tab
     cut -f2- bed.tab
 chr1    41008264        41010364        chr1:41008265-41010364  1000    +      41008264 41010364        0       2       1000,1000       0,1100
 chr17   58049274        58051374        chr17:58049275-58051374 1000    +      58049274 58051374        0       2       1000,1000       0,1100
 ... etc ...
 chrX    45160089        45162189        chrX:45160090-45162189  1000    +      45160089 45162189        0       2       1000,1000       0,1100
     cat fb.canFam4.gapOverlap.txt
     # 16158 bases of 2482000080 (0.001%) in intersection
 # tandemDups (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/tandemDups
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/tandemDups
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doTandemDup.pl \
   -twoBit=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.unmasked.2bit canFam4) \
         > do.log 2>&1 &
     # real    188m34.598s
     cat fb.canFam4.tandemDups.txt
     # 155315479 bases of 3044872214 (5.101%) in intersection
     bigBedInfo canFam4.tandemDups.bb | sed -e 's/^/#  /;'
 #  version: 4
 #  fieldCount: 13
 #  hasHeaderExtension: yes
 #  isCompressed: yes
 #  isSwapped: 0
 #  extraIndexCount: 0
 #  itemCount: 2,822,307
 #  primaryDataSize: 72,710,994
 #  primaryIndexSize: 292,560
 #  zoomLevels: 9
 #  chromCount: 5335
 #  basesCovered: 1,635,503,835
 #  meanDepth (of bases covered): 14.396921
 #  minDepth: 1.000000
 #  maxDepth: 381.000000
 #  std of depth: 29.341113
 # ucscToINSDC and ucscToRefSeq table/track (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     # construct idKeys for the genbank sequence
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/genbank/idKeys
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/genbank/idKeys
     faToTwoBit ../GCA_*0_genomic.fna.gz canFam4.genbank.2bit
     time (doIdKeys.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
         -twoBit=`pwd`/canFam4.genbank.2bit genbankCanFam4)  > do.log 2>&1 &
     # real    3m30.599s
     cat genbankCanFam4.keySignature.txt
     #  174191aae5515d1114a9d6320b152b1a
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/chromAlias
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/chromAlias
     join -t$'\t' ../idKeys/canFam4.idKeys.txt \
         ../../genbank/idKeys/genbankCanFam4.idKeys.txt | cut -f2- \
           | sort -k1,1 | join -t$'\t' <(sort -k1,1 ../../chrom.sizes) - \
             | awk '{printf "%s\t0\t%d\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3}' \
                | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ucscToINSDC.bed
     # should be same line counts throughout:
     wc -l * ../../chrom.sizes
     #   2198 ucscToINSDC.bed
     #	2198 ../../chrom.sizes
     export chrSize=`cut -f1 ucscToINSDC.bed | awk '{print length($0)}' | sort -n | tail -1`
     echo $chrSize
     # 23
     # use the $chrSize in this sed
     sed -e "s/21/$chrSize/" $HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/ucscToINSDC.sql \
          | hgLoadSqlTab canFam4 ucscToINSDC stdin ucscToINSDC.bed
     # should be quiet for all OK
     checkTableCoords canFam4
     # should cover %100 entirely:
     featureBits -countGaps canFam4 ucscToINSDC
     # 2482000080 bases of 2482000080 (100.000%) in intersection
 # add chromAlias table (DONE - 2020-05-20 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/chromAlias
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/chromAlias
     hgsql -N -e 'select chrom,name from ucscToRefSeq;' canFam4 \
         | sort -k1,1 > ucsc.refseq.tab
     hgsql -N -e 'select chrom,name from ucscToINSDC;' canFam4 \
         | sort -k1,1 > ucsc.genbank.tab
     wc -l *.tab
     #	2198 ucsc.genbank.tab
     ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/chromAlias.pl ucsc.*.tab \
         > canFam4.chromAlias.tab
 for t in genbank
   c0=`cat ucsc.$t.tab | wc -l`
   c1=`grep $t canFam4.chromAlias.tab | wc -l`
   if [ "$c0" -ne "$c1" ]; then
   printf "# checking $t: $c0 =? $c1 $ok\n"
 # checking genbank: 2198 =? 2198 OK
     # verify chrM is here properly:
     grep chrM canFam4.chromAlias.tab 
 # CM022001.1      chrM    genbank
     hgLoadSqlTab canFam4 chromAlias ~/kent/src/hg/lib/chromAlias.sql \
 # fixup search rule for assembly track/gold table (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
     cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/dog/canFam4
     # preview prefixes and suffixes:
     hgsql -N -e "select frag from gold;" canFam4 \
       | sed -e 's/[0-9][0-9]*//;' | sort | uniq -c 
    2783 JAAHUQ.1
     # implies a rule: 'JAAHUQ[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?'
     # verify this rule will find them all and eliminate them all:
     hgsql -N -e "select frag from gold;" canFam4 | wc -l
     # 2783
     hgsql -N -e "select frag from gold;" canFam4 \
        | egrep -e 'JAAHUQ[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?' | wc -l
     # 2783
     hgsql -N -e "select frag from gold;" canFam4 \
        | egrep -v -e 'JAAHUQ[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?' | wc -l
     # 0
     # hence, add to trackDb/rhesus/canFam4/trackDb.ra
 searchTable gold
 shortCircuit 1
 termRegex JAAHUQ[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
 query select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,frag from %s where frag like '%s%%'
 searchPriority 8
     # verify searches work in the position box
     git commit -m 'adding search rule for gold/assembly track refs #25279' \
 # running repeat masker (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/repeatMasker
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/repeatMasker
     time  (doRepeatMasker.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
         -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -smallClusterHub=ku canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    293m51.353s
     cat faSize.rmsk.txt
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 1403544550 upper
 #	1078397030 lower) in 2198 sequences in 1 files
 # Total size: mean 1129208.4 sd 8542765.0 min 13084 (chrUn_JAAHUQ010000994v1)
 #	max 124992030 (chrX) median 43246
 # %43.45 masked total, %43.45 masked real
     egrep -i "versi|relea" do.log
 # RepeatMasker version development-$Id: RepeatMasker,v 1.332 2017/04/17 19:01:11 rhubley Exp $
 # grep version of RepeatMasker$ /hive/data/staging/data/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker
 # February 01 2017 (open-4-0-8) 1.332 version of RepeatMasker
 # grep RELEASE /hive/data/staging/data/RepeatMasker/Libraries/RepeatMaskerLib.embl
 # CC    Dfam_Consensus RELEASE 20181026;                            *
 # CC    RepBase RELEASE 20181026;                                   *
     time featureBits -countGaps canFam4 rmsk
     # 1078398935 bases of 2482000080 (43.449%) in intersection
     # real    0m35.578s
     # why is it different than the faSize above ?
     # because rmsk masks out some N's as well as bases, the faSize count above
     #   separates out the N's from the bases, it doesn't show lower case N's
     # faster way to get the same result on high contig count assemblies:
     time hgsql -N -e 'select genoName,genoStart,genoEnd from rmsk;' canFam4 \
         | bedSingleCover.pl stdin | ave -col=4 stdin | grep "^total"
     #  total 1078398935.000000
     #  real    0m22.013s
 # running simple repeat (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/simpleRepeat
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/simpleRepeat
     time (doSimpleRepeat.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -bigClusterHub=ku \
         -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku \
         -trf409=6 canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    84m49.021s
     cat fb.simpleRepeat
     # 79878240 bases of 2481941580 (3.218%) in intersection
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     # if using the Window Masker result:
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
 #    twoBitMask bed/windowMasker/canFam4.cleanWMSdust.2bit \
 #       -add bed/simpleRepeat/trfMask.bed  canFam4.2bit
     #   you can safely ignore the warning about fields >= 13
     # add to rmsk after it is done:
     twoBitMask canFam4.rmsk.2bit \
         -add bed/simpleRepeat/trfMask.bed canFam4.2bit
     #   you can safely ignore the warning about fields >= 13
     twoBitToFa canFam4.2bit stdout | faSize stdin > faSize.canFam4.2bit.txt
     cat faSize.canFam4.2bit.txt
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 1401386884 upper
 #	1080554696 lower) in 2198 sequences in 1 files
 # Total size: mean 1129208.4 sd 8542765.0 min 13084 (chrUn_JAAHUQ010000994v1)
 #	max 124992030 (chrX) median 43246
 # %43.54 masked total, %43.54 masked real
     rm /gbdb/canFam4/canFam4.2bit
     ln -s `pwd`/canFam4.2bit /gbdb/canFam4/canFam4.2bit
 # CREATE MICROSAT TRACK (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     ssh hgwdev
     mkdir /cluster/data/canFam4/bed/microsat
     cd /cluster/data/canFam4/bed/microsat
     awk '($5==2 || $5==3) && $6 >= 15 && $8 == 100 && $9 == 0 {printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%dx%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $6, $16);}' \
          ../simpleRepeat/simpleRepeat.bed > microsat.bed
     hgLoadBed canFam4 microsat microsat.bed
     # Read 65981 elements of size 4 from microsat.bed
 ## WINDOWMASKER (DONE - 2020-03-31 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/windowMasker
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/windowMasker
     time (doWindowMasker.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -dbHost=hgwdev canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    90m16.169s
     # Masking statistics
     cat faSize.canFam4.cleanWMSdust.txt
 # 2482000080 bases (58500 N's 2481941580 real 1630728232 upper 851213348 lower)
 #	in 2198 sequences in 1 files
 # Total size: mean 1129208.4 sd 8542765.0 min 13084 (chrUn_JAAHUQ010000994v1)
 #	max 124992030 (chrX) median 43246
 # %34.30 masked total, %34.30 masked real
     cat fb.canFam4.rmsk.windowmaskerSdust.txt
     # 598271411 bases of 2482000080 (24.104%) in intersection
 # cpgIslands - (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cpgIslands
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/cpgIslands
     time (doCpgIslands.pl -dbHost=hgwdev -bigClusterHub=ku \
       -workhorse=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    3m29.034s
     cat fb.canFam4.cpgIslandExt.txt
     # 47618882 bases of 2481941580 (1.919%) in intersection
 # genscan - (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/genscan
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/genscan
     time (doGenscan.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -workhorse=hgwdev -dbHost=hgwdev \
       -bigClusterHub=ku canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    8m19.775s
     # two jobs broken:
 ./runGsBig2M.csh chr22 000 gtf/000/chr22.gtf pep/000/chr22.pep subopt/000/chr22.bed &
 ./runGsBig2M.csh chr34 000 gtf/000/chr34.gtf pep/000/chr34.pep subopt/000/chr34.bed
     # real    14m27.845s
     time (doGenscan.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -workhorse=hgwdev -dbHost=hgwdev \
       -continue=makeBed -bigClusterHub=ku canFam4) > makeBed.log 2>&1
     # real    0m45.365s
     cat fb.canFam4.genscan.txt
     # 57650331 bases of 2481941580 (2.323%) in intersection
     cat fb.canFam4.genscanSubopt.txt
     # 50129491 bases of 2481941580 (2.020%) in intersection
 # Create kluster run files (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
     # numerator is canFam4 gapless bases "real" as reported by:
     featureBits -noRandom -noHap canFam4 gap
     # 36700 bases of 2353522726 (0.002%) in intersection
     #                      ^^^
     # denominator is hg19 gapless bases as reported by:
     #   featureBits -noRandom -noHap hg19 gap
     #     234344806 bases of 2861349177 (8.190%) in intersection
     # 1024 is threshold used for human -repMatch:
     calc \( 2353522726 / 2861349177 \) \* 1024
     #  ( 2353522726 / 2861349177 ) * 1024 = 842.262556
     # ==> use -repMatch=800 according to size scaled down from 1024 for human.
     #   and rounded down to nearest 50
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     time blat canFam4.2bit \
          /dev/null /dev/null -tileSize=11 -makeOoc=jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc \
     #	Wrote 34718 overused 11-mers to jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc
     #	real    0m21.985s
     # canFam3 at repMatch=900:
     #   Wrote 24788 overused 11-mers to jkStuff/canFam3.11.ooc
     #	real    1m11.629s
     #   there are no non-bridged gaps
     hgsql -N \
         -e 'select * from gap where bridge="no" order by size;' canFam4 \
     # HOWEVER, every gap in this assembly is the same 'within scaffold'
     # at size 100:
     hgsql -N -e 'select size from gap where bridge="yes" order by size;'
      canFam4  | sort | uniq -c
     # 585 100
     # using these gaps to make a lift file
     # minimum gap size is 100 and produces a reasonable number of lifts
     gapToLift -verbose=2 -minGap=100 canFam4 jkStuff/canFam4.nonBridged.lft \
     wc -l jkStuff/canFam4.nonBri*
     #	2198 jkStuff/canFam4.nonBridged.bed
     #	2198 jkStuff/canFam4.nonBridged.lft
 # lastz/chain/net swap human/hg38 (DONE - 2020-04-10 - Hiram)
     # original alignment
     cd /hive/data/genomes/hg38/bed/lastzCanFam4.2020-04-02
     cat fb.hg38.chainCanFam4Link.txt
     # 1549397508 bases of 3110768607 (49.808%) in intersection
     cat fb.hg38.chainSynCanFam4Link.txt
     # 1488468205 bases of 3110768607 (47.849%) in intersection
     time (doRecipBest.pl -load -workhorse=hgwdev -buildDir=`pwd` \
 	hg38 canFam4) > rbest.log 2>&1 &
     # real    310m32.196s
     cat fb.hg38.chainRBest.CanFam4.txt
     # 1425406620 bases of 3110768607 (45.822%) in intersection
     # and for the swap:
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blastz.hg38.swap
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blastz.hg38.swap
     time (doBlastzChainNet.pl -verbose=2 \
       /hive/data/genomes/hg38/bed/lastzCanFam4.2020-04-02/DEF \
         -swap -chainMinScore=3000 -chainLinearGap=medium \
           -workhorse=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku -bigClusterHub=ku \
             -syntenicNet) > swap.log 2>&1
     #  real    99m10.990s
     cat fb.canFam4.chainHg38Link.txt
     # 1493209286 bases of 2481941580 (60.163%) in intersection
     cat fb.canFam4.chainSynHg38Link.txt
     # 1448164376 bases of 2481941580 (58.348%) in intersection
     time (doRecipBest.pl -load -workhorse=hgwdev -buildDir=`pwd` \
 	canFam4 hg38) > rbest.log 2>&1 &
     # real    257m59.713s
     cat fb.canFam4.chainRBest.Hg38.txt
     # 1425296830 bases of 2481941580 (57.427%) in intersection
 # lastz/chain/net swap mouse/mm10 (DONE - 2020-04-20 - Hiram)
     # original alignment
     cat fb.mm10.chainCanFam4Link.txt
     #	777883731 bases of 2652783500 (29.323%) in intersection
     cat fb.mm10.chainSynCanFam4Link.txt
     #   736602602 bases of 2652783500 (27.767%) in intersection
     time (doRecipBest.pl -load -workhorse=hgwdev mm10 canFam4 \
       -buildDir=`pwd` -workhorse=hgwdev) > rbest.log 2>&1 &
     #	real    219m16.168s
     cat fb.mm10.chainRBest.CanFam4.txt
     # 741307883 bases of 2652783500 (27.945%) in intersection
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blastz.mm10.swap
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blastz.mm10.swap
     time (doBlastzChainNet.pl -verbose=2 \
 	/hive/data/genomes/mm10/bed/lastzCanFam4.2020-04-02/DEF \
 	-swap -syntenicNet \
 	-workhorse=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku -bigClusterHub=ku \
 	-chainMinScore=3000 -chainLinearGap=medium) > swap.log 2>&1 &
     #	real    50m20.639s
     cat fb.canFam4.chainMm10Link.txt
     #	772902855 bases of 2481941580 (31.141%) in intersection
     cat fb.canFam4.chainSynMm10Link.txt
     #   737924732 bases of 2481941580 (29.732%) in intersection
     time (doRecipBest.pl -load -workhorse=hgwdev canFam4 mm10 \
       -buildDir=`pwd` -workhorse=hgwdev) > rbest.log 2>&1 &
     # real    173m38.016s
     cat fb.canFam4.chainRBest.Mm10.txt
     # 740357755 bases of 2481941580 (29.830%) in intersection
 # GENBANK AUTO UPDATE (DONE - 2020-04-09 - Hiram)
     ssh hgwdev
     cd $HOME/kent/src/hg/makeDb/genbank
     git pull
     # /cluster/data/genbank/data/organism.lst shows:
     # organism       mrnaCnt estCnt  refSeqCnt
     # Canis latrans   2       0       0
     # Canis lupus     36      0       0
     # Canis lupus familiaris  3351    382644  1718
     # Canis lupus laniger     2       0       0
     # Canis lupus lupus       2       0       0
     # Canis mesomelas 1       0       0
     # Canis sp.       45      0       0
     # the latrans is the Coyota, the mesomelas
     # is the Black-backed jackal from Africa and the langier is the Tibetan wolf
     # lupus lupus is the Eurasian wolf
     # edit etc/genbank.conf to add canFam4 just after canFam3
 # canFam4 (German shepard - GCA_011100685.1 - UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0)
 canFam4.serverGenome = /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.2bit
 canFam4.ooc = /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc
 canFam4.lift = /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.nonBridged.lft
 canFam4.align.unplacedChroms = chrUn_*
 canFam4.refseq.mrna.native.pslCDnaFilter  = ${finished.refseq.mrna.native.pslCDnaFilter}
 canFam4.refseq.mrna.xeno.pslCDnaFilter    = ${finished.refseq.mrna.xeno.pslCDnaFilter}
 canFam4.genbank.mrna.native.pslCDnaFilter = ${finished.genbank.mrna.native.pslCDnaFilter}
 canFam4.genbank.mrna.xeno.pslCDnaFilter   = ${finished.genbank.mrna.xeno.pslCDnaFilter}
 canFam4.genbank.est.native.pslCDnaFilter  = ${finished.genbank.est.native.pslCDnaFilter}
 canFam4.refseq.mrna.native.load = yes
 canFam4.refseq.mrna.xeno.load = yes
 # DO NOT NEED genbank.mrna.xeno except for human, mouse
 canFam4.genbank.mrna.xeno.load = yes
 canFam4.downloadDir = canFam4
 canFam4.upstreamGeneTbl = refGene
 canFam4.perChromTables = no
     # verify the files specified exist before checking in the file:
   grep ^canFam4 etc/genbank.conf | grep hive | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs ls -og
 # -rw-rw-r-- 1 651703337 Apr  2 08:57 /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/canFam4.2bit
 # -rw-rw-r-- 1    138880 Apr  2 09:51 /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc
 # -rw-rw-r-- 1    139818 Apr  2 09:56 /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.nonBridged.lft
     git commit -m "Added canFam4 dog; refs #25279" etc/genbank.conf
     git push
     # update /cluster/data/genbank/:
     make etc-update
     # enable daily alignment and update of hgwdev
     cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/genbank
     git pull
     # add canFam4 to:
     #   etc/hgwdev.dbs etc/align.dbs
     git commit -m "Added canFam4 - dog refs #25279" etc/hgwdev.dbs etc/align.dbs
     git push
     make etc-update
     # wait a few days for genbank magic to take place, the tracks will
     # appear
 # augustus gene track (DONE - 2020-04-10 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/augustus
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/augustus
     time (doAugustus.pl -buildDir=`pwd` -bigClusterHub=ku \
         -species=human -dbHost=hgwdev \
            -workhorse=hgwdev canFam4) > do.log 2>&1
     # real    74m39.734s
     cat fb.canFam4.augustusGene.txt
     # 49999966 bases of 2481941580 (2.015%) in intersection
 # ncbiRefSeq (TBD - 2019-11-20 - Hiram)
     ### XXX ### Not available on GCA/genbank assemblies
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/ncbiRefSeq
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/ncbiRefSeq
     # running step wise just to be careful
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doNcbiRefSeq.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
       -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev \
       -stop=download -fileServer=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku -workhorse=hgwdev \
       refseq vertebrate_mammalian Gorilla_gorilla \
       GCA_008122165.1_Kamilah_GGO_v0 canFam4) > download.log 2>&1
     # real    1m37.523s
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doNcbiRefSeq.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
       -continue=process -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev \
       -stop=process -fileServer=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku -workhorse=hgwdev \
       refseq vertebrate_mammalian Gorilla_gorilla \
       GCF_008122165.1_Kamilah_GGO_v0 canFam4) > process.log 2>&1
     # real    2m9.450s
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doNcbiRefSeq.pl -buildDir=`pwd` \
       -continue=load -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev \
       -stop=load -fileServer=hgwdev -smallClusterHub=ku -workhorse=hgwdev \
       refseq vertebrate_mammalian Gorilla_gorilla \
       GCF_008122165.1_Kamilah_GGO_v0 canFam4) > load.log 2>&1
     # real    0m21.982s
     cat fb.ncbiRefSeq.canFam4.txt
     #  74279781 bases of 2999027915 (2.477%) in intersection
     # add: include ../../refSeqComposite.ra alpha
     # to the gorilla/canFam4/trackDb.ra to turn on the track in the browser
     # XXX 2019-11-20 - ready for this after genbank runs
     featureBits -enrichment canFam4 refGene ncbiRefSeq 
  # refGene 0.402%, ncbiRefSeq 3.148%, both 0.402%, cover 99.90%, enrich 31.73x
     featureBits -enrichment canFam4 ncbiRefSeq refGene
  # ncbiRefSeq 3.148%, refGene 0.402%, both 0.402%, cover 12.76%, enrich 31.73x
     featureBits -enrichment canFam4 ncbiRefSeqCurated refGene
  # ncbiRefSeqCurated 0.401%, refGene 0.402%, both 0.400%, cover 99.66%, enrich 247.79x
     featureBits -enrichment canFam4 refGene ncbiRefSeqCurated
  # refGene 0.402%, ncbiRefSeqCurated 0.401%, both 0.400%, cover 99.33%, enrich 247.79x
 # LIFTOVER TO canFam5 (DONE - 2020-07-28 - Hiram)
     ssh hgwdev
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blat.canFam5.2020-07-28
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blat.canFam5.2020-07-28
     doSameSpeciesLiftOver.pl -verbose=2 \
         -debug -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -ooc=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc \
          canFam4 canFam5
     time (doSameSpeciesLiftOver.pl -verbose=2 \
         -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -ooc=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc \
          canFam4 canFam5) > doLiftOverToCanFam5.log 2>&1
     # real    286m56.444s
     # see if the liftOver menus function in the browser from canFam4 to canFam5
 # LIFTOVER TO canFam3 (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
     ssh hgwdev
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blat.canFam3.2020-04-02
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/blat.canFam3.2020-04-02
     doSameSpeciesLiftOver.pl -verbose=2 \
         -debug -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -ooc=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc \
          canFam4 canFam3
     time (doSameSpeciesLiftOver.pl -verbose=2 \
         -bigClusterHub=ku -dbHost=hgwdev -workhorse=hgwdev \
         -ooc=/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/jkStuff/canFam4.11.ooc \
          canFam4 canFam3) > doLiftOverToCanFam3.log 2>&1
     # real    1100m17.743s
     # see if the liftOver menus function in the browser from canFam4 to canFam3
 #  BLATSERVERS ENTRY (DONE - 2020-04-02 - Hiram)
 #	After getting a blat server assigned by the Blat Server Gods,
     ssh hgwdev
     hgsql -e 'INSERT INTO blatServers (db, host, port, isTrans, canPcr) \
 	VALUES ("canFam4", "blat1b", "17904", "1", "0"); \
 	INSERT INTO blatServers (db, host, port, isTrans, canPcr) \
 	VALUES ("canFam4", "blat1b", "17905", "0", "1");' \
     #	test it with some sequence
 ## reset default position to gene: CDH2 upon recommendation from Kerstin
 ##  (DONE - 2020-06-22 - Hiram)
     ssh hgwdev
     hgsql -e 'update dbDb set defaultPos="chr7:60683331-61003907"
 	where name="canFam4";' hgcentraltest
 # crispr whole genome (DONE - 2020-04-09 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/crisprAll
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/crisprAll
     # the large shoulder argument will cause the entire genome to be scanned
     # this takes a while for a new genome to get the bwa indexing done
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl -verbose=2 -stop=ranges \
     canFam4 genscan -shoulder=250000000 -tableName=crisprAll \
     -fileServer=hgwdev \
     -buildDir=`pwd` -smallClusterHub=hgwdev -bigClusterHub=ku \
       -workhorse=hgwdev) > ranges.log 2>&1
     # real    1m16.539s
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl -verbose=2 \
        -continue=guides -stop=specScores canFam4 genscan \
 	-shoulder=250000000 -tableName=crisprAll -fileServer=hgwdev \
     -buildDir=`pwd` -smallClusterHub=hgwdev -bigClusterHub=ku \
       -workhorse=hgwdev) > specScores.log 2>&1
     # real    6558m26.295s
     cat guides/run.time | sed -e 's/^/# /;'
 # Completed: 100 of 100 jobs
 # CPU time in finished jobs:      11979s     199.66m     3.33h    0.14d  0.000 y
 # IO & Wait Time:                   251s       4.18m     0.07h    0.00d  0.000 y
 # Average job time:                 122s       2.04m     0.03h    0.00d
 # Longest finished job:             289s       4.82m     0.08h    0.00d
 # Submission to last job:           303s       5.05m     0.08h    0.00d
     cat specScores/run.time | sed -e 's/^/# /;'
 # Completed: 3096565 of 3096565 jobs
 # CPU time in finished jobs:  263946983s 4399116.38m 73318.61h 3054.94d  8.370 y
 # IO & Wait Time:              17766691s  296111.52m  4935.19h  205.63d  0.563 y
 # Average job time:                  91s       1.52m     0.03h    0.00d
 # Longest finished job:             851s      14.18m     0.24h    0.01d
 # Submission to last job:        324649s    5410.82m    90.18h    3.76d
 # # Number of specScores: 233102255
     ### remember to get back to hgwdev to run this
     time (~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl -verbose=2 \
        -continue=effScores -stop=load canFam4 genscan \
     -shoulder=250000000 -tableName=crisprAll -fileServer=hgwdev \
     -buildDir=`pwd` -smallClusterHub=hgwdev -bigClusterHub=ku \
       -workhorse=hgwdev) > load.log 2>&1
     #  real    932m13.229s
     cat effScores/run.time | sed -e 's/^/# /;'
 # Completed: 25662 of 25662 jobs
 # CPU time in finished jobs:   12763858s  212730.96m  3545.52h  147.73d  0.405 y
 # IO & Wait Time:                144123s    2402.05m    40.03h    1.67d  0.005 y
 # Average job time:                 503s       8.38m     0.14h    0.01d
 # Longest finished job:            4091s      68.18m     1.14h    0.05d
 # Submission to last job:         15067s     251.12m     4.19h    0.17d
     cat offTargets/run.time | sed -e 's/^/# /;'
 # Completed: 154829 of 154829 jobs
 # CPU time in finished jobs:    1805712s   30095.20m   501.59h   20.90d  0.057 y
 # IO & Wait Time:               3128264s   52137.73m   868.96h   36.21d  0.099 y
 # Average job time:                  32s       0.53m     0.01h    0.00d
 # Longest finished job:             273s       4.55m     0.08h    0.00d
 # Submission to last job:          5337s      88.95m     1.48h    0.06d
 # all.joiner update, downloads and in pushQ - (WORKING - 2019-11-20 - Hiram)
     cd $HOME/kent/src/hg/makeDb/schema
     # verify all the business is done for release
     ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/verifyBrowser.pl canFam4
 # 66 tables in database canFam4 - Dog, Canis lupus familiaris
 # verified 55 tables in database canFam4, 11 extra tables, 14 optional tables
 # chainNetRBestHg38     3 optional tables
 # chainNetRBestMm10     3 optional tables
 # chainNetSynHg38       3 optional tables
 # chainNetSynMm10       3 optional tables
 # gapOverlap    1 optional tables
 # tandemDups    1 optional tables
 # 1     chainCanFam3    - extra table
 # 2     chainCanFam3Link        - extra table
 # 3     chainRBestCanFam3       - extra table
 # 4     chainRBestCanFam3Link   - extra table
 # . . . etc . . .
 # 8     crisprAllTargets        - extra table
 # 9     netCanFam3      - extra table
 # 10    netRBestCanFam3 - extra table
 # 11    netSynCanFam3   - extra table
 # 13 genbank tables found
 # verified 28 required tables, 1 missing tables
 # 1     ucscToRefSeq    - missing table
 # hg38 chainNet to canFam4 found 3 required tables
 # mm10 chainNet to canFam4 found 3 required tables
 # hg38 chainNet RBest and syntenic to canFam4 found 6 optional tables
 # mm10 chainNet RBest and syntenic to canFam4 found 3 optional tables
 # liftOver to previous versions: 1, from previous versions: 1
     # fixup all.joiner until this is a clean output
     joinerCheck -database=canFam4 -tableCoverage all.joiner
     joinerCheck -database=canFam4 -times all.joiner
     joinerCheck -database=canFam4 -keys all.joiner
     # when clean, check in:
     git commit -m 'adding rules for canFam4 refs #25279' all.joiner
     git push
     # run up a 'make alpha' in hg/hgTables to get this all.joiner file
     # into the hgwdev/genome-test system
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4
     time (makeDownloads.pl canFam4) > downloads.log 2>&1
     #  real    16m11.233s
     #   now ready for pushQ entry
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/pushQ
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/pushQ
  time ($HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/makePushQSql.pl -redmineList canFam4) > canFam4.pushQ.sql 2> stderr.out
     # real    15m2.385s
     # remove the tandemDups and gapOverlap from the file list:
     sed -i -e "/tandemDups/d" redmine.canFam4.table.list
     sed -i -e "/Tandem Dups/d" redmine.canFam4.releaseLog.txt
     sed -i -e "/gapOverlap/d" redmine.canFam4.table.list
     sed -i -e "/Gap Overlaps/d" redmine.canFam4.releaseLog.txt
     #   check for errors in stderr.out, some are OK, e.g.:
   # WARNING: canFam4 does not have ucscToRefSeq
   # WARNING: hgwdev does not have /gbdb/canFam4/ncbiRefSeq/ncbiRefSeqVersion.txt
   # WARNING: hgwdev does not have /gbdb/canFam4/ncbiRefSeq/ncbiRefSeqOther.bb
   # WARNING: hgwdev does not have /gbdb/canFam4/ncbiRefSeq/ncbiRefSeqOther.ix
   # WARNING: hgwdev does not have /gbdb/canFam4/ncbiRefSeq/ncbiRefSeqOther.ixx
   # WARNING: hgwdev does not have /gbdb/canFam4/ncbiRefSeq/seqNcbiRefSeq.rna.fa
   # WARNING: canFam4 does not have seq
   # WARNING: canFam4 does not have extFile
     # verify the file list does correctly match to files
     cat redmine.canFam4.file.list | while read L
   eval ls $L > /dev/null
     # should be silent, missing files will show as errors
     # verify database tables, how many to expect:
     wc -l redmine.canFam4.table.list
     # 52 redmine.canFam4.table.list
     # how many actual:
     awk -F'.' '{printf "hgsql -N %s -e '"'"'show table status like \"%s\";'"'"'\n", $1, $2}' redmine.canFam4.table.list | sh | wc -l
     # 52
     # would be a smaller number actual if some were missing
     # add the path names to the listing files in the redmine issue
     # in the three appropriate entry boxes:
 #	/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/pushQ/redmine.canFam4.file.list
 #	/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/pushQ/redmine.canFam4.releaseLog.txt
 #	/hive/data/genomes/canFam4/pushQ/redmine.canFam4.table.list
 # annotations from Lindblad-Toh lab (DONE - 2020-12-07 - Hiram)
     mkdir /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/annotations
     cd /hive/data/genomes/canFam4/bed/annotations
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
 wget --timestamping \
     mkdir -p /gbdb/canFam4/bbi/altAllele
     rm -f /gbdb/canFam4/bbi/altAllele/28ChromiumDogs.filtered.b614.simple.NoMishcka.vcf.gz
     rm -f /gbdb/canFam4/bbi/altAllele/28ChromiumDogs.filtered.b614.simple.NoMishcka.vcf.gz.tbi
     ln -s `pwd`/28ChromiumDogs.filtered.b614.simple.NoMishcka.vcf.gz \
     ln -s `pwd`/28ChromiumDogs.filtered.b614.simple.NoMishcka.vcf.gz.tbi \
     hgBbiDbLink canFam4 altAllele \
     grep -v "^track" SVs.ind1.cf4b614.simple.bed.ucsc.bed \
 	| hgLoadBed -allowStartEqualEnd -type=bed4 canFam4 structVar stdin
     grep -v "^track" UU_GSD1.0_gene_annotation.bed \
 	| hgLoadBed -type=bed12 canFam4 uuGene stdin
-    grep -v "^track" GSD1.0_july1_reduced_number.bed \
-	| hgLoadBed -type=bed12 canFam4 uuGeneReduced stdin
+    grep -v "^track" filled_cf3.1_gaps.bed \
+	| hgLoadBed -type=bed3 canFam4 filledGaps stdin