  Tue Dec 22 11:04:39 2020 -0800
Fine tuning some layout constants.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
index c189a9f..7deb0d0 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
@@ -372,51 +372,51 @@
     warn("Error creating boxplot from sample data with command: %s", cmd->string);
 static double longestLabelSize(struct barChartCategory *categList)
 /* Get estimate of longest label in pixels */
 MgFont *font = mgHelvetica14Font();
 int longest = 0;
 struct barChartCategory *categ;
 for (categ = categList; categ != NULL; categ = categ->next)
     int size = mgFontStringWidth(font, categ->label);
     if (size > longest)
         longest = size;
-return longest * 1.1;
+return longest * 1.09;
 static void printBarChart(struct barChartBed *chart, struct trackDb *tdb, double maxVal)
 /* Plot bar chart without quartiles or anything fancy just using SVG */
 /* Load up input labels, color, and data */
 struct barChartCategory *categs = barChartUiGetCategories(database, tdb);
 int categCount = slCount(categs);
 if (categCount != chart->expCount)
     warn("Problem in %s barchart track. There are %d categories in trackDb and %d in data",
 	tdb->track, categCount, chart->expCount);
 double heightPer=18.0;
 double innerHeight=heightPer-1;
 double widthPer=1250.0;
-double labelWidth = longestLabelSize(categs) + 2;
+double labelWidth = longestLabelSize(categs) + 10;
 if (labelWidth > widthPer/2) labelWidth = widthPer/2;
 double labelOffset = 20.0;
 double barOffset = labelOffset + labelWidth;
 double barMaxWidth = widthPer-barOffset - 45;
 double totalHeight = heightPer * categCount;
 printf("<svg width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n", widthPer, totalHeight);
 double yPos = 0.0;
 int i;
 struct barChartCategory *categ;
 printf("<clipPath id=\"labelClip\"><rect x=\"%g\" y=\"0\" width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\"/></clipPath>",
     labelOffset, barOffset-labelOffset, totalHeight);
 for (i=0, categ=categs; i<categCount; ++i , categ=categ->next, yPos += heightPer)