  Mon Dec 28 15:07:59 2020 -0800
Reordered definition of new function.

diff --git src/inc/fieldedTable.h src/inc/fieldedTable.h
index d792171..a2f690f 100644
--- src/inc/fieldedTable.h
+++ src/inc/fieldedTable.h
@@ -27,43 +27,44 @@
     boolean startsSharp;  /* Whether first line starts with a # char */
 struct fieldedTable *fieldedTableNew(char *name, char **fields, int fieldCount);
 /* Create a new empty fieldedTable with given name, often a file name. */
 void fieldedTableFree(struct fieldedTable **pTable);
 /* Free up memory resources associated with table. */
 struct fieldedRow *fieldedTableAdd(struct fieldedTable *table,  char **row, int rowSize, int id);
 /* Create a new row and add it to table.  Return row. */
 struct fieldedRow *fieldedTableAddHead(struct fieldedTable *table, char **row, int rowSize, int id);
 /* Create a new row and add it to start of table.  Return row. */
-struct fieldedTable *fieldedTableReadTabHeader(struct lineFile *lf, 
-    char *requiredFields[], int requiredCount);
-/* Read in first line of file treating it as a fieldedTable header line. 
- * Use lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, table->fieldCount)  on a row you provide
- * that is table->fieldCount sized */
 struct fieldedTable *fieldedTableFromTabFile(char *fileName, char *url, 
     char *requiredFields[], int requiredCount);
 /* Read table from tab-separated file with a #header line that defines the fields.  Ensures
  * all requiredFields (if any) are present.  The url is just used for error reporting and 
  * should be the same as fileName for most purposes.  This is used by edwSubmit though which
  * first copies to a local file, and we want to report errors from the url. */
+struct fieldedTable *fieldedTableReadTabHeader(struct lineFile *lf, 
+    char *requiredFields[], int requiredCount);
+/* Read in first line of file treating it as a fieldedTable header line. 
+ * Use lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, table->fieldCount)  on a row you provide
+ * that is table->fieldCount sized */
 void fieldedTableToTabFile(struct fieldedTable *table, char *fileName);
 /* Write out a fielded table back to file */
 void fieldedTableToTabFileWithId(struct fieldedTable *table, char *fileName, 
     char *idField, int startId);
 /* Write out a fielded table back to file.  If idField is non-NULL it will be added
  * to the start of each output line as a steadily incrementing integer starting with startId. */
 boolean fieldedTableColumnIsNumeric(struct fieldedTable *table, int fieldIx);
 /* Return TRUE if field has numeric values wherever non-null */
 int fieldedTableMaxColChars(struct fieldedTable *table, int colIx);
 /* Calculate the maximum number of characters in a cell for a column */
 void fieldedTableSortOnField(struct fieldedTable *table, char *field, boolean doReverse);