  Mon Dec 14 12:51:22 2020 -0800
News announcement for GENCODE V35 refs #26524

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
index 101abb6..c2e24d3 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
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     <div class="col-sm-3">
         <li><a href="#2005">2005 News</a></li>
         <li><a href="#2004">2004 News</a></li>
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 <!-- ============= 2020 archived news ============= -->
 <a name="2020"></a>
+<a name="121520"></a>
+<h2>Dec. 15, 2020 &nbsp;&nbsp; New V35 GENCODE genes track for Human (hg19/GRCh37)</h2>
+We are pleased to announce a new GENCODE Genes annotation track, which corresponds
+to <a href="http://www.ensembl.info/2020/08/20/ensembl-101-has-been-released/"
+target="_blank">Ensembl 101</a>, for the: <a target="_blank" 
+href="../../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg19&c=chr21&g=wgEncodeGencodeV35lift37">hg19/GRCh37</a> assembly.
+The GENCODE V35 annotations were mapped to hg38/GRCh38 and then back-mapped
+to the hg19/GRCh37 assembly. The gene set contains the following
+  <li>Basic - a subset of the <em>Comprehensive set</em>.</li>
+  <li>Comprehensive - all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including
+      polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations.</li>
+  <li>Pseudogenes - all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes.</li></ul>
+Details on each release can be found on the <a target="_blank" 
+href="https://www.gencodegenes.org/">GENCODE site</a>. This includes <a target="_blank" 
+href="https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/stats.html">statistics on each release</a>.
+<p>We would like to thank the <a target="_blank" 
+href="https://www.gencodegenes.org/pages/gencode.html">GENCODE project</a> for providing these
+annotations. We would also like to thank Mark Diekhans and Lou Nassar for the development and
+release of this track.</p>
 <a name="120920"></a>
 <h2>Dec. 9, 2020 &nbsp;&nbsp; New Genome Browser: Hawaiian monk seal, neoSch1 (<em>Neomonachus schauinslandi</em>)</h2>
 A genome browser is now available for the Hawaiian monk seal  (<em>Neomonachus schauinslandi</em>) assembly
 released in Jun. 2017 by the
 <a href="https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/profiles/results/directory/profile/5985613/alan-scott" 
 target="_blank">Johns Hopkins University</a> (ASM220157v1).
 <h3>About the assembly:</h3>
   <li><b>UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID:</b>  <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgGateway?db=neoSch1" 
   <li><b>Sequencing/Assembly provider ID:</b> <a href="https://www.jhu.edu/">
 Johns Hopkins University</a></li>
   <li><b>Assembly date:</b> Jun. 2017</li>
   <li><B>Accession ID:</B> GCF_002201575.1</li>