  Mon Dec 14 05:44:14 2020 -0800
small fixed to bigBed docs page, refs #26677

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
index 05f6bee..451797f 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
@@ -27,91 +27,94 @@
 target="_blank">this wiki page</a> for help in selecting the graphing track data format that is most
 appropriate for your type of data.</p>
 Note that the <code>bedToBigBed</code> utility uses a substantial amount of memory:
 approximately 25% more RAM than the uncompressed BED input file.</p>
 <h2>Quickstart example commands</h2>
 It is not hard to create a bigBed file. The following UNIX commands create one on a Linux machine and are 
 explained in more detail in the following sections on this page:
 <pre><code>wget https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/bedExample.txt
 wget https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/hg19.chrom.sizes
 wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/bedToBigBed
-chmod a+x bedTod
+chmod a+x bedToBigBed
 bedToBigBed bedExample.txt hg19.chrom.sizes myBigBed.bb
 mv myBigBed.bb ~/public_html/
 The last step assumes that your ~/public_html/ directory is accessible from the internet. This may not be the case
 on your server. You may have to copy the file to another server and web-accessible location at your University. 
 Once you know the URL to the file myBigBed.bb, you can paste this URL into the <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgCustom">custom track</a>
 box on the UCSC Genome Browser to display the file.
 <h2>Overview of the steps to create a bigBed track</h2>
 To create a bigBed track, follow these steps (for concrete Unix commands, see the examples below on this page):<p>
 <strong>Step 1.</strong>
 Create a BED format file following the directions 
 <a href="../../FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1">here</a>. When converting a BED file to a bigBed file, 
 you are limited to one track of data in your input file; therefore, you must create a separate BED 
-file for each data track. Your BED file must be sorted first on the <code>chrom</code> field, and 
-secondarily on the <code>chromStart</code> field. </p> 
+file for each data track. Your BED file must be sorted.
 If your BED file was originally a custom track, remove any existing
 &quot;track&quot; or &quot;browser&quot; lines from your BED file so that it
 contains only data.</p>
-<strong>Step 3.</strong>
+<strong>Step 2.</strong>
 Download the <code>bedToBigBed</code> program from the 
 <a href="http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/">binary utilities directory</a>. 
-Example #2 below shows the exact Unix command.</p>
+Example #2 below shows the exact Unix command.
 The <code>bedToBigBed</code> program can be run with several additional options. Some of these,
 such as the <code>-as</code> and <code>-type</code> options, are used in examples below. The 
 <code>-type</code> option, describes the size of the bigBed file, <code>-type=bedN[+[P]]</code>,
 where <code>N</code> is an integer between 3 and 12 and the optional <code>+[P]</code> parameter
 specifies the number of extra fields, not required, but preferred. Describing the size of the bigBed file
 is needed for access to extra fields like name, itemRgb, etc.
 Examples:<code>-type=bed6</code> or <code>-type=bed6+</code> or <code>-type=bed6+3 </code>.  
 For a full list of the available options, type <code>bedToBigBed</code> (with no arguments) on the
-command line to display the usage message.</p>
+command line to display the usage message.
-<strong>Step 4.</strong>
+<strong>Step 3.</strong>
 Use the <code>fetchChromSizes</code> script from the 
 <a href="http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/">same directory</a> 
 to create the <em>chrom.sizes</em> file for the UCSC database you are working with (e.g., hg19).
 If the assembly <code>genNom</code> is hosted by UCSC, chrom.sizes can be a URL like:
-<strong>Step 5.</strong>
+<strong>Step 4.</strong>
 Use the <code>bedToBigBed</code> utility to create a bigBed file from your sorted BED file, using 
 the <em>input.bed</em> file and <em>chrom.sizes</em> files created in <em>Steps 1</em> and
 <pre><code><strong>bedToBigBed</strong> input.bed chrom.sizes myBigBed.bb</code></pre>
-<strong>Step 6.</strong>
+<strong>Step 5.</strong>
 Move the newly created bigBed file (<em>myBigBed.bb</em>) to a web-accessible http, https, or 
 ftp location. At this point you should have a URL to your data, such as &quot;https://institution.edu/myBigBed.bb&quot;, and the file should be accessible outside of your institution/hosting providers network. For more information on where to host your data, please see the <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html#Hosting">Hosting</a> section of the Track Hub Help documentation.</p>
-<strong>Step 7.</strong>
+<strong>Step 6.</strong>
 If the file name ends with a <em>.bigBed</em> or <em>.bb</em> suffix, you can paste the URL of the 
 file directly into the 
 <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgCustom">custom track</a> management page, click &quot;submit&quot; and 
 view the file as a track in the Genome Browser. By default, the file name will be used to name the track. To configure the track 
 name and descriptions, you must create a &quot;<a href="hgTracksHelp.html#TRACK">track 
 line</a>&quot;, as shown in <em>Step 8</em>.</p>
 Alternatively, if you want to set the track labels and other options yourself,
 construct a <a href="hgTracksHelp.html#CustomTracks">custom track</a> using a single track line. 
 Note that any of the track attributes listed
 <a href="customTrack.html#TRACK">here</a> are applicable to tracks of type bigBed. The most basic 
 version of the track line will look something like this:</p>
 <pre><code><strong>track type=</strong>bigBed <strong>name=</strong>"My Big Bed" <strong>description=</strong>"A Graph of Data from My Lab" <strong>bigDataUrl=</strong>http://myorg.edu/mylab/myBigBed.bb</code></pre>
 Paste this custom track line into the text box on the <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgCustom">custom 
@@ -157,36 +160,39 @@
 <h3>Example #2</h3>
 In this example, you will create your own bigBed file from an existing bed file.</p>
   Save the BED file <a href="examples/bedExample.txt"><em>bedExample.txt</em></a> to a server, ideally one
   that is accessible from the internet.
   (<em>Steps 1</em> and <em>2</em> in <em>Creating a bigBed track</em>, above).<br>
     <pre><code>wget https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/bedExample.txt</code></pre>
   Save the file <a href="hg19.chrom.sizes"><em>hg19.chrom.sizes</em></a> to your computer. It 
   contains the chrom.sizes data for the human (hg19) assembly (<em>Step 4</em>, above).<br>
     <pre><code>wget https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/hg19.chrom.sizes</code></pre>
-  <li>If you use your own file, it has to be sorted. You can use the utility <code>bedSort</code>
+<li>If you use your own file, it has to be sortedi, first on the
+  <code>chrom</code> field, and secondarily on the <code>chromStart</code>
+  field. You can use the utility <code>bedSort</code>
 available <a href="http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/" target="_blank">here</a>
 or the following UNIX <code>sort</code>
 command to do this: </p>
 <pre><code>sort -k1,1 -k2,2n unsorted.bed &gt; input.bed</code></pre>
   Download the <code>bedToBigBed</code> utility (<em>Step 3</em>, above). Replace "linux" below with "macOSX" 
   if your server is a Mac.
     <pre><code>wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/bedToBigBed
 chmod a+x bedToBigBed</code></pre>
   Run the utility to create the bigBed output file (<em>Step 5</em>, above):
 <pre><code><strong>bedToBigBed</strong> bedExample.txt hg19.chrom.sizes myBigBed.bb</code></pre></li>
   Place the bigBed file you just created (<em>myBigBed.bb</em>) on a web-accessible server 
   (<em>Step 6</em>, above).<br>
     <pre><code>mv myBigBed.bb ~/public_html/</code></pre>
   At some Universities, this involves using the commands ftp, scp or rsync to copy the file to a different server, one that is accessible 
   from the internet. We have <a href="hgTrackHubHelp.html#Hosting">documentation</a> how to find such a server.