  Thu Dec 10 01:58:41 2020 -0800
add the fonts packages to gbic installer script, refs #25525

diff --git src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh
index 18197c1..5ec48a7 100755
--- src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh
+++ src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh
@@ -603,31 +603,31 @@
     #cd hg/htdocs
     #make doInstall destDir=$APACHDIR/htdocs FIND="find ."
     # dbTrash tool needed for trash cleaning
 # redhat specific part of mysql and apache installation
 function installRedhat () {
     echo2 Installing EPEL, ghostscript, libpng
     # make sure we have and EPEL and ghostscript and rsync (not installed on vagrant boxes)
     # imagemagick is required for the session gallery
     yum -y update
     yum -y install epel-release
-    yum -y install ghostscript rsync ImageMagick R-core curl
+    yum -y install ghostscript rsync ImageMagick R-core curl urw-fonts
     # centos 7 and fedora 20 do not provide libpng by default
     if ldconfig -p | grep libpng12.so > /dev/null; then
         echo2 libpng12 found
         yum -y install libpng12
     # install apache if not installed yet
     if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/httpd ]; then
         echo2 Installing Apache and making it start on boot
         yum -y install httpd
         # start apache on boot
@@ -858,31 +858,31 @@
 function installDebian ()
     # update repos
     if [ ! -f /tmp/browserInstall.aptGetUpdateDone ]; then
        echo2 Running apt-get update
        apt-get update
        touch /tmp/browserInstall.aptGetUpdateDone
     echo2 Installing ghostscript and imagemagick
     # ghostscript for PDF export
     # imagemagick for the session gallery
     # r-base-core for the gtex tracks
     # python-mysqldb for hgGeneGraph
-    apt-get --no-install-recommends --assume-yes install ghostscript imagemagick wget rsync r-base-core python-mysqldb curl
+    apt-get --no-install-recommends --assume-yes install ghostscript imagemagick wget rsync r-base-core python-mysqldb curl gsfonts
     if [ ! -f $APACHECONF ]; then
         echo2 Now installing Apache2.
         echo2 "Apache's default config /etc/apache2/sites-enable/000-default will be"
         echo2 "deactivated. A new configuration $APACHECONF will be added and activated."
         echo2 The apache modules include, cgid and authz_core will be activated.
         # apache and mysql are absolutely required
         # ghostscript is required for PDF output
         apt-get --assume-yes install apache2 ghostscript
         # gmt is not required. install fails if /etc/apt/sources.list does not contain
         # a 'universe' repository mirror. Can be safely commented out. Only used