161870e01da2bfa9723b388eec3fd590b921a1cf angie Wed Feb 3 13:46:42 2021 -0800 Add NULL check in case metadata file is not found. diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c index db037f4..67eb685 100644 --- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c +++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c @@ -727,30 +727,32 @@ regmatch_t substrs[2]; if (regexMatchSubstr(sampleId, "([A-Z][A-Z][0-9]{6})", substrs, ArraySize(substrs))) { // Make sure there are word boundaries around the match if ((substrs[1].rm_so == 0 || !isalnum(sampleId[substrs[1].rm_so-1])) && !isalnum(sampleId[substrs[1].rm_eo])) gbId = cloneStringZ(sampleId+substrs[1].rm_so, substrs[1].rm_eo - substrs[1].rm_so); } return gbId; } struct sampleMetadata *metadataForSample(struct hash *sampleMetadata, char *sampleId) /* Look up sampleId in sampleMetadata, by accession if sampleId seems to include an accession. */ { struct sampleMetadata *met = NULL; +if (sampleMetadata == NULL) + return NULL; char *epiId = epiIdFromSampleName(sampleId); if (epiId) met = hashFindVal(sampleMetadata, epiId); if (!met) { char *gbId = gbIdFromSampleName(sampleId); if (gbId) met = hashFindVal(sampleMetadata, gbId); } if (!met) met = hashFindVal(sampleMetadata, sampleId); if (!met && strchr(sampleId, '|')) { char copy[strlen(sampleId)+1]; safecpy(copy, sizeof copy, sampleId);