  Tue Feb 2 11:36:05 2021 -0800
Loosen up regex for BioSample attributes with stray quotes.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleTextToTab.pl src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleTextToTab.pl
index 7e5a424f..897a25a 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleTextToTab.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleTextToTab.pl
@@ -13,31 +13,31 @@
           (lc($val) ne "not provided") &&
           (lc($val) ne "restricted access"));
 my %attribs = ();
 while (<>) {
   if (/^Identifiers: BioSample: (\w+)(; Sample name: ([^;]+))?(; SRA: (\w+))?/) {
     my ($acc, $sampleName, $sra) = ($1, $3, $5);
     $attribs{__acc} = $acc;
     $attribs{__sampleName} = $sampleName if ($sampleName);
     $attribs{__sra} = $sra if ($sra);
   } elsif (/^Identifiers: /) {
     die "Can't parse Identifiers line $.:\n$_\t";
-  } elsif (/^    \/([^=]+)="([^"]+)"$/) {
+  } elsif (/^    \/([^=]+)="(.+)"$/) {
     my ($attr, $val) = ($1, $2);
     if (isReal($val)) {
       $attribs{$attr} = $val;
   } elsif (/^    \//) {
     die "Can't parse attribute line $.:\n$_\t";
   } elsif (/^(EPI_ISL_\d+)/) {
     $attribs{__epi} = $1;
   } elsif (/^Accession: (\w+)\sID: (\d+)/) {
     # Last line of record; reconcile whatever attributes were accumulated with the columns that
     # we want to define.
     my ($acc, $gi) = ($1, $2);
     die "acc mismatch '$acc' vs. '$attribs{__acc}'" if ($acc ne $attribs{__acc});
     my $name = "";
     if (exists $attribs{"sample name"}) {