3f39ef5106b08e8c03f7e9e3eaf931eb9c1b0ff4 chmalee Mon Feb 1 14:30:27 2021 -0800 Suppress excess default label (default with new version of R) on bigBarChart and barChart boxplots them since we draw them on manually later anyways, refs #26851 diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R src/hg/hgc/hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R index 6c3ab45..be84847 100644 --- src/hg/hgc/hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R +++ src/hg/hgc/hgcData/gtexBoxplot.R @@ -59,30 +59,32 @@ #yLabel <- if (isLog) "Log10 (RPKM+1)" else "RPKM" yLabel <- if (isLog) paste0("Log10 (",units,"+1)") else units max <- max(df$rpkm) yLimit <- if (isLog) c(-.05, max+.1) else c(-(max*.02), max+ (max*.03)) exprPlot <- boxplot(rpkm ~ tissueFactor, data=df, ylab=yLabel, ylim=yLimit, main=paste0(gene, " Gene Expression from GTEx (Release ", version, ")"), col=colorsHex, border=c(darkgray), # medians medcol="black", medlwd=2, # outliers outcex=.5, outcol=darkgray, # whiskers whisklty=1, whiskcol=gray, # 'staples' staplecol=gray, staplecex=1.3, staplewex=.8, + # with R versions 3.6 and later must suppress x-labels manually + xlab="", # erase Y axis labels (add later rotated) names=rep(c(""), count)) # display sample count y1 <- par("usr")[3] size <- .8 adjust <- if (isLog) max/30 else .4*abs(y1) text(-.5, y1 + adjust, "N=", cex=size) text(1:count, y1 + adjust, exprPlot$n, cex=size, col="black") # draw text twice (once in color, once in black) to make light colors readable text(1:count, y1 + adjust, exprPlot$n, cex=size, col=darkerColorsHex) # add X axis labels at 45 degree angle rot <- 45 size <- 1