e9ce87fb66d90958cbbdfdbec1a1a3c4556f0239 hiram Thu Feb 4 09:58:23 2021 -0800 NCBI ClonDB url is obsolete refs #21948 diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cloneEnd.trackDb.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cloneEnd.trackDb.ra index 5c3e7a3..6de1bbb 100644 --- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cloneEnd.trackDb.ra +++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cloneEnd.trackDb.ra @@ -7,308 +7,260 @@ type bed 3 noInherit on dragAndDrop on subGroup1 source Source agencourt=Agencourt chori=Chori corielle=Coriell caltech=CalTech rpci=RPCI wibr=WIBR placements=Placements dimensions dimensionX=source sortOrder source=+ track cloneEndABC10 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC10 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 10 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility pack - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 1 track cloneEndABC11 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC11 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 11 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 2 track cloneEndABC12 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC12 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 12 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 3 track cloneEndABC13 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC13 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 13 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 4 track cloneEndABC14 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC14 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 14 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 5 track cloneEndABC16 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC16 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 16 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 6 track cloneEndABC18 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC18 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 18 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 7 track cloneEndABC20 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC20 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 20 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 8 track cloneEndABC21 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC21 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 21 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 9 track cloneEndABC22 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC22 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 22 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 10 track cloneEndABC23 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC23 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 23 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 11 track cloneEndABC24 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC24 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 24 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 12 track cloneEndABC27 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC27 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 27 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 13 track cloneEndABC7 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC7 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 7 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 14 track cloneEndABC8 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC8 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 8 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 15 track cloneEndABC9 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=agencourt shortLabel ABC9 longLabel Agencourt fosmid library 9 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 16 track cloneEndCH17 parent cloneEndSuper on subGroups source=chori shortLabel CH17 longLabel CHORI BAC hydatidiform mole colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 17 track cloneEndCOR02 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=corielle shortLabel COR02 longLabel NHGRI-CORIELLE CORIELL-02-F-39-40KB colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 18 track cloneEndCOR2A parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=corielle shortLabel COR2A longLabel NHGRI-CORIELLE CORIELL-02A-F-39-40KB colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 19 track cloneEndCTD parent cloneEndSuper on subGroups source=caltech shortLabel CTD longLabel CalTech BAC library D colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 20 track cloneEndRP11 parent cloneEndSuper on subGroups source=rpci shortLabel RP11 longLabel RPCI BAC library 11 colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 21 track cloneEndWI2 parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=wibr shortLabel WI2 longLabel WIBR-2 Fosmid library colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 22 track cloneEndmultipleMaps parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=placements shortLabel Multiple mappings longLabel Clone end placements that map to multiple locations in the genome colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 23 track cloneEndbadEnds parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=placements shortLabel Bad end mappings longLabel Clone end placements dropped at UCSC, map distance 3X median library size colorByStrand 0,0,128 0,128,0 type bed 12 visibility hide - url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clone/?term=$$ - urlLabel NCBI CloneDB: priority 24 track cloneEndcoverageForward parent cloneEndSuper off subGroups source=placements shortLabel Coverage forward longLabel Clone end placements overlap coverage on the forward strand type bigWig 0 5377 visibility full autoScale on alwaysZero on maxHeightPixels 128:35:16 windowingFunction mean priority 25