  Tue Feb 2 10:25:03 2021 -0800
Adding more information about the first working draft and fixing a timing issue about the intronerator work. (input from Jim) refs #20314

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/history.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/history.html
index 6327567..aa8ea8e 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/history.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/history.html
@@ -198,38 +198,38 @@
 program into pieces called "contigs." After the shotgun phase, a clone was typically in
 5-50 contigs, but the relative order of the contigs was not known. This was the state of the genome
 when David Haussler first attempted to locate the genes computationally, and he quickly discovered
 that computational gene-finding was nearly impossible, because the average size of a contig was
 considerably smaller than the average size of a human gene.</p>
 <a name="push"></a>
 <h3>Push to the Finish Line</h3>
 <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-6">
     In May of 2000, motivated to prevent Celera and its clients from locking up significant portions 
     of the human genome in patents, Jim Kent dropped his other work to focus on the assembly
     problem. In a remarkable display of energy and talent, Kent developed within four weeks a
     10,000-line computer program that assembled the working draft of the human genome. The program,
-    called GigAssembler, constructed the first working draft of the human genome on June 22, 2000,
-    just days before Celera completed its first assembly. The IHGP working draft combined anonymous
-    genomic information from human volunteers of diverse backgrounds, accepted on a first-come,
-    first-taken basis. The Celera sequence was of a single individual. Since the public consortium
-    finished the genome ahead of the private company, the genome and the information it contains are
-    available free to researchers worldwide. Kent's assembly was celebrated at a White House
-    ceremony on June 26, 2000, announcing the completion of the first drafts of the human genome by
-    the IHGP and Celera.</p>
+    called GigAssembler, constructed the first working draft of the human genome to be shown outside
+    of the IHGP on June 22, 2000, just days before Celera completed its first assembly. The IHGP
+    working draft combined anonymous genomic information from human volunteers of diverse
+    backgrounds, accepted on a first-come, first-taken basis. The Celera sequence was of a single
+    individual. Since the public consortium finished the genome ahead of the private company, the
+    genome and the information it contains are available free to researchers worldwide. Kent's
+    assembly was celebrated at a White House ceremony on June 26, 2000, announcing the completion of
+    the first drafts of the human genome by the IHGP and Celera.</p>
   <div class="col-md-6" style="text-align:center">
     <img class="text-center" alt="Copy of first draft of the human genome on a CD"
       style="margin-botton:5px; width:400px">
       <div style="text-align:center; line-height:1">
         <font SIZE=-1>
            Copy of first draft of the human genome sequence presented to
            <a href="https://www.soe.ucsc.edu/news/article/1020" target="_blank">President
            Clinton</a> and deposited in the Smithsonian.
@@ -273,32 +273,32 @@
 The UCSC team was a key part of the Hard Core Analysis Group that published in the
 Feb 15, 2001 issue of Nature. We linked the genome sequence to previous genetic,
 cytogenetic, and radiation hybrid maps, and to the new physical clone map. We did
 this both to refine and validate the sequence assembly, and to explore phenomena
 such as positional and gender variation in recombination rate, regional isochore
 structure and repeat structure at the single base resolution for the first time.
 David Kulp performed the mapping of STS markers, messenger RNAs and ESTs,
 Terry Furey mapped the chromosome band positions, cytogenetic markers (~8,000 gene
 regions mapped by Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization) and isochores, and integrated
 these data with the radiation hybrid and genetic maps.
 The genome sequence at the time of release, however, was simply a few billion characters
 of Gs, As, Ts and Cs, many of them assigned to chromosomes. As indicated above, however,
-without landmarks it is unintelligible.
-During this time, Kent was also working on a computer program that would allow him
+without landmarks it is unintelligible. Before his work on the draft assembly, Kent was
+also working on a computer program that would allow him
 to view genes of <em>C. elegans</em> and show via a web interface which parts of the genes
 are ultimately used by the cell to encode proteins.  The process of &quot;splicing&quot;
 removes sequence called introns and was visualizable using Jim's program, The Intronerator.
 The Intronerator evolved into Genome Browser and ultimately became a tool to provide information
 about the functional significance of many other parts of the genome sequence.  The process
 of  annotation, as it is called, identifies sequences that represent not only the genes
 and which parts of the genes encode proteins, but also the control sequences that tell
 cells when and where to activate genes, which regions of the genome are conserved through
 evolution and can be found in other animals, and many other significant regions.
 Essentially, in the Browser the genome became a coordinate system upon which to hang
 any functionally significant annotation.