  Fri Feb 5 11:04:27 2021 -0800
Adjusting clinGen otto script to account for the 6 new fields added to the files, and adding the .as files to the git repo, no RM

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/clinGen/clinGenDosageTriplo.as src/hg/utils/otto/clinGen/clinGenDosageTriplo.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5097e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/clinGen/clinGenDosageTriplo.as
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+table clinGenCnv
+"Dosage Sensitivity scores from Clinical Genome Resource bed9+16"
+    (
+    string chrom;      "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
+    uint   chromStart; "Start position in chromosome"
+    uint   chromEnd;   "End position in chromosome"
+    string name;       "Short Name of item"
+    uint   score;      "Score from 0-1000"
+    char[1] strand;    "+ or -"
+    uint thickStart;   "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)"
+    uint thickEnd;     "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)"
+    uint reserved;     "Used as itemRgb as of 2004-11-22"
+    string url;       "ClinGen URL"
+    string geneSymbol; "Gene Symbol or ISCA Region Name"
+    string geneId;     "Gene ID or ISCA ID"
+    string cytoBand;   "Cytoband"
+    string dateLastEvaluated; "Last evaluation date"
+    string omimID; "OMIM Phenotype ID"
+    string omimDesc; "OMIM Phenotype Description"
+    string triploScore; "Triploinsufficiency score"
+    string triploDescription; "Triploinsufficiency phenotype description"
+    string PMID1; "Associated PubMed ID 1"
+    string PMID2; "Associated PubMed ID 2"
+    string PMID3; "Associated PubMed ID 3"
+    string PMID4; "Associated PubMed ID 4"
+    string PMID5; "Associated PubMed ID 5"
+    string PMID6; "Associated PubMed ID 6"
+    lstring _mouseOver; "Mouseover string for the genome browser display"
+    )